
Naruto - fanfic

New writer, Mc is the same age of Itachi but Itachi is older by 2 months i think since mc is September 14(my birthday) so yeah do let me know where I can improve so that the next time i write a chapter i make it to a manageable story. I will post a chapter when I had an idea pop up in my head so no schedule, and I'm a new writer who only write for fun

Forgettable_Author · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

C - 3

Morning came, the parents' mc is already downstairs making some food for them, while Shindo is currently looking at the newspaper of the current land of fire's situation,

The Iwagakure and Konohagakure are currently at the kusagakure fighting like they own the place to fight, While Shindo is reading the newspaper like an old grandpa who retires from war, Sei is currently cooking food for the two of them until they heard Shinsei crying upstairs. (the house is similar to boruto, Naruto's house)

Hearing the cry, Sei look at Shindo who is currently newspaper until he heard the cry, then he looks at Sei understanding what she meant to say, he stands up and walk upstairs to see why Shinsei is crying, arriving at their room he looked at the Baby who's diaper is currently wet, seeing these he shouts to Sei where the diaper of Shinsei is while picking up Shinsei who stop crying when he picks him up and searching for the diaper.

Sei who heard Shindo's shout shouted back by saying where she put the diaper is.

Earlier when the mc was not crying,

Shinsei wakes up to himself staring at the roof again and for some reason he likes gazing at the roof, like his mind is in a peaceful state no worrying about the debt, taxes, the sound of a car honking in the early of the morning, like he just receives some enlightenment, until he pisses his diaper, feeling wet in his butt he thought with a blush on his face.

Shin:'Ahhhh, how embarrassing peeing yourself, when I thought I gained enlightenment, it's only a piss comes out, like you know when you feel refresh peeing yourself, and that relief bladder of yours who release pent up water running through wanting to get out... yeah that, that's what I'm feeling earlier'

With his thought wandering around, he snapped back to reality again, not seeing his parents thinking that they are downstairs he cry for help.

Back to the present

Shindo kept searching till he finally see the diaper and goes to Shinsei, changing his diaper while humming some song, three minutes later he finish changing the diaper and pick Shinsei up to go downstairs since the breakfast is ready, the breakfast today is some bacon, egg, and the thing all Asians want, and that is rice, and rice is life, it heightens your lifespan for a couple of years and eats healthy, and if there's no rice will be equal to no life, so that's the lesson for today.

Many minutes later, they (mc's parents) finish eating their breakfast, two hours later(before - 7:30 after the Anbu shows up - 9:32), an Anbu walked to their house and knock, hearing someone knocking on the door, Sei get up with baby Shinsei in her arms, while Shindo is currently looking at the door who knocked, Sei opens the door and sees the Anbu who has a mask with pair of two black stripes while one in the head.

Anbu: "Is Jōnin Shindo here?"

Sei: "Yes he is here, honey and Anbu is looking for you"

Seeing that Anbu is here, Shindo and Sei thought that he comes here to tell him to go to the Hokage tower to meet the Hokage.

Shindo: "Wait I'm coming, honey...Hello Anbu-san, It should be the Hokage who ordered you to come right?"

Anbu: "Yes, and he wants you to come and meet him right now "

Shindo: "Okay...Well honey it seems Hokage is telling me to come to the Hokage tower so see you this lunch, and you too Shinsei, daddy gonna go to the Hokage to see what he needs"

The Anbu and Shindo flickered towards the Hokage tower, while Sei and Shinsei are worried about him and what will they talk about, minutes later the Anbu and Shindo are making their way to the Hokage tower and enters to see the secretary of the Hokage who seems to be waiting for Shindo to arrived, the secretary of Hokage see Shindo, she walks towards him and says.

Secretary: "The Hokage is waiting for at the top floor, follow me"

Hearing what the Secretary says, he just nodded and follows her to the top floor of Hokage tower, arriving at the door towards the Hokage office, he sigh and walk, opening the door he sees an old man around 46 - 48 years old, this is the third Hokage of the leaf, Sarutobi Hiruzen, who put a shame to his teacher by letting Danzo do whatever he wants from the feature, seeing the third Hokage, Shindo gives his greetings while bowing a little.

Shindo:" Good Morning Sandaime Hokage - sama, what do you want to ask about me Hokage sama" in a respectful voice since he's still a Hokage and Shindo didn't know what the deeds Hiruzen did.

Third Hokage nod and ask.

Hiruzen: "Hmm, your wife gave birthright and she's a Jōnin too but since she's giving birth I'll allow her to as long as she wants to raise the kid well to become a ninja"

Shindo: "Hai, Hokage sama thank you since we need our kids to have his parents around"

Hiruzen: "hmm(stroke his goatee beard), just let your kid's become like his parents who is a Jōnin, And the reason I ask you to come is you need to go to war at the kusagakure since it's dire there and we need more men"

Shindo:" Hai Hokage sama, but can I request for three months off for our boy, I want to see him grow even if it's a little I just want to bond with him cause this might be the last he sees me(no he will not die don't worry)"

Hiruzen: "Sure, I will allow it since you already contributed a lot and say my greetings to your child and wife"

Shindo: "I will Hokage sama and thank you"

Shindo bows a bit and walks off the door, (no nothing happens like hiruzen ordering his anbu to watch him or anything) he goes outside of the Hokage tower and flicker his way to his house, minutes later he opened the door and says "I'm home" while he put his shoes off and put it to the side, hearing that her husband is back, she goes to see him with Shinsei who's still awake and his question about what they talked about

Shindo: "I will go to war in three months since I ask him to just three months since I want my baby to have a bonding with us family, and he asks me how are your health (greetings from Hokage) and he says that we train him to become a shinobi"

Sei: "hmm, but what our boy here don't want to become a shinobi?"

Shindo: "Then we don't have to push him to become a shinobi"

Hearing his parents, saying that he won't force him to be a shinobi made his heart warm up while making a vow that he will become the greatest laid back shinobi ever while hiding his capabilities or he might get troublesome insects or snakes coming to him in the future.

Three months later, November 16

Our mc was doing the best as he could during these three months, while instant learning(active) everything he could be it knowledge and experience of assassination, pickpocketing, cooking, sword techniques, ninjutsu (is this a weapon category cause I don't know what ninjutsu is), genjutsus while making a powerful genjutsu by improving it with all the information he got from all the genjutsus, and taijutsus and making powerful taijutsu of all( this taijutsu has 4 stages being the first one a baby who is smart or had an adult mind the second stage is kid stage(4 - 10) where they start unlocking the chakra pathways the third is teen (11 - 15 here would be like this since it's naruto world) and the last stage adult even old people can use this and there is more to it like chakra walk or leaf control exercise etc...

While spending his morning till night when they go to sleep with his parents and their bond is stronger than before.

The day comes when Shindo is going to war against iwagakure, saying goodbye to his wife and his kid while his wife is pregnant to his second child last October, estimated to be born 8 to 9 months later between June or July, when mc is sleeping they move to another room and make the room soundproof to make no sound comes out since they have neighbours when they do the did for the first time they are loud and the neighbours heard it by the next morning when the go out, they got tease because of how loud they are, from that day on they make sure to make their room is soundproof so nobody will hear from them again.

Shindo: "Looks like I'll be going kusagakure to help our fellow shinobi, so take care of baby Shinsei and the second member of our family"

Sei: "Hmmm*tears drop*, I will take care of them but be sure to make it in here when our next child is born okay"

Shindo: "I will, and Shinsei be sure to make sure to take care of our mother ok since she is carrying your sibling

Shinsei with a serious but cute face: "Bhu bha bhu bha bha"(I will protect mother and my younger sibling don't worry)

Seeing the cute face of his son he chuckled with tears falling while being proud that his baby seem to understand.

Shindo: "Goodbye Sei, Shin, I will return no matter what happened to me be it losing an arm or legs I will come back to see you again!"

Seeing his father moving while waving his hand through the air while shouting that he would come back alive, he felt a great pain in his heart, thinking the worst outcome he could have in the war where death is lingering around snatching soul here and there, tears flow through his eyes till he cries harder thinking his dad might not come back again to him to see his family, seeing her son cried she also cried silently, thinking of the possible outcome when they go to the battlefield where allies might backstab you from behind.

Shin thought of this world and think how to get stronger so that he can come back safe and sound and protect his family from being sad again.

The End.