
Naruto, Be My Son

Synopsis: After the Summit War, once hailed as one of the Four Emperors of the New World and the world's strongest man, "Edward Newgate," believed that today he would rest in peace at the Marine Headquarters. However, when he opens his eyes, he finds himself in a place called the "Ninja World" and encounters a child named "Naruto." "Gurarararara Kid, do you have parents?" Trembling in the presence of the giant-like Whitebeard, the five-year-old Naruto was scared, "N-No, I'm Uzumaki Naruto, and I... I'm an orphan dattebayo" "Naruto, be my son!" "Huh???" Note: This is a Chinese Translation 鸣人,做我儿子吧 Release Schedule: 7 Ch/Week ================== You can support me on Patreon and Read 50++ Chapters in advance pat reon.com/GMadman

Ginormous_Madman · Anime & Comics
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282 Chs

Chapter 44: Cells without Chakra? Are you an alien?

 Throughout the years, Tsunade has been away from Konoha, wandering within the borders of the Fire Country. She has seen many tall individuals, even those suffering from gigantism who stand three meters high.

 However, an imposing figure like Whitebeard, standing at over six meters...

 She had never seen it before.

 His massive and robust physique seemed to contain a power capable of destroying heaven and earth.

 The outrageously large naginata gleamed coldly under the sunlight.

 The ferocious scars on his chest were shocking to behold.

 This was a formidable fellow!

 "Edward Newgate..."

 At first, Tsunade seemed small, like a five-year-old child, as she gazed up at the Whitebeard before her.

 She uttered this name.

 A few days ago, two reckless Anbu from Konoha came running over, delivering information about Whitebeard to her.

 This included Whitebeard's real name.

 Tsunade was informed that such a troublesome character existed in the Land of Fire.

 And moreover, this troublesome character was looking for her.

 "Just like the description in the report!"

 Tsunade's small face tightened slightly.

 She saw Whitebeard walking towards her, but she no longer wanted to get involved in ninja affairs.

 Just as she was about to turn around and slip away pretending to be a little girl, her eyes suddenly widened.

 She recognized someone familiar.


 Tsunade noticed Shizune, her disciple whom she had always exploited. At this moment, Shizune was nervously holding "Tonton" the piglet, with an awkward expression on her face, standing on Whitebeard's right side.

 She also saw a white-haired ninja next to Whitebeard. The hedgehog-like white hair reminded her of Hatake Sakumo.

 "Is this... Sakumo's son, Kakashi?"

 Tsunade immediately recalled him.


 Tsunade looked at Naruto.

 Naruto's face made her pupils shrink. Countless memories were instantly triggered.

 The name "Nawaki" almost slipped out of her mind.

 Too similar!

 How could he look so similar??

 "So that blond kid must be the child of Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina, the Jinchuriki of Konoha."

 Tsunade took a deep breath and finally managed to calm her thoughts and separate Naruto from Minato in her mind.

 At this moment

 She knew she couldn't hide anymore.

 Others might not recognize her childhood appearance, but that idiot disciple Shizune would definitely recognize her. Then she would be exposed.

 As expected...

 "I saw you once when I was a child when you returned to Konoha, Tsunade-sama." Kakashi was the first to greet Tsunade politely

 "Tsunade-sama." Shizune's voice was weak and lacked confidence: "I met Whitebeard-sama on my way back to find you."

 Tsunade: "..."


 With a puff of smoke erupting from Tsunade's body, when the smoke dissipated, Tsunade's true form was revealed.

 Returning to a height of 163.1cm...


 Her voluptuous figure returned as well.

 "Eh? Eh?" Naruto was stunned by this scene: "She... She turned from a cute girl into an auntie!"

 "Huh? Hey! Kid! What are you saying?" Tsunade instantly exploded with anger, glaring at Naruto with eyes that seemed ready to spit fire.

 But when her gaze inadvertently swept over Whitebeard...

 Tsunade temporarily suppressed her anger.

 A giant...


 Tsunade was very curious about how Whitebeard grew so tall?

 Even more curious about what Whitebeard's body structure looked like?

 This might be a common problem for every medical ninja.


 "I know why you're looking for me," Tsunade said, "I won't get involved in ninja conflicts, and I won't treat ninjas. You should go back to where you came from!"

 "Why?" Naruto was stunned. He didn't expect to travel all the way from Konoha to here only to receive such a response.

 Tsunade waved her hand, her face expressionless, "There's not much to it. I'm just tired of the cruel game of ninjas."

 "But, but you're a medical ninja!"

 Naruto exclaimed, "The Grandpa Hokage said that the duty of a medical ninja is to help patients!"

 "That old man lied to you."

 Tsunade said casually.

 Naruto was so anxious to look around. Suddenly, he thought of something. He quickly took off his coat, revealing a large amount of exaggerated weights tied to his body.

 "I... I can pay!"

 Naruto fumbled to untie the knots on his body.

 Stacks of banknotes and gold bars fell to the ground.

 "This is not about money!!... huh?" Tsunade glanced at Naruto casually, and just this glance made her unable to look away.

 The glittering gold bars and stacks of banknotes left her stunned.

 As a well-known big fat sheep in the ninja world, Tsunade could tell at a glance that those stacks of notes were worth at least three or four million taels.

 Those gold bars were even more exaggerated.

 Although they didn't look particularly numerous, they were gold!

 If sold in a gold shop, they could be exchanged for at least several million Ryo!

 Adding up to tens of millions of Ryo!

 Where did such a young Jinchuriki get so much money?

 Tsunade's eyes were wide open!

 "Stinky brat!" But Tsunade still stubbornly held her ground, "You think this amount of money can buy one of the Sannin of Konoha?"

 "Sannin" was not a good term for Tsunade. When she said this word, it was with a self-mocking tone.


The banknotes in Naruto's hand fell to the ground.

 For him at this age, Tsunade's strong attitude left him at a loss for what to do.

 "If you... if you don't treat pops..."

 Tears welled up in Naruto's eyes. He sniffled hard, and his voice choked up as he spoke: "Pops... he might... he might leave me in three years."

 "Pops is my only family..."

 "Kid, playing the emotional card won't work on me." Tsunade turned her head away, choosing not to look at Naruto.

 She was afraid that a little brat who looked like Minato would talk to her with that pitiful expression and make her soften up.

 Tsunade said: "As long as it's about ninjas, I don't want to get involved now."

 "Shizune!" Seeing Shizune wanting to say something, Tsunade raised her hand and interrupted in advance: "You don't need to persuade me either."

 Shizune uttered an "Oh".

 She lowered her head in silent disappointment.

 "Tsunade-sama, if the person seeking help is not a ninja, would you lend a hand?" Kakashi suddenly asked.

 Tsunade replied casually: "If there's money involved."

 Over these years, she hasn't taken any ninja missions. Her gambling funds either came from eating into her old savings or borrowing high-interest loans or freeloading Shizune.

 If there was really no other way, she would also return to her old profession and help those rich nobles treat their illnesses.

 Upon recovery, she would receive a significant sum of money.

 Which could then be used for gambling again.

 Kakashi's mouth hidden under the black mask curled up: "It's quite coincidental that Whitebeard-sama is not a ninja. Tsunade-sama should not refuse a non-ninja person who comes to seek medical help from you, a medical ninja with superb ninjutsu skills?"


 Tsunade couldn't hold back and laughed: "You mean that someone who is not a ninja defeated the Third Hokage? And now that old man is still lying in the hospital?"

 Kakashi nodded: "If the person Tsunade-sama is referring to is really the Third Hokage, then indeed it is so."

 Tsunade: "..."

 Although she had been away from Konoha for many years and hadn't seen the old man for many years. But since that old man is still Hokage now, how could he be weakened enough to be defeated by someone who is not a ninja?

 "Your lying skill is so bad."

 After shaking her head, Tsunade pointed out a chakra energy band from her fingertips: "I am a medical ninja. Your clumsy lie can be exposed on the spot with just one check."

 When her chakra touched Whitebeard's wrist.

 Tsunade was stunned on the spot.

 Her eyes got bigger and bigger.


 She looked up at Whitebeard in astonishment, one of the Sannin of Konoha, with a dumbfounded expression: "Cells completely without chakra? How is that possible? Are you still human?!"

 "Are you... an alien?"

 Tsunade, who had studied medical theory for most of her life.

 At this moment, she was hit by an unprecedented shock.



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