
Naruto: An Uchiha’s Ascension To Darkness

What happens when a naruto fan is thrusted into the shinobi world and reborn as an Uchiha? Read on to find out more. Slight disclaimer: this is my first ever fanfic also I use another fanfic I really liked added onto it with huge differences and changed it completely. Give this fanfic a chance and 10/10 chance you’ll come to like it

visxiin · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 6: The Uchiha’s Misunderstanding (Stone Tablet!)

After the funeral, Illumi remained at the shrine as everyone else left. Fujime has told him to do so.

The latter signaled for him to follow, leading him through a secret passage underground, where Illumi was greeted by the sight of a stoned tablet.

A pair of flames lit up right next to it, adding a spiritual feel to the scene.

'This is the Uchiha stone table black Zetsu altered with from the manga'

Illumi's brain was on full gear, remembering things about the tablet when Fujime spoke up.

"This is the Uchiha clan's most prized possession, the Stone Tablet. Written on it are the secrets of our clan. Since you've awakened your sharingan, have a look."

"I have?!"

This came as a surprise to Illumi. Did he really awaken his eyes? He couldn't even remember when.

"Here, take a look."

With a small smile, Fujime took out a small mirror and showed Illumi his reflection. He couldn't help but gasp in shock, taking the mirror into his hands and looking closely.

"Now that you say it… I see a lot clearer and better than I've had before!"

WTF! I also can see infrared vision through substances like uncle Fujime for example. I'm definitely keeping this to myself until I get more insight on this ability.

Illumi looked around and realized his vision had improved leaps and bounds, He could also somewhat feel the heat in other's bodies as well as his own.

Turning to Fujime, he could see the chakra flowing through his body.

"I'll show you something nice."

Not giving him a warning, Fujime threw a quick punch at Illumi, Who immediately evaded it.


Illumi was more than shocked at this point. He could see even the smallest muscle movements made by Fujime and could anticipate any attack.

"It's like seeing the future!"

Laughing, Fujime shifted his attention back towards the tablet.

He had recently awakened his Mangekyō-Sharingan and deciphered some of the information which was on the text. Perception wasn't his strong point, so he felt like there were things he couldn't see.

Sighing, he signaled for Illumi to take a look.

Nervous, Illumi walked up to the tablet and focused his Sharingan. The only thing he could see was how to unlock the Mangekyō.

Using his knowledge from the anime, Illumi took a gamble to sway the information on this text into something useful.

'That's it, I'll just tamper with it myself!'

'To unlock the heavenly eyes that see the truth of all of creation, one must witness the death of a family member or friend they hold dear.'

No matter how he looked at it, Illumi couldn't help but sadden at the cruel reality. The Uchiha was really a cursed clan.

At that moment Fujime cleared his throat, attracting his attention.

"What do you see?"

"Something about the heavenly eyes?"

"Indeed, Illumi, do you know what this means?"

Hearing this, Illumi immediately tensed up.

"What does it mean, Uncle?"

Sighing, Fujime explained.

"Normally, kids your age wouldn't be told about this, but I'll make an exception."

"You saw it yourself. The tablet speaks of the heavenly eyes that see the truth of all creation. These 'heavenly eyes' are what our ancestors called the 'Mangekyō-Sharingan'.

Closing his eyes, Fujime crosses his arms before letting out a deep breath. When he opened them back up, his sharingan rapidly spun and morphed into a spiral shape with three round dots.

"Uncle… you…"

"Illumi, this is the Mangekyō-Sharingan, the heavenly eyes that see behind all creation. Take a good look."

Illumi gasped. Fujime awakened just eyes? This news came like thunder to him. Looking at it more closely, Illumi noticed it looked like Fugaku's, in the anime.

Closing his eyes, Fujime deactivated his Sharingan and looked at Illumi.

"I want you to keep this a secret. The only ones who know about this are my wife and you. The reason I told you this was because I truly believe you are the hope of our clan."

"Yes, uncle. I won't disappoint you."

"Good. Now for the important part. Do you remember the way of obtaining this eye?"

"Yes, suffering from the loss of someone dearest to you.

"Right. Our clan has historically misunderstood this criterion as the user needing to be responsible for the person's death, and for that reason, we developed the practice of killing our closest to obtain the Mangekyō-Sharingan."

Hearing this, Illumi got flashbacks from the anime. It really was a twisted philosophy.

"Now, what if I told you this wasn't the case?"

Hearing this, Illumi crossed his arms and held his chin. He thought for a while before answering.

"Well, it never mentioned you needed to kill them yourself… Only that you had to witness their death in order to unlock the eyes. I guess you could just watch as a family member gets killed and still unlock it?"

Listening to his nephew's clever observation, Fujime couldn't help but praise the kid. He was so smart for his age… How many four-year-olds could analyze things in this manner?

"Indeed. Actually, I awoke mine yesterday, due to the news of course…"

Hearing his father's name being mentioned he couldn't help but get a little gloomy. He was the first father he ever had, he actually grew to love him.

"Illumi, tomorrow morning, I want you to come to the lake beside my residence. You and your cousins are going to start training under me, in preparation for your enrollment into the academy."

Illumi absentmindedly nodded and headed home back to his house. Entering his room, he sat cross-legged on his futon.

In his head, Illumi gathered his thoughts, organizing a set of his current goals.

He had already reached an intermediate level of the Uchiha's taijutsu style and felt it was time he needed more experience to move onto advanced in terms of skill. In hand seal proficiency, he was a beginner but could weave hand seals at a more proficient rate and still could mold chakra sufficiently.

He improved but he was still beginner level in skill, he had a long way to go before he could get his revenge.

The day went by slowly as Illumi started using his Sharingan as chakra control practice, keeping it on for the remainder of the day.

[A/N: 1 - Fundamental Awareness (basic knowledge)

2 - Novice (limited experience)

3 - Intermediate (practical application)

4 - Advanced (applied theory)

5 - Expert/Mastery (recognized authority, complete proficiency.)]

Hey once again sorry for the inconvenience I really want to get as much chapters out as fast as possible for you guys, so if you have any suggestions on what I could do to improve this story and the upload consistency let me know!

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