
Naruto, Be My Son

Synopsis: After the Summit War, once hailed as one of the Four Emperors of the New World and the world's strongest man, "Edward Newgate," believed that today he would rest in peace at the Marine Headquarters. However, when he opens his eyes, he finds himself in a place called the "Ninja World" and encounters a child named "Naruto." "Gurarararara Kid, do you have parents?" Trembling in the presence of the giant-like Whitebeard, the five-year-old Naruto was scared, "N-No, I'm Uzumaki Naruto, and I... I'm an orphan dattebayo" "Naruto, be my son!" "Huh???" Note: This is a Chinese Translation 鸣人,做我儿子吧 Release Schedule: 7 Ch/Week ================== You can support me on Patreon and Read 50++ Chapters in advance pat reon.com/GMadman

Ginormous_Madman · Anime & Comics
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282 Chs

Chapter 42: Tsunade's Disciple's First Treatment, Recovery of Status

A bounty of Belly

 The impact it had on Kakashi and Shizune was no less than a mind-disturbing illusion.

 They were all stunned.

 What an astonishing number! Even the extra 46 million at the end is more than Sarutobi Asuma's bounty.

 Shizune didn't know much about Whitebeard, but Kakashi felt that he should know Whitebeard quite well.

 Kakashi was very clear.

 A man as bold and domineering as Whitebeard would not boast about this, nor would he joke about it.

 This astonishing bounty.

 It's real!

 But the next second, he fell into doubt. Why had he never heard of it?

 If someone has a bounty of over 5 billion, even in the ninja world, it would be famous, right?

 I Can't figure it out.

 "5.046 billion... If all of it is real money, how many years can Tsunade-sama lose?"

 Shizune murmured in shock.

 But the next second, she noticed that the atmosphere was a bit wrong.

 She found that all three of them were looking at her.

 Whether it was Whitebeard, Kakashi, or Naruto, their eyes were all on Shizune.

 It made Shizune tense up.

 "What, what's wrong?"

 She hugged Tonton in her arms and looked at these three people anxiously.

 Especially among these three people, she found that she was the only girl.


 Nothing strange should happen, right?

 "You said Tsunade? You said the name Tsunade, didn't you?" The five-year-old Naruto was more excited than anyone else at this moment.

 He no longer coveted the wild boar that was about to be roasted.

 Instead, he took two steps and rushed directly to Shizuka's side.

 He quickly grabbed Shizune's clothes.

 Grabbed tightly.

 As if he didn't want Shizune to leave.

 "Yes, yes!" Shizune was a bit dazed. She looked down at Naruto: "Little brother, what... what happened to Tsunade-sama?"

 She rarely returned to Konoha and only heard rumors about the Nine-Tails in Konoha. But she didn't know that Naruto was the Nine-Tails.

 The bounty order for Whitebeard in Konoha Village did not mention Jinchuriki being taken away by Whitebeard.

 So she didn't recognize Naruto.

 She just felt that this little boy with yellow hair had strong hand strength.

 If he used a little more force

 Her clothes would be torn apart by him.



 Tsunade-sama is naturally blonde, and this little brother in front of her also has yellow hair. And this little brother became so excited when he heard the name of Tsunade-sama.

 Is there any blood relationship between these two...?

 Shizune's eyes gradually widened.

 In just a few seconds, she made up a melodramatic drama in her mind.

 Anyway, it was that Tsunade-sama abandoned her biological son from beginning to end. Then, her biological son searched for Tsunade-sama all over the Land of Fire.

 "We're looking for her!" The words Naruto said made Shizune gasp for air even more.

 Looking at the excitement and anticipation on Naruto's little face,

 Shizune softened her heart a bit.

 She had a touch of sympathy for Naruto in her eyes and some annoyance at Tsunade-sama. After squatting down and rubbing Naruto's hair: "Little brother, maybe Tsunade-sama has her difficulties."

 "Huh? What are you talking about?"

 Naruto blinked his eyes.

 He hurriedly said to Shizune, "The reason we're looking for Tsunade is because she's the best medical ninja in the Konoha Village!


I want her to help, to cure my pops's illness!"

 Naruto quickly ran to the side, grabbed a few gold bars, and hurried back.

 He said, "Grandpa Hokage told me that medical treatment costs money. I don't know if this money is enough."

 "If... if it's not enough..."

 Naruto pondered and had a bright idea, "If it's not enough, I'll pay the rest when I become Hokage!"

 Shizune: "Ah? Is that so?"


 It's not what she thought?

 Not good!

 She misunderstood Tsunade-sama!

 "I heard that Tsunade-sama took a disciple outside. You wouldn't happen to be her disciple, would you?" Kakashi looked at Shizune, curiously sizing up this girl who was about his age.

 "Yes!" Shizune nodded repeatedly, "My name is Kato Shizune , from the Konoha Village!"


 "Auntie, you are Tsunade's disciple, so does that mean..."

 Naruto immediately said, "You're also a very powerful medical ninja?"

 Ah... Auntie?

 Shizune, who has always had a good temper, had her eyes wide open at this moment. But Naruto's words made her feel embarrassed.

 Shizune scratched her head awkwardly and quickly modestly said, "Although I am Tsunade-sama's disciple, my medical ninjutsu level is far behind Tsunade-sama."

 "Auntie Ninja, can you check my pops's body?"

 Naruto brought the gold bars to Shizune, "I will pay!"

 "Ah! No need no need."

 Although Shizune was very concerned about the title of "Auntie", Naruto's politeness made her quite at a loss.

 Several gold bars shone brightly in the firelight.

 Who gives gold bars for medical treatment fee!

 Shizune said, "I'm not sure if I can figure out the reason, but I might try..."

 In fact, 

 Shizune didn't care much about Whitebeard's "Konoha Village wanted" status. She had been following Tsunade for many years and had no feelings for Konoha Village.

 "Whitebeard-sama" Shizune took a deep breath.

 She couldn't help but swallow. Whitebeard's huge figure still gave her quite a bit of pressure.

 "Why don't you lie flat on the ground?"

 Her palm was already wrapped in chakra.

 And weakly suggested.

 "Gurararara!" Whitebeard didn't care and lay down on the ground.

 The huge stone more than a meter high behind him was crushed by him without feeling anything. Shizune was dumbfounded.

 Shizune carefully walked over to Whitebeard.

 The palm of her hand wrapped in chakra gently pressed on Whitebeard's skin. She closed her eyes and carefully sensed Whitebeard's internal condition.

 Her palm was like a very precise detection instrument, slowly moving over every inch of Whitebeard's skin.

 Occasionally touching an amazing scar.

 Made Shizune quite surprised.

 And her expression began to become more and more serious. The unprecedented situation made Shizune take a deep breath.

 She opened her eyes and said, "Whitebeard-sama, your body condition has deteriorated to a very very very serious level."

 Three "very" represent Shizune's shock.

 She didn't know how Whitebeard managed to live until now!

 "But I can try."

 Shizune put both hands on what she thought was a fatal hidden injury. That was very close to Whitebeard's chest position.

 A large amount of chakra poured into Whitebeard's body.

 Stimulating old cells.

 Shizune believes that facing Whitebeard's situation requires extremely delicate chakra control. Otherwise, if she is not careful, it will not only be ineffective in treatment but may also cause damage.

 In just a few minutes...

 Shizune's face was turning pale.

 Sweat was dripping from her forehead.

 "Phew!" She held on for a while, and like a deflated balloon, she sat on the ground and exhaled heavily: "Whitebeard-sama is so big that the chakra needed is dozens of times that of ordinary people."

 At this time, Whitebeard also sat up from the ground.

 He was feeling the place that Shizune had healed.

 He stood up, his face showing a very cheerful smile.

 The visible Conqueror's Haki suddenly burst out from him, sweeping across all directions!

 The air was filled with black lightning.

 The entire forest seemed to have been swept by a gale.

 The consciousness of the beasts in the forest was hit by a heavy hammer. All of them foamed at the mouth and rolled their eyes in surprise, falling to the ground motionless.

 They were stunned!

 The Conqueror's Haki that rose to the sky even shattered the clouds above, making the moon in the sky more conspicuous.

 "At last, there is no discomfort upon releasing Conqueror's Haki! Is this person a disciple of Tsunade?"


 If Whitebeard's peak physical condition is 100%, then before being treated by Shizune, his physical condition was only about 20%.

 And after being treated by Shizune, his physical condition went straight to 30%!

 It's like being several years younger.

 Very refreshing!




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