
Naruto and his system

what if Naruto awakened a system before the ninja academy. fyi I don't update this that much. only when I feel like it

Scathach_ · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

courting death

I noticed that I had the archers behind me with the girl in black hair supporting them.

"Naruto retreat," a boy yelled as he signaled that he was going to cut the bridge.

"anyone who doesn't want to see blood turn around," I said as charged at the demigods.

I had no mercy for them, these people were Traitors who were out for blood.

I attacked for blood and stabbed hearts or used the enemy's attacks to block the others. I had about ten of the demigods left before the leader of the group finally got off his high horse and wanted to fight me himself.

I did a quick scan and noticed that this was Kronos that Percy told me about. I pulled my regular spear and put away Gáe bolg.

"for you guys to struggle against a single mortal," he said as a sword appeared in his hand.

I decided if I got the chance I was definitely going to take his sword away from him.

I finish dealing with the last ten enemies quickly and faced Kronos. we clashed Midway and I felt the time around us and I use my water manipulation against him.

raising my hand I felt the water following my will and if that wasn't enough the black-haired girl called down lightning into the water making the water fill with electricity.

I threw it at the bridge and it destroyed all the bodies and wished Kronos away along with the bridge.

I jumped and landed at the cliff and using chakra I climbed the rest of it. I was met with the group I was defending the bridge.

"Are you a son of Poseidon?" the black-haired girl asked.

"no I'm Naruto," I responded.

she did an eye roll and helped me up.

"I never got your name," I said.

"thalia daughter of Zeus," she said.

"Now, where's Percy," I asked.

"he should be in the plaza hotel with Annabeth," she responded.

"alright take me there," I said as I followed her.

we entered a building and were met with the blonde dude from before. he came forward and shook my hand.

"thank you for the tags you gave us, so far there are no casualties. I'm will solace," he said giving me a handshake.

returning the handshake I then followed him up the elevator to where Percy was.

"so what's her condition," I asked him.

"the healing tags are suppressing the poison, but I don't know for how long," he replied holding her hand.

"down worry about me seaweed brain," Annabeth said.

"do you mind if I take a look? I may not look like it but I am a healer," I said as Percy gladly moved.

The first thing I did was stabilize her making sure she wouldn't bleed out. then I extracted the poison and healed the cut.

"alright she should be fine in a while, I removed the poison. however she will need a bit of rest," I told Percy.

"thank you, Naruto..." Percy said expressing his gratitude.

"It's not a problem, I know you would have done the same," I said as I put a hand on his shoulder.

the boy named Connor came in and told Percy," Mrs. O'Leary came back with Grover you should talk to him."

"go ahead, I have to check the perimeter for any leaks in our defense," I said as I FTG away.

I went threw all the entry points and added more defenses, such as seals that will make one attack their own allies to ones that make them lose, and my personal favorite cakes.

now that I was free I was rehearsing the fight back in my head. i noticed that my weapon would bounce off his skin. so that was telling me something more was going on here.

I decided to see the next time if it was all around his body or a certain spot. i made a mental reminder to check that out for late.

I arrived at where percy and his little group were huddled talking about continuing fighting. everyone was sleeping or resting.

I woke up to Percy shaking me off my tree and falling out of it before waking up.

"what's the matter, are we getting attacked," I asked preparing my spear.

"no, the enemies are having a truce, they couldn't get past our defense so they are waiting outside of our radius," he explained.

this made me think about my defense. it just proved that they were working and the enemies couldn't enter so there shouldn't be any casualties.

Percy, the goat boy, and I met with the "titan" as he called it.

meeting up with them was a major drag. all they talked about was how we wouldn't last another day.

I started noticing the seals that I hung up weren't staying there anymore, and I only thought that maybe I just couldn't have them.

now this titan was getting a little too arrogant saying that Typhon would arrive and destroy this place.

"I serve lady Artemis, the hunters will fight to our last breath," Thalia said.

"I'm with you on this, if this place goes down then so will I. I barely meet these people the other day and I will die with my friends," I said slamming the spear into the ground.

"Now that you said your part. if you don't disappear in 3 seconds you guys will lose your life," I said mentally counting in my head.

they didn't take my threat seriously so I pulled out my spear and stabbed the Titan's head, instantly dusting him and throwing it at the flying demon.

"dude, they were the peace treaty," Percy said.

"and also enemies, and I don't have any mercy for enemies. now go rest up we don't know when they will attack again," I told him.

we all went back to sleep and got rested before waking up. I used my eye of kagura and noticed a large amount of killing Intent coming toward us.

I created clones not caring about the other people and told them to help defend this place.

I noticed a person that had fire surrounding around him. stepping on the water and charging at him.

clashing caused shockwaves and while this guy had fire powers, I had water.

raising my hand I called down the strongest storm I could at the time. I repeatedly doused this guy keeping his flames out.

"Naruto bring him over here," I heard goat boy yell.

and bring I did adding chakra to my feet for the extra power I kicked him far enough for to land at the shore.

the goat people started playing music and turned him into a tree. I had to say that was pretty impressive.

I looked up to see Percy on a flying pig. I looked around and noticed we were getting pushed back a lot.

I made 50 clones along with spears and went ham on them. I cleared almost all the monsters here and began to put healing tags on the injured.

I moved towards the enemy demigods and started putting them to rest with a spear threw their chests.

there weren't many things I could do except kill, so my clones started dispatching any monsters in our way.

that's when we heard a horn and I sensed a group of people marching this way.

the horse people were equipped with bows and they started shooting into all the monsters that remained.

the remaining monsters ran away and we finally had time to rest. I went to my tree and fell asleep.

I woke up to the sound of running and immediately sat up. I looked at the panicking Percy trying to move a car.

I got down and helped him, after all, I know this was probably somebody important to him.

pushing the car to the side of the road I turned to Percy and asked who these people were.

"Who are they," I asked.

"my mother and stepfather," he replied.

I went and grabbed what these people called "Dr pepper" and drank a lot of it. I heard the commotion outside and ran only to see Annabeth flying a big machine and landing it on the floor.

a girl with red hair got out of the "helicopter" and they talked with the horseman. seeing this resolved I grabbed all the soda I could find and put it into my inventory.

what stopped me was my clones reporting to see a large creature coming toward us. I ran outside and got prepared for battle.

I made extra clones to help with healing and defense. Percy and I took the main attack force of the "drakon" while the others defended.

"Is there any way to defeat this thing," I yelled at Percy?

"Only an ares child can," he yelled back.

see as I can only rely on my clones to help defend I tried my best to dispose of this monster by grabbing some explosive kunai and shoving them down its throat.

it exploded leaving all its blood all over the buildings.

(I know only an Ares kid can kill it but he killed it because.... plot)

just as these monsters died some Ares kids came into play and charged the monsters. the girl in the lead however looked familiar.

"charge," she yelled before running forwards and unluckily getting impaled by a random spear.

that's when the crazy part happened a girl in a flying chariot came screaming "no".

she started to glow and charge all the monsters that were in sight. I had to say she was brave.

Percy, Annabeth, Grover, and I made our way toward the throne room. I only went because I wanted to meet Hestia again.

I left them and went to where she was huddled by the fire.

"I knew you would come back hero," she said there was a flicker of a flame left in the pit.

I looked over at the coals and saw myself with my mom and dad eating cake. I blinked and it changed to an older me standing at an alter and Scáthach walking down the aisle.

"What was that," I asked stumped.

"This is what your heart wants. I can't see what motivates you, but I hope you help with the future," she said as she stroked my hair again.

I pulled out one of my last FTG kunai and gave it to her.

"if you ever need me just place this down. even if you just want to talk," I told her.

"may I ask what this is for," she asked curiously.

"you remind me of my mom," I said pulling out a photo of her from my coat pocket.

" I suppose I do look like your mother," she said smiling at the photo.

she handed the photo back to me, and I noticed Percy smoking while sitting on the big fisherman's chair. I got up from where I stood and I walked over there.

"what's happening," I asked Annabeth.

"he's talking to his father right now," she answered.

"do you guys always have to do this," I asked?

"sitting on the thrones of the gods? no, only he would do this," she said as if she already knew he would do this.

"interesting," I thought.

he looked like he was having an argument with someone before looking satisfied and hopping off the throne.

"if you stayed there any longer you would have spontaneously combusted," Annabeth told him.

the Thalia girl came in marching and she had her bow snapped with no arrows.

"you've got to get down there. the enemies are advancing. and Kronos is leading them," she said.

I pulled out my last seal and pulled out the bow and arrows I kept for emergency and tossed them.

"that quiver has unlimited arrows so use them at will," I said grabbing Percy and Annabeth and teleporting to the street.

it was practically a war show down here. there were about thirty-four campers and about sixty clones holding out against an army.

wasting no time I pulled out my spear and jumped over a demigod and drop kicked a monster off him.

spinning my spear I went to work. neither demigod nor monster could hold me. stabbing and slashing necks until I was ankle-deep in monster dust and doused in blood.

I saw the horseman that Percy called hero get flung into a building. I saw Percy defend against Kronos but suddenly we heard a howl.

"Mrs. o Leary," I heard Percy ask uncertainly.

that's when I saw a big dog and a kid appeared on his back.

suddenly the ground started trembling and skeletons were emerging from the ground.

I had to admit, it was pretty cool. I saw a chariot appear next to the boy named Nico and converse with Kronos a bit.

Kronos struck the ground and I felt the barrier erupt around the entrance of Olympus.

I also noticed Percy looking frightened at a place and noticed his parents getting out of their car

"Percy stop Kronos we got this," I yelled as all my clones didn't hold back anymore.

We all disappeared faster than the eye could see and took more than fifty percent of the monsters.

I then went to the barrier and punched it. the barrier had a couple of cracks in it so adding chakra to my first I punched it harder and the barrier fell.

I had my clones help defend this place and I teleported to my FTG that I left at the entrance to the throne room.

I noticed Percy struggling to defend against both of his enemies.

I tried moving forward to help but I noticed I couldn't. like someone was restraining my advances.

I watched as the enemy charged.. but not at Percy and watched as Kronos sent him threw the floor. Kronos stomped his foot and time seemed to stop.

he seemed to examine his armor and I noticed he was tending his armpit more than his chest.

this gave me an idea. what if he wasn't invincible everywhere, what if his power came at a cost? the more I witnessed it the more it came to me.

I figured out his weakness and was about to teleport to deal a finishing blow when he pointed towards Hestia's hearth.

this got me mad, he wants to use Hestia's fire as a tool. red chakra started boiling off me.

the last image showed people coming out of the water to restrain the giant monster however I was too angry to watch.

the time around me began to resume and before Kronos reacted I sped forward and grabbed his scythe and put it in my inventory and head-butted him so hard that his eyes changed from gold to blue.

"Annabeth," he moaned not in the Titan's voice but another.

"Luke," Annabeth said struggling to get up, however, she still did and came forward with her knife.

"the knife Annabeth... please... no time," he said.

I could help but not get angry here. it just wasn't my fight anymore, it was more of a family saying goodbye.

I watched as Annabeth gave Luke her knife and he struggled to stab himself below his armpit.

it wasn't a deep cut however it was enough to throw us away for a bit. the bright light surrounded us and I had to cover my eyes.

"Good blade...," he said struggling.

I backed away towards the hearth and saw Hestia sitting there again. she looked at the scene a little saddened.

I sat there with her to not intrude on the final moments of the person dying.


the "gods" arrived a little after in full battle armor, however, they just found the four of us (minus Hestia) there.

"Percy... what happens here," I heard the fishing guy say.

"We need a shroud," Percy said. " a shroud for the son of Hermes."

I saw a couple of the gods look in my direction and back at Percy. I had most of my clones disappear but I kept some to help the wounded and the damage caused.


three elderly people came and took Luke's body. something told me to not get on their bad side, and what do you know my intuition saved me.


age: unknown

they weave out fate according to destiny.

their powers do not affect you because of ??? blessing]

I stayed next to Hestia for the rest of the time they were there. I don't know why but something told me they were dissatisfied with me.

annabeth's knees buckled and Percy caught her. I continued to stay with Hestia as she tried her hardest to make my hair stay straight.

I watched as the gods began to repair the throne room. the rest of the demigods began to come in and I healed Thalia's broken leg.

I had my clones put all the soda I *ahem confiscated ahem* into my inventory.

"what will you do now hero?" Hestia asked me.

"I have to go back to my home. I'll help out who I can," I said.

"good," she said.

"if you ever need me for any reason, just drop my kunai and you will appear at my house," I told her.

(here's how this would work. she drops the kunai and it will teleport her to the training room. the kunai auto teleports back to her.)

I watched as everyone got their rewards with joy. I found it pretty funny to watch Percy reject godhood for his crush. I was kind of like a proud ... brother, I guess, as he chose to help out the minor gods, and asked for hades and Hestia's thrones back.

"Now with the unknown," I heard thunder man say as he turned to me, as did all the gods.

"Who are you," he asked.

"Uzumaki Naruto," I told him.

"now what business do you have here," he asked threateningly.

"I was told to help you, that it. after this, I'm going to go home and sleep," I said.

he looked at me for a couple of seconds before looking at Hestia still combing my hair. I felt Hestia's mood shift and she turned and glared at him.

I saw him flinch and dismiss me like I wasn't worth it. while the party was going on I was making more quivers and unlimited arrows. they were easy to make, and the seals were also.

I had a duplication seal on one arrow and it was set. I had a whole pile of them surrounded by my feet.

I called Thalia over and made sure she gave them to the rest of the hunters. Percy approached me and sat down next to me.

"thank you," he said.

"no problem, I just wanted to help you guys. although I haven't met you for long I want to give you this," I said handing him a kunai.

"what's this for," he asked.

"there's a note on it. if you ever need me just throw the kunai, and It will alert me that you are in danger," I told him.

"Thanks, man... knowing me I'll have to use this soon," he said laughing.

"Now don't make your girlfriend wait for long,' I said nudging my head to Annabeth waiting.

he thanked me one last time before I smiled and started going to leave.

"not going to say, goodbye hero?" I heard from behind me.

looking over to find Hestia waiting by the door. I looked over and I couldn't help but feel a little warm.

she was the only person that I could consider a parent, I slowly walked over and gave her a hug with tears falling down my eyes.

"I'll see you again...," I said before teleporting away.

I walked down the street and saw Percy's parents waiting there, for who I would assume him.

I smiled sadly and teleported to an ally and collected my rewards.

[mission: defend Olympus

status: completed

reward: ???

hidden mission: save twenty demigods from their fate.

optional: punch Ares

difficulty: hard

claim rewards Y/N]

clicking yes I looked at all the rewards I got.

[unlocked: dimensional chat...

600,000 XP.

13 gacha (total 30)]

(I did because F you, also there will be a poll about the members I have in mind).

[you leveled up 82x] ( I did the math 600,000 times 2 is 1,200,000. because of his title overachiever.)

[you unlocked mystic eyes of death perception LVL 80+]

Naruto felt happy with those rewards. he finally left this world and appeared back inside his house.

he looked around to find Scáthach gone. he looked around and tried to sense her around the village but she wasn't there.

I found her in the training room so I entered there.

"you did a decent job," she said.

"you were there," I asked shocked.

"I was in the training room watching you, had to say switching to my spear would have saved you a lot of trouble," she said.

"yeah but I felt like something was telling me that he wasn't supposed to die there, and he had to die in the throne room," I explained.

"Probably the fates. they like to have everything under control," she said.

"the three old ladies," I asked.

"so," she said turning to me, "what's this about Hestia's vision about us getting married."


hope you guys enjoyed it. also, his dimensional chat is only for that, they will also be able to communicate however they will get missions but there not that long.

if you have a problem with that, then leave, and for those who don't care and still want to read, then good for you.

(note if there are any grammar errors I blame Grammarly).

next update: last day on earth.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Scathach_creators' thoughts