
Naruto: 6th Kage

(To be rerwitten) Shiro Uzumaki. That is his name. He was a reincarnated person from 21st century. Where was he reincarnated? Naruto world where 2nd shinobi war was just about to start. He was given a choice before he was reincarnated. 1st choice: OP talent making it Easy Mode... Like EASYYYYYY MODE. Unlimited chakra. 2nd choice: still OP talent. Normal mode. Unrivalled Mind. 3rd choice: For the Hard mode. Just be reincarnated with a pure uzumaki bloodline. And he chose? The 3rd one... Because why not? He basically said infront of God "Where is the fun if i could spam jutsu? If i could learn every jutsu?" The God looking at him was speechless that he basically just sent him to naruto world without saying goodluck. Basically forgetting that Uzumaki clan was the most OP clan before Otsotsuki as the four shinobi great villages work together just to destroy Uzushiogakure. And that's how the story start where a certain person with a pure Uzumaki bloodline with a sealed ancient beast inside started wrecking havoc in shinobi world by becoming the 6th kage. The shinobi called it..... SHIROGGEDON Shiro: DEAR GOD I KNOW I CHOSE THE 3RD CHOICE FOR FUN BUT WHY IS IT SO HARD TO LIVE A PEACEFUL LIFE?!!!! Shinobi: DEAR GOD WHY DID YOU UNLEASH A CERTAIN BEAST FREE WRECKING HAVOC AROUND THE SHINOBI WORLD?!!! My first fanfiction. So please bear with my grammar errors. Please comment about it and I'll change it. The covers not mine. I just made a discord account and here's the link: https://discord.gg/YENFmXU3

LostPrince_19 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 3

It's been a month since they left the village and nothing happened on their journey except him learning the name of the 2 anbu that was protecting him and becoming close to them.

The man wearing a wolf mask was Azumu Uzumaki

While the other one wearing dog mask was Nika Uzumaki

They were couple and after going to konoha they will become his guardian.

They didn't have a problem being sneak attack as the two of them was the best sensor on the village.

Because of the huge chakra of every uzumaki they were very sensitive on what is happening on their surroundings.

Him especially was equally sensitive to it as him having a pure bloodline. He acquired every abilities Uzumaki should have like letting someone bite on him to recover .

During this month while they are travelling he keep on making explosive tags and keeping it on his storage scroll to sell for his future plans.

To him the seal was just writing english word and understanding the meaning behind it and the function will start working.

Because of how proficient he was on fuinjutsu he started on making new seals that was made by english word.

He couldn't just write anything because depending on what you write the larger the chakra you will consume to make it and if he write anything he wants he might get sucked dry of his chakra and die.

He started making a storage scroll with a huge space inside and can freeze the time inside so it will stay fresh when you took things out.

He managed to make it in half a month but the space inside was small so he started increasing it's storage capacity bit by bit until the end of yesterday that he finished it making the largest storage(100m²) scroll with a time freeze inside leaving him behind with less than a third of his chakra.

You should know that the largest storage scroll that was on the market was just the same on what his grandpa gave to him and it doesn't have a time freeze inside.

He knows that this scroll can cause a great disturbance if this is sold because it is useful especially in war period because it can preserve food that is needed to last in war.

Still he don't want to sell this scroll as it will only make the danger that was coming on his village come earlier because of this.

He knows that greed can cause people to do crazy decisions so he will only sell things when he have a strength to protect everyone around him.

They were now on the border of land of fire when they detected several presence a hundred meter away from them.

[Quest D

Mission: kill the bandits and find their headquarters( /20) save the hostages

Failure: Death of host

Reward: 1000 SP ]

Seeing that they only need to fight bandits he wants to fight by himself for experience.

"Azumu-niichan, Nika-neechan can i fight alone if they were enemies? I want to have some battle experience" he look at his two bodyguard with a puppy eyes before they agreed to him as they detected that the enemy was just a civillian with their body having barely enough chakra to stay alive.

The two of them disappeared on his side without any sound and he started running towards to bandits stealthily.

When he was near them he saw 2 kids hugging each other with fear evident in their eyes due to being surrounded by bandits.

By the looks of it they look like 3-4 years old

"Tsk what luck, what's with this kid that has weird eyes?" bandit 1 (no name for cannon fodders)

"You shut up! We can sell them as slaves, I'm sure alot will buy them with a high price due to their unique eyes" bandit 2 said while the other bandits laugh sinisterly with a greedy and lustful looks in their eyes.

Since uzushiogakure was known only for fuintjutsu they have limited knowledge about other jutsus

So he started releasing his adamantite attacking chain seal as they were the only attacking jutsu he know.

Adamantite Chains have different looks and uses on who uses it like how kushina's adamantite seal who's known for its strong sealing.

His seal on the other hand looks like a body golden dragons from the east that have different stripes depending on the elemental affinity the user has.

It slithered around his body just and stayed around his shoulder ready to attack any enemies.

His chain looks like his tail just like how naruto look when he's on tailed beast mode.

You can see how powerful his chain was even though he can only summon two because even though they are just chains they contain a dragon might that can cause fear, majesty and pressure to whoever look at it.

Without hesitation he started attacking the bandit that was the closest to him. His chain like a dragon that was opening his mouth ready to maw anything that was infront of it passes through the body without bothering it and continuing to other bandits.

While this was happening the bandit who was pierced started to feel that his lifeforce was being sucked by the chains. He tried to scream but no voice left his mouth. Within a minute he started to mummify like a corpse that was decomposed for a thousand years.

"Ughh moarrrreeeee" a female moan sounded in his mind causing him to be distracted for a second while running around the bandits.

He knows that this voice come from the beast that was sealed inside his body. He feels that this beast is too slutty that a ticked marked appeared on his face.

"Shut the hell up can't you see I'm fighting!! And by the way why is it that only now did you talk to me?" he said in his mind while focusing about what is happening on the fight.

"Shut up brat! You fighting with is like ants fighting ants in my eyes! I was on my beauty sleep to preserve my energy on my body when i woke up due to the food that your chain is giving me barely enough for me to wake up it isn't even enough for me to stay awake and talk to you for a long time" the voice answered while directing orders like a queen asking food on her servant.

He was mad when he was being ordered like a servant that he couldn't help but cursed

"One day I'll f*ck the hell out of you!!" he roared and continuing on the last 2 bandit.

"We'll see.. Ha ha ha" the voice replied to him with a seductive tone that made him miss the vital part of the last target.

He didn't reply anymore because he couldn't win the argument and it is making him boil up in rage so he just finished his task and tied up the last one with chain.

"Tell me where is your hideout?" he asked coldly with a childish voice but to the bandit it sounds like a shinigami looking at him with a scythe on his neck

"Don't.... Don't kill me... I'll tell you... Its a kilometer away from here if you headed straight" the last bandit stuttered hoping he can save his life with this appeal.

"Ya shall now meet your friends" he slash his kunai on the bandits throat causing a bloody shower that drip on his face.

He killed without mercy because of the rage that he was feeling when he was teased that he wants to let it all out not knowing that he was influenced by the beast inside him for awhile.

When blood dripped on the enemies went on his face causing his stomache churning. But he held it in because of two pair of eyes that was looking at him with awe and fear

Now he remembered that he killed alot of poeple but no blood was spilled because the chain sucked them dry till they mummified that's why he only felt nauseous now because he slashed the enemy instead of piercing him.

With the last bandit being killed the chain started to go back inside his body.

He walk at the two kids that was staring at him since the start of killing

"What's the name of the two of you?" he asked with the friendliest smile he can make

"My name is Chinoike Reika" the braver one of the two replied first while still hugging the other one

"My-my name is Chinoike Reiya" the timid one stuttered and hid on the other ones back while looking at him.

When he heard their names he now knew why this two have an eye that looks like toad sage mode.

It's because they came from the clan that should be extinct after the warring period on the first shinobi war that was famous on controlling liquid filled with high concentrated iron, capable of Killing people by controlling iron inside a persons body and capable of releasing a powerful genjutsu through eye or physical contact the Ketsuryūgan dojutsu.

"Guess i was lucky... Even though they don't have the strongest eyes atleast they are special in their own way." he inwardly thought while imagining them using high concentrated liquid iron like the water bender in avatar.

'I'm gonna train them alot'

"Will you be willing to serve and follow me in exchange for a new family?" a genuine smile appeared on his face when he look at their cute appearance.

"New-new family?" reiya asked with a low voice that was only able to hear because of his good senses. They didn't become wary about him because they know that he could kill them easily like those bandits but he didn't. He also save them which gave him a good impression on their childish minds

"Yes you two will be part of the big family i make in the future.. You will be part of my village" he said while remembering his childhood on his past life where a certain small person keep on following him and calling him onii-san.

"Were willing to follow you..." reika answered but couldn't continue, remembering that they didn't ask him on his name yet making her blush in shame.

Him looking at this situation understand what happened and just smiled and patted her head saying "my name is Uzumaki Shiro, but i want you to call me nii-chan or nii-san, okay?"

""Yes! Shiro nii-san"" They both replied.

He looks at the reaction of the two cute girls that was younger than him and couldn't help but smile widely showing his white teeth

'they are so damn cuteeeee... Ahem I'm definitely not a lolicon... I just like cute creatures.... Definitely'

And they started continuing their journey on konoha after killing the remaining enemies on their hideout.