
Naruto- Amaterasu

" Who is that man" A meek voice enquired. " Not much is known about him, they say he is invincible. Nobody knows where he came from, the only information about him are his black flames and his name " "his name ?" " ACE" The logia Fruit Of the Heavenly flames of Amaterasu fell in the Hands of the Young Kuroko. Watch his journey as he reaches the full potential of his Powers in the world of the ninjas and lead it through his ideals and strength alone. discord- https://discord.com/invite/kMcexXTzhE

IMMORT_AL · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs


< :) >

< word count-1123 >


The rising sun had made its way across the sky. The village itself had woken up; the souls of Konoha were its citizens after all. Just like any other day.

The third Ninja war had ended some time ago, and the village hidden in the leaf was completely safe; at least thats what the civilians thought. The increase in ninja missions after the third Shinobi World War is steady now. 

The people are calm.


"Water Release: Watter Turret Jutsu" 

A thin, pressurized string of water shot towards the tree where Kuroko had been practicing. The moment the jutsu touched the tree, a hole had already formed on it.

"Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu"

Itachi, who was practicing his respective elements beside Kuroko, launched the fireball at the same tree from which Kuroko had launched his water jet. The fire consumed it all. 

"So how is that sensei?" I looked toward my teacher. The red-haired woman had a proud smile on her face. 

She marched towards us with Shizu sitting on her shoulder. The girl was told not to exercise until a week after being given a leave from the hospital. 

"My cute little dumplings, It seems your affinity for your elements is quite strong, isn't it?". 

She came over to us and told us to sit down. 

It had been over 10 days since we all came back from our mission, and Shizu had been relieved from the hospital for 3 days. Me, sensei, and Itachi even threw a party for our friend.

I had tried to cook pizza but had failed; the disappointment was real. It seems I had to wait till Boruto's era until Pizza came. 

If that era ever even comes now with my intervention,. 

After all, Obito had both his sharingan, the uchiha, who had not been displaced from their initial residence; in fact, with Fugaku being so close to the fourth hokage, the uchiha, neither the villagers were dissatisfied with them. 

Of course, I had still heard from Itachi about some certain elders who were quite critical of the Hokage, but I digress. The situation seems far better than it has ever been. 

Hinata was barely even born, so that incident was also pretty far away. It seemed all was well, which I hope it is. 

"Your affinity is really strong, you know. With Itachi having the Sharingan, his taijutsu has reached another level, and soon, once he finds his specialty, he will get even stronger." Sensei patted the Uchiha while she said it, and I could swear I saw a blush on the young prodigy's face. 

Of all the butterfly effects, Itachi was the greatest, since his teammates didn't die, his clan never relocated, the Nine Tails incident never happened, and he wasn't alone. He seemed to not take everything on himself; he trusted me and Shizu.

My brother, thats what Itachi was to me now. 

"And you too, Kuroko. Both your fire release and that water release aren't something I can ever find in a six-year-old." 

"Seven sensei, seven, "I corrected my teacher; I am not six anymore, and well, I will not be. 

"Your still small and six doofus; your birthday is 20 days later," Shizu commented in her usual tone. 

"Bla bla, I didn't ask." I quickly shut the Inuzuka. At least pretend I am seven years old, your cruel dog owner.

Seeing our debacle, Kushina thought it best to give me a hug. 


"Sensei, I can't breathe." I barely let out the words, and she let her hold loosen, and I hungrily gasped for air. The Nina Tails container might have good intentions, but I swear one of these days she will die for me.

"Itachi, Kuroko, and Shizu, now, as your sensei, I have something to ask of the three of you."

Sensei looked towards us in an unusally serious tone and said, "Yeah, all three of you have mastered the taijutsu and basic skills required for a genin; you all are overqualified."

She continued, "So now comes the part where all of you choose something to specialize in."

Shizu, at this instant, raised her hand, and Kushina nodded. "What are these options, sensei?"

She looked at Shizu lovingly and smiled. "Of course, as your sensei, I will tell you, you can specialize in Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Kenjutsu, Taijutsu, medical jutsu, and Fuinjutsu that I myself will teach you all.

Ah, so the time had come to choose my specialization. It was because of this specialization that Minato was able to learn fuinjutsu and, in turn, learn the flying raijin jutsu, making him the yellow flash. 

I had thought about this topic for a long time, so I chose, "I want to learn medical jutsu and fuinjutsu sensei.".

Of course, I did ask about it, and this seemed like the best option. I can learn Nijutsu mostly by myself, and of course, I can ask sensei for help. The same is true for taijutsu; the only thing that needs working is both of these.

"That's a nice and unique choice. But before you choose it, let me tell you the way it works." Her eyebrows knit in seriousness.

"For the medical Ninjutsu, the only way you can learn is through joining the Konoha hostpital. As for fuinjutsu, you must have chosen it for reasons." Her eyes turned into ones of pity once again, looking at the bright green symbol hidden by my forehead protector.

"I will teach you fuinjutsu myself, but do know that both of these have strict talent requirements." I nodded my head at sensei's explanation. 

I already knew talent was a thing, so if I actually didn't have talent for it, I would have chosen to learn different things. 

"Alright, that was for Kuroko. What all did you guys select? Tell me, tell me," she said, looking cruiously at Shizu and Itachi. 

Itachi was the first to speak. 

"Sensei, I want to focus on genjutsu and ninjutsu; as an Uchiha, I think that would be the right way for me to grow."

Kushina nodded. "Thats an amazing choice, and yes, due to you awakening your eyes at such a young age, growing in these fields will be much easier.". 

"And you, Shizu?" 

At last, it was Shizu's turn, and as simple as the girl's choice was, her choice was just as simple: "I will choose to learn Ninjutsu and Taijutsu.". 

Of course she would choose the basic staple, and it actually went nicely with her skill set as an Inuzuka.

"Then all of you, get ready. From tomorrow on, I will make sure you learn all those topics you have chosen."

She smiled at us.

It seems we were in for something.


<Thanks for reading the chapter>