
Naruto, Be My Son

Synopsis: After the Summit War, once hailed as one of the Four Emperors of the New World and the world's strongest man, "Edward Newgate," believed that today he would rest in peace at the Marine Headquarters. However, when he opens his eyes, he finds himself in a place called the "Ninja World" and encounters a child named "Naruto." "Gurarararara Kid, do you have parents?" Trembling in the presence of the giant-like Whitebeard, the five-year-old Naruto was scared, "N-No, I'm Uzumaki Naruto, and I... I'm an orphan dattebayo" "Naruto, be my son!" "Huh???" Note: This is a Chinese Translation 鸣人,做我儿子吧 Release Schedule: 7 Ch/Week ================== You can support me on Patreon and Read 50++ Chapters in advance pat reon.com/GMadman

Ginormous_Madman · Anime & Comics
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282 Chs

Chapter 55: The Uzumaki Clan! Karin and her Mother

 "Gurarararara! My body has returned to its normal state, What a relief!" Whitebeard had already downed eight jugs of strong liquor.

 He boisterously chuckled, exuding the unmistakable scent of alcohol from every pore of his being.

 Growing old and plagued by numerous hidden illnesses, Whitebeard rarely enjoyed a good drink, often scolded by his sons when he did.

 But now, he couldn't care less. Although he wasn't at his prime, a little drink couldn't hurt.

 After all, what kind of pirate who doesn't drink?

 Weapons, liquor, treasure, ships, and comrades - these are the life of a pirate!

 All of them are indispensable!

 Pouring the ninth jug of liquor into his mouth, Whitebeard grabbed a large platter off the table and started stuffing himself with the prepared meat.

 In the presence of an ordinary person, it's an immensely large plate, but in the presence of Whitebeard, it's just like an average one.

 This feeling of eating meat and drinking heavily...

 It's really nostalgic!

 In a drunken daze.

 Whitebeard seemed to hear all his foolish sons, all around him, having a feast, warmly welcoming Naruto to join the Whitebeard Pirates.

 "Gurarararara!" Whitebeard looked down at Naruto, who was eating heartily and reached out his finger to mess up Naruto's hair.

 "Foolish son! When you grow up a few years, dad will take you to get a tattoo of the Whitebeard Pirates!" Whitebeard laughed heartily.

 "Tattoo?" Naruto's mouth was stuffed full of meat, making his speech a bit unclear.

 The large cloak draped over Whitebeard was lifted.

 Revealing the tattoo on his back.

 Naruto immediately looked excited: "Do I also have to get the same tattoo on my back in the future?"

 "You can get it anywhere." Whitebeard laughed, "Every crew member of the Whitebeard Pirates has exactly the same tattoo!"

 Naruto began to think.

 In the future, he will have the Whitebeard tattoo.

 Where should he get the symbol of the Whitebeard Pirates...

 Kakashi, on the side, was reading Icha Icha Paradise book while eating a skewer of grilled meat and mumbling to himself: "In a few years, Naruto will still be a child. Should he get a tattoo so young?"

 He looked at Whitebeard, who was laughing non-stop.

 He sighed quietly.

 Never mind, he didn't expect a pirate to teach Naruto well. It would be a good thing if Naruto could feel family affection.


 Weren't the three of them a bit too high-profile in the Land of Grass? The ninjas of the Land of Grass wouldn't have noticed them already, would they?

 "I hope nothing happens!"

 Kakashi wasn't actually worried about Naruto. Mainly because he was by Naruto's side, and so was Whitebeard.

 Who could touch Naruto?

 He was mainly worried that the ninjas of the Land of Grass wouldn't know better and provoke someone they shouldn't.

 In that case.

 It would be troublesome.

 This meal, Whitebeard and others ate from day to night.

 Naruto and Kakashi had long been unable to eat anymore. Mainly because Whitebeard's appetite was incredibly large, and there weren't many chefs in the tavern.

 They worked themselves to death but couldn't make many dishes.

 It wasn't until all the chefs in the tavern were exhausted that Whitebeard finally stopped eating.

 Whitebeard said, "White-haired brat, pay the bill."

 Kakashi: "..."

 "Don't you and Naruto have a lot of money?" Kakashi had to fight for his wallet: "And besides, Lord Whitebeard, aren't you a pirate?"

 The implication is - don't all pirates dine and dash?

 "Fool! The Whitebeard Pirates are not like those sea scum!" Whitebeard flicked his finger at him.


 The pain made Kakashi's eyes bulge out.

 Kakashi held his forehead and protested hastily: "Hey hey hey! I'm not Naruto!!!"


 Whitebeard said with vacant eyes: "Have you ever seen me dine and dash?"

 Kakashi was about to say - every meal of yours is a dine and dash!

 But he suddenly froze.

 "Phew! When Kakashi came to his senses... he also remembered that although Whitebeard never paid, someone else paid for him, so strictly speaking, it wasn't a free meal.

 Ah, this!

 "So, Lord Whitebeard, the money you and Naruto snatched..." Kakashi was a bit heartbroken.

 Whitebeard had a big meal.

 "That's the fund for me to establish the new Whitebeard Pirate Ship!" Whitebeard said righteously

 Kakashi: "..."


 Although the Kusagakure Village is located in the hinterland of the Land of Grass, the area of such a small country is only about the size of a few cities in the Land of Fire.

 The leader of the Kusagakure Village decided to act now rather than wait!

 Today, they will carry out an assassination operation!

 The primary target is naturally the "giant" skull that the daimyo wants, followed by Hatake Kakashi, the Copy Ninja from Konohagakure Village.

 These two assassination targets...

 At least one must be achieved.

 If Hatake Kakashi of Sharingan is nothing more than a name, then don't hesitate to get rid of him.

 In this way, through the information on Kakashi's body, they can indirectly master thousands of different ninja techniques!

 But if Kakashi is strong, so strong that their Kusagakure Village's assassination team can't do anything about him.

 Then, decisively give up this tempting target.

 Just take away the giant's head.

 The leader of the Kusagakure Village attaches great importance to this assassination operation. He arranged for 20 members of the Kusagakure Village's dark department to participate. The fact that he almost emptied all the forces of the dark department shows how much he values this operation.

 You know, there are definitely more than 30 members in the anbu of the Kusagakure Village. It can't be compared with the Five Great Nations at all.

 "Right!" The leader of the Kusagakure Village said to a subordinate: "Hatake Kakashi is not simple. Bring that woman along. If we can keep Hatake Kakashi from Konohagakure Village, even if we completely drain her this time, it doesn't matter."

 "After all, she still has a daughter." The leader of the Kusagakure Village said: "When her daughter grows up a year or two, she can also be used."

 "Yes! Lord!"


 "Quick! The leader has an order! Anbu gather quickly!!"

 "Quick! Gather quickly!!

 "Gather! Gather!"

 The commotion in the Kusagakure Village naturally attracted many people's attention. Among them were a special mother and daughter in the village.

 They live in a house monitored by ninjas from the Kusagakure Village and have no way to escape from such a den.

 And even in the ninja world...

 Redheads like them are quite rare.

 "Mommy, what's happening outside?"

 A red-haired little girl named Karin, who was about Naruto's age, looked out of the window with a scared face and said to her mother: "The ninjas outside seem to be very anxious."

 Then she noticed that her mother was changing her clothes.

 She was changing from comfortable home clothes into ninja combat clothes.

 "Mommy?" Karin opened her watery eyes wide.

 There was some confusion on her face.

 "Karin, maybe mommy is needed by the village." Karin's mother is actually not that old. She is only in her twenties this year. Her fair face shows some signs of emaciation and thinness.


 Just then, two ninjas from the Grass Ninja Village brutally kicked open the door of their house.

 "Hey! Woman!"

 The masked ninja from Kusagakure Village said maliciously: "Let's go--


Don't dilly-dally! There's a situation where you're needed!"

 "And also, take off your Kusagakure Ninja forehead protector. This time, we can't let anyone know our identity!"



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