
Naruto: A God inside the Room

A man got isekai in the world of Ninja with the power of Trafalgar Law from One Piece. But the world he's in is not just the ordinary Naruto World, it's an alternate Universe where Naruto is not an orphan, and the Uchiha massacre didn't happen. Zetsu, Madara, Kaguya. What will happen if no one stops them. Simple. With the Power of Chakra to command the nature according to his wish, and the Power of Haki to make the World kneel and submit to his will. Watch how he will turn the World of Ninja upside down. ===== -The pic above is not mine. Credits to the artist. -The Naruto Characters are also not mine. Credits to Kishimoto.

Lord_Sleepless · Anime & Comics
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short prologue: how did I die

It all happened on that fateful beautiful night. I'm on an expensive cruise travelling through the pacific with millionaires and famous people all around the world surrounding me, partying here, and there wasting all their money in pleasure, and ecstasy.

All is happy, all is perfect, no one knows that in the next few hours all their cheers will turn into yells, and screams of terror.

I, on the other hand am just drinking alone in one corner of the ship, staring at the peaceful sea while contemplating about what I have accomplished in my life, and the legacy I will leave behind once I am gone in this world.

Because within the next few months I will die and there's no way to stop it.

But as I was thinking, I suddenly thought, 'What if a storm were to sink this ship? Would the sins of the world be lessened?' Because honestly, even though I don't know everyone who's on board the ship, I do know that no one among us, not even me, is a good person.

And just like I imagined, God's wrath fell upon us. Roaring storm, giant waves. The people online had predicted that this cruise would end up a tragedy like the Titanic, and wow, they were right; the boat was lacking lifeboats, how fun.

While the ship was sinking, I had already boarded one of the few lifeboats with some of the cruise personnel, since we were among the few who were still sober and not high on drugs, unlike the others.

On the other hand, the millionaires and powerful people who are still on the ship are literally buying their way onto the lifeboats to survive. I even heard someone selling his entire net worth.

But too bad for them, money can't buy anything.

Now, I know you're thinking, "Why don't you give up your seat in the lifeboat to those people? Dude, you're dying; just die already. It's not like you have much left to live for."

Well, I was actually thinking the same thing at the time. Giving up your own life to save another…but…

No one is worthy.

If I'm just going to sacrifice my life for some sinner who has much longer to live, fuck him then, and let him die; repent your sins, you sinful bastard, no way I'm going to waste my life on you.

But, amidst the cries, and chaos, I heard a voice of someone who's worthy. A voice of a mother pleading to save even just her child.

And, without thinking twice, I jumped back onto the ship, lifted the mother and her child into the lifeboat, and tried to stop those pigs who wanted to take her place.

"Let's die together fuckers."

Then the lifeboat dropped unto the sea. And..

I died.

Then the next thing I knew, I was in an empty white space, floating, and watching the whole world.

And, I don't know how much time has passed since then. I just opened my eyes, and found myself here, in the world of fiction, Naruto.

And since I am living my second life, I promised myself that no matter what happened, I would be honest in this life.

The old sinful me is now gone. I am now a literally born-again person.