
Naruto, Be My Son

Synopsis: After the Summit War, once hailed as one of the Four Emperors of the New World and the world's strongest man, "Edward Newgate," believed that today he would rest in peace at the Marine Headquarters. However, when he opens his eyes, he finds himself in a place called the "Ninja World" and encounters a child named "Naruto." "Gurarararara Kid, do you have parents?" Trembling in the presence of the giant-like Whitebeard, the five-year-old Naruto was scared, "N-No, I'm Uzumaki Naruto, and I... I'm an orphan dattebayo" "Naruto, be my son!" "Huh???" Note: This is a Chinese Translation 鸣人,做我儿子吧 Release Schedule: 7 Ch/Week ================== You can support me on Patreon and Read 50++ Chapters in advance pat reon.com/GMadman

Ginormous_Madman · Anime & Comics
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282 Chs

Chapter 48: Pirate Style! Naruto's "Real Combat"

 Tsunade refused.

 Asking a woman who has lived for three to four decades, a mature-minded person, to acknowledge someone she just met as her father.

 This is too outrageous.

 "Gurararara!" Whitebeard didn't care about Tsunade's refusal. He laughed and said: "If you also want to join this family, the Whitebeard Pirates always welcome an excellent doctor. By then, you will be my son, my family member, and a part of the Whitebeard Pirates!"

tl/n: Whitebeard really said 'son' not daughter

 Tsunade: "..."

 Since leaving the Konoha Village, she has wandered in the ninja world for many years. During these years, there were people who wanted to win her over.

 Including other ninja villages.

 And even some nobles.

 It was the first time Tsunade saw someone trying to win her over in this way... inviting her to become his "son", inviting her to join his big family.


 Tsunade was a bit dazed. How many years has it been since she heard this word?

 Does she desire to have a family? Does she desire to have relatives?

 To be honest, Tsunade does desire it. Her longing for relatives surpasses many people, and her feelings for relatives also surpass many people.

 Otherwise, she wouldn't have developed an endless fear of blood due to the death of "Dan" and "Nawaki".

 But after all, she is not a child like Naruto.

 Tsunade took a deep breath.

 "Lord Whitebeard, I don't even want to be a ninja now, let alone be a pirate."

 She said so.

 The key point is that Tsunade is a woman. How can she be a son?


 Why does she feel that is the important thing?

 Tsunade was startled.


 Late at night.

 Whitebeard and others decided to rest in this small town for one night. After all, Whitebeard had just finished four-hour surgery.

 Whether it's Whitebeard or Naruto, they both sleep very soundly.

 Only Kakashi stayed up all night.

 What Whitebeard said not only stunned Tsunade but also affected Kakashi, who was an orphan of the Konoha Village.

 Ever since Kakashi's father committed suicide...

 He has been alone.

 Even though he didn't take off his mask even when he was sleeping in bed, you could still see from his wide-open dead fish eyes that he couldn't hide his sad expression.

 He was a bit upset and confused.


 Without avoiding his inner feelings, Kakashi admitted that he was a bit envious of Naruto.

 Naruto is like him. He has no relatives and there are no objects of attachment in this world. Until Naruto met Whitebeard, this little kid had a deep bond with Whitebeard.

 It turns out...

 Whitebeard did not disappoint Naruto's trust in him. Whitebeard truly did what a father should do.

 "White-haired brat, be my son!" - This sentence, even though Whitebeard hasn't said it for several days.

 But tonight.

 That sentence echoed again in Kakashi's mind.

 Over and over again.

 He couldn't forget the look of longing for a family in Whitebeard's eyes when he said, "The Whitebeard Pirate is a family."


 Kakashi casually grabbed a pillow from the side.

 And directly covered his face with the pillow.

 Until the next day.

 Early morning.

 Five o'clock

 Kakashi, with dark circles under his eyes, yawned sleepily. He hadn't slept all night last night.

 The reason he got up so early from bed was because 


It was time for Naruto's self-abuse training at five o'clock in the morning.

 "Gurararararara! Stupid son! Run faster for me!"

 Whitebeard's roar made it impossible for people to sleep.

 "Ah ah ah! Pops! I'm already running very fast!"

 Naruto's screams were also hard to ignore.

 This pair of father and son who have no blood relationship are full of vitality at this time every day.

 Especially Whitebeard.

 As if he hadn't had surgery at all yesterday.

 And as if he hadn't had a hangover.

 Such enthusiasm!

 "Hmm?" Kakashi suddenly noticed something. He turned his head to look to the side and saw Tsunade, who didn't know when she was standing next to him.

 Tsunade complained speechlessly: "With them like this, how can I sleep? It's seriously disturbing other people's sleep!"

 Even if it was very quiet last night, she couldn't sleep.

 But that doesn't prevent her from complaining.

 "And..." Tsunade took in the scene in front of her.

 Looking at Naruto being tormented into a half-dead state, her eyelids were jumping: "What is Whitebeard doing? Is he trying to kill Uzumaki Naruto?"

 "This is their training." Kakashi explained: "Naruto has been persisting for a long time."

 After saying this sentence.

 Kakashi suddenly paused.

 That's right!

 In his impression, Naruto has been persisting for almost a month!

 This kind of training is so intense that it is no different from suicide. If a normal child trains like this, they would probably be dead in less than a day.

 But Naruto is now screaming miserably, but once he finishes training, he is still full of energy and can continue training the next day.

 "Naruto is a very strong kid. He does it for his dad, and also for his dream of becoming Hokage..."

 Kakashi praised: "He puts in two hundred times the effort of ordinary people, even if he will die for it, he doesn't care."

 Tsunade's beautiful eyes flashed with different colors: "Naruto wants to become Hokage?"

 Kakashi nodded: "This little kid almost shouts every day that he must become Hokage."

 "...They are similar." Tsunade murmured.

 "Huh?" Kakashi was taken aback.

 Tsunade did not respond.

 In her eyes, Naruto and her memory of Nawaki became more and more overlapping, whether it was their appearance or personality.

 This coincidence, which couldn't be more coincidental, always made Tsunade feel that her younger brother was reincarnated and reborn.

 But reason told her.

 That's impossible!

 Just then, Whitebeard's voice suddenly rang out: "Gurararara! You foolish son! Do you want some real combat? Only through fighting and getting beaten can one become stronger!"

 "Real... real combat?" Naruto was a bit shocked: "But Pops, I don't know any ninjutsu yet, and I haven't really learned any taijutsu either! Pops, there's no way I can beat you!"

 Although he had been training intensively for almost a month, this month had been all about endurance and strength training.

 At most, he would try to extract some chakra at night.

 Basically, it was just these three things.

 and apart from that,

 Naruto hadn't learned anything else.

 "Foolish son!" Whitebeard gave Naruto a fist of love, causing Naruto almost to let out a scream.

 Whitebeard chuckled and remarked, "When I mentioned 'real combat,' I didn't intend for you to face off against me! We're both pirates, after all. When a pirate's money run dry, it's only natural to rob other people!"

 "Rob?" Naruto held his head, his eyes slightly glowing: "Then won't we be able to have a lot of treasures again?"

 "Gurararara! Of course!!!"

 Naruto knew about Whitebeard's dream. One of his dreams was to hoard more treasures and then bring them back to his hometown.

 Since it was Whitebeard's dream, it was also Naruto's dream.

 Naruto was full of motivation for this!

 "Did I hear that right?"

 Watching the departing figures of Whitebeard and Naruto, Tsunade was dumbfounded: "They... they're going to rob?"

 "Tsunade-sama, you heard correctly." Kakashi had several black lines on his forehead: "They... they really are going to rob."

 Kakashi remembered something and added: "And with Whitebeard's style, it's very likely not limited to robbing."

 "What do you mean?" Tsunade asked in astonishment.

 Kakashi explained: "Whitebeard will probably claim that this town is a territory protected by his Whitebeard Pirates. From then on, this town will have to pay him tribute every year. Whitebeard once said this is tax, but I think it's more like... pirates collecting protection fees."

 "However... Whitebeard usually won't harm civilians. He only targets the rich, especially the nobles."

 Tsunade: "..."

When Tsunade, Kakashi, and Shizune caught up with Whitebeard and Naruto.

 They found that this father-son duo had already arrived at a casino in town.

 Tsunade's expression suddenly became quite subtle.

 Because this casino was where she had lost a lot of money.

 And her high-interest loan was also borrowed from here.

 The group of samurai who were chasing her around town yesterday...

 They were members of the gang in this casino.

 "You foolish son!"

 Just then, Whitebeard grabbed Naruto's clothes with one hand.

 Under Naruto's wide-eyed expression...

 He directly threw Naruto into the casino and laughed heartily: "Gurararra! This is your first real combat experience. Do not tarnish the reputation of the Whitebeard Pirates!"!"

 Naruto thought... Pops was going to take him along to Rob.

 He didn't expect him to go alone!


 Under his scream, Naruto uncontrollably crashed through the casino's glass window and his small body fell into the casino.

 Attracting the attention of all the gamblers.



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