
Naruto: Being Pursued by Kushina

The story tells the story of the protagonist, Chikage, traveling to the world of Naruto and becoming a mixed-race Uchiha. In this world, Chikage discovers that Sharingan and Mangekyo Sharingan are not naturally owned, but need to be stimulated or have their eyes transplanted to obtain, which makes him very confused. At the same time, Chikage alsoencountered Kushina's pursuit.

lichter_Christenen · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 25: The Call is issued, and the trumpet of war is about to sound

"Because the continuous military expansion of the Rain Country will pose a threat to the surrounding countries, including our Konoha."

"Think about it, what will happen when the military power of a ninja village in a country reaches a peak without leaving any leeway for strengthening?"


Minato understood immediately.

Will there really be a war?

He was startled by his own speculation.

"Yes, it is war."

Jiraiya nodded solemnly:

"When the military power of a village reaches its peak and this village still wants to develop, there is only one way to go, that is to launch a war externally."

"Rely on war to plunder resources and population, annex the territory of other countries, and strengthen oneself."

"The Rain Ninja Village in the Rain Country is currently in this state."

Minato has not experienced the war, so naturally he doesn't understand the cruelty of war.

But Jiraiya is very clear that once the war breaks out, it will sweep across the entire ninja world.

"Lord Jiraiya, the front team encountered the ninja troops of the Rain Ninja Village, and the team requested support."

The ninja of the Anbu rushed into the cave.

Jiraiya sighed, and his trouble came.

The sign of the Rain Ninja Village launching a war externally is becoming more and more obvious, and Konoha keeps sending ninjas into the Rain Country to spy on intelligence.

Back and forth, the friction between the two sides is also getting bigger and bigger.

Even the tempers have flared up.

"The Rain Ninja Village is demonstrating. Hanzo's purpose is to warn our Konoha."

"According to the intelligence obtained by the Anbu, the Root, and the spies, under Hanzo's leadership, the strength of the Rain Ninja Village is no longer weaker than that of our five major ninja villages.

Once the war breaks out, the Fire Country will definitely be the first to suffer the baptism of the war."

"So I suggest that we should nip the danger in the bud and absolutely not allow the Rain Ninja Village to grow and start a war against our Konoha."

Danzo slapped the table hard and shouted angrily:

"Hanzo sent people to surround and suppress our Konoha ninjas, which is to warn our Konoha.

Sarutobi, at this time, do you still expect Hanzo to sit down and negotiate with you calmly?"

Konoha's intelligence spying on the Rain Ninja Village emerges in an endless stream, and this move seems to have angered Hanzo, the leader of the Rain Ninja Village.

Under Hanzo's order, the ninjas of the Rain Ninja Village began to surround and suppress the people of Konoha.

Even the negotiation request submitted by Konoha was ignored.

Are we really going to launch a war?

And Konoha is still taking the initiative to launch a war!

This is not the result that the Third Hokage wants, but the situation forces it.

Last year, the Rain Country just showed some radicalism and seemed to want to attack the Grass Country.

And the Grass Country is an ally of Konoha, and Konoha naturally cannot stand idly by.

When the ninjas of the Anbu and the Root entered the Rain Country, plus the intelligence transmitted by the spies, it undoubtedly told the Third Hokage a fact.

That is, Hanzo has no interest in the Grass Country, and what he values is the Fire Country!

Your Rain Ninja Village wants to move the Grass Country, and our Konoha will not allow it, let alone you Hanzo still wants to attack the Fire Country!

Do you really think you are a ninja village of the five great powers?

This is also the reason why Danzo is so angry.

Hanzo is despising them.

Even the negotiation request has been ignored, and this is really a swollen face.

"Once Konoha launches a war against the Rain Ninja Village, the war will surely sweep across the entire ninja world. Have you all thought about these consequences?"

Danzo is a hawk. He thinks that Konoha should take the lead and not let the war spread to the territory of the Fire Country.

Koharu Utatane and Mito Homura think that Danzo's words make sense.

Since Hanzo doesn't know whether he is alive or dead, then Konoha will teach him a lesson.

Even if Konoha is willing to maintain peace through negotiations, the Amegakure is not willing, and Hanzo directly ignores them.

"Could it be that if Konoha doesn't declare war on the Land of Rain, the flames of war won't spread to other countries?"

Danzo sneered and looked at the Third Hokage and said:

"Hiruzen, don't forget that since the First Ninja World War, the strength of the ninja villages in various countries has already recovered. Not only does the Amegakure have the sign of starting a war externally, but so does other ninja villages."

"If we Konoha do nothing, we can only be passively beaten. "

"Would you choose to take the initiative to attack or counterattack after being beaten?"

The Third Hokage frowned.

He hasn't made up his mind yet.

Because once the war breaks out, the situation may get out of Konoha's control at any time.

As the helmsman of Konoha, he doesn't want to see such a situation appear.

One wants to fight, and the other wants to negotiate.

The Third Hokage and Danzo are in dispute.

Finally, Kushina Shimizu, a member of the Elder Council, put forward her own opinion.

"Hiruzen, even if Konoha doesn't take the initiative to declare war on the Amegakure, we still need to be on guard against the actions of the Amegakure. The flames of war must not burn into the Land of Fire."

"Therefore, I suggest dispatching troops and stationing them at the border to prevent the Amegakure from launching a surprise attack and entering the Land of Fire."

"I agree."

Mito Homura voted for Kushina Shimizu.

If you don't want to rashly start a war, then dispatch a ninja force to station at the border to prevent the Amegakure from being immoral and suddenly attacking the Land of Fire.


This is obviously not the result that Danzo wants. What he wants is to directly start a war, not to defend.

It's a pity that the Third Hokage doesn't agree to start a war. Kushina Shimizu and Mito Homura, who were originally on his side, changed their direction, which made Danzo very unhappy.

Lighting a fire and taking a few deep puffs of smoke, the Third Hokage who considered it over and over again finally made a choice.

"In that case, issue a conscription and dispatch troops to station at the border."

Letting the ninja army station at the border is also a kind of invisible provocation and defense, but provocation is better than directly declaring war.

As the order was spread from the Hokage's office.

The announcement quickly spread throughout Konoha.

Conscripting ninjas to station at the front line. Is this going to war?

For a time, the whole Konoha was filled with the atmosphere of war.

"It seems that the Second Ninja World War is about to break out."

Knowing that the Second Ninja World War was coming when seeing the announcement, Chikage knew.

The strength of the Amegakure at this time is really strong, plus the infinitely inflated semi-god Hanzo.

As long as there is any sign of trouble, the war between Konoha and the Amegakure will definitely break out.

Konoha's movements will also attract the attention of other ninja villages. The major ninja villages that have rested and recuperated for many years will not miss this opportunity for external expansion.

In the eyes of many people, the Land of Fire is always the role of being beaten and then passively counterattacking.

Little do they know that Konoha is the one who initiatively launched the Second Ninja World War.

The atmosphere of war is getting heavier and heavier, and the people of the whole village keep discussing around the matter of war.

As Konoha's ninja troops were stationed at the border, the reaction of the Land of Rain was even more intense than that of Konoha. The same ninja army was stationed at the border, and it had a tit-for-tat feeling with Konoha.

And the Amegakure is desperately encircling and suppressing the Konoha ninjas entering the Land of Rain.

Besides the Konoha ninjas, the ninjas of the Land of Wind and the Land of Earth are also included.

Hanzo seems to want to build the Land of Rain into an iron barrel, strictly prohibiting ninjas from other countries from stepping into the Land of Rain.

This is the first time ever for the five major ninja villages.

The five major ninja villages that are high above feel that they have been provoked, provoked by a small ninja village.

Now not only Konoha has ideas about the Amegakure, but even the Sand Ninja Village and the Rock Ninja Village begin to feel uncomfortable with the Amegakure.

In the office of the Kazekage of the Sand Ninja Village in the Land of Wind.

The Third Kazekage, who is known as the strongest Kazekage, thinks this is an excellent opportunity.