
Naruto, Be My Son

Synopsis: After the Summit War, once hailed as one of the Four Emperors of the New World and the world's strongest man, "Edward Newgate," believed that today he would rest in peace at the Marine Headquarters. However, when he opens his eyes, he finds himself in a place called the "Ninja World" and encounters a child named "Naruto." "Gurarararara Kid, do you have parents?" Trembling in the presence of the giant-like Whitebeard, the five-year-old Naruto was scared, "N-No, I'm Uzumaki Naruto, and I... I'm an orphan dattebayo" "Naruto, be my son!" "Huh???" Note: This is a Chinese Translation 鸣人,做我儿子吧 Release Schedule: 7 Ch/Week ================== You can support me on Patreon and Read 50++ Chapters in advance pat reon.com/GMadman

Ginormous_Madman · Anime & Comics
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360 Chs

Chapter 259: Eight-Tails Brat! Either be my son, or get beaten half to death!

A semi-transparent shockwave visible to the naked eye covered everything within Whitebeard's line of sight with an irresistible force.

The power of the Quake-Quake Fruit burst out at this moment.

The river under the ship was first affected by the shockwave, a large amount of river water was rolled up, layers of river water kept rising, forming waves tens or even hundreds of meters high.

This made the muddy riverbed below clearly visible.

But the shockwave also affected the muddy riverbed, the riverbed began to show a series of ferocious cracks, the riverbed also began to be arched up by the shockwave, like the river water, layer upon layer, and kept rising.

The fish, shrimp, crabs, and turtles in the river could not escape the devastation of this power.

Then it was the surrounding mountains that were affected by the Quake-Quake Fruit.

The mountains began to tremble violently.

The mountain body shook violently and very exaggerated mountain cracks appeared.

A large amount of soil and falling rocks rolled down from the mountain, but before they had time to fall into the river, they were shattered by the shockwave.

The air was extremely distorted and shaken, dense atmospheric cracks had spread within a range of thousands of meters ahead.

The rumbling sound of the mountain cracking kept ringing in the ears, also making the Kumogakure Village ninjas hiding around change their faces.

The scene in front of them, like a natural disaster, made their pupils shrink.

The trembling ground under their feet and the collapsing mountains made them extremely shocked.

Just a move could cause such an amazing natural disaster...

Is this the legendary Whitebeard?

Is this the man who has a bounty of 100 Million in the ninja world?

With such a strong power, is it sure that it is only worth a bounty of 100 Million? How much do they look down on this power?

Isn't it worth 500 MIllion?

Even a bounty of 1 Billion is not excessive.

But before these Kumogakure Village ninjas had time to escape, the oncoming shockwave had already enveloped their bodies.

In just an instant, their consciousness in their minds buzzed.

It was as if an invisible air hammer had hit their heads hard several times.

Their brains were shaking crazily with the shockwave, and in less than two seconds, all of them lost consciousness.

Under the ravages of the shockwave, their clothes and skin began to explode, and blood spurted from their bodies like it was free.

One after another, their figures were violently thrown onto the mountain by the shockwave.

Their bodies were embedded in it.

Those who lost consciousness vomited a mouthful of blood, and the bones in their bodies, they didn't know how many were broken.

Although the ninjas of Kumogakure Village are very good at Taijutsu, the fruit power that Whitebeard casually used can easily shatter steel, let alone their bones that are much weaker than steel.

The semi-transparent shockwave visible to the naked eye has already rushed towards Unrai Gorge.

There are only two people on the top of Unrai Gorge.

One is the Kumogakure Village Anbu Jonin who is responsible for commanding the ambush of the Whitebeard Pirates, and the other is the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki Killer Bee of Kumogakure Village!

It was also at this moment that the Kumogakure Anbu Jonin's face changed dramatically.

The scene of destruction in front of him made him suddenly realize that they seemed to have provoked a man they shouldn't have provoked.

Under the strong stimulus of life being threatened, he burst out with unprecedented potential.

Before the shockwave arrived, his hands quickly formed seals.

Then he slapped his palms hard on the ground.

"Earth Release: Great Earth Flow Wall!!!"

The chakra in his body was being squeezed out by him madly, a very thick and huge earth wall rose from the ground, the thickness of the earth wall was even thicker than some city walls.

Kumogakure Anbu Jonin didn't stop his actions.

After standing up, he slammed both palms heavily onto the rising earthen wall.

Chakra surged into the wall, attempting to make it harder than the mountain beneath his feet, all in an effort to withstand Whitebeard's seismic force.

The next moment, shockwaves collided with the earthen barrier.

Crack, crack, crack...

Under the desperate gaze of the Cloud Shadow Anbu Jonin, the earthen wall, despite his full effort, developed visible cracks.

In mere seconds, the earthen barrier couldn't hold up and shattered under the strain!

Just as the shockwave was about to envelop him, a massive octopus tentacle suddenly extended from the side, enveloping the entire Kumogakure Anbu Jonin.

Boom, boom, boom!

The shockwave hit the octopus tentacle, causing exaggerated ripples on its surface.

Signs of cracking appeared as well.

Killer Bee, feet planted firmly, used one of his arms transformed into an octopus tentacle to shield the Kumogakure Anbu Jonin.

Yet, despite his efforts, Killer Bee's feet continued to be pushed backward by the relentless force.

"Roar!" He let out a furious cry.

His veins bulged, every muscle in his body strained.

Still, his feet carved a trench dozens of meters long in the ground.

Bang, bang, bang—

His clothes were shredded by the force, leaving only a scrap of cloth covering his lower body.

When Killer Bee finally came to a halt, the raging shockwave seemed to subside.

But before he could release the Kumogakure Anbu Jonin from his protective grip, the main peak of Unrai Gorge suddenly trembled!

A violent earthquake signaled that the mountain beneath his feet was collapsing!


The sound of the mountain's collapse rivaled thunder.

Dust billowed hundreds to thousands of meters high. Tons of boulders and soil, some weighing hundreds of tons or even tens of thousands of tons, plummeted downward.

The massive mountain cracked open, revealing astonishing fissures.

What had been a few hundred meters tall mountain now sank by a fifth.

The collapsing mountain seemed precarious, as if another heavy blow would cause it to crumble entirely.

Despite the destruction wrought by the seismic force across the landscape, Whitebeard's ship and everything behind him remained unscathed.

Such precise control demonstrated Whitebeard's mastery over the Quake-Quake Fruit's power.

Whitebeard could exist without the Quake-Quake Fruit.

But the Quake-Quake Fruit couldn't exist without Whitebeard!

"Is he a monster... or a deity?" Atsui, Samui's younger brother, stood there dumbfounded. The scene before him surpassed even his wildest dreams.

At such a young age, how could he find words to describe what he was witnessing?

"Kid, now you understand why they captured me and why your sister was taken?" The Kumogakure Anbu, bound alongside him, wore a complex expression. "That man... seems to possess the power to destroy the world!"

It was hard to imagine the devastation Whitebeard's strike would cause if it hit Kumogakure Village.

In an instant, wouldn't half of Kumogakure Village's population perish?

"Senpai, what about the nearby ambush of ninja... could they all be dead?" Atsui, despite his impulsive nature, still clung to some rationality, his voice trembling.

The Kumogakure Anbu spoke with a complex expression, "Based on my shallow understanding of the Whitebeard Pirates, they should leave survivors... because they want to use our village's ninjas to exchange for ransom with Raikage-sama."

Atsui was dumbfounded, "But... but can anyone really survive this?"

He felt that if he were in such a terrifying environment where disasters were happening all around, he wouldn't be able to hold on for even a second!

The Kumogakure Anbu fiercely bumped his head against this little devil, then scolded with a black face, "You little fool! Can't you say something nice? Can't you hope that the ninjas of the village are still alive?"

Atsui, who was bumped so hard that he saw stars, quickly shut his mouth.

"They seem to be still alive." Hinata's Byakugan did not turn off, but was watching the movements of those unlucky Kumogakure ninjas.

She leisurely said, "It's just that their condition doesn't look very good, they seem to have fainted."

This was considered good news among the bad news for the Kumogakure Anbu.

There was no way, facing such a terrifying man, being able to survive by a thread was already a great mercy from this man!

Kakashi couldn't help but sigh, "No matter how precise the ambush layout is, it really doesn't work in the face of absolute power."

It was also at this time that Whitebeard had a smile on his face, squinting at the distance.

His gaze seemed to be able to penetrate layers of thick dust. Whitebeard laughed heartily, "Gurarararara! This Jinchuriki seems to be much stronger than the previous one. And it's not just a little bit stronger, it's at least several times stronger than the previous Jinchuriki."


At the same time, Killer Bee had already let go of his tentacles.

The Kumogakure Anbu Jonin who was protected by him slid down from the giant tentacles.

"Cough cough--" The Anbu Jonin coughed heavily.

Although he was well protected by Killer Bee, the power of the shockwave still penetrated the tentacles and injured the Anbu Jonin's internal organs, making him feel very uncomfortable all over.

Plus the surrounding billowing smoke. 

It made it even harder for him to breathe.

"This is the rumored Whitebeard... Even if I'm here, I've heard his name before. It's said that this man's biggest hobby is to collect ninjas as daughters and sons."

Killer Bee spoke with a serious expression, speaking with a poor rhyme, which seemed to have become his instinct.

Then, he turned his head to look at the Anbu Jonin next to him, "If you can still move, hurry back to the village to find reinforcements, I need at least a thousand ninjas to compete with Whitebeard."

"Ah? What about you, Killer Bee-sama?" The Anbu Jonin immediately said, "The Whitebeard Pirates are targeting Killer Bee-sama, isn't it best for you to leave with me?"

Killer Bee grinned, he took a few slow steps forward, "Those twenty or so fellow villagers can't be left unrescued, right? I can't just stand by and watch them being hunted down one by one by the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates."

Before the Anbu Jonin could react, Killer Bee had already jumped down, directly jumping down from the mountain.

During the fall, he gestured and pointed to the sky with one hand.

The chakra from the Eight-Tails instantly enveloped his body.

A semi-transparent chakra coat appeared.

A second later, Killer Bee's body heavily hit the turbulent river below, stirring up a spray of water about twenty meters high.

The place where he stood was less than a kilometer from where Whitebeard was.

The smoke and dust are all over the sky,, but visibility remained relatively clear from below. Both sides could see each other with their own eyes.

"What an audacious man! His attack almost left me streaking!" Killer Bee untied the bindings that held his Ninja Swords. All seven blades were drawn from their sheaths, and he struck a unique pose, standing on the water's surface like a proud rooster.

This was Killer Bee's exclusive Seven Swords Style!

"Let me handle this! Yo!"

Killer Bee's feet once again stirred up a spray of water. His figure raced across the water's surface, a fleeting streak of light.

In less than a kilometer, thanks to Killer Bee's astonishing speed, he quickly closed in on the ship where Whitebeard stood.

"Pops! Let me give it a shot!" Naruto was already excited. He knew the opponent was the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki; the cloak of Tailed Beast chakra was unmistakable.

Naruto's own Tailed Beast chakra cloak enveloped him.

He leaped onto the water's surface, charging directly towards the opponent.

Compared to Killer Bee, who wielded weapons, Naruto was unarmed.

"Hmm? A kid? He also has Tailed Beast chakra?" Killer Bee blinked, and his forward momentum slowed slightly due to Naruto's sudden appearance.

"Don't underestimate that kid. He's the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki," the voice of the Eight-Tails Ox echoed suddenly in Killer Bee's mind.

"Yo? The Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, huh?" Killer Bee was surprised.

The next moment, he saw the young figure before him, holding a massive Rasengan, pressing it toward him.

"Is that a Rasengan?" The familiar technique reminded Killer Bee of a certain man.

He swiftly dodged to the side, using precise control to send three Ninja Swords slashing toward Naruto's three different body parts.

Naruto, sensing the danger through his Observation Haki, evaded Killer Bee's attacks.

Both leaped backward, creating a standoff on the water's surface, three to four meters apart.

They faced each other across the river.

"This guy is impressive... When facing him head-on, my Observation Haki is constantly warning me of potential danger."

Naruto murmured to himself, his face showing excitement and anticipation rather than worry.

"However, his Taijutsu is quite peculiar. Why is he wielding seven swords simultaneously?" Naruto muttered.

Balancing on one foot, Killer Bee questioned Naruto. "Hey, Nine-Tails brat, what is your relationship with Namikaze Minato, the Golden Flash of Konohagakure Village?"

Indeed, the man who appeared in Killer Bee's mind was Namikaze Minato.

During the Great Ninja War, Konohagakure's Golden Flash, Namikaze Minato, had caused Kumogakure Village quite a bit of trouble!

"He's my biological father," Naruto's response was precise.

Killer Bee was taken aback.

So... the little kid in front of him is actually the son of Namikaze Minato?

"Killer Bee-sama! Run!" Just then, a Kumogakure Anbu prisoner on the ship urgently shouted at Killer Bee, "Whitebeard is very strong! He captured our Two-Tails Jinchuriki, Yugito-sama! He also defeated Akatsuki by himself a while ago... ugh..."

Sasuke didn't know where he found a cloth, forcefully stuffed it into the other's mouth, almost reaching the other's throat.

This made the Kumogakure Anbu involuntarily roll his eyes.

"Yo! I'm the Killer Bee of Kumogakure, how could I possibly retreat! Hmm... it doesn't rhyme!" Killer Bee had no intention of running away.

Mainly because he had absolute confidence in his own strength, and the strength of the Eight-Tails.

Because he knew very well how powerful the Eight-Tails was.

Although he and Yugito were both perfect Jinchurikis, his strength was much stronger than Yugito's.

Moreover... he had been in Unrai Gorge until he was quite fed up.

Killer Bee even wanted to take this opportunity to have a good time.

Presumably, Big Brother Raikage wouldn't blame him.

Just as Killer Bee's thoughts flashed through his mind, he suddenly noticed that the little devil in front of him made a move again.

"Wind Release: Wind Cutting Technique!!!"

Naruto quickly formed seals with both hands, and spat out an invisible wind blade from his mouth. With the enhancement of the Nine-Tails' chakra, the wind blade was as long as ten meters.

Killer Bee's eyes under the sunglasses narrowed slightly.

He quickly dodged this Wind Release Ninjutsu, and threw his four Ninja Swords towards Naruto's direction.

Then he also quickly approached Naruto.

When Naruto, barehanded, blocked the four Ninja Swords with his Observation Haki.

Killer Bee was already close at hand!

Killer Bee didn't use his Ninja Swords, but punched Naruto's head.

Naruto's face showed a smile, he actually also clenched a small fist, and hit Killer Bee's fist head-on.

The two fists, one big and one small, collided in mid-air.

Choosing to fight hard!

Both of them were very strong in their own right, and with the power of their respective Tailed Beasts, they both flew backwards at the same time!

Naruto flew backwards a good few tens of meters, making a dozen or so water skids on the water surface.

Killer Bee flew back a dozen meters, then stood firmly on the water surface.

"This little kid is even more talented than his father!" Although Killer Bee had the upper hand, he was still surprised.

Naruto climbed up from the water surface, rubbing his somewhat sore right fist, "This guy is really strong! Maybe it's a bit inferior to Aunt Tsunade's monstrous strength, but it doesn't seem to be much worse."

Naruto looked down at the skin of his finger bones and found that there were a few bruises on it.

You know, he even used Armament Haki just now!

This shows that he was also crushed by the other party in Taijutsu.

"Gurarararara! Silly son, why did you fly so far?" Whitebeard's tone was a bit teasing, "So you've been neglecting your training recently, tomorrow I'll triple your training volume for Pops!"

The expression on Naruto's face suddenly froze.

It's over, he could already imagine how miserable he would be tomorrow.

Then, Whitebeard's gaze fell on Killer Bee.

"Gurarararara! An interesting Eight-Tails Jinchuriki brat!"

Whitebeard grinned, "I'll give you two choices - first, get beaten half to death by me, and then become a prisoner of the Whitebeard Pirates; second, become my, Whitebeard's, son!"

In the ninja world where everyone is a glass cannon.

Suddenly seeing a ninja brat who is quite good at Taijutsu.

Whitebeard is very interested.



(End of Chapter)

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