
Naruto, Be My Son

Synopsis: After the Summit War, once hailed as one of the Four Emperors of the New World and the world's strongest man, "Edward Newgate," believed that today he would rest in peace at the Marine Headquarters. However, when he opens his eyes, he finds himself in a place called the "Ninja World" and encounters a child named "Naruto." "Gurarararara Kid, do you have parents?" Trembling in the presence of the giant-like Whitebeard, the five-year-old Naruto was scared, "N-No, I'm Uzumaki Naruto, and I... I'm an orphan dattebayo" "Naruto, be my son!" "Huh???" Note: This is a Chinese Translation 鸣人,做我儿子吧 Release Schedule: 7 Ch/Week ================== You can support me on Patreon and Read 50++ Chapters in advance pat reon.com/GMadman

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365 Chs

Chapter 92: The Land of Water! This is the man with a bounty of 100 Million Ryo

Chapter 92: The Land of Water! This is the man with a bounty of 100 Million Ryo


The report from the Anbu ninja made Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes widen instantly.

He stood up abruptly.

But in fact, he himself had just recovered from a serious illness, and the sudden movement was too violent, almost spraining his waist.

The pain made him grit his teeth,

But his eyes were still staring at the Anbu in front of him.

Sarutobi Hiruzen asked word by word: "Danzo lost the lower half of his body? Is he still alive? What about Uchiha Shisui? He deceived Shisui and took him away. Is Shisui still alive?"

"Hokage-sama, Danzo-sama should, probably still be alive, but I don't know if he has woken up. But, Uchiha Shisui...."

The Anbu ninja replied: "I didn't see this person."

Sarutobi Hiruzen's pupils contracted slightly.

He vaguely guessed something.

"Danzo, plus so many roots, plus a Shisui, are they all not Whitebeard's opponents? This guy Whitebeard, isn't it a bit too strong?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen sat back in his chair.

He suddenly felt that the possibility of Naruto and his Hokage establishing a deeper bond was getting closer and closer to zero.


Whether Naruto can return to the Land of Fire is unknown!

Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned, he was thinking about some things, muttering to himself: "Only Danzo and his roots came back, but Shisui did not come back. Could it be that Shisui has already..... If it's really like what I thought."

"Did he die at the hands of Whitebeard?"

"Or died at..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes flashed with a meaningful color.

"Go!" He grabbed the Hokage hat and put it on his head: "Let's go and see Danzo together!"

"Yes, Hokage-sama!!"

"Follow me."

The door of the Hokage's office had just opened, and Sarutobi Hiruzen saw Uchiha Itachi, who was trembling slightly outside the door.

Sarutobi Hiruzen said with a complicated expression: "Itachi, you are here too."


Itachi nodded.


"Damn Whitebeard! Damn Whitebeard!"

"Damn Whitebeard!!!"

In the Konoha hospital.

There was a low roar.

Danzo actually woke up not long after being sent to the Konoha hospital. The vitality of the Hashirama cells stubbornly hung his life.

The first time he woke up, he wanted to see if his legs were still there. As a result, he found that the lower half of his body was empty.

Almost every area of his body was tightly wrapped in bandages, leaving only one eye and one mouth not covered by bandages.

Danzo didn't know how many bones in his body were broken, he only knew that every inch of his muscles was paralyzed and weak.

This body is like being scrapped.

He experiences a sensation akin to that of a vegetative state, but he still have consciousness.

But, this is even more torture!

"How could it be like this..." Danzo's speech was a bit leaky, and there was not a single tooth left in his mouth.

His tongue was almost cut off by the broken teeth.

His speech was also very vague.

Danzo didn't expect this operation to fail.

The original plan was to use Shisui to kill Whitebeard, bring back the Jinchuriki, and control the Jinchuriki. Finally, he would cross the river and dismantle the bridge to kill Shisui and take away his two eyes.

His plan was very well established.

Danzo felt that the root could do it easily.

It can easily kill three birds with one stone.

Unfortunately, reality is very hard.

When he realized that the cooldown of "Kotoamatsukami" was too long, Danzo planned to skip the first two plans and directly execute the last plan.

He only need to get Shisui's "Kotoamatsukami", and then he can retreat back to the Land of Fire.

But he didn't expect that

Whitebeard, that bastard, unexpectedly intervened just as we were about to begin negotiations, launching an attack on me.

Damn it!

"Shameless pirate! Despicable pirate!" Danzo's eyes still had a trace of fluke surviving the catastrophe: "I almost died there."

This is still the line of life he begged for by betraying his summoned beast.

But he have a glimmer of vitality that can only be found.

"Fortunately," he felt his empty lower body: "Even if my legs are gone, even if my whole body is scrapped, but I can secretly contact Orochimaru. And the eyes of Uchiha Shisui..... At least I got one"

Just at this moment, he heard a familiar voice outside.

This voice....

It's Sarutobi!

The root members outside can stop the Anbu.

But it can't stop the Hokage.

Sarutobi Hiruzen pushed the door in, followed by an unknown Anbu member and an Uchiha Itachi.

"Danzo! What have you done?!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen had a dark face, holding back his anger in his heart: "Everything you did is enough to make you step into the prison of Konohagakure Village and enjoy your old age for the rest of your life!"

Danzo also had a cold face, he glanced at Sarutobi Hiruzen.

And looked at Uchiha Itachi behind Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Ignoring the unknown root ninja.

Danzo snorted and fell silent.

He didn't believe that when the root was in action, Sarutobi Hiruzen, as the third generation of Hokage, knew nothing!

"Since you, Sarutobi Hiruzen, allowed Root to do this from the beginning, why are you questioning me? You want to maintain your Hokage persona in front of your subordinates, right?"

Danzo who was in a very bad mood, didn't give Sarutobi Hiruzen any face at all.

He was also holding a fire in his heart.

Danzo said expressionlessly: "Everything I do is for Konoha, not only the Hokage in a ninja village wants to make the village better."

"Where is Shisui?" Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't want to entangle with Danzo on this matter: "After calling Shisui away, where is he now?"

This question made Danzo's eyes slightly narrowed.

He looked at Uchiha Itachi thoughtfully.

Although Uchiha Itachi tried to keep his face expressionless, Danzo, who was old and cunning, could still detect that his face was wrong.

Danzo's mouth corners hooked imperceptibly.

"Who knows?" He hinted: "I fought that Whitebeard with him. As a result, I am like this now. More than a dozen elite ninjas from my root have died. Uchiha Shisui, who knows about him!"

"But, it doesn't matter anymore, after all, he is Uchiha and every Uchiha in the Uchiha clan....."

"Danzo!" Sarutobi Hiruzen's face turned darker and quickly interrupted.

Itachi's pupils trembled suddenly.

He took two steps back.

"You two go back first."

"Yes, Hokage-sama."

Itachi's face was lost.

Turned around and left.

Sarutobi Hiruzen ordered

When there were only Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo left in the ward.

Sarutobi Hiruzen said coldly: "You killed Shisui, didn't you? Danzo, you are getting more and more excessive! Did you also take his eyes?"

"No." Danzo's answer was decisive and simple, and the expression on his face was impeccable.

I don't know if it's whether to acknowledge the former or deny the latter.

"Danzo, Shisui's matter, I can't explain it to Uchiha. And everything you do is indeed beyond the rules."

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't ask about the eyes anymore, but said expressionlessly:

"Starting today, your ward will be relocated to the Konohagakure Village prison."

"Huh? What?! Sarutobi! You can't do this!!"

Danzo's eyes suddenly widened: "You are messing around,

'Root' without me, it won't work at all!"

"Danzo, I am the Hokage!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen said indifferently: "You, who are physically incomplete, are no longer suitable to be the leader of Root. From now on, Homura will take over your 'Root' and operate Root.

"You just avoid the limelight after Shisui's death! After all, every Uchiha within the clan now desires your life."

"You should be aware that even a child could kill you now. It's time to confront your physical condition."

"I, my condition is very good!!" Danzo gritted her teeth to defend herself, he wanted to refute Sarutobi Hiruzen, but couldn't find the refutation because of too much emotional excitement.

"Cough cough----" A mouthful of blood spurted out.

He fainted on the spot.


--------"Itachi, the future of Konoha does not lie with me, but with you. If one day I suddenly disappear, please promise me to protect Konoha."

--------"Itachi, the people in our family have always been urging you to participate in the coup, don't be corrupted by them."

------- "Itachi, remember not to tarnish the name of Uchiha."

-------- "Itachi ...."

Uchiha Itachi was in a daze, he didn't even know why he had walked onto a street in Konoha.

His slightly stoic face was staring blankly ahead.

"Shisui...." The sentences flashing in his mind made his fists clench involuntarily.

"You didn't hold on after all, did you?"

Itachi tried to keep his breathing steady.

"If.....if the worst happens to you, then please believe me in heaven! I will remember your words.

Itachi's eyes flashed with determination.

His fists clenched so hard that his nails had pierced his palms, and the crimson blood was dripping onto the ground.

The three tomoe in his eyes were subtly changing.

"Shisui, I will inherit your will!"

"Believe me!!"


On a merchant ship getting closer and closer to the Land of Water.

Shisui's condition was only slightly better than Danzo's.

He was also wrapped in many bandages.

Even his complexion was paler than Danzo's.

"My nose is a bit itchy..... Ah-choo!" Uchiha Shisui sneezed, he rubbed his sore nose, and with one eye, he looked out at the distant sea.

"Is it because I'm getting weaker?"

He felt like he might have caught a cold.

"Life is too dramatic...." A teenager who was only in his teens couldn't help but sigh, which seemed particularly discordant.


Shisui felt that his life was indeed very dramatic. He was too naive and was deceived by Danzo, and then he was ambushed by Danzo and the Root. Even though he had been wary of Danzo, Danzo's "Izanagi" caught him off guard.

In the end...

In the end, one of his eyes was taken away from him.

Finally, he was saved by Whitebeard

"Whitebeard-sama." Shisui came back to his senses with his crutch, looked at Whitebeard with a complicated expression, and couldn't help but ask curiously: "Although I was deceived by Danzo, my mission for this trip was indeed to assassinate you, why did you choose to save me?"

Shisui was very puzzled about this.

"Gulp gulp gulp" Whitebeard leaned against the wall of the merchant ship, holding a wine jar and pouring wine into his mouth. This merchant ship was "borrowed" by Whitebeard from the town.

After putting the wine jar on the ground, Whitebeard glanced at Uchiha Shisui, grinned, and said: "Gurararararara! Didn't you explain it clearly? You were just deceived by the 'Root'."

Shisui hesitated and said: "But, according to the thinking of a ninja, I am ultimately on the opposite side of you..."


Suddenly a flying wine jar made Shisui's pupils shrink.

He quickly dodged the wine jar.

From the corner of his eye, he saw the wine jar fall into the sea.

"Why are you ninjas so twisted?" Whitebeard opened a new jar of strong wine and poured half a jar into his mouth in one breath.

He sat on the deck in a carefree manner.

With a hearty smile on his face, he said: "I am Whitebeard! I save whoever I want to save! What? Uchiha brat, if you don't want to be saved, do you want me to throw you off the ship?"

"Huh? No, not at all!" Shisui had a few drops of cold sweat on his forehead. If he was thrown off the ship in his current physical condition, wouldn't he be buried at sea?

Just as Shisui was about to say something.

Naruto's excited shout came from the other side of the ship's deck.

"Pops! There's land ahead!!!'

Naruto was shouting and running at the same time. He could see that he was carrying a lot of weight, and his skin was also bruised. Naruto had also gone through a masochistic special training today.

"Land! Pops! It's land!" Naruto ran to Whitebeard, pointing in a direction: "Pops! Look over there!"

"Oh?" Whitebeard ignored Shisui.

He looked into the distance.

"Gurarararara!" Whitebeard's smile on his face became more and more prosperous: "Indeed it is land, and it is not some deserted stone island, it is a piece of land where many people live.

Kakashi, who was leaning on the side of the ship, put away the ecchi book he had just finished reading.

"That should be the Land of Water."

Kakashi said solemnly: "We have to be careful next, I heard that the Land of Water has not been very peaceful in recent years. The Land of Water is implementing a kind of blood mist policy.

"I don't know the specifics, but the stability within the Land of Water is definitely not comparable to the Land of Fire. Even in this respect, the Land of Water is not as good as the Land of Grass."

Kakashi looked at Uzumaki Fuushi: "Uzushiogakure Village is very close to the Land of Water, you should know more about the Land of Water than I do."

Uzumaki Fuushi shook her head: "The Land of Water I know is the Land of Water ten or twenty years ago.

Kakashi reacted.


Many years ago, the Uzushiogakure Village had already been destroyed. At that time, Uzumaki Fuushi, who had escaped, was still a child.

"I'm sorry." Kakashi knew that he had touched someone's wound.

"It's okay, I've seen it through a long time ago."

Uzumaki Fuushi smiled gently.

Suddenly, Uchiha Shisui's slightly weak voice sounded: "The blood mist policy of the Land of Water is actually only aimed at the Hidden Mist Village. I once killed a mist ninja. I learned from him that their village's blood mist policy is to kill each other among comrades. I heard that they will also target the kekkei genkai user in the village."

"But, as far as I know... Since Demon of Kirigakure, Momochi Zabusa killed all the ninja students of the same period, the blood mist policy has been a bit more restrained than before. At present, the Kirigakure Village has a closed and become a locked country."

"You guys saved me, treat this information is also one of the rewards" Uchiha Shisui forced his weak body to smile reluctantly.

"Damon of the Kirigakure Zabuza." Kakashi thoughtfully: "It sounds familiar, as if I have heard of this person."

"But, having said that."

Kakashi's forehead oozed a few drops of cold sweat: "We drove the ship from the Land of Fire, the problem is how to stop this ship? If it doesn't stop, this ship is going to hit the dock!"

In the eyes of several people on the ship, the distance between the merchant ship and a dock in the Land of Water is getting closer and closer.

In the distance, the land of the Land of Water went from vaguely visible.

Become clearly visible.

"Karin, hold mom's hand." Uzumaki Fuushi's face was solemn: "We may have to jump down in advance."

"Okay, mom." Karin nodded quickly.

She held her mother's hand.

"....Damn." Uchiha Shisui also sweated, he now doesn't even if he can do the basic skill of stepping on water. If this ship directly hits the dock, he might lose his life and send it out with this ship.

"Do I have to forcibly open the Sharingan again..."

He touched his only remaining eye.

"Wow! Pops!" Naruto's face became more and more frightened as he approached the dock: "We're going to hit it! What should we do? What should we do? What should we do?!"


Among these people on the scene, only Whitebeard's face did not fluctuate too much, and he still had a smile on his face.

Whitebeard was holding a wine jar.

Suddenly stand up from the deck.

"Finally, we've reached land. After staying on this broken ship for so long, I feel like my body is about to rust!"

Whitebeard poured the last few sips of wine into his mouth.

With a slightly drunk smile on his face, he threw the empty wine jar away

and grabbed the Murakumogiri that was next to him.

He bent his knees slightly.


The plank under his feet suddenly shattered, and the whole ship shook violently.



On the dock.

A group of fishermen from the Land of Water who were busy had just returned from fishing not long ago. They were still dealing with some fish caught in the fishing net on the shore, but suddenly found that something was wrong with the sea.

Through the thick fog unique to the Land of Water, they could vaguely see a shadow on the sea getting closer and closer.

Upon closer inspection,

It seemed to be.....

A ship?


A ship!!!

"Not good!" A fisherman hurriedly threw down the fishing net in his hand and ran towards the nearby people in horror: "There's a ship that can't stop at sea! Run! A big ship is coming!!!"

His terrified voice attracted the attention of other fishermen.

Everyone looked at the sea one after another.

Their faces changed drastically.


The screams were endless.

No one could imagine how much damage such a ship would cause to this small dock if it hit the dock?

"Ah! It hurts!"

But a fisherman just wanted to turn around and run, but he stepped on a string of fish hooks. The sharp fish hooks pierced the sole of his foot.

The pain made him scream.

And then he fell to the ground.

"No, it's not good!" This fisherman turned his head to look at the sea, and found that the shadow in the fog was becoming clearer and clearer. He could already see the appearance of the ship very clearly.

It's over!

Just when he was desperate, it seemed as if a meteorite fell from the sky and landed not far in front of him.


The dock was trampled and shattered.

The ground was shaking violently.

"What is that?" The fishermen who fell to the ground only saw a tall figure standing in front of them.

The figure on the other side must be several meters high.

A large cloak was constantly fluttering in the sea breeze.

This person is Whitebeard!

"Pops!" Naruto suddenly found that the old man on the ship was gone, and then he saw the old man appear on the dock. Naruto's eyes started to get bigger and bigger:

"Pops! You have to hide! The ship...the ship is going to hit you!!"

Only to see Whitebeard's hearty smile on his face did not fade.

When the ship was less than a few meters away from him.

He raised a hand and stretched it towards the direction of the merchant ship, trying to block a ship with one hand!


When the merchant ship and Whitebeard's right palm collided violently, Whitebeard's body didn't move at all, only the crescent beard on his upper lip fluttered slightly.

And the merchant ship that hit the dock.

It stopped suddenly! It was stopped by Whitebeard with one hand!


The inertia made Naruto on the ship scream.

He fell on the deck.

Kakashi stood very steady, and Uzumaki Fuushi barely stabilized. She held her daughter's hand to prevent Karin from falling.


Uchiha Shisui's face changed, and he fell the same way as Naruto. This fall touched the unhealed wound on his body, and the pain made him sweat coldly.

But these are not the key point.

They all looked at the stopped merchant ship under their feet in disbelief.

Even Uchiha Shisui and Kakashi, the two upper ninjas of Konoha, couldn't believe Whitebeard's action.

"This..... Is this the man who was offered a reward of 100 million Ryo by the ninja world?"

Shisui murmured in shock.



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