
Naruto: Being Pursued by Kushina

The story tells the story of the protagonist, Chikage, traveling to the world of Naruto and becoming a mixed-race Uchiha. In this world, Chikage discovers that Sharingan and Mangekyo Sharingan are not naturally owned, but need to be stimulated or have their eyes transplanted to obtain, which makes him very confused. At the same time, Chikage alsoencountered Kushina's pursuit.

lichter_Christenen · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 16: The Choice of Chikage

Kushina, better not involve her. Otherwise, if Minato knows, he definitely won't know how to face Kushina.

Even he may not go to learn the Shadow Clone Jutsu.

Just want to reap some benefits in the name of one?

Forget it. It's better to give it to Tsunade than to you.

"But why did senior Tsunade give you the ninjutsu scroll?

When did it happen? How come I don't know."

Minato is even more confused.

Chikage raised his hand and flipped his silver long hair: "Of course it's because I'm handsome. Such a simple question still needs to be asked?"

Minato: "..."

I don't know if you're handsome or not, but your face must be very thick, that's for sure.

Forget it, don't think about these. The key is this ninjutsu, whether to learn it or not.

Minato looked at Chikage with confusion.

Chikage slapped his shoulder hard:

"Learn it. It's a ninjutsu scroll that's delivered to our hands. Why not learn it?

Even if we don't learn it, the reward has already been recorded. After we graduate, we have to carry out tasks to repay it. Are you stupid."

"Let's go, skip class and go to the small river to learn ninjutsu. I believe the teacher will understand us."

With Minato, Chikage resolutely chose to skip class.

Minato thought for a moment and then followed Chikage to climb over the wall and run away.

"Two naughty boys!!"

When it was time for class, the teacher came to the classroom and looked at the empty seats of Chikage and Minato, and couldn't help but twitch his eyelids wildly.

Goodness, just after giving you the ninjutsu scroll as a reward, you skipped class right away?

The Shadow Clone is just a B-rank ninjutsu, and the difficulty of mastering it is not high. Chikage and Minato quickly mastered this ninjutsu.

"You go to class for me, I want to train."

Chikage directly sent the Shadow Clone to class, and he himself lay at home and slept in.

It was because there was no choice before and he could only sit in the classroom.

Now with the Shadow Clone, who would still be willing to sit in the classroom and be dazed and doze off?

Having a lot of chakra is just so willful.

"If Minato knew that I let the Shadow Clone go to school and hid myself to train, he would definitely be furious."

Chikage sat by the small river where he usually trained, holding a grilled fish on a branch in his hand, and smiled mischievously.

He felt that the longer they got along, the more Minato's three views deviated.

Minato, who originally admired the Third Hokage, was influenced by him, and at this time, his admiration for the Third Hokage decreased significantly.

What kind of impact it will have in the future, Chikage himself doesn't know.

"So you learned the Shadow Clone just to do this?"

Tsunade jumped out from the forest and landed in front of Chikage.

"How did you find out?"

Chikage flipped the grilled fish over and asked.

"Nonsense, can the Shadow Clone be the same as the original?

I knew you kid, wanting to learn the Shadow Clone Jutsu with impure motives. You got caught by me."

Tsunade sat down casually and stared at the grilled fish in Chikage's hand without hiding her intention of wanting to eat the grilled fish at all.


You have the biggest fist, and whatever you say is right.

Chikage handed the grilled fish over and then grilled another one.

Tsunade was not polite either and picked up the grilled fish and ate it in big mouthfuls.

Looking at her heroic eating appearance, Chikage was really afraid that she would get a fish bone stuck in her throat.

"Does the senior have something to do with me?"

Tsunade is not the kind of person who would wander around. If she had that free time, she would rather sleep in or spend a good time in the casino.

"The old man asked me and Jiraiya to go find him."


"Because of you and that brat Minato."

Tsunade also didn't hide it. She casually threw away the fish bone and the wooden stick, clapped her hands and said:

"The old man hopes that Jiraiya and I will become supervising jounin."

Is it so urgent?

There is still some time before the graduation of this batch of students. Has the Third Hokage started to allocate personnel so early?

It doesn't matter to whom Chikage is assigned in whose team. As long as she can be with Mikoto, that's fine.

If the remaining teammate is Minato, that would be the best.

If not, it can't be forced.

As long as the supervising jounin is not Orochimaru, Chikage can accept it.

He really can't accept the behavior of Orochimaru, especially when that long tongue sticks out very long and whooshes, it can make people's scalps tingle.

The most ridiculous thing is that Orochimaru's tongue is forked!!

"So, will the senior become the supervising jounin of me and Sister Mikoto?"

"It's possible."

Tsunade folded her arms and reminded him: "But it's only you. Uchiha Mikoto is not considered, after all, she is from the Uchiha clan."


Just as she was speaking, Tsunade saw that Chikage's gaze was not right. Looking down, she couldn't help but laugh angrily:

"Have you seen enough? Or come closer? So you can see more clearly."


Chikage coughed and touched her nose. It was really quite embarrassing to be caught peeping.

I don't know if Tsunade has reached the period of rapid development. The size of her chest is getting more and more exaggerated day by day. After not seeing her for only one month, it has become a circle larger.

Chikage inadvertently took a few more glances and was caught red-handed.

"What about Sister Mikoto? Why isn't Sister Mikoto included."

Chikage changed the topic.

Uchiha Mikoto repeated a grade for him. If they can't be assigned to the same team, then what's the point.

Tsunade looked at Chikage and didn't answer this question.

Chikage herself can also guess some.

After all, this is the choice of the high-level, to be exact, the choice of the Third Hokage, and it has nothing to do with Tsunade herself.

It can't be blamed on Tsunade.

"Since it's like this, then Sister Mikoto and I will form our own team and look for a suitable teammate."

The graduates of the Ninja School are divided into three types. The first type is those who graduate early.

After graduation, the village will arrange teams, or you can go find them yourself. Such teams are usually not stable.

Kakashi in the future is like this, changing one team after another.

Always not getting along well with teammates.

The second type is that students of the same grade graduate and are arranged together. The village designates a supervising jounin to be the captain. A poorer team can only be a chunin.

The last type is not to accept the village's arrangement and make their own way.

If separated from Uchiha Mikoto, Chikage would rather not accept the team arranged by the village.

He would rather make his own way with Mikoto.

Chikage doesn't believe that without a supervising jounin, he can still starve to death.

At worst, it's a restricted two-person team. He will take the chunin exam as soon as possible. As long as he passes the exam, all problems can be easily solved.

A strong ninja can take on various tasks alone, let alone a two-person team.

Don't forget, Mikoto's own strength is not bad.

The team composed of only Chikage and Mikoto will also be stronger than the average chunin team.

In that case, why bother to accept the village's arrangement and be forced to separate.

"If we can't be in the same team, then Mikoto's repeating a grade and my skipping a grade will become meaningless. Senior doesn't need to say anymore. After graduation, I will form a two-person team with Mikoto. As for Minato..."

It's not fair to drag Minato into this kind of thing.

Although Chikage believes that as long as he asks, Minato will definitely come running happily.

"I respect his choice."

Tsunade frowned and looked at him: "Really going to be like this?"


Chikage nodded: "I don't want to be separated from Sister Mikoto, and I'm not at ease with her being assigned to other teams. If we can't be together, then I will give up. I choose to form a team with Sister Mikoto by ourselves."