
Chapter 17.

The joy of meeting Sumire darkened yet another glitch in the system, but this time it turned out to be specific. I had a blue screen in front of my eyes. I almost got a heart attack, the first thing I did was to get into my inventory. Thank all the gods, demons, and other supernatural brethren, the inventory worked, and almost everything was in place. Only five bottles of moonshine were lost, but these are trifles, I'll still catch up, most importantly the most valuable potions are in place, everything else is replenished.

I just exhaled with relief when I felt the activation of the illusory barrier. Sumire disappeared somewhere, and the blue screen in front of his eyes changed to white, and text appeared on it.

Dear user of the System Gambler, version T.-3000 due to ... technical problems, the system will be unavailable for several days. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

God of Games.

That's all? And where is the compensation, my heart almost stopped, but here we apologize, this will not work. You can't put an apology in the cauldron , and you can't sell it for CD.

- Stop, stop! Dear I sho - I see no compensation .

For what?

- How for what? What about moral damage? And my grandiose plans to clear the barriers? And the identification of newly brewed potions? The losses are huge, the lost profit is generally difficult to calculate.

But I agree to the recipes for all the potions sold in the in-game store, and two samples of each potion, ten copy skill orbs, twenty skill extraction orbs, and the Master Potions Master's Travel Lab .

Will it not be fat?

Recipes for a small potion of healing, regeneration, stamina, one skill extraction sphere , and a medium cauldron.

- How can I, I'm a poor, lonely orphan, living on a small allowance. Recipes for all potions sold in the in-game store, and one sample of each potion, nine skill copying orbs, eighteen skill extraction orbs, and a potion maker's traveling lab .

After five hours of fierce bargaining, he became the proud owner of one Copy Skill Orb, two Skill Extraction Orbs, a set of ten cauldrons, and a dozen Medium Potion recipes .

- Well, that's great. Now let's talk about material damage. I lost five bottles of the rarest moonshine, from the first batch, there were only a dozen of them in the whole world. I think thirty CD per liter will be just right.

Three hours of bargaining later.

Two CDs per liter, and no more CDs , the last sentence.

- I agree.

Ten CD fell into my hands.

- But I had two-liter bottles. - Clarified, and took out one for confirmation from the inventory.

Fourteen more CDs fell into my hands, and the bottle disappeared, as did the screen in front of my eyes, immediately after that the barrier was deactivated.

Sumire looked askance at my contented muzzle for a long time, but after a short explanation he stopped squinting and told me the reason for his visit.

Well, besides the fact that he missed me, he had trouble. That bird should have returned from the assignment for a week, but it still was not, although before it had never stayed so long for a maximum of two days. The natural venno Sumir began to worry.

- The poor fellow sat alone for a whole week, probably starving , let's feed him.

- Bulk Bulk .

- What do you mean not hungry?

- Bulk Bulkbul Bulk.

"I see, Minako fed you.

- Bulk.

"So, I don't understand who this Minako is , and why is she feeding you?"

- Bulka Bulka boules Bulka Bulka Bulka Bulka Bulka .

- I see, the friend of the bird that took you back then, and you stay with this Minako when the bird flies away on missions.

- Bulk bulk bul .

- Well, where is the justice.

- But why do they have the same missions, that you stay with one or the other?

- Bulk Bulk Bulk .

- If both are not in the village, you live with their mutual friend Eiko , who works in the village.

- Bulk.

- Sumire , I am now torn between two desires, to congratulate you, and to fill your insolent tentacle face.

- Bulk.

- What are you asking for? I envy. Do you have a harem, and I do not have.

Sumire encouragingly patted me on the shoulder with a tentacle , gurgled that you shouldn't worry, what my years are, and everything is still ahead of me.

It's a shame, of course, that the pet got a harem before me, but as Sumire said , I have everything ahead, I already have a reserve for the future, and in extreme cases, there are four bottles of love potion. And the fact that soldering with a love spell is low and immoral, as it is said with wolves to live like a wolf's howl. Their question of morality did not interest them when they put bookmarks for me, so I don't care, and in general I am a representative of the race of Unknown evil crap, maybe this is how we should, instead of flowers and sweets, pour a love spell on the girl. But the potion remains in the most extreme case, and you need to check its effect on someone else, otherwise I will give someone a drink, and then she will follow me and drool.

But do not think too much about the affairs of the distant future. The main thing is that I managed to beg for a skill copying sphere and two skill extraction spheres.

For the first time I found out about these areas when I looked through the auction again, and there was a lot with these areas. From the name it was clear that these spheres were for the extraction or copying of skills, but there was no more detailed information. I had to search for more than one week, but still found it. As it turned out, these areas were the very tools that allowed to sell skills. Everything was simple, you take a sphere, put a skill in it, and sell it at auction. The orbs themselves were also sold at auction, for skill extraction orbs the price was ten CD, but the copying sphere was already a hundred CD. This difference is understandable, the sphere of skill extraction, as the name implies, extracted the skill and it disappeared from the owner, and transferred this skill to the one who activated the sphere, after which it became unusable. But I had to quickly roll my lip, the skill was learned only voluntarily and consciously. So you won't be able to steal someone's abilities by letting them hold a crystal ball. Another drawback was that the learned skill was rolled back to the first level, regardless of the level at the time of extraction.

Copy Orbs obviously copied the skill, and unlike the Extraction Orbs they kept the skill level. Copying also occurs only voluntarily and consciously, and the sphere is also destroyed after the transfer.

Orbs can be obtained from bosses, starting from the fiftieth level, there is a chance to drop an extraction orb, and from the hundredth - copying orbs. At higher levels, there is a chance to drop a sphere with one of the defeated boss's skills, or a random skill, but it is extremely small.

When I read this information for a long time I could not understand, because the minimum price at the auction for the first level skills was only two CD more than the price for the extraction sphere, and the spheres themselves went like hot cakes. What is the point of losing a skill and selling it for next to nothing, if you can just sell the sphere, after all, I have seen more than once how skills were sold at the auction at a minimal price. But then it dawned on me that my skills were so tight, and most of them were obtained at great risk to life, or in general, under conditions that are impossible to reproduce. But for others, it is most likely not so. For example, the same Getsuga Tenshou , obtained through training, waved the sword and mastered the skill, then shoved it into the sphere and put it up for sale, and then spent another day to train this skill again.

But I had big plans for these areas, in the process of searching for information on the areas, I came across a description of one trip to another location. The author wrote that he got into the world of fantasy , and got used to the team of heroes who went to defeat the dark lord. But the servant of this lord turned out to be too cool, and put part of the detachment on the way. But the author had several of these spheres with him, and he convinced the dying to transfer their abilities to him so that he could defeat the dark lord. So, in addition to the reward for the quest, which involved the destruction of this lord, he acquired several more unique skills. And now, without less than two dozen spheres in his inventory, he does not go anywhere.

And in the near future, I also have meetings with strong dying people who can be persuaded to transfer their abilities to me. Yes, take the same Haku , offer him to transfer his genome in exchange for a healing potion for Zabuza , and I will have a new ability. Yes, even here in the village there are many candidates, when I was looking for Gopher I climbed the whole hospital, how many disabled people there, horror. And in order to return the lost limbs, they will completely agree to sacrifice, for example, an affinity with the element or something else, they will still be able to train them later. And at the moment I already have three potions of the highest healing and four more, where full healing is listed as an additional property. The fact that this potion is capable of regrowing a lost limb, I am sure, has been tested, unfortunately, again on myself.

After boiling horseradish for the first time, understand what and understand how it works. I went to the sewers, where I was engaged in shaking up the potion and looking at the properties for about an hour, and so on in a circle, until this rubbish turned into a terribly corrosive acid, which in a split second dissolved the bottle, hand and floor a couple of meters deep. True, I didn't care about the hole in the floor then. I then, howling in pain, poured into myself a potion of higher healing. It helped, the brush grew back, in just half an hour. So now until I master the technique of shadow cloning, I won't touch this garbage.

But let's return to our birds, or rather to the bird and not ours, but the bird Sumire , which flies to no one knows where. But the question is how to find out where she is, and what is wrong with her? Unfortunately, I am not a normal stranger and cannot, by the rustle in the tree outside the window, determine the name, surname, date of birth, blood type of the observers and the insidious plans of their immediate superiors for three years ahead. I will have to dodge, and for a long time ask everyone who may know at least something, and then look for a long time.

But if with the Gopher I knew at least roughly where to look, then with this bird the situation is completely different. Even though Sumire knew her name and address, and her friends (he knew too well, the tentacle bastard ), but no one will tell me anything, after all, the attitude towards me in the village is not very good. But it's not scary, I have a solid spy in the neighborhood, if she herself doesn't know, then her bosses are definitely in the know. It remains only to convince her that I must get this information. And I have a couple of ideas on this score.

- Sumire , crawl here, I have an idea how to find out what happened to your bird.

After enlightening Sumire about my ingenious plan, I sent him to prepare. And he himself remained to wait. Yasuka comes to me very often, and under the pretext that she has cooked too much again brings something to eat. There is something that she brings, I'm not afraid, at first I checked for the presence of extraneous additives, but none of those who fed her culinary masterpieces did not scream that they would become Hokage , and there were no other obvious changes in behavior, so now I eat with peace of mind pretty tasty dishes, and most importantly free.

Today was no exception, Yasuka came to visit and brought a whole pot of stewed potatoes with meat. While he was grooving and praising the food, she decided to clean up as usual, and naturally looked into the bathroom, where Sumire was waiting for her . After the prearranged signal, which was Yasuki's cry , he waited ten seconds, and only then went to rescue.

The picture that opened up to me was worthy of the best hentai anime with tentacles , although Sumire did not get down to business, but only twisted it and fixed it with tentacles under the ceiling, and pulled off part of the clothes, and pretended to be going to put free tentacles into action. It was at that moment that I appeared, said Fu Sumire , who of course was reluctant, but Yasuka let go.

After she cleaned herself up, she asked.


- Well, it's Sumire .

From such an answer and my absolutely calm appearance, she fell into a slight stupor. Until she regained consciousness, he said that Sumire used to live with a kunoichi , and described her in detail, but she had disappeared somewhere, and what happened to her was unknown, so if you knew for sure that she would not take Sumire away, then you could If I could attach him somewhere, and until I find out what happened, Sumire will live here.

After I finished complaining that it would be extremely difficult to find out anything with the attitude of the inhabitants towards me, Yasuka quickly left and returned three hours later, and within an hour after her return, I knew almost everything about Owl.

The good news was that the Owl was alive, but then there was bad news. On the last mission, she was hit by a doton technique , and her spine was badly injured, and now she is in the hospital with a completely paralyzed lower torso. The locals could not do anything, they only lamented that there was no Tsunade-hime here who could cure this.

But I don't care deeply about it, any splinters of bone are not a hindrance. So all that remains is to wait until nightfall, visit the Owl, give her the potion to drink, and by morning she will be as good as new.

I got to the hospital as usual through the shadow plane. Recently, it has become safe to move there, albeit costly. It all started with what I noticed as a creature from the plane of the shadow, when I disincarnate the ghost, the cop ate it.

Then he conducted experiments, plunged into the shadow plane, and when the creatures appeared, he threw a couple of KS in the opposite direction from himself, and while the creatures were distracted, he calmly went where I needed.

This went on for a long time, until I was ambushed, surrounded me from all sides, and even fixed with tentacles. I thought all the khan, but no, these bad creatures, instead of eating all normal monsters, forced to pay for the passage through their territory, the border guards are fucking. So now they are waiting for me on the plan with outstretched tentacles. I plunged into the shadow plane, gave five cops on my paw and crawl wherever you want. It's good that I used low-level cops, from rats, to distract attention, otherwise I would have gone broke.

It was possible, of course, not to pay, and try to slip through, but if they were caught, they would have to pay tenfold.

Finding the Owl became a matter of five minutes, after all, the hospital climbed up and down. To persuade to drink the potion, too, oddly enough, was easy. An hour later she was jumping around the ward, clutching me to her chest. As I envy Sumira , here the third is even more likely the third and a half size, and all this is disgusting to him .

To Sumire's great chagrin , Owl has not been released from the hospital for the second day. Well, yes, the locals cannot understand how she recovered from everything. Yes, I overdid it with the potion, I had to give something weaker. And then all her sores disappeared.

The ghouls who, only by mistake, have already called several liters of blood from it, trying to understand what happened? The Owl herself went unconscious , like I don't know anything, went to bed paralyzed, and woke up completely healthy. The fact that she did not lay me down made me very happy, but here there is also a selfish interest, if I cured it once, I can do it the second time, and with such work this second time can come at any moment. Although this did not save my apartment from a search, a very neat search, except for one bubble, nothing was missing, and all things were in their places, and Sumire was very pleased .

As he told me, a gorgeous girl got into my apartment, naturally Sumire stood up to protect my property, and detained the criminal. But while he was delaying, others ransacked the apartment. And why ask, he left the bottle with the potion in the most conspicuous place, and even signed it, so to speak, in payment for the information provided. All the same, he has a pair of additional properties, which to me unnecessarily, in addition to higher healing there is regeneration of forty-eight hours, and trolsky Pathogen 000 x 10, so do not mind , let him enjoy the health.

The system does not react for the third day, in principle, nothing fatal, the status does not work, but I don't fucking need it, I don't see any reason to stare at it every hour, and I call it only when I distribute points for the level. The shop, auction, forum, and the saddest barriers are still not working. Not the fact that they worked all the achievements and skills, most of them did not check dive to shade the plan is working, Henge , too, and the rest is no barrier to check incriminating .

The experiments also had to be suspended without being recognized by the system to understand that it was very difficult for me, and it was harmful to the health of others. I had to start restoring the stock of moonshine.

And now I have organized a small rest for myself , I am meditating on the hokage rock , it offers a gorgeous view, especially during sunset.

I was distracted from contemplating natural beauties by a strange sound similar to fanfare and a pink glow behind my back, emanating from the source of the sound. Turning around, I saw HIM slowly emerging to the music of a magic circle glowing with pink light .



- HEPSIELCHIK !!!!! - With a joyful cry, he threw himself on the neck of the slightly taken aback angel. - How glad I am to see you


- How long have I been waiting for you


- Now we will live. - Having detached himself from the order of the angel, who had gone crazy from such a meeting, he turned to the village.

- Well, Hepsielchik , let's go great things await us !!!


Hepsiel recovered from the shock , brushed off a tear of happiness and went back. It's so good that there is such a world where love and peace, and they are waiting for it, and it is for the sake of such worlds that it will bring love and peace to others, but here it is not needed.


After the departure of Hepsiel .

- Hey, Hapsiel where are you going?

- Oh, okay, I completed the main quest.

0_0 ...

- Oh, the system, you returned, just in time, I completed the quest, drive a hundred levels, a harem and what else was there, but quickly.

! $% @! % @ # on% @ ^ # $ ^ #% & and% & #% & $?

- What's buggy again?

Ahem .

You are not guilty, he came himself.

- Not understood.

Under the terms of the quest on about was CALL Hapsielya .

- So what is it, not to go to me a hundred levels and a harem?


It seemed to me or that "aha" sounded very pretty and gloating.

- NOT!!!!!!!!!! HEPSIELCHIK, BACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!