
Naruto: 6th Kage

(To be rerwitten) Shiro Uzumaki. That is his name. He was a reincarnated person from 21st century. Where was he reincarnated? Naruto world where 2nd shinobi war was just about to start. He was given a choice before he was reincarnated. 1st choice: OP talent making it Easy Mode... Like EASYYYYYY MODE. Unlimited chakra. 2nd choice: still OP talent. Normal mode. Unrivalled Mind. 3rd choice: For the Hard mode. Just be reincarnated with a pure uzumaki bloodline. And he chose? The 3rd one... Because why not? He basically said infront of God "Where is the fun if i could spam jutsu? If i could learn every jutsu?" The God looking at him was speechless that he basically just sent him to naruto world without saying goodluck. Basically forgetting that Uzumaki clan was the most OP clan before Otsotsuki as the four shinobi great villages work together just to destroy Uzushiogakure. And that's how the story start where a certain person with a pure Uzumaki bloodline with a sealed ancient beast inside started wrecking havoc in shinobi world by becoming the 6th kage. The shinobi called it..... SHIROGGEDON Shiro: DEAR GOD I KNOW I CHOSE THE 3RD CHOICE FOR FUN BUT WHY IS IT SO HARD TO LIVE A PEACEFUL LIFE?!!!! Shinobi: DEAR GOD WHY DID YOU UNLEASH A CERTAIN BEAST FREE WRECKING HAVOC AROUND THE SHINOBI WORLD?!!! My first fanfiction. So please bear with my grammar errors. Please comment about it and I'll change it. The covers not mine. I just made a discord account and here's the link: https://discord.gg/YENFmXU3

LostPrince_19 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 4

Shiro along with his crew managed to reach konoha after 1 month of traveling.

The relationship of the three basically improved and they started calling him "onii-san" without being awkward .

He also received his reward on the bandit and on the daily quest generated by the system

"Halt! State your identity and business in konoha?" The chunin ninja guarding the entrance of the village roared blocking the way when he saw three kids coming without a guardian.

Azumu who was hiding showed himself on the ninja and handed him a token that was given to him by the uzushiokage.

When the guard saw the token he hurriedly returned it back and went on the side to allow them to enter.

"You can now enter. Sorry for my rude behaviour" the guard gave a small bow and went back to his duty guarding the gate.

Shiro just bowed himself slightly as a sign of forgiveness and directly went to the tallest building at the center of konoha which is the hokage building.

When his foot entered the entrance of konoha he heard a system notification.

[Quest C

Status: Completed

Mission: Reach Konoha safely with your 2 bodyguard within

Failure: One of your bodyguard die, you die.

Reward: Skill: Photographic Memory, Memory storage]

He smiled when he saw the notification and told himself to make a new quest later night

When they went inside the building they saw a person who was busy doing paperworks.

"Hello beautiful nee-san can i ask for you to lead me to hokage-sama?" he ask politely.

He knows that girls like praises even in his past life so he uses this to his advantage.

The person doing paperwork smiled when she heard someone calling her nee-san so she agreed easily to lead them to where the 3rd hokage was busy with alot of paperworks.

When the hokage saw who entered he immediately stop what his doing and smiled at them. "you guys are here. Welcome to konoha and i know you will only be here for at most 3 years so i hope you have a pleasant time while you stay on our village"

The 3rd hokage was still on his peak but you can see how tired he was due to his paperworks.

He knows that with the help of shadow clone his paperworks problem can be solved easily but he will not say it nor does he have an obligation to help him. He is not a good guy and he doesn't have a good impression towards this 3rd hokage when he treats danzo like a princess pampering and agreeing to every wish that danzo request.

"hokage-sama, grandpa wants to hand me this letter to you" passing him the letter that his grandpa asked him to

He notice that the face of the 3rd hokage keep on changing while reading the letter that made him curious what it is about.

Finally after reading the letter the hokage look at them with a serious expression.

"You will be living together with elder Mito while you stayed here on konoha. As for your arrange marriage i won't interfere about it as long as the fated one agree. I will also not send any anbu on you to follow so you'll be free to do anything you want inside as long as you follow the rules. May the will of the fire be with you" the hokage said clearly avoiding to speak the name of the fated person. Sadly for the hokage he already knew his future partner which is tsunade senju.

'will of fire my ass'

He is clearly hiding tsunade because she is his student. "Heh hypocrite when every senju clan have gone missing or died on the 2nd shinobi war you didn't even help her or told her the truth" he inwardly thought

He doesn't like this oldman who keeps on spouting will of fire but he who was hokage himself can't stop danzo who was doing he wishes because he was his bestfriend.

After their conversation the hokage asked an anbu to lead them on the house of where Mito was staying.

The third was just recently promoted to being hokage so his position was still in danger but he knows that he can only sit here stably due to the help of Uchiha Yagami who was one of the disciple of Second hokage.

When they reached the house the anbu vanished leaving them outside.

He knocked the door three times and an old female voice was heard inside "come in"

When they entered he froze because besides Mito there is her granddaughter looking at them beside her.

She was clearly inspecting him as her eyes kept on roaming around him before her eyes landed at the two person behind him.

"Oh..." with a raised eyebrow mito look at us using her calm and indefferent look and said "I was informed that you would be staying here but i didn't expect you managed to pick up two flowers on the way here"

Due to her living for a long time already she can feel a different feeling coming from the boy that even the kyuubi inside her cowered so she knows that what the letter she received months ago was true.

She didn't say anything because she was also helpless about it and can only ignore everything because she knows that just with this aura alone the beast can destroy the entire konoha.

The two girls beside him blushed and lowered their heads making him sweat alot and before he could explain the person beside mito said

"Grandma he will be my future partner? He just travelled and he already find girls... He's clearly a pervert like that damn jiraiya!!! In the future I'm sure there will be alot of girls he will pick up!! I don't like him! And besides he's just a kid" Tsunade pointed at him with disgust clearly visible in her eyes. Her first impression was already bad because she only knew that she had a fiance a month ago and now he brought two girls with him making her impression on him turning into the same level as jiraiya.


Somewhere on konoha where a bathhouse filled with naked women a certain white haired boy who was peeping secretly sneeze making those woman inside detect him earning him a good beating from everyone.

This is start of the legend of the pervy sage who like being beaten by women


"I-It's not like that!... Shi-shiro nii-san said he wants us to be part of his big future family soon... So he-he saved us" Reiya said clearly wanted to defend him but her words was clearly misinterpreted by tsunade and she looks at him now with an even more disgust on her eyes.

"PERVERT so you made them your child bride huh!!" after finishing her outburst shiro can see a large fist incoming on his way.

"WA-WAIT I-ITS NOT LIKE THAT!!... " He managed to shout to defend himself but he couldn't finish his sentence as it was too late because the punch was already so close to him that he can't dodge anymore.

He wanted to dodge but due to difference in rank and strength he couldn't and could only accept his fate while closing his eyes.

'Rest in Peace Onii-chan' the two chinoike tought inwardly

"WAHHHHHHHH.... " in the middle of the day a loud cry of pain was heard all around the konoha startling the birds around.


"Okay so basically you saved them from the bandits and because you saw that they have unique eyes so you saved them and not because they are cute?" Mito asked with a raised eyebrow while tsunade was glaring at him waiting for his reply.

Reiya and reika sat on each side of him while lowering their head without saying any word afraid that it will cause another problem to their onii-chan.

Without having any choice he said with a low voice while his head was lowered "I saved them because of their unique eyes and they are cute..."

He couldn't finish what he said because he saw from the corner of his eyes the hands of tsunade balling into fist.

He also heard tsunade muttering in a low voice that he can only hear some small part of the sentence "pervert...beat..crap..him.."

Shiro felt a chill on his back when he managed to complete the sentence and just stayed silent while lowering his head and didn't say anything.

"Okay tsunade that's enough. He just saved the two and he didn't said that they are his child bride so stop your nonsense now okay?"

Mito said while she stand up and started going to the kitchen clearly making a meal

When Mito left the air around them clearly became tense as tsunade keep on glaring at him without saying anything.

Unable to stand the pressure he asked slowly while looking at tsunade with puppy eyes. He knows that girls or women was weak on cute things so he will use this to his advantage to leave a better impression.

"Anoo.... Tsunade nee-san... Can you teach me shadow clone and medical jutsu?"

"and why do you want to learn that huh?" tsunade still glared at him but now her voice isn't irritated anymore. Clearly her mood was improving bit by bit when he called her nee-san.

"Uhmm because the people around the village said Nee-san was the best Medic Nin due to your progress and knowledge about medic even when you are still young and i want to learn shadow clone so i can do alot of things at the same time. I want to go back as soon as possible." he said slowly but his expression was genuine.

Because of her not inheriting the genes of her grandfathers she chose to study medical books in hopes to help his grandfather's terminal illness.

Though she didn't manage to save his grandpa. she managed to learn how to control chakra to the finesse and fusing it with the chakra airflow that the senju clan known of in the warring period. giving her the ability to multiply her strength.

"hmm why do you want to go back soon?" tsunade stops glaring at him and now look at him with full of curiosity.

"Because i want to become the uzukage and help to improve our village to become one of the 6th great village!!" he answered with full of confudence and conviction.

Tsunade just look at him with a complicated expression because when she look at him he saw her two grandpa which is the 1st and 2nd hokage. They also wish to protect the village just like the kid infront of her.

"Okay i will teach you but i hope you're ready for a hard training." She replied but now there is no disgust on her eyes just approval like how a master look at his disciple.

"Yes" and the hellish training shall begun.


NAME: Shiro Uzumaki

AGE: 6

Bloodline: 100% (Uzumaki)

ELEMENT: Wind, Lightning, yang







SKILL:Photographic Memory, Memory storage

Chakra Proficiency: 15%