
Naruto: Being Pursued by Kushina

The story tells the story of the protagonist, Chikage, traveling to the world of Naruto and becoming a mixed-race Uchiha. In this world, Chikage discovers that Sharingan and Mangekyo Sharingan are not naturally owned, but need to be stimulated or have their eyes transplanted to obtain, which makes him very confused. At the same time, Chikage alsoencountered Kushina's pursuit.

lichter_Christenen · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 24: There's a First Time for everything, right

There is a group of people lurking in the woods by the roadside ahead.

These people have deep malice towards the small team. After discovering the ambush, Xiaobai informed Chikage at the first time.


Chikage stopped Meiqin and the employer.

"Why did you stop, young fellow?"

As they got closer and closer to Daming Prefecture, the employer wished he could fly to Daming Prefecture with wings immediately, but Chikage made them stop at this time.

"There are enemies in ambush."

Looking at the employer, Chikage said to Meiqin:

"Meiqin elder sister, I'm in charge of the left, and you're in charge of the right. Finish it quickly."


The two quickly separated and rushed towards the woods on both sides of the road.

Facing the enemy for the first time and about to engage in a fight, Meiqin was a little nervous.

It could be seen from the hand that was tightly holding the kunai and the fingers were a little pale.

"Oh no, we've been discovered. There are only two kids escorting that guy. Kill them!!"

Seeing the small team separated and Chikage and Meiqin rushing towards the woods on both sides respectively, while the employer remained in place.

Those who were lurking realized that they had been exposed.

Killing is an inevitable growth experience for ninjas, and Chikage and Meiqin can't avoid it either.

They are not dressed like robbers, but more like samurai raised by certain people.

After the people lurking in the woods found that they were exposed, they no longer hid and jumped out one after another, drew their samurai swords, and rushed towards Chikage.

"Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique!"

Chikage quickly made seals, and a fireball with a diameter of more than half a meter flew towards several raised samurai.

"Oh no, run quickly!"

The samurai didn't expect Chikage to be completely immoral, and a Great Fireball Technique was thrown over as soon as they met.

There was a violent explosion, along with some wailing sounds.

Chikage raised her hand and fanned it in front of her eyes a few times because a smell of roasted meat was spreading in the woods.

"Damn! Who said that the Great Fireball Technique can't kill people."

Looking at the messy scene on the ground and the charred corpses on the ground, Chikage felt that she didn't really want to eat roasted meat in the recent days.

As for feeling sick to the stomach, feeling uncomfortable, or even vomiting or something like that, it didn't happen.

For a few ordinary samurai, Chikage solved the problem with just one ninjutsu, which was easy and convenient.

The only thing that wasn't perfect was that there were still two people who weren't dead and were lying on the ground wailing.

Shaking her head, she threw out two kunai and ended the lives of the other party, and Chikage ran towards the other side.

Compared to Chikage's violent crushing, the battle on Meiqin's side was a lot more troublesome.

Her strength was not as good as Chikage's, and with nervousness, she didn't consider that even an ordinary C-rank ninjutsu had a fatal threat to these ordinary samurai.

There were quite a few corpses lying on the ground, some with their throats cut by kunai, and some with their hearts pierced.

In the woods, Meiqin was holding a ninjato and lowering her head.

There was still blood dripping on the ninjato, and a lot of blood had splashed on her clothes.

"Meiqin elder sister."

Chikage stepped forward and called out. Meiqin, who was tightly holding the handle of the knife and lowering her head, raised her head.

A pair of blood-red eyes were facing Chikage, and there was a trembling hook jade in each of the two eyes.

It can be seen that the owner of this pair of eyes is in a state of great emotional fluctuation at this time.

Because of killing for the first time, so did the eyes open?

Meiqin is almost eleven years old. Opening the eyes at this age belongs to the upper class among the Uchiha.

Those who open the eyes at the age of seven or eight are only very few exceptions.

Most of the people of the Uchiha clan open their eyes after the age of ten, and the most concentrated time period is twelve or thirteen years old.

Chikage is completely an exception.

After all, he didn't open his eyes by himself, but by a cheat.

"It's okay. The enemy is already dead."

Thousand Moon raised his hand and pulled Mikoto into his arms, patting her back to soothe her.

Under Thousand Moon's comfort, Mikoto's emotional fluctuations quickly stabilized.

"Thousand Moon, my eyes....."

"That's right, your Sharingan has opened. From today on, you are a truly talented woman of the Uchiha Clan."

Thousand Moon jokingly said with a smile.

Mikoto relaxed completely.

"Let's go quickly. I don't really like to see these corpses."

It was the aftereffect of killing for the first time, and Mikoto needed some time to recover.

"Young man, are you okay?"

Seeing the blood on Uchiha Mikoto's body, the employer was startled and thought she was injured.

"It's okay."

Thousand Moon smiled and shook his head, saying, "It's just a few ordinary samurai. They can't hurt us. Uncle Employer, let's continue on our way."

There are various animals in the forest of Konoha, and these animals will deal with the corpses in the forest.

"Sister Mikoto, when you just open your eyes, there will be some discomfort. After using the Sharingan for a long time, the eyes will be sore, and the mental power and chakra will be consumed rapidly."

On the way, Thousand Moon told Uchiha Mikoto all the symptoms after opening the eyes.

After experiencing the ambush and attack of the samurai, the team successfully arrived at the Daimyo's mansion before noon.

After successfully sending the employer to the Daimyo's mansion, the escort mission was perfectly ended.

Although the reward for this escort mission was a little lower, but Uchiha Mikoto opened her eyes because of this. Thousand Moon felt that this was more cost-effective than making more money.

After returning to the village and adapting to the Sharingan, Uchiha Mikoto's strength could still increase rapidly.

Single tomoe, double tomoe, triple tomoe. Each evolution of the Sharingan can greatly enhance the strength of the people of the Uchiha Clan.

If the Mangekyo Sharingan is opened and then transplanted to obtain the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, the improvement in strength is an even greater leap.

The two didn't stop on the road and returned to the village in the early hours of the morning by hurrying at the fastest speed.

In the following period of time, Thousand Moon and Uchiha Mikoto would take on a mission only after a certain interval.

For the freedom of the two, Minato expressed that he was envious to the point of panic!

Ever since becoming Jiraiya's disciple, Minato found that he no longer had time to rest.

With the two teammates, he followed Jiraiya around the world.

"Teacher Jiraiya, why did the village ask us to monitor the movement of the Rain Ninja Village?"

Regarding this mission, Minato said he couldn't understand.

It was clearly a peaceful period, but the village gave their team such a mission of monitoring the ninjas of other villages. Wouldn't doing so be afraid of provoking disputes?

"Actually, the teacher also can't figure out why the old man wants us to carry out this mission."

Minato and his two teammates were tired of the environment and bad weather in the Land of Rain, and Jiraiya hated it even more.

When going to other countries, they could occasionally go out to collect inspiration and find a suitable place to get materials.

But in the Land of Rain, there was nothing but rain.

Want to get materials?

Not even a chance.

Why not give this kind of mission to that guy Orochimaru?

Isn't he very good at lurking?

Jiraiya complained in his heart, showed a smile on his face, and explained to Minato:

"I think it has something to do with the continuous expansion of the military strength of the Rain Ninja Village."


This should be the Rain Ninja Village's own family matter, and it doesn't have much to do with Konoha.

Could it be that when the Rain Ninja Village expands its military, Konoha also wants to get involved?

Minato has strong talent, high comprehension, and first-class combat awareness. The most important thing is that when he encounters something he doesn't understand, he will ask for advice humbly, which makes Jiraiya very satisfied.