
Naruto, Be My Son

Synopsis: After the Summit War, once hailed as one of the Four Emperors of the New World and the world's strongest man, "Edward Newgate," believed that today he would rest in peace at the Marine Headquarters. However, when he opens his eyes, he finds himself in a place called the "Ninja World" and encounters a child named "Naruto." "Gurarararara Kid, do you have parents?" Trembling in the presence of the giant-like Whitebeard, the five-year-old Naruto was scared, "N-No, I'm Uzumaki Naruto, and I... I'm an orphan dattebayo" "Naruto, be my son!" "Huh???" Note: This is a Chinese Translation 鸣人,做我儿子吧 Release Schedule: 7 Ch/Week ================== You can support me on Patreon and Read 50++ Chapters in advance pat reon.com/GMadman

Ginormous_Madman · Anime & Comics
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282 Chs

Chapter 260: The Terror of Whitebeard! Full Eight-Tails Transformation! Kurama's Defenses

Breached Twice.

"Let me be your son? I'd rather be beaten half to death! But saying that seems to boost your morale and diminish my prestige. Let's put it this way: together with the Eight-Tails, we'll defeat you, Whitebeard!"

As Killer Bee spoke, he danced and gestured, but in a moment of carelessness, one of the Swords tucked under his armpit slipped into the water.

Startled, he quickly flicked his foot to retrieve the sword, securing it once again in his armpit.

"Yo! Yo! I think my rhyming lines are pretty slick; I should jot them down in my little notebook!"

Killer Bee grew more excited.

However, when he tried to pull out his notebook and pencil, he realized that both items had already been shattered by Whitebeard's power.

"This kid is indeed intriguing." Whitebeard faced Killer Bee's eccentricity without a hint of disdain or scorn. Instead, he became even more interested.

After all, aboard the former Moby Dick, each of Whitebeard's sons had unique personalities and remarkable traits.

"Whitebeard! Let's settle this once and for all! If you lose to me release both captives and let them return to their village!" Killer Bee clutched seven Ninja Swords and was enveloped in a Tailed Beast chakra cloak.

He dared to meet Whitebeard's gaze head-on.

In fact, Killer Bee even negotiated these terms with Whitebeard.

"Gurararararara! You want to rescue the prisoners from the Whitebeard Pirates? Well then let me see your strength!" Whitebeard grinned.


Instantly, the water beneath Killer Bee erupted in waves, and his figure vanished in the blink of an eye.

When he reappeared, he was directly above Whitebeard's head.

Killer Bee spun like a top, the seven Ninja Swords slicing through the air with a sharp whistle, as if aiming to decapitate Whitebeard.

Each blade's edge crackled with Lightning Release chakra.

This was Killer Bee's specialty: the "Sonic Shock Lightning Release Blade."

A Ninjutsu with greater piercing power than Wind Release.

Whitebeard slightly raised his left arm, covered in a layer of black Armament Haki.

As a series of metallic clashes rang out, sparks burst forth, dazzling the eyes.

Whitebeard swung his left arm.

This seemingly simple motion generated a fierce gale, threatening to sweep Killer Bee's body away.

Just as Killer Bee was about to collide with a mountainside, he suddenly planted his feet on the cliff.

In a peculiar posture, he stood there like a spider.

Killer Bee glanced at the Ninja Swords strapped to his body. Beneath his shades, his eyes revealed a hint of surprise.

"His body is unbelievably tough. Even after the Swords cut into him, he didn't shed a drop of blood?" Amidst his shock, Killer Bee's natural rhyming instincts seemed to have vanished.

"And what was going on with his arm just now, why did it suddenly change color, like it was covered with an invisible armor..."

Killer Bee was carefully analyzing Whitebeard's strange ability.

Don't look at him as if he's a brainless brute with muscles in his brain.

In fact, during a fight, his thoughts are more delicate than anyone else's.

"Gyuki, can you ask the Nine-Tails in that little devil? What kind of strange ability is this Whitebeard?" Killer Bee asked the Eight-Tails beast inside him.

The Eight-Tails Gyuki responded in a deep voice, "The Nine-Tails doesn't want to say anything, it just said it wants to see us get beaten up. That arrogant guy, I really want to beat him up."

"...Is that so! Then I can only go hard!" Since sharp weapons couldn't do anything to Whitebeard, Killer Bee simply threw away his Ninja Sword in a carefree manner.

Looking up at the "giant" in front of him, Killer Bee slightly lifted his feet, and with a "bang", a pit several meters in diameter suddenly appeared under his feet.

Killer Bee's body was shot out like a cannonball, and the beast coat on him dragged out a conspicuous tail flame under his speed.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Whitebeard.



With Killer Bee's roar, his right arm was about to hit Whitebeard's face.

But the next second, a big hand suddenly reached out to him.

Under Killer Bee's shocked gaze, this big hand only used three fingers to pinch his right arm.

Killer Bee's "Lariat" was easily blocked like this.

"Gurararararara! You're pretty strong, I almost couldn't hold you, Eight-Tails brat!" Whitebeard rarely praised others, and then he threw Killer Bee high into the air.

Whoosh-- Killer Bee's body broke through the sound barrier and was thrown into the sky, even shattering the smaller clouds above.

"Brat! Let's see if you can survive! Gurarararara!"

Below, Whitebeard, holding the hilt of Murakumogiri with both hands, swung his sword towards the sky.

Whitebeard didn't use the power of the Devil Fruit, nor did he use Armament Haki.

It's just an ordinary sword actually slashed out a very amazing slash!

The slash spread hundreds of meters in length, charging straight into the sky with an irresistible force!

"Bee!!!" The Eight-Tails Gyuki immediately reminded Killer Bee, whose brain was a bit dazed.

When Killer Bee reacted, he opened his eyes and looked down, only to see the terrifying slash, charging straight into the sky.

Killer Bee's pupils shrank slightly, "Gyuki!!!"

The color of the semi-transparent chakra coat on his body visibly deepened.

From semi-transparent orange-red, it quickly turned into a very deep dark red.

It was also at this moment that all human characteristics of Killer Bee's body disappeared.

This is the half-beast transformation of the Jinchuriki!

Other Jinchurikis need a certain amount of time to charge up to this state.

But as a perfect Jinchuriki, Killer Bee can do it with just a thought.

Killer Bee's two sturdy arms were crossed in front of him, and the eight dark red tails behind him also extended to block in front of him.

The arms and tails overlapped to form a very thick shield.

The next moment... the slash fell directly on him!

An indescribable tearing sensation first came from the tails, and just one face-to-face encounter, two of the tails were cut off.

The impact of the slash made Killer Bee's dark red body still flying upwards.


The half-beast transformed Killer Bee let out a roar.

The remaining six tails and two arms, desperately grabbed the seemingly physical slash.

The dark red figure twisted wildly in the sky, using a technique that harnessed external force to propel the attack away.

The severed tails regrew, and Killer Bee looked down at the tiny ship below.

From the tip of his swaying tail, he suddenly sprayed black ink.

Driven by the ink, he rapidly descended.

The friction between the Tailed Beast cloak and the air ignited layers of flames.

Like a colossal fireball plummeting from the heavens.

"Why does everyone in this ninja world seem to wield flame abilities? Guraraarara! Ace, that foolish son of mine, feels like a novice compared to this."

Whitebeard squinted as he gazed at the fireball above. He took a deep breath and blew upward.

Under Whitebeard's breath, the flames enveloping Killer Bee were instantly extinguished.

Facing the descending Killer Bee...

Whitebeard swung his blade upward.

Murakumogiri's edge collided fiercely with Killer Bee's half-transformed form. The impact shattered the ship beneath Whitebeard's feet into fragments.

Naruto, Sasuke, Hinata, Kakashi, Izumi, and the two Kumogakure Village captives standing behind Whitebeard were all sent flying by the shockwave.

Kakashi acted swiftly, catching Sasuke on one side and Hinata on the other, landing safely on the water surface hundreds of meters away.

The powerful airflow whipped Kakashi's white hair wildly.

Kakashi, with his dead fish eyes, couldn't help but comment, "Shouldn't we move farther away? It feels like the next few kilometers won't be safe."

Naruto quickly grabbed the two captives to prevent them from escaping during the chaos.

Uchiha Izumi also assisted Naruto in securing the prisoners.

These two Kumogakure Village captives wouldn't have a chance to flee.

After all, for the Whitebeard Pirates, these two individuals were worth several million berries each!

In terms of value, they could fund a new Moby Dick with two large-caliber cannons! 

"Is this the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki? His power is immense even in this half-transformed state. He's much stronger than the Two-Tails Jinchuriki, isn't he?" Uchiha Izumi marveled at the distant scene.

The strength of this Kumogakure Village Jinchuriki far exceeded her expectations.

If it weren't for Pops sitting here with the Whitebeard Pirates, they wouldn't stand a chance against this Eight-Tails Jinchuriki, even if they all attacked together.

Naruto was equally surprised. He couldn't help muttering, "Why does the Eight-Tails seem more formidable than the Nine Tails?"

Kurama: "???"


"You little brat! What are you saying?" Kurama's sealed voice broke through: "You think I'm weaker than that octopus with a bull's head? Don't mess with me, kid! If I were at full strength, I could pin it down with one hand!"

Kurama ranted madly: "You dare challenge me? If you're so confident, unseal me, and I'll take on Gyuki in a three-hundred-round battle! How could it be my match?"

Naruto wasn't falling for Kurama's tricks; he knew that if the Great Fox truly broke free, it would cause chaos.


On the other side.

Murakumogiri clashed with Killer Bee's half-transformed form.

In this power struggle, Killer Bee was once again forced back, sent flying by Whitebeard's strike.

This time, his body crashed heavily into a collapsing mountain peak, causing it to crumble further.

"Gurararararara! Eight-Tails brat, you're the toughest kid I've seen in the ninja world!" Whitebeard's smile remained unchanged as he surrounded his right fist with a vibrating shockwave. Without hesitation, he threw a punch through the air.

With a "crack" sound of glass shattering, a collapsed mountain in front was shattered by the force of the vibration.

A large amount of rubble and soil splashed in all directions.

The rolling river below also stirred up a hundred-meter wave rushing towards that side.

Although the ship under Whitebeard's feet had been completely shattered, with the help of "Geppo" in Rokushiki, Whitebeard could float in the air in a unique way.

Whitebeard indeed couldn't walk on water like a ninja, after all, he didn't have chakra in his body.

But he could step on the air.

Although this method consumes more physical strength than walking on water with chakra.

But Whitebeard, who is in peak health, has almost infinite "physical strength".

The speed of consuming physical strength is not as fast as the speed of recovery.

And Killer Bee, who was hit head-on by the power of the Quake-Quake Fruit, spat out a mouthful of blood, and his body was severely injured everywhere.

But a second later, the power of the Tailed Beast healed his injuries.

Killer Bee's Tailed Beast coat appeared a bit damaged.

One can imagine how amazing the destructive power of Whitebeard's understated blow is.

The effect of the Quake-Quake Fruit's ability may not be as omnipotent as some fruits, but in terms of "destructive power", if the Quake-Quake Fruit is second, absolutely no one dares to be first.

"This guy is so powerful..." Killer Bee's damaged Tailed Beast coat was slowly healing, facing such a strong enemy.

He didn't have the mind to rhyme when he spoke: "Whether it's strength or speed, I'm not half as good as him."

Gyuki inside Killer Bee reminded him, "Bee, be careful of his strange vibrational power. That man called Whitebeard probably didn't make a serious move. If he had just made that blow seriously, you might have been stunned."

Hearing this, Killer Bee was stunned, "Is it that exaggerated?"

"Believe my judgment." Gyuki said.

Killer Bee became more serious: "That's really an outrageously strong pirate!"

He slowly climbed up from a pile of ruins.

Just as his gaze wanted to search for Whitebeard's trace, he found that Whitebeard had already disappeared from his original position.

"Bee! Above!" Gyuki's voice suddenly sounded.

Killer Bee's pupils shrank, and he quickly looked up.

He found that Whitebeard's figure did appear above his head.

At this moment, Whitebeard was falling from the sky, so fast that he couldn't dodge.

Whitebeard grabbed Killer Bee's half-beast-transformed head with one hand.

After slightly lifting Killer Bee's body.

He heavily smashed it down again.


When Killer Bee was a little dazed by the smash, a group of vibrational light waves appeared in the palm of Whitebeard's hand that was holding Killer Bee.


The intense vibration was devastating, making Killer Bee roll his eyes on the spot.

The half-beast-transformed body was constantly twitching, and the Tailed Beast chakra coat surging on his body showed very violent fluctuations.

Whitebeard gently threw Killer Bee, and a terrifying heavy punch hit the opponent's body.

Whitebeard's monstrous strength is not something anyone can handle.

Killer Bee was brutally beaten by Whitebeard like a toy, his body flew backwards like a cannonball.

He made countless water skids on the water surface.

His body repeatedly crashed through several mountains.

The Tailed Beast coat became tattered.

"Bee! You must use all your strength. No more cautiously testing his abilities; otherwise, he'll definitely kill you! Damn it, are you about to pass out? Ugh, I guess I'll have to step in!"

After Gyuki's loud shout, the tailed beast's power was truly unleashed.

During Killer Bee's backward flight, his body underwent a massive transformation.

The eight dark red chakra tails behind him began to materialize, turning into thick, sturdy tentacles.

As Killer Bee continued to fly backward, his size grew, resembling an inflated balloon.

After crashing through yet another mountain peak, the true form of Gyuki, the Eight-Tails, was revealed.

A terrifying colossal beast stood tall above the river!

At this moment, Killer Bee's backward momentum finally ceased—he had flown over two thousand meters away.

Gyuki, the Eight-Tails, was a brown giant ox with eight octopus-like tentacles swirling around its body, exuding intense restlessness.

One of Gyuki's horns was visibly broken; it had been shattered during Gyuki's rampage in Kumogakure Village when he fought the Third Raikage.


The tailed beast let out a sky-piercing howl, even shattering the clouds above.

Despite the two-thousand-meter distance, Gyuki's immense size allowed it to overlook Whitebeard in the distance.

"That human called Whitebeard really rubs me the wrong way! Killer Bee, a Jinchuriki I quite like, has been beaten into this state..."

Gyuki's eyes reflected its volatile emotions.

The eight massive tentacles behind it thrashed wildly, creating waves that reached dozens of meters high.

Suddenly, Gyuki's colossal form erupted with speed several times faster than Killer Bee's.

Visible shockwaves formed as it broke the sound barrier.

"What a huge bull... or maybe an octopus. Gurarararara! This tailed beast looks so much like a sea king; it's making me hungry!"

Seeing the massive Gyuki charging straight at him, Whitebeard's face showed no fear—instead, a hint of nostalgia....

From a distance, Kakashi and the others witnessed Gyuki's colossal body.

"What a massive tailed beast!"

Uchiha Izumi couldn't help but exclaim, "It seems even larger than the Two-Tails. It's like a gigantic mountain of flesh."

Naruto was equally amazed, "Definitely fiercer than the giant fox!"

Kurama: "???"


"You little brat! Dare to say that again!"

Kurama had broken its restraint twice today



(End of Chapter)

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