
Naruto:All for One

After Jason does, he meets a Random Omnipotent Being (ROB) who offers him the chance to achieve his childhood dream of becoming a Demon-King. With newfound power, Jason sets out on a journey to conquer the world and assert his dominance as a true demon king. Using power from MHA in the world of Naruto. I do not own MHA or Naruto only my oc

Jesterkeitt · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Ninja World Tension

Considering the magnitude of the incident, the spies who had left the village rushed back to inform their leaders of the situation. The Village Hidden in the Grass was a small village, so it didn't have many spies, only a few from other smaller villages. Only two major villages had spies in it at this time.

The Land of Earth, the Land of Fire, the Land of Rain, and the Land of Waterfall bordered the Land of Grass, so it wasn't surprising that these four lands had their ninjas in border countries. The Stone, Leaf, Rain, and Waterfall spies all rushed back to their respective lands.

Upon return, they passed the information along to their respective leaders. The reactions they got were entirely different but shared a common attitude concerning the matter.

The smaller villages were extremely terrified because the Village Hidden in the Grass was the same as themselves, meaning that this creature could come to them. The Third Tsuchikage was concerned to a degree but was ecstatic at the same time to have the location of the creature so he could send Roshi its location.

Even though the creature could take over a smaller village, the Third Tsuchikage didn't pay too much thought since they, as a large village, could do the same. However, in Konoha, the Third Hokage was not so composed because he knew that with this action, the creature would most likely reproduce. Knowing that the situation had escalated even more quickly than he had previously thought, he decided to host another village-wide meeting.

At the same time, the Third Hokage was getting his information; Danzo was also receiving a similar report from his own Root operatives who had returned. Danzo's attitude was different from the Third Hokage and was still set on catching and turning that creature into his weapon.

Even without asking the Third Hokage, Danzo gathered an elite team of Root operatives consisting of fifteen of his finest. Danzo had issued the mission to go to the Land of Grass, catch or kill this creature, and take what they could from the village while at it.

After issuing his orders to the team, Danzo received a message from another Root ninja that the Third Hokage was holding a meeting and requested his presence. Danzo, upon hearing the ninja, got up and left his Root headquarters to go towards the Hokage tower for the meeting, already considering that his team was going to succeed.

All the available clan heads and Jonin received an urgent message from the Third Hokage for a meeting at the Hokage tower. As they arrived at the meeting room, they witnessed the Third Hokage sitting with a solemn expression, which immediately raised their alarm.

Kakashi, who was freshly released from the hospital with his arm wrapped, was also present and realized that this had to do with that creature. The Third Hokage noticed the room filling up with the clan heads, elders, and even the civilian council, which indicated that everyone had been brought in on this. With the room filled and everyone seated and looking towards him, the Third Hokage released a tired sigh and informed them about the latest creature news.

The civilian council was terrified about this news and demanded answers from the Third Hokage. However, the Third Hokage did not want to deal with the civilian council and explained to them that the meeting was being held to get a consensus before acting.

Hearing the tone in which the Third Hokage spoke, the council decided to keep quiet. Now, with the council silenced, the Third Hokage faced his ninjas and expressed his interest in hearing their opinion.

The Nara head, being one of the most intelligent ninjas and recalling past details, suggested guiding the smaller villages in a coordinated strike as soon as possible. He explained how the creature seemed to be able to reproduce and that the longer they took, the more dire the situation would become. The Third Hokage concurred with this analysis and asked for anyone else's opinion while looking towards Danzo.

However, much to his surprise, his old comrade decided not to speak up this time, which was concerning. The Third Hokage decided to ignore this for now and expressed his opinion, saying how he agreed with the Nara head and that he would reach out to the Hidden Waterfall since they were allies.

As the meeting ended, the Hokage issued a warning to the villagers and merchants, urging them to avoid the land of grass. He knew that it would take him a few days to get in touch with the village hidden in the Waterfall and a few more days to coordinate a strike force through them.

However, he was unaware that the announcement he made was also passed on to his former student, Orochimaru, who always kept a spy in the village to get information.

When Orochimaru received this information from his spy, he deduced that the creature was in the land of grass and might have already conquered it. With this speculation in mind, Orochimaru became ecstatic because he knew that the child he had experimented on all those years ago couldn't have become that strong without the cells. Knowing this only made Orochimaru more determined to capture the creature, and he began preparing to go to the land of grass himself.

In the Land of Earth, near the border of the Land of Grass, a man in red was calmly walking when a hawk landed with a message. The man, Roshi, took the message, which was addressed to him from the Tsuchikage, and read it.

He learned that the creature was in the Land of Grass and had taken over the ninja village there. Roshi was surprised but not concerned and continued his journey towards the land of grass.

Roshi was confident in his abilities, mainly because of being the Four Tail Beast Jinchuriki and was able to use the beast chakra effectively. He believed that he could take down the creature quickly and easily and return to his village.

Little did anyone know that a masked individual and the black and white plant person, who were the two most mysterious individuals in the ninja world, were also discussing this new creature.

In the Land of Graves, at the Mountain's Graveyard, the plant person was discussing with the masked individual the latest news about the newest creature in the ninja world and how it had conquered the Hidden Grass Village. Although the masked individual, who identified himself as Uchiha Madara, was slightly interested, he was more focused on his other plans and requested that the plant person keep an eye on it. However, the plant person, now identified as Zetsu, was disturbed by the creature because of his history with it.

Black Zetsu recalled the past, almost eighty years ago, when he tried to turn a person from a clan that could naturally absorb natural energy into his puppet. However, something unexpected happened, and that person absorbed some of his mother's genes from inside him, transforming him entirely. Black Zetsu remembered the birth of that creature and was now horrified to see that part of it existed again, with even more abilities than before.

Black Zetsu could only hope to convince Obito or Madara, as he calls himself now, to take action. He observed the creature and realized that it could use even more abilities than before and theorized that it absorbed chakra from others to create them. As he sinks into the ground Black Zetsu could only hope this creature doesn't ruin all his hard work to unseal his mother.

 The news about what had happened in the Land of Grass had spread fast due to other spies from the great ninja villages in Konoha. In the Land of Sand, the Kazekage was holding a meeting with the elders of the village.

They were shocked to learn that the creature was able to take on an entire village by itself, and its ability to grow to such a large size was terrifying, but it also presented an opportunity.

The Kazekage wanted to send ninja immediately to capture the creature, but the elders disagreed, even though they wanted the creature for themselves. Elder Chiyo suggested that they send a small squad to observe the situation, and then move after others have tested the waters first. The other elders quickly agreed, much to the Kazekage's frustration, who had to go along with it anyway.

In the Land of Lightning, in the Village Hidden in the Clouds, the Raikage was holding a higher-up meeting, and he had all the decision-making power. He was already assembling a team to go after the creature.

He would send his right-hand man, Darui, and his brother, B, the perfect eight-tail Jinchuriki, instead of going himself. Confident in their success, the Raikage was already making plans about what to do with the creature.

The Village Hidden in the Mist was not concerned about the creature, as they were still recovering from the bloodline massacre. However, the other four great ninja villages had turned all their attention to the Land of Grass. The attention on the Land of Grass was about to cause a whole new level of conflict that might spread to the rest of the world.

A war that the ninja world had never seen before was about to begin, and at the center of this war would be Kurogiri. The outcome of this war was uncertain, but one thing was for sure, the world would never be the same again.