
Academy Entrance Exam

"Alright, now that's everybody ready… GO!"

With those words, every kid here started to sprint forward. While some went at their own pace, others went ahead of the pack in front.

Of course, I was one of the kids in the front for the purpose to show off. Breaking off from the pack I looked around the rectangle-shaped grounds.

"Damn, the academy is huge," I murmur in amazement. The academy building was humongous. It at least looked on the outside like the people's taxes are being used for it.

But in this moment of thought a new visitor started to copy my pace. This unexpected was a kid with two red fang markings was keeping up just barely.

"Don't leave me too far behind!" He said in excitement. Gaining a smirk I sped up getting ahead of him.

An Inazuka catching up to me is a testament to how strong their genes are. While I might of efficiently trained every day, this kid might have only played tag and lazed around.

I can't confirm my thoughts but this kid runs like an idiot, exaggerating by swinging his arms around. He wouldn't run like this if he trained.

After this, it mostly stayed the same as a few laps a few kids gave up which were mostly likely pampered civilians. But not to anyone's surprise, everyone else was still running.

"Damnit how is that kid still ahead!"

"Stop bumping me!"

"How is he beating that Inazuka?"

More than 30 minutes pass by as the number of kids was halved. I was mostly fine but the same Inazuka kid was right behind me.

'He looks tired. I don't think he can do this for much longer.' I thought to myself seeing my competition. After every corner turn, I would check my back and to my surprise, there was no overlapping in this test.

Most kids were either too tired to stay or kept up with me.

Sadly this didn't stay for much longer as with the time soon passing the one-hour mark, most of the kids gave up and stopped.

There were four people left including the Inazuka kid, Itachi and someone I don't know. The first one to go was the extra, then the Inazuka ending it with a one-on-one with Itachi.

'I've still got a lot of energy in me.'

My thoughts wandered over to the huffing and puffing genius who was barely running anymore.

"You got this! The Uchiha is tired!"

"Beat that Uchiha!"

"Will he really win?"

Listening to the crowd a little I could easily summarise that the Uchiha aren't too well-liked. From what I'm hearing they are more hated than anything, especially from the words customers would say out loud in my restaurant.

The only saving grace for Itachi would be the girls but they don't kick in till later in the academy.

Taking long strides I started to run laps around the poor kid whose endurance couldn't go on further.

I'm not sure if it's because of my extra height but because of my physical training, my body grew a bigger frame than kids my age.

"Damn, he really beat the Uchiha!"

"Good job bro!"

"Let's go!"

The crowd of kids started to celebrate for some reason which made me sigh.

"Alright it's over, you can rest now." The instructor calls out to which I just nod. Walking over to the downed Uchiha I hold my hands out.

"The names Shin Tokura, you?"

The downed guy huffing and puffing regained himself and look at me. With a neutral face, he took my hand.

"Itachi Uchiha." He simply states

"Let's get acquainted. We did better than the rest, after all, we should stick together." I say. Itachi who got a shocked look for a moment, thought for a bit before nodding at my words seeing nothing wrong with that.

And just like that I secured my first friend?

Walking back to the group everybody looked at me strangely but I paid no heed to it. Making connections will be important for me, if I start acting like a douche bag then it will make my life harder.

So I'm mostly gonna stay humble but try my best in everything. Unfortunately, that will mean not everyone will be so buddy buddy with me.

'Wasn't there a fat kid who tried to bully Itachi? He did get a mean hook on the Uchiha from what I remember.'

Amused at the thought, it would need to wait till much later as the next test is here. Following the instructor with Itachi by my side, we started some small talk.

"You know any ninjutsu yet?" I asked a little curious. My thoughts already went to a few scenes in the anime but I wanted to confirm.

"Yeah, I learnt a ninjutsu made by my clan, the {Fire Ball Technique}." He responded doing a little tiger seal with his hands.

(A/N: The Fire Ball Jutsu, it was created by the Uchiha clan. -Kakashi, Naruto Shippuden episode 16, 00:38)

"Really? I've mainly trained my body and shurikenjutsu as there's no one to help me with ninjutsu. But I bet your throwing is better than mine."

"I mostly trained ninjutsu and shurikenjutsu from my senpai. Maybe some physical training wouldn't hurt." Itachi murmurs the last part feeling how fast his heart was beating.

After some chatting, it didn't take long before we entered another part of the academy. While talking to Itachi I realised he's more mature than he lets on, but likes to be childish as he laughs at my jokes.

"Alright, kids everybody get into a meditation stance on the floor now. A sensor from the academy will go up to you and ask a few questions."

Everybody hearing this just nods and finds an open space for themselves. Itachi and I made our way to a free spot just to sit next to each other.

"I've got an idea, we can train together if you want. You teach me some tips on ninjutsu and I'll help with your physical training."

The Uchiha hearing my words just rubs his chin in contemplation.

"I'm still training with my senpai but I should have free time." He says not wanting to disappoint me. Realising that I'm jumping the gun a little I hold off on the topic and wait for the sensor ninja.

It didn't take long before the guy arrived. He first did me as I was the closest to him, I gave him my basic details so he knew who he was writing notes about.

"Have you unlocked all of your chakra points?" The man asked. Shaking my head he writes a few things before looking back up.

"Is that even possible, I've read that you can only unlock them as you get older?" I question.

"You can pay the Hyuga Clan to get them to open up your tenketsu points. I've already done it so using chakra is easier for me." Itachi chimes in which made me get an "ohh" expression.

The sensor went through a few more questions before telling me to do one more thing.

"Use this hand sign for me please and try to move your chakra if you already know how to."

Understanding what he wanted I made a seal of confirmation and let my chakra loose. Compared to the other kids mine was pretty average of the bunch but that was expected.

This world mostly revolves around genetics and luck. So not much I could do about that. While I do have a few solutions in mind they'll have to wait till I graduate.

I could sort of feel the intensity of others' chakra because they are also flaring their own. Soon after this the man switched to Itachi and asked the same questions.

And when he flared his chakra, a clear pressure could be felt. It wasn't suppressive or anything but you could somewhat feel the sheer volume of it weirdly.

An instinctive feeling I presume.

"Amazing, Genin level reserves…" The man murmurs which I barely heard. Watching the guy note this down and head off, the chakra test was now over.

"Did you hear what that guy said? You've already got Genin reserves. What drugs do the Uchiha feed you I must know." I ask him with a serious face. Itachi face-palming at my words turns his head away from me.

"Hey, what are you doing to Itachi!" A girlish voice practically shouted getting closer. Getting an annoyed look I turned around to see another potentially strong person.

Most well-known as "Itachi's Girlfriend". Other than that she's pretty strong apparently but she died too early to see her real potential.

"Your wife has arrived sir Uchiha. Are you dating Itachi or something, he seems to be very lonely and in need of a girlfriend?" I tease making the fuming girl do a 180 and start to blush. The resident dango lover seeing this got a dead-pan look.

Watching Itachi's face in amusement I was soon after broken out of my musings with the next test.

"It's time for sparring everyone! Your partner will be based on results. So if you did bad you'll get punished by battling a strong opponent and if you did well you get rewarded." The same man explained which made multiple kids' faces turn ugly.

Knowing that my physical score mostly carried me through, my opponent shouldn't be too difficult.

"Itachi Uchiha is the winner!" The instructor announced. Looking over at the battle circle my mind almost forgot that I was gonna battle a child.

There isn't much to worry about and I could probably just overpower them anyway. Itachi straight-up man-handled his opponent which was pretty funny. No punches thrown by the guy just an instant drop with his opponent at his mercy.

Itachi who just beat the guy by tripping him over looked at me with a smug look. Realising this was some sort of challenge I smirked back.

"That was a fast battle, you did pretty well," I say raising my hand. Itachi walking back to sit next to me, gave me a quick high five while chuckling.

"My opponent was just a little hasty is all."

A few more battles went by before it finally became my turn. Realising how far down I dropped my rank, my mind immediately went to my chakra reserves.

But I was still in the top ten at least which was alright for me.

"Shin Tokura and Urakite Sobei, head up to the circle."

Hearing my name being called out I walked up to the circle not feeling too much of anything really.

"Don't get embarrassed Shin," Itachi said to which I could just hear from this distance. Looking back at the wonder kid I just get a competitive look. Turning around I prepare to spar.

Izumi Uchiha who was next to Itachi didn't talk at all and just observed with keen eyes. The same could be said for the future clan murderer as well.

My opponent Urakite was some kid from an irrelevant clan. The guy had short brown hair, green eyes and a round face.

'Very plain, just like me.'

"When you're ready, begin." The instructor announces. After doing a seal of confrontation we took a few steps back before rushing at each other.

Right before reaching the middle, I see my opponent cock-back his right fist. Seeing this I dash to the right as a punch sailed past my head.

My opponent realised that I had the advantage due to dodging. Tried to recover and walk backwards and dodge any attack I pull. But unfortunately for him, that wasn't my play.

Stretching my leg forward I catch the guy off guard and trip him over. As Urakite fell I caught his two hands and had a leg under his head before he fell.

"Woah he instantly beat him!"

"That might of been the quickest battle!"

"No, but the Uchiha did the same thing."

Everybody started to chatter seeing the quick fight being finished. Pulling the poor guy back up we did the seal of confirmation and headed back.

While walking back I returned the smug look to Itachi which made him laugh.

"You copied my previous spar," Itachi said with a pout.

"It was to prove a point," I respond in a smug tone. After a few more battles pass Itachi and I got bored pretty quickly.

Izumi seeing the opportunity stepped into our conversation. "Hello Shin my name is Izumi Uchiha."

Seeing the girl try her best to interact with us, I decided to give her a chance.

"Hello, Izumi! You're an Uchiha like this guy." I say pointing to Itachi who was at this point spacing out wanting the time to pass.

Seeing a little drool coming out of Itachi's mouth, my hands start to shake the guy a little to bring him back.


"Was that it?" I say in disbelief. Itachi looking at me just titled his head making me feel like an idiot.

"Of course what else did you expect?" He refuted to which I just stop.

The final test was basically just saying your prayers or something like that about being a good shinobi. It wasn't complicated but just took time.

"Hey at least we are academy students now, we'll be in the same classes from now on!" Izumi chimes in to which Itachi ignores.

Chuckling at their antics it was now the end of the testing and the results were quickly announced. Only four out of the 60+ kids here failed due to not meeting the chakra standards or physical.

They would be dubbed down to the B-class while people who passed would be in A-class.

"I wonder how Guren is doing." I murmur wanting to teach her about chakra. Also that Hyuga tenketsu thing is probably important as well.

Next chapter