
Naruto, Be My Son

Synopsis: After the Summit War, once hailed as one of the Four Emperors of the New World and the world's strongest man, "Edward Newgate," believed that today he would rest in peace at the Marine Headquarters. However, when he opens his eyes, he finds himself in a place called the "Ninja World" and encounters a child named "Naruto." "Gurarararara Kid, do you have parents?" Trembling in the presence of the giant-like Whitebeard, the five-year-old Naruto was scared, "N-No, I'm Uzumaki Naruto, and I... I'm an orphan dattebayo" "Naruto, be my son!" "Huh???" Note: This is a Chinese Translation 鸣人,做我儿子吧 Release Schedule: 7 Ch/Week ================== You can support me on Patreon and Read 50++ Chapters in advance pat reon.com/GMadman

Ginormous_Madman · Anime & Comics
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282 Chs

Chapter 84: Root's Action! Shisui's Eyes!

 The next day, at five o'clock in the morning.

 Naruto woke up.

 He felt that all the fatigue on his body had been recovered through sleep overnight.

 But his head was a bit groggy, he was beaten up in a strange "dream" all night.

 The big fox in his body didn't show any mercy at all.

 Naruto had forgotten how many heavy blows he had taken.

 All he knew was that he was screaming miserably in his dream.

 The big fox's training was exactly the same as Whitebeard's. But for some reason, Naruto only felt that a surge of chakra that didn't belong to him seemed to emerge in his mind.

 "It's the big fox!!!"

 His groggy head began to clear up.

 Naruto was both surprised and happy.

 Although the Nine-Tails was the culprit for him being regarded as a "demon fox", Naruto also knew that he couldn't get rid of the Nine-Tails.

 Instead of regretting, it's better to try to get along well with the big fox.

 After all, the power that the big fox lent him.

 Made Naruto quite envious.

 "Thank you, big fox!" Naruto thanked sincerely in his heart, he didn't know if his voice could be heard.

 The Nine-Tails' cold snort suddenly sounded, "Don't flatter yourself, stinky kid! I'm just interested in that Observation Haki."


 Naruto's special training was weight-bearing training, his weight has increased from the initial hundreds of pounds to nearly five hundred pounds now.

 It's equivalent to him having to carry three to four adults every day, and he's just a little five-year-old kid now.

 "How does Naruto seem to be tireless?"

 Uzumaki Fuushi noticed something was wrong.

 "It's the Nine-Tails." Kakashi said, "The Nine-Tails inside Naruto has lent him more chakra. I heard Naruto say that he has been dreaming of the Nine-Tails these days."

 Kakashi speculated, "He should have learned how to communicate with the Tailed Beast, and the Tailed Beast inside him is also willing to communicate with him."

 Speaking of this.

 Kakashi breathed a sigh of relief.

 If The Nine-Tails inside Naruto is a Tailed Beast that doesn't like to communicate, I might be worried all the time. Worried that this Tailed Beast will suddenly lose control one day.

 But if the Nine-Tails can communicate, it means that Naruto could potentially become a perfect Jinchuriki.

 In that case.

 The Tailed Beast inside Naruto would no longer be a threat, but rather, a great help to Naruto.


 A breeze blew in his face, carrying a bit of moisture and a different smell from the usual breeze.


 The familiar sea breeze made Whitebeard, who was walking in the front, laugh out loud, "Stupid sons and daughters! Just now, I have already smelled the sea! The sea is right ahead!"

 "Sea?" Karinn looked forward curiously.

 "Pops, it's so blue ahead!" Even though Karin had put on a pair of glasses at a young age, she still saw the endless blue sea in the distance!

 When Karin looked up slightly.

 She could also see the seabirds, which were completely different from the birds in the deep forest, circling above their heads.

 "What a white bird!"

 Karin exclaimed.

 She suddenly felt a bit greedy and eager to try, "These big birds should be delicious when roasted?"

 During her time with Whitebeard, Karin's introverted personality, which was caused by the darkness of the Kusagakure Village, had already changed.

 Pops, Naruto, Mom...

 These people are always giving her the warmth of a family.

 No, not like a family.


 Are family!

 "Gurarararara! That's a seagull!" Whitebeard messed up Karin's hair, his laughter was really happy, "Good men on the sea can't just eat seagulls! When you're lost at sea, if you can see a seagull, it means you can survive."

 "As long as you sail in the direction the seagull is flying, you will always be able to escape danger and return to land. In short, any seabird on the sea is a good omen for pirates!"

 Whitebeard added with a nostalgic tone, "Some seabirds on the sea even carry a package. The package contains newspapers, as long as you give it money, it will give you newspapers."

 "Eh?" Naruto was also attracted by Whitebeard's words.

 "How amazing!" Naruto exclaimed, "A bird that delivers newspapers?"

 "Gurararararara! That's called a news bird."

 Whitebeard sighed, "That's a bird from my hometown. I just don't know if it exists in the Ninja World."

 Kakashi was holding a book called My Uncle's Bird is so Small

 He bought it on the road when he passed through a town.

 Kakashi was reading My Uncle's Bird is so Small with a blushing face.

 He said, "As far as I know, there is no such bird in the Ninja World. But if we train a bird-type ninja beast, maybe... we can train this kind of bird."

 He was also clear that once they reached the coastal area of the Land of Fire, Whitebeard would take Naruto and run to the Land of Water.

 Then they would go to the shipyard of the Land of Water.

 To build that Moby Dick.

 But even if he knew about this, what could he do?

 Rather than worrying about this.

 It's better to read novels!



 On the other side, 

 A group of ninjas wearing various Root masks and a Konoha ninja without a mask.

 They were quickly moving along the same road.

 "Uchiha Shisui, what did you just look back at? Is there anything unusual behind?"

 A Root Jounin noticed Shisui's small movement very keenly.

 "No." Uchiha Shisui shook his head.

 This group of people was Uchiha Shisui and Root ninjas.

 "Hmph!" The Root Jounin said coldly, "Don't forget what your mission is this time. A slight negligence will lead to a total loss!"

 Shisui nodded, he was sparing with words, "I know."

 A while ago.

 Uchiha Shisui ran into Shimura Danzo on his way home.

 Danzo informed him of certain matters based on "the Hokage's order".

 At the same time, he also gave Shisui an order.

 Use those extremely special eyes to control Whitebeard!

 Shisui still remembered the important words Danzo said.

 "——'If the Jinchuriki loses control, even if it's because of Whitebeard, the village will still suspect the Uchiha clan. Shisui, you don't want this to happen, do you?'"

 "——'Your eyes are the peace given to the Konoha by our ancestors. As long as they are used properly, the village and the Uchiha clan can enter a long period of peace.'"

 "——'Shisui, this is not only my idea. This is also the idea of the Third Hokage, Koharu, and Homura.'"

 "——'Whether Konoha can be peaceful depends on how you use your eyes. I'll give you three days to think about it!'"

 "——'I hope you won't let Konoha fall into war.'"

 It has to be said that Danzo had Shisui under his control

 Every word he said was a critical hit to Shisui.

 But for some reason, Shisui always felt that something was not quite right.

 After all, the "reputation" of the Root is negative.

 'Something about the Root doesn't seem right.'



 Shisui frowned and murmured in his heart, 'I hope it's just a lie'



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