
Naruto: Being Pursued by Kushina

The story tells the story of the protagonist, Chikage, traveling to the world of Naruto and becoming a mixed-race Uchiha. In this world, Chikage discovers that Sharingan and Mangekyo Sharingan are not naturally owned, but need to be stimulated or have their eyes transplanted to obtain, which makes him very confused. At the same time, Chikage alsoencountered Kushina's pursuit.

lichter_Christenen · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 28. Never place your safety on others.

The meaning of this is that Kushina has a strong fox smell on her body, so the identity of the Jinchuriki was discovered?

What kind of smell does a fox have?

Fox odor!

After some self-imagination, the Nine-Tails exploded.

Crazy roaring and wanting to eat Chikage.

The struggle of the Nine-Tails made Kushina feel a stabbing hot current in her lower abdomen, and her small face couldn't help but wrinkle.

"You deal with it first."

Chikage knew that the Nine-Tails was rebelling, so he indicated that I'm not in a hurry.

"Big fox, be honest for me!!"

Kushina was also angry.

For no reason, what are you making a fuss about?

"The old man wants to eat this brat! He dares to say that the old man has fox odor."


Are you an idiot?

Or a psycho?

In the consciousness space, Kushina widened her eyes, feeling very absurd and also It's unbelievable.

When did Chikage ever say that the Nine-Tails has fox odor.

You stupid fox just knows to talk nonsense.


Suddenly, the roaring Nine-Tails let out a howl.

Kushina put her hands on her hips and angrily controlled the vajra chain to give the Nine-Tails a beating, directly using the vajra chain as a whip.

"Stinky brat, the old man will eat you, eat you!!"

After being sealed for dozens of years, Uzumaki Mito never used the vajra chain to beat it.

But now, Kushina actually beats it?

The Nine-Tails was angry.


Kushina didn't care about these things. With a movement of the vajra chain, she directly tied up the Nine-Tails' mouth.

Resulting in the Nine-Tails looking exactly like that artificially raised crocodile with its mouth taped up.

Both its front paws and rear paws were also tied behind by the vajra chain.

As long as the Nine-Tails moved a little, Kushina would pull up its tail, making the buttocks of the Nine-Tails get closer and closer to its own head.

The Nine-Tails, which could only make a whining sound, widened its eyes and watched as the buttocks got closer and closer to the head. Eventually, it still compromised.

If it was pressed on the head by its buttocks, it would be laughed at by other tailed beasts when it was spread out later.

Finally quiet.

It seems that this move is useful against the Nine-Tails. Kushina noted this method down and then left the consciousness space satisfied.

"It's done. Let's continue."

Kushina clapped her hands and said with a smile.

Poor Nine-Tails, Chikage silently mourned for it for three seconds in his heart, and then lowered his voice:

"Kushina, since the war broke out, there have been a lot fewer Anbu ninjas following you.

You should not easily move out of the Senju ancestral home in the next few years. Try to dig out a resting space under the room where you live."

"In the future when you sleep, put a shadow clone on it and rest below by yourself. Remember?"


Do I need to go through all this trouble to sleep?

Is someone going to make a move on me?

But this is Konoha. Could it be that even if there are Anbu ninjas staring here in the village, something will happen?

"Remember, never entrust your own safety to others."

Chikage's expression was serious.

"During the war, because some important intelligence needs to be collected, many Anbu ninjas went to the front line, and not many were left in the village.

Once someone targets you, it will be very dangerous."

"As for the news of your Jinchuriki status, you can hide it from others, but not from the spies of other ninja villages.

As long as they know that you live in the Senju residence and that you are from the Uzumaki Clan, they can be sure that you are the new generation of the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki."

The identity of the Konoha Jinchuriki can be guessed as long as the brain doesn't lack something.

The Uzumaki Clan, with red hair and a huge amount of chakra, confirming these three points is enough.

Coupled with the fact that Kushina was brought back to Konoha from the Whirlpool Country, the news couldn't be concealed at all.

Chikage is certain that Kushina's information has long been placed in the documents of other villages.

Otherwise, how to explain that the Cloud Ninja Village sent people to infiltrate Konoha and capture Kushina while Konoha was at war with the Rain Ninja Village and the Sand Ninja Village?

Even the opportunity was seized precisely, and even took the person to the border of the Fire Country.

If it weren't for Minato suddenly showing up, it is estimated that Kushina would either become a captive of the Cloud Ninja Village or the Cloud Ninja Village would transfer the Nine-Tails out, and then she would have died long ago.

At critical moments, neither the Anbu nor the Root can be relied on at all.

Konoha is at war with the Rain Ninja Village, resulting in the defense of Konoha's village dropping by several grades.

Once people from other villages sneak in quietly, Kushina will be in danger.

Strong power?

Lots of chakra?

But what's the use in the key?

With premeditation against unpreparedness, others have countless ways to knock you down and then kidnap you.

"I know, and I will prepare."

Kushina also knows that this kind of thing can't be joked about.

In Konoha, although she is restricted in freedom and cannot leave the village, at least she can live peacefully, and no one publicizes her status as a Jinchuriki.

And no one discriminates against her either, which is all thanks to Uzumaki Mito.

If she is caught and taken to other villages, she will be imprisoned for sure. Worse, others may want the Nine-Tails and also the Uzumaki bloodline, making you wish you could live or die.

"Today's words, I won't tell anyone, including Sister Tsunade, this is our secret!"

Before Chikage could even remind her, Kushina playfully winked and showed a sweet smile.


Damn it.....

Was I just flirted with?

Emmmm the children in the Naruto world are really terrifyingly precocious when it comes to emotional issues.

Chikage was completely convinced.

If it was Uchiha Mikoto, he could directly fight back, but the person in front of him is Kushina, and Chikage can't mess around.

Otherwise, the Anbu ninjas will run to report him for making false accusations at the first moment.

"Let's go, you should go back and prepare. Prepare completely as soon as possible in case of unexpected situations."


Kushina got up and obediently followed Chikage to leave the park and headed towards the Thousand-Hand Clan's territory.

Although the Thousand-Hand Clan has been civilianized, leaving only the line of Thousand-Hand Hashirama, the Thousand-Hand Clan's territory in the village is still preserved.

Unfortunately, no matter how rich the family fortune is, it can't withstand the prodigality of the fat sheep in the ninja world.

In a few years, only the Thousand-Hand Ancestral House will remain in the entire Thousand-Hand Clan's territory, and other places will be taken away to pay off debts.

The Third Hokage helps pay off the debts and incidentally divides the Thousand-Hand Clan's territory and sells it.

Kushina trusts Chikage. She believes that Chikage will not deceive her and will not harm her, even if she knows that she is the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki.

So she obediently follows Chikage's instructions.