
Naruto, Be My Son

Synopsis: After the Summit War, once hailed as one of the Four Emperors of the New World and the world's strongest man, "Edward Newgate," believed that today he would rest in peace at the Marine Headquarters. However, when he opens his eyes, he finds himself in a place called the "Ninja World" and encounters a child named "Naruto." "Gurarararara Kid, do you have parents?" Trembling in the presence of the giant-like Whitebeard, the five-year-old Naruto was scared, "N-No, I'm Uzumaki Naruto, and I... I'm an orphan dattebayo" "Naruto, be my son!" "Huh???" Note: This is a Chinese Translation 鸣人,做我儿子吧 Release Schedule: 7 Ch/Week ================== You can support me on Patreon and Read 50++ Chapters in advance pat reon.com/GMadman

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Chapter 196: The "Humanization" of the Whitebeard Pirates! Danzo's Dancing in Sarutobi's


"Gulp gulp....." Tsunade was even happy to drink all the clear wine in her hand in one go.

She felt that this was not enough to enjoy.

She directly reached out and grabbed the wine jugs of the two Chunin ninjas.

And drank it all in one breath again.

"Gulp Gulp Gulp Gulp....."

"Burp! Hahahahaha!" Tsunade laughed loudly with a strong drunkenness, and the empty hand kept patting the table, making the sturdy table bang.

"Good! Naruto did a good job! But why didn't he punch a few more times?

Tsunade drank so much that her tongue was a bit big, and the tone of her speech sounded a bit vague.

"And not just one old man, there are many old men in Konohagakure."

"Utatane Koharu....."

"Mitokado Homura....."

"Shimura Danzo....."

"Hahaha! It's best for someone to punch them a few times, and every punch will make their faces look like they've overturned a dye shop!"


Tsunade's unscrupulous words, in the ears of the two Chunin ninjas, were simply shocking.

They didn't know who this blonde girl was.

They only knew that this girl seemed to be very powerful.

A light slap can turn this table into this shape, if this slap falls on them, it will probably break several bones in their bodies.


This blonde girl dared to comment so unscrupulously on Hokage-sama, and several other high-level officials of Konohagakure.

From the tone of voice, they seem to be quite familiar with each other.

That means the other party's identity is even more complicated!

Not a character that the two civilian ninjas can provoke.

Even if all the clear wine was robbed.

They could only swallow their anger in silence.

Pretend that nothing happened.

"That....." Among them, a Konohagakure Chunin swallowed a mouthful of saliva in the dark, and asked Tsunade weakly: "I have already said everything I know, can we leave now?"

"Go! Go!"

Tsunade waved her hand indifferently.


Both Konohagakure Chunin breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

The two of them looked at each other.

Hurry up and slip away.


Just as they were about to reach the entrance of the tavern.

Tsunade's voice rang out again, "Wait! Wait a minute!..."

The two of them froze at the same time.

They mechanically turned their heads to look.

They saw Tsunade holding an empty wine pot in her hand, her face wearing a sly smirk like an old woman trying to act young. "After all, this is not a secret of Konohagakure, I think you... will definitely spread this matter to everyone you know, until it spreads throughout Konohagakure, right?"


The two Konohagakure Chunin were stunned, what kind of grudge does this light-haired girl have with Hokage-sama?

If you really want to talk about any grudges, there are none.

It's purely that Tsunade doesn't like some of Sarutobi Hiruzen's practices.

After all, a bad reputation won't kill the old man.

She doesn't think that a man like the old man would choose to commit suicide because of a damaged reputation or criticism from the village.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is not Hatake Sakumo.

He doesn't have that kind of courage.

If it were the old man in his youth, he might do it.

But he's old now, and heple have changed his personality.

And then...

Tsunade wanted to see more fun.

So she was fanning the flames.

The bigger the commotion.

The happier she was.


Inside the Ichiraku Ramen shop.

The Ichiraku Ramen shop was quite lively at night, Kakashi was slurping noodles while listening to some people discussing things around him.

His open dead fish eye was filled with a look of helplessness, "As expected, Jiraiya-sama has 'caused trouble'!"

Before, when he saw Jiraiya telling Naruto about his background, Kakashi knew something was wrong.

Because although Naruto still has the appearance of a child.

But his state of mind is very mature.

Naruto definitely knows who is right and who is wrong.

In that situation.

Naruto will definitely need an explanation from the Third Hokage.

As expected.

He guessed right.

"But... Naruto chose such a sensitive time point, isn't it too sensitive?" Kakashi couldn't help but sigh, "There are many foreign ninjas in the village, he so openly revealed this matter. I'm afraid these news will not only spread in Konohagakure, but soon in the ninja world."

"I'm afraid Hokage-sama's reputation is going to be ruined!" Kakashi sighed again, but there wasn't much worry on his face. The corners of his mouth were a bit uncontrollable and wanted to rise, but he held it back.

A bowl of ramen was eaten seven or eight, Kakashi's face was complex, stirring the soup in the bowl with chopsticks.

For some reason, he seemed to see his father's shadow from the reflection of the soup.

He also saw Namikaze Minato, Uchiha Obito, Nohara Rin, these three people's illusions.

In the end.

All these illusions gathered together and turned into the figure of the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Kakashi closed his eye.

He directly stabbed a pair of chopsticks into the ramen bowl and stirred in the opposite direction.

All the illusions disappeared.


Kakashi exhaled heavily, he didn't know why, even though the Third Hokage was hospitalized, even though the Third Hokage's reputation was damaged, but his mood was still quite good.

There was no worry about the Third Hokage, he really wanted to show a little worry, but he just couldn't.

He wants to pretend.

But He couldn't even pretend.

"Boss!" Kakashi waved his hand.

"Another bowl of ramen!"

His appetite was great.


"It's none of my business... It's none of my business..."

Somewhere on the streets of Konohagakure, a tall figure was sneakily peeping at the bathhouse with a ladder.

He claimed it was for collecting writing materials.

He was still muttering to himself.

It seemed like he wanted to shake off the blame.

Jiraiya, who had a very extensive intelligence network, must have known about this matter long ago. He was the first to know about this matter, apart from those in the Forest of Death.

He knew even earlier than Tsunade.

He just didn't expect that Uzumaki Naruto was so fierce.

He directly gave the old man three punches in front of so many ninjas.

This is something that even he couldn't do!

Naturally, he also felt that although Uzumaki Naruto inherited Minato's hair and eye color, he did not inherit Minato's character.

Naruto's character seems to have been inherited from Kushina.

Jiraiya believes that if Kushina is still alive and knows that her son has been treated like this...


Perhaps it's not just about punching the old man three times.

Based on Jiraiya's understanding of Kushina, that red-haired girl would definitely overturn the entire Konohagakure!

She doesn't care if the other party is Hokage or not.


She has a certain probability to kill the Hokage.

Originally, Kushina was a very irritable character. If she knew about this matter, plus the amplification of "being a mother is strong", the old man's life would definitely be in danger!

Thinking about it this way.

The old man still survived!

He should be grateful.

Jiraiya was sneakily peeping at the bathhouse with a lewd face, while bleeding from his nose, and muttering in his mouth: "It's none of my business... It's none of my business... At most, I'll pick a night to give the old man some fruits and visit him."




"Good good good!"

There was someone in Konohagakure Village who laughed even happier than Tsunade, it was Danzo who was sitting in a wheelchair with only his upper body.

Danzo laughed, the wrinkles on his face seemed to turn into a flower.

"Good! Good fight! Hahahahaha!"

Although the rebellion of the Jinchuriki means that he is becoming less and less controlled by Konohagakure, Danzo is very happy.

As long as he can see the monkey in trouble.

He is happy.

This also made Danzo feel that Naruto has become more handsome, although that little kid is indeed quite handsome.

"It's a pity, he didn't hit enough, he should have hit a few more punches."

Danzo with a smile, his tone was a bit gloomy: "It's best to let the monkey lie in bed for several years. In this way, I can be become new Hokage.

Danzo has never given up his covetousness for the position of Hokage.

He thought about it and felt that he could make a big fuss from this aspect.

"Come here!"

He slightly retracted his smile on his face.

Danzo immediately shouted loudly.


Soon several Root ninjas appeared in front of Danzo.

Danzo squinted his eyes, he ordered this group of Root: "Spread what happened today... all over Konohagakure, remember not to be discovered that root deliberately spreading the news."

After thinking about it.

Danzo continued to order: "It's best to disguise with a transformation technique, and then change to the forehead protector of another ninja village."

"Go, don't waste time."

Danzo believes that if the monkey wakes up, he will definitely try his best to block these news.

So, he has to take advantage of the monkey waking up.

Spread these scandals all over Konohagakure in advance.

And even the entire ninja world!



"What? All of our Sunagakure Village's Genin have been captured? Damn it, how dare they?"

The person who let out a shocked yell was the Jonin team leader from Sunagakure Village.


The Jonin team leader from Sunagakure Village thought that it was just a matter of course for the ninjas from his village to participate in the Chunin exam.

After all, among the five major ninja villages participating in the Chunin exam this time, there were only Konohagakure Village, Kirigakure Village, and Sunagakure Village.

Among them, Kirigakure Village has undergone several dramatic changes.

This has resulted in the village's strength being decimated.

Kirigakure Village is no longer in his eyes.

The Jonin team leader from Sunagakure Village felt that the only ninja village that could pose a threat to his own village was the host, Konohagakure Village.

But as long as those Genin work a little harder, even Konohagakure Village can be defeated, right?

As for the other small ninja villages...

He didn't care at all.

But then...

He suddenly got shocking news from a Konohagakure ninja... All the Genin from Sunagakure Village were eliminated in the second round of the exam, and they were all eliminated by the same team, which came from "Kusagakure Village" or "Whitebeard Pirate Crew"!

Not only that!

He also learned that several of the dozens of Genin from Sunagakure Village died in the Forest of Death... Actually, he didn't care too much about this, after all, which ninja doesn't die?

They died at the hands of ninjas from other villages.

It's their own fault for not being skilled enough.

But... apart from the few Genin who died due to lack of skill, the other Genin were actually all captured!

They all became prisoners!

Moreover, they were all tied up by people, their clothes were all stripped off, and they paraded through Konohagakure Village!

Ah, this!

This has already trampled on the face of their Sunagakure Village, hasn't it?

How can they bear it?

He immediately chased after that Konohagakure ninja to ask for his location.

After asking for his location.

He set off without stopping.


The Jonin team leader from Sunagakure Village arrived at a very strange street, this street was not deserted, but rather lively.

Standing outside the street, he could hear the hustle and bustle inside.

The reason why this street is strange is that he has seen passers-by pass by here, but they deliberately bypassed this street.

Under the moonlight, he could vaguely see a very tall flagpole inside the street, and it seemed to hang a piece of cloth on the flagpole.

That piece of cloth doesn't look like a simple cloth.

There seems to be a very special pattern embroidered on it.

But for a moment, he couldn't see it clearly.


Their Sunagakure Village has already suffered such a level of insult, this Jonin team leader from Sunagakure Village doesn't care about anything, he directly broke into this somewhat strange street.

Looking around, he saw many little kids of very young age.

The clothes on their bodies were all embroidered with a very special clan emblem.

"Uchiha Clan?" The emblem that looked like a ping pong paddle made the Sunagakure Village ninja stunned for a moment.

What's going on?

Could it be that he accidentally broke into the Uchiha Clan's territory?

But if this is really a ninja clan's base...

Why isn't anyone stopping him?

He was somewhat annoyed and puzzled.

He walked straight ahead for not long before he saw a group of naked people in front of him, who were being watched by a group of Uchiha children. They were all downcast, without any ninja fighting spirit, as if they had been tormented.


The leading Jonin of Sunagakure Village suddenly took a cold breath.

Because through the light of the street lamp, he could clearly see that among the group of naked people, there were many of their Sunagakure Village people!

The Konohagakure ninja who gave him the news didn't lie to him!

Their Genin from Sunagakure Village were really captured.


Didn't he just bring over a dozen Sunagakure Ninjas?

Why are there so many people there?

There must be dozens of them, right?

The Jonin from Sunagakure Village had a dark face, he quickly approached at a fast pace, and his mouth was even gritting his teeth and shouting: "A bunch of wastes, you can't even pass the second round of the Chunin exam, how did you graduate from the Sunagakure Village ninja school to become Genin? It's okay if you can't pass the exam, even if you die in the Forest of Death, it's okay, you guys were actually caught! It's embarrassing, it's embarrassing!"

His voice attracted the attention of a group of captives.

Especially the attention of the Genin from Sunagakure Village.


The Genin from Sunagakure Village all brightened their eyes, and their downcast and desolate expressions were swept away. They hurriedly said to the Jonin from Sunagakure Village: "Homma-sama! Save us! We have been tied up by pirates for a whole day, they don't even give us clothes, they even paraded us around in the evening!"

Homma Heiji is the name of the leading Jonin from Sunagakure Village.

For some reason.

Homma Heiji actually heard a crying tone from these Genin's tone, these guys seemed to have been tormented to the point of breaking their spirits.

The qualities that a ninja should have were swept away by them.

No different from a group of weak lambs.

Homma Heiji snorted with a dark face, he didn't really want to save this group of Genin who lost face in Sunagakure Village.

But thinking that these embarrassing guys are the future of Sunagakure.

If he don't save them, He is afraid that Sunagakure Village's new generation will have a gap of several years.

Homma Heiji could only grit his teeth and say: "Go back and I'll teach you guys a good lesson!"

He wanted to go forward and untie his own Genin.


Just as he took two steps forward, a sudden breaking sound made him startled! He hurriedly stopped and quickly retreated two steps.


The collision sound between metal and cement is so crisp.

Homma Heiji looked down.

His pupils shrank slightly.

Because where he was standing just now, a Kunai was deeply inserted! If his backward retreat speed was a little bit slower, this Kunai might have been stuck in his instep.

"Who? Who's there?" Homma Heiji angrily said, "I am the Jonin team leader from Sunagakure Village participating in the Chunin exam! I am the envoy from Sunagakure Village to Konohagakure Village! Who is attacking me in the dark? Are you trying to provoke a war between two ninja villages?"

"A war between two ninja villages?" Haku's voice echoed faintly as he slowly walked out from a direction, a smile on his face, "I think there might be some misunderstanding. Although this is Konohagakure Village, it is also the base of the Whitebeard Pirates."

"You will only provoke a war between the Whitebeard Pirates and Sunagakure Village." Haku's gaze fell on Homma Heiji's dark face, "Your face... I think I've seen you before."

"As I recall, you said something exactly like what you just said a few days ago. Using the word 'war' to threaten others, is this a usual trick of your Sunagakure Village?"

Homma Heiji's stunned gaze also fell on Haku.

He found this little kid very familiar.

"It's you?!" Homma Heiji's pupils shrank slightly, "The pirate kid from the Whitebeard Pirates disguised as a Kusagakure ninja?"

Haku recognized him.

He recognized Haku.

"Hahaha! As expected, parading through the streets is useful, we don't need to specifically notify them, they will take the initiative to come to us." Naruto's voice also rang out.

Attracting Homma Heiji's gaze.

Naruto's voice also rang out.

"It's you?!" Homma Heiji was shocked, compared to Haku, Naruto left a deeper impression on him.

Because this blond kid had injured one of their Genin.

And he did it in front of him, a Sunagakure Jonin.

This blond kid was extremely arrogant.

It was unforgettable for him.

"Oh? Are you here?" Sasuke also appeared, he looked at the Sunagakure Jonin with interest, feeling a surge of eagerness, "A Jonin from one of the five major ninja villages, huh..."

But the night sky was not very clear today, Sasuke still maintained a bit of rationality and restraint.

He knew his strength was far inferior to a Jonin.

If he fought against him.

He would only get beaten.

"Kid, what does your Whitebeard Pirates mean?" Homma Heiji gritted his teeth, "Do you want to ambush me?"

"If we wanted to ambush you, we wouldn't have warned you with a Kunai."

Haku smiled, "The Genin from your village are already prisoners of our Whitebeard Pirates. If you want to rescue them, you have to pay enough ransom!"

".....Ran.....Ransom?" Homma Heiji was stunned for a moment.

This development was beyond his expectation.

"That's right!"

Naruto grinned, "We just had a good discussion, we know that your Sunagakure Village is a bit poor, your level of poverty is comparable to that of Kirigakure Village, which has been ravaged by the Blood Mist policy."

"Our Whitebeard Pirates' 'kidnapping and extortion' is quite humane, we originally wanted to charge you a ransom of one million per person, but after thinking about it, we decided to give you a 50% discount and charge you 500,000 Ryo!"

Naruto leaned back with his hands behind his head, "How about it? It's a good deal, right?"

Homma Heiji: "???"




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