
Naruto: Being Pursued by Kushina

The story tells the story of the protagonist, Chikage, traveling to the world of Naruto and becoming a mixed-race Uchiha. In this world, Chikage discovers that Sharingan and Mangekyo Sharingan are not naturally owned, but need to be stimulated or have their eyes transplanted to obtain, which makes him very confused. At the same time, Chikage alsoencountered Kushina's pursuit.

lichter_Christenen · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 26: The Rain Ninja Village declares war on Konoha.

"I think this is an opportunity for our Sand Ninja Village to get out of the predicament, and we should give Konoha a hand."

"Does Lord Kazekage mean to actively start a war?"

Chiyo, who holds great power in the village, and her younger brother Ebizou, also attended this meeting.

The Wind Country is poor, and next to it is the rich Fire Country.

As the leader of the Sand Ninja Village, the Third Kazekage dreamed of taking a piece of fat from the Fire Country.

"Yes, start a war, but not a war between the Sand Ninja Village and the Rain Ninja Village, but a war between Konoha and the Rain Ninja Village."

Since none of you move and confront each other, then our Sand Ninja Village will give you a push.

Help you ignite the flames of war.

Understanding the meaning of the Third Kazekage, Chiyo stood up and said:

"In that case, then leave this matter to me to handle."

At this time, both Konoha and the Rain Ninja Village have tensed their nerves, and it is not difficult to start a war.

"Then leave this matter to Chiyo."

The Third Kazekage nodded and agreed to Chiyo's request.

Konoha and the Rain Ninja Village can hold out, but the Sand Ninja Village can't. The Sand Ninja Village urgently needs to start a war and plunder all resources from other countries to strengthen itself.

The daimyo has protested more than once that the funds allocated to the Sand Ninja Village every year are too high.

There is not much source of income, but there are a considerable number of ninjas. After a long time, the Sand Ninja Village can't hold on either.

The Third Kazekage is very clear that the village has no money.

The daimyo cannot continue to allocate funds unless a war breaks out. At that time, in order to maintain his rule, the daimyo has to send money to the village.

Under Chiyo's leadership, some Sand Hidden Ninja followed Chiyo into the territory of the Rain Country.

The stalemate continues, and neither the Rain Ninja Village nor Konoha has taken the lead in firing the first shot.

What no one expected was that in this sensitive period, a group of ninjas with Konoha forehead protectors attacked various villages in the territory of the Rain Country and committed arson and murder.


When the information collected by the Anbu was sent to Hanzo's hands, it directly ignited the anger in Hanzo's heart.

Since the military strength of the Rain Ninja Village began to develop, the ninjas of Konoha have always been spying on intelligence in the territory of the Rain Country, and Hanzo has surrounded and suppressed batch after batch.

Then Konoha sent a negotiation application, and Hanzo directly ignored it.

You send people to cause trouble on my territory and still want to negotiate with me?

What kind of logic is this? Small ninja villages should be bullied by Konoha, and can't fight back after being bullied?

So Hanzo decisively ignored Konoha's negotiation application and continued to surround and suppress Konoha's ninjas.

After being surrounded and suppressed, Konoha actually sent a large army to station on the border. What is this?

A provocation to my Rain Ninja Village or a provocation to me, Hanzo?

All kinds of actions of Konoha are conveying a message that I am going to declare war on your Rain Ninja Village.

During the confrontation between the two large armies, the ninjas of Konoha sneaked into the Rain Country to attack the villages of the Rain Country, which directly cut off Hanzo's tense nerve.

The Rain Ninja Village declared war on Konoha!

The news spread throughout the ninja world in an instant, astonishing people in all countries in the ninja world.

Since the establishment of the five major ninja villages, this is the first time that a small ninja village has declared war, and the one being declared war on is Konoha, which is known as the strongest among the five major ninja villages.

In response to the declaration of war by the Rain Ninja Village, Konoha also chose to respond.

Konoha declared war on the Rain Ninja Village and sent Danzo as the frontline commander-in-chief to attack the Rain Ninja Village. Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Orochimaru were all in the army.

Minato, who had been following Jiraiya for less than a year, was left in the village.

As the war just broke out, Konoha hasn't been so disgraceful that it needs lower ninjas to go to the battlefield, so Minato was left behind.

A great war is about to break out, and Konoha's large army of ninjas directly invaded the territory of the Rain Country, and the Rain Country has also become the battlefield of this war.

When everyone got together again, Chikage burst out laughing directly.

"So, your team just disbanded like this?"


Although very reluctant, but Minato could only nod depressedly.

The team disbanded.

When performing a mission in the territory of the Rain Country, they encountered an encirclement and suppression by the enemy.

One teammate suffered a heavy blow and had already lost the qualification to be a ninja.

Coupled with Jiraiya going to the front battlefield, Minato and another teammate stayed behind, which directly led to the forced disbandment of the team.

Minato never dreamed that his team would disappear in this way.

"Hahaha.....Sorry, sorry, I didn't expect that Jiraiya would leave you in the village and go to the front by himself."

"Stop laughing."

Uchiha Mikoto pushed Chikage speechless, Minato was almost crying, and you were still laughing.

Kushina was also in a dilemma.

"It's okay, just laugh if you want to, I didn't expect things to develop to this point either."

Minato smiled wryly, and he didn't even know what he should do in the subsequent time.

Find a new team to join, or simply stay in the village to train and enhance his strength.

Wait until after passing the Chunin exam and then go to the battlefield to find Jiraiya, this unreliable teacher.

Minato would definitely not think that his teacher Jiraiya was fighting with the ninjas of the Rain Ninja Village in the territory of the Rain Country.

Finally, when the war ended, but because of a ridiculous savior prophecy, he stayed behind and taught three children of the Rain Country.

And he, Minato, was just left in Konoha like this, for several years.

Is this kind of teacher reliable?

This is simply ridiculous, okay.

Chikage felt that the reason why Minato got the Flying Thunder God Technique so early was because Jiraiya felt that he was indebted to him.

So after the war ended, be nicer to Minato and give more compensation.

Waving his hand to indicate that he would not laugh anymore, Chikage flipped the barbecue on the grill and asked:

"What should you do next?"

"What about you?"

Minato looked up and asked.

Chikage glanced at Uchiha Mikoto and smiled:

"It's still the same, train to improve strength, occasionally take on a task, earn some money, accumulate some contribution points to exchange for the ninjutsu I want, basically like this."

With the arrival of the war, the standard of the Chunin exam will be lowered, but Chikage has no interest in participating in such an exam.

As long as you pass the exam, you will definitely be sent to the battlefield.

Is the barbecue not delicious, or the girl not beautiful?

Why bother running to the battlefield to fight desperately.

The most ridiculous thing is that after fighting desperately to get the military merit, but not getting the corresponding benefits, this is the most disgusting thing.

Don't doubt it, the Third Hokage and Danzo can do such a shameless thing.

The two elders, Kushina Haruno and Mito Uzumaki, are also not fuel-efficient lamps.

"Count me in!"

What Minato was waiting for was this sentence from Chikage.