
Naruhodo: The Rasengan Admiral, Stranded in One Piece (R18)

After he died, Naruto believed he was going to the afterlife. But opening his eyes, he finds himself stranded on an island with no powers except a window and a strange fruit in his hand. He's also younger. A lot younger than when he died. All the women of his past life are on that island as well? And they're weak? ........................ "Is this the afterlife?" Looking at something called levels on the interactive, translucent surface, Naruto wondered. The island was different from the motley, spiritual expanse where he met his parents. "But what are all those beasts on the land and the sea?" When he frowned, weirded out, he saw a beautiful auntie passed out on a beach. The next day he saw another, more familiar figure there. ........................ Happy in love, Naruto was still bewildered. Unbeknownst to him, something which he would only find out later, they were transported to a world of pirates, bounty hunters, and sea guardians. Weeks later. Looking at the sullen, dark-haired, large chested woman with a mole on her face, and who wore a mantle with a seagull adorned on it, he chewed over, "Marine? Vice admiral? Pirates?... I'm not sure what this big chested woman's talking about, but she's making my choice easy with this cleavage."

Ash_Kettchup · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Kushina acts prude

Kushina's POV:

Inside the bathroom.

Kushina was shocked and destabilized.

Saliva at the corner of her lips, hearts in her eyes, she was looking at her son's penis. His big and thick, muscular cock.

The thing looked delicious, delectable to her...

Kushina wasn't dense with her feelings, with her needs, so she understood that she failed her own test... And the new, the next problem she faced was that she didn't feel that much guilt for it...

She wanted that cock inside her...

Naruto probably liked her and wouldn't refuse, since he was surprisingly hard right now too...

"Mom, what's wrong?" Naruto asked her. He was standing naked with his masculine, beautiful hard-on inside the large shower room. It had both a shower and bath.

Her eyes unable to leave his veiny tool, Kushina swallowed and replied, "Nothing... I was just admiring what came out of my body. My own womb."

"And?" His expression serious-minded, Naruto asked. "What do you think?" He seemed to value Kushina's opinion a lot concerning the matter--Which he easily picked upon with her eye-catching peeps.

"Well... You got something big down there." Kushina replied, staring at the kingsize shaft of her dreams. Shaken, but watching her vocab.

Despite wanting her son, realizing that she wanted him, for some reason she didn't want him to know of it... Not now... Not so soon...

This was her base instinct as a female, telling her to act a difficult game. To charm this eligible male with some chaste-like qualities, this wonderful cock that she wanted to be conquered by ...

Kushina wanted to be cruelly stamped down by her powerful, proud-looking son. All over again if she could because he was too magnificent... And as ironical as it was considering she was his mom.

She was no virgin.

"Big? How big?" Naruto asked. Stunning her.

When he did, for a moment she was able to regain her mind. She snorted and smacked his head, telling him to get the bath ready.

After Naruto turned on the water, when it became hot and steamy, the two of them entered the container.

In the basinful, however, as they started washing, relaxing, talking, the moral tainting, shameful desires she was trying to squash didn't lessen. They only gained in momentum, in ferocity, till she was eventually swept over.


Naruto's POV:

In the bathtub, Naruto didn't experience as many internal struggles as his mom did.

He knew she was undergoing those because of her facial expressions. Her unnaturally calm, quiet mood. Kushina didn't speak much. But he knew this mostly thanks to his powers. In front of him, women captured, tamed by his Pokeballs were defenseless.

Any front, any act they put would end up one way. Broken, devastated.

His mother was no exception to the rule. That was also why Naruto wasn't in a hurry and showed so much confidence. Going so far as asking her the earlier abashing interrogative... About his dad's size.

Kushina's non-reply and head smack told him everything he wanted to know. The answer...

Did Naruto feel bad for it? He didn't...

He was too aroused, too stirred up at the idea of defiling, subverting his mom's sexy body to worry about what his father would think of the current state of affairs.

Naruto was scum. He grew up to be.

Cucking his best friend was on the menu. So his dad was no different.

Getting more enkindled when he thought about some of the things he did to Sakura, Naruto turned and stared. At his mom.

Noticing his gaze, in the hot water, she asked, stuttering, "W-What?"

"Nothing." Naruto replied, smirking deviously. "It's just, let's say, this wasn't what I had in mind when you invited me for a bath."

"What did you have in mind?" Most of her body inside the liquid, half her head submersed, sunk, Kushina pulled a face.

Amusingly staring down his mom's beautiful frown, when she turned her head away, Naruto stated, "Mom, do you think dad will come here?"

"... What if he doesn't?"

"... I don't know. But what if he does?" Kushina said.

"Indeed. What if he does... How does that change something? If anything, it just makes me more aflutter, more drawn to you, mom." Decided to move onto the next, the more serious phase, Naruto stated like a panties' brigand. The woman thief, the love ragtag he was...

"I think I want you all for myself... What do you think about that?"

He stopped being indecisive, diffident, or respectful with his mom. And he announced things how they were...

... When the snatch and the delicious nectar coming, cumming from it were concerned, Naruto had no loyalty whatsoever. Not even to family. Not even to teachers...

He discovered this when grandma Tsunade was mad one day. She drank up too much and revealed to him how most of the women Jiraiya-- the teacher he looked up to, idolized too much--seduced, mostly had sex with married women.

Not just on the long trips they had when he was a child.

This was a time when Naruto saw his naive ideas, his thoughts, crumble.

If women were okay with men being trash, he wanted to be one... And he did become one.

If he hadn't, he wouldn't have slept with so many of his friend's spouses. Maybe none... They would've slept with his...

Naruto called this the douchebag energy. Hinata was often too busy with the drama he brought her, and their bedroom make-up sessions, to worry about cheating. If she ever thought about it, which she didn't as far as he knew.

With the amounts of shadow clones he had watching her, he was pretty damn sure.

"What are you saying, Naruto, I'm your Mo—"

🧡 Chuu~~!

Before Kushina could speak another word, Naruto acted bold, and kissed her. The next moment, under the water, he was groping her bountiful breasts.

If his mom didn't want to take the blame for the move on their mutual, blooming incestuous attraction, he would.

He knew damn well that she couldn't be identified as a hitched woman anymore. And that whoever she was distressed about would probably never come.


At the edge of South Blue. On a stolen but disguised vessel.

Leaving the Grand Line was easy for Marines, but it wasn't for most of the other people.

As top members of the Baroque Works organization, Mister 1 and his partner Miss Doublefinger weren't nobodies, withal.

Back from a mission in East Blue, when they were on their way back to Alabasta, Mr 0 told them to turn. They had to make a potentially long stop in South Blue...

They had to discreetly conduct, make sure an important business went through... Some of the parties in the transaction despite having garbage strength had somewhat of a troublesome identity and business ties on the Grand Line. Hence, why they had to be patient.

The merchandiser himself had an indistinct business relationship with *Joker in the underground... As for his wife, she was bruited to be Catarina Devon's little sister.

There was nothing much to the rumor, if that woman wasn't dead back then, at the end of the Golden age, she was surely in Impel Down...

... Still, she was really born in this sea, South Blue, the last time their boss checked...

"Mister 1. Why is the boss so wary of Catarina Devon? Aren't we just meeting her little sister?" On the boat, when they left the calm belt and reached the far end of South Blue, Miss Doublefinger turned to Daz Bones and asked him. He never told her his real name, neither did she tell him hers.

Daz was fine like this...

He didn't know about her because Miss Doublefinger loved his muscles.

She was sometimes a little too flirty...

No matter how much he found her enchanting, though, Daz, never accepted the advances she made on him. He was loyal to his job, to the murdering craft and Mister 0. Women made men weak.

Acting tough, sober and serious, like always, after a short and virile intermission, Daz replied, "That's not something we need to worry about. We have one job, Miss Doublefinger."

"Huh? Aren't you curious?" Miss Doublefinger was a slender, mature, alluring woman with dark blue, afro hair. Hearing her partner being no fun like he always could, she expressed.

"..." Daz remained quiet.


"Of course, you wouldn't... What was I expecting..." Sighing, Miss Doublefinger, stated lowly.

She and Mister 1 were both devil fruit users that couldn't swim. Her eyes were on the few Baroque Works sailors and minions chatting around the deck when she thought, 'Why am I stuck with such a dull associate... This killing job's no fun with this kind of partner. Maybe I should go back to managing a tea house, or isn't it too late to completely switch vocations... '

'I wonder what those damn marines think... They can kill pirates like they would exterminate wild fowl in a swampland...'

'Must be sport.'

After another, longer sigh, the woman went to her cabin to brew some tea and savour her newest read. When they weren't fighting, the time was long around Mister 1, so in addition to a ledger where she wrote stuff, she always had nifty, surefire books with her.


Somewhere deeper into South Blue.

In a place not far from Baterilla Island. A large ship docked at a certain Marine base.

Getting out of it, Gion was impatient. She was finally going to meet the new talented marine, the topnotch beauty that her big sister, her big boss Tsuru, spoke about.

The name was hard to remember and pronounce, still.

So on their way to the base, she asked Tsuru again what she was called.

Gion could feel the bubbling expectation, the anticipation in her sister's voice when she responded, "Hahaha!"

"Gion, your memory's worse than mine when I'm older."

"I told you already. How many times will I have to?"

"She's called Sasuke. Sasuke Uchiha!"

"Sasuke Uchiha, huh... Okay, I'll remember next time." Her head titled to the side, thoughtful, Gion tried hard not to forget this time.

Looking at this little sister of hers, Tsuru shook her head. Her talent for swords was as great as her power to be unusual. Different...

Tsuru hadn't met the new recruit face to face yet, but she was worried for her.

Length improved check.

You weren't expecting this, were you?

Stay tuned to know what happened to Sasuke. (Fem Sasuke)

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