
narto sex history fanfiction :V

A bunch of random sex stories set in the Naruto universe (all characters that appear in these stories are 18+) Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or its characters

minmix · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Secrets of the Hidden Leaf

By : Sessakag

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story.

A harsh smack echoed, a sharp cry followed, his cock wept excitement. Running his palm along his slit, Naruto slathered pre-cum up and down his steel rod, tightening his grip at the top before cupping his sac as he settled into a leisurely jerk off session. He puffed hot air between his lips, slitted blue eyes fused to his girlfriend's cherry red cheeks. She was slightly bent over the reshaped table, her arms stretched out in a T, held in place by lime colored chakra restraints at the wrist and ankle.

Her body jerked as Two gave her another smack, jiggling her globes and deepening the cherry.

He shared a hiss of rapture with her, groaning as he cork screwed his throbbing meat.

Watching her pain was a hot, lust inducing, deliciously lewd affair and if he wasn't already a sadist, she'd easily turn him into one.

Hinata made pain sexy.

His beautiful Pain Princess.

Those sweet, drugging whimpers that left her throat, sounds coated in honeyed bliss as though getting her peach bottom paddled was equivalent to a full body massage while being fed ambrosia.

Her unabashed enjoyment so addicting and blatant, dripping down her inner thighs like a welcome mat, a sirens call that glisten and flashed invitation.

How she danced beneath the paddle, shifting away one moment, arching the next, a sensual tug-of-war with pleasure on one side, discomfort on the other.

Who the fuck wouldn't be seduced by such lewd spectacle.

Certainly not him or the other iterations of him beating their own cocks while leering at their lover.

"Two more, baby, then we're moving on, 'ttebayo," he told her, then addressing Two, "hard, both cheeks."

The clone indulged a linger stroke to his sex before wrapping both hands around the wooden handle and swing twice, the final impact drawing a scream from her throat. She sucked in harsh breaths, he could see her trembling, buttocks flexing, fresh slick tracing her inner thighs.

He rearranged the performance platform, drawing a surprised squeal from her lips as it lifted her legs from the floor and rotated until they were face to face. He deactivated her restraints with a thought, watching as she rose, gaining her knees then leaning to one hip, careful to keep her fiery buttocks from the hard surface.

"Yo," he called out to his look-alikes, "get the mirror."

One stepped away, grabbed the full length propped against the wall and set it up.

"Now," Naruto began, returning to his sluggish polishing, watching her droopy eyes glance from his face to his masturbating hand, "we're gonna kill three birds with one stone. You're gonna put on another show for me, but I want you to watch my show too. So this is what's gonna happen, I'm gonna turn the table and once we start, keep your eyes on the mirror."

He turned to his gaze to his clones.

"It's his turn, I did the paddle," Two reasoned, cocking a thumb at One.

"Exactly, you got to paddle her ass! Let me have some fun too! I'll do the candle and you can go get tortured, 'ttebayo."

"Just go," Two dismissed, rolling his eyes.

"It'll kill me!"

"You know of a better way to go? What guy wouldn't wanna die like that?"

One pouted.

"Come on, we ain't got all day."

His huffed a long suffering sigh then walked over to Hinata.

"Up," he directed, puncturing his words with a light smack to her cherry colored cheeks.

"N-Naruto-kun?" she gasped.

She rose but kept her eyes on the original, confused but obedient.

"Good girl," he praised, "now, let the clone on the table and climb on top."

He lowered the table. She slid down, cheeks flushed as his clone laid down before mounting him herself, seating herself on his abdominals.

"Sit on his dick," he prompted, "slow. No hands."

"Fuck," One whispered.

Lusty orbs fastened to him, Hinata lifted, bracing her hands on either side of One's head as she went fishing for his clone's steel rod with nothing but her dripping pussy. He squeezed his base, arching his own hips; this was definitely a game he wanted to play with her another time.

She hit the bullseye moments later, and claimed her prize with a hitched breath, drawing an answering grunt from One.

Her spine bowed, pearly whites catching her lower lip.

"That feel good, baby?"

"Yes," she moaned, plush thighs straining.

"Stop squeezing, we haven't even started yet," One growled, clamping hard hands to both hips, putting a stop to her subtle rocking, "and stay still-"

"Or I promise you won't get a single orgasm tonight," Two continued behind the pair, "you'll go to bed horny and hurtin'."

"Do you understand?" he finished, hard crystalline eyes promising he'd follow through without remorse.

She struggled, a low whine leaving her throat as she battled the urge to ride him like a untamed horse.

"I…w-what if I c-can't help it?"

"Then you and your pussy's gonna go to bed crying, 'ttebayo," he shrugged, "depending on how much you like the wax, I know you're not gonna be able to help squeezing, I want you to. I wanna feel how much you like the wax, how much you like being watched, that's the point of him," he gestured to the clone, "but I expect you to control yourself. I don't care how good it feels, you start fuckin him without permission, you're gonna be in trouble, simple as that. Do you understand?"

"Y-yes sir," she mumbled, blushing prettily.

Three Naruto's froze, before muttering "fuck" in unison.

"Shit Hina, way to spring a fuckin 'sir' on a guy," One groaned, sneaking three hard thrusts, jolt her lush body.

Dick hard enough to hammer nails, Naruto guided the table to him, reaching for her pinned hair the moment she entered his reached. He fused their mouths, swiping the filthy, Naruto-pleasing cavern with a tongue coated in aggression. She bounced against his lips, desperate whines filling his mouth as his greedy clone fucked her in earnest.

"You're such a good fuckin girl, baby," he told her glassy eyes, "follow the rules and I'll reward you for that later."

"He's about to reward her prematurely," Two warned, reaching out to tag his humping brethren in the leg, "chill the fuck out."

"She feels so fuckin' good," was his puffed defense, though he did stuttered to a halt, "fuckin torture down here."

Hinata giggled, drawing a drown out groan from his clone.

"Behave," Naruto chuckled, morphing her mirth into pain with a hard nipple twist, "his job is hard enough," he sat back, adjusting the table, "let's go, enough teasing."

He turned their sex platform a full 180, presenting Hinata's smooth back and red buttocks before lifting it high enough for him to watch comfortably. He was way too tall for the table, that much was apparent, Naruto snorted a laugh at his clone's long, muscular legs dangling over its edge, toes just skimming the floor.

He looked ridiculous.

His own blue eyes glared at him from around his girlfriend, along side the middle finger.

"Hinata, the only word you're allowed to say is stop," he instructed, ignoring himself, "if you don't like our wax play, then stop is your safe word, otherwise, I don't want to hear a word."

Two was ready and waiting with Hinata's sapphire candle.

Naruto sought her lilac eyes in the mirror. She was watching him, her face flushed, a combination of naked arousal and embarrassment. She darted hungry glances from his face to his chest, lingering on his flexing bicep and masturbating hand.

"The further you hold the candle away, the cooler the wax," Two informed her, lighting the candle with a flick of chakra, "we'll start high."

"Ready?" he questioned.

She nodded, and Two tipped.

She jumped at first contact, her pretty face more surprised than pained, brows crinkled as she sorted through her response to the sensation, slowly settling on indifference.

"Closer," he instructed, tracing the vibrant blue between her shoulder blades.

Two narrowed the distance between flame and snowy canvas and tipped again.

Her soft hiss and grimace hit him hard.

His languid motions quickened, adding a twisting motion at his weeping knob. Streaks of blue slipped down her spine, oozing for several delicious seconds before hardening. Another spill set his pretty lover squirming, lips parting on a silent gasp, back bowing with sensual a snap that bounced her luscious tits in the mirrors reflection.

He licked his own lips, craving a taste of their pointed tips.

"What's the verdict?" Two asked.

"Wetter than ramen noodles," One grunted, stroking her insides before stilling his wayward hips.

Two brought his arm down, shortening the burn distance, dripping sapphire lava in the midway point of her back. She made a sound he hadn't heard before as it pooled in that delectable dip her spine, a gasping whimper that filled his ears with music and started a deep ache in his abdominals.

"Fuck, she likes it there," One panted, hips bucking, "she's gushing like a damn geyser. Squeezing hard as fuck. Do it again."

Rivulets slid down the pale canvas, winding and curved, given shape and direction by her seductive shifting. It's so pretty, those streaks on her skin. They were shiny and smooth, made so much brighter against her snowy flesh, a shade of blue identical to his own.

A brand, one chosen by her.

Left to her own devices, placed in charge of what color she wanted to paint her body, she chose one linked to him, a symbolic desire to bathe herself in his possession in any way she could. She wanted to be his and that undeniable fact made his dick harder than the aphrodisiac filling the room.

"She's shaking," One chuckled, flexing up and drawing a trembling mewl from her throat, "poor baby," the clone reached up, playing with her nipples as he spoke, "we're watching you, ya know, all three of us. Do you know how sexy you look getting all wet and horny over hot wax? Fuckin beautiful and nasty."

Two let the candle burn a bit longer this time, building up the cerulean liquid then poured in graceful swirls, a few reminding him of the Uzumaki crest.

He was no artist, but her porcelain skin painted in wax had to be considered a work of art.

Her low whine music to his ears.

"Fuck, I think she's cumming," One grunted, pawing her plump cheeks roughly.

She was.

He could see her blissed out reflection.

Her lilac eyes were glazed and lustful, locked obediently to him but barely open. Her mouth was agape, brows crinkled, face a bright scarlet. Her lush body shuddered, quick jerks of delicate muscle that drew a pained grown from the trapped clone. At his limit, One wrapped his tanned arms around her waist, caught foot holds on the performance table and pounded upward, cursing and groaning, jolting the petite woman above. He watched as she came undone all over again, pumping his cock furiously, too turned on to chastise his horny clone.

Orgasm surged, sharp tingles erupting at his weeping crown warning him he was seconds from blowing his load.

He stopped abruptly, desperately gasping for breath, gripping his base tightly in an effort to stave off his climax. One had no such restraints, his clone fucked her hard and fast, body tensing an embarrassingly short time later as he came.

"Fuckin…finally…" One panted, limbs spread akimbo as he basked in sexual relief.

Hinata lay twined with his clone, chest heaving, skin glistening, faraway orbs still stubbornly fixed on his reflection. He gave his meat a last stroke, then formed a familiar seal, a silent warning for her. Sluggishly she rolled to the side then rolled back after his clone disappeared.

He turned the table, slanted and lowered it until it was positioned well enough for her to crawl down.

Which she did without order, face flushed, eyes hungry, back shiny and blue.

Savage satisfaction scorched his veins as he watched her grovel across the living room floor. Memories, courtesy of clone One, unraveled in his mind's eye. He absorbed each and everyone, greedily relaying every sloppy squeeze of her pussy, time stamping every gushing flow her waxing coerced, mapping each shudder of her lush body. Lust carved groves inside his groin, need pounding a relentless drumbeat in his tightly drawn sac. He palmed his cock, exhaling bliss before holding it out in a silent order for to bring her mouth to him.

Heavy lidded lilac met intense blue, and whether she understood his voiceless command or not, her subtle lip licking and silvered gaze attached to his bobbing member left him no doubt she was hoping for a throat fucking.

His legs spread as she reached his feet, lungs heaving as she kissed them with reverence, then dragged her little pink tongue from ankle to knee, slowing to shower his hard thighs with affection.

"Open," he grunted.

Plush lips parted for his blunted tip, sucking him inside as eagerly as a newborn kitten at its mother teat. He may as well have stuffed his dick in a wet vacuum. His hips flexed, jaw tightening, knuckles whitening in the couch cushion below as she taught him the definition of greedy.

Up and down, Frenching his top before taking him back to the paradise hiding in the back of her throat. Quick deep strokes designed to drive him crazy, her hollowed cheeks creating a grip so tight he was one-thousand percent certain only a succubus could achieve it. She was mindless in her quest for his cream, liquefying his brain in the process. She didn't care how she looked with her mouth crammed with cock, didn't even attempt to control the globs of warm drool coating his dick and soaking his sac, the gagging noises leaving her throat.

She was lost to lust, shamelessly enthralled in sucking his souls from his body.

He grimaced, staring down at her dark head bobbing her head in his lap, her wet tongue gliding along the velvety underside of his sex with each pass. Soft fingers traced his muscled thighs, her touch loving and soothing, a stark contrast to the greedy, nasty guzzling going on between them.

A down right sinful paradox that knotted his insides. He felt adored and craved, worshiped and devoured, like she could never, would never get enough of him.


Sasuke tugged several tissues from the box on the bedside table and cleaned himself with silent efficiency, his movement slow and unnecessarily involved, anything to keep his thoughts conveniently blank. It was there in the back of his mind, Sasuke understood what he had done, why he had done it and what it meant and didn't mean…

At least the first time he'd cum with another woman in mind.

The time after…

What the fuck was that?

He wasn't a stamina freak like a certain blonde, once he was spent he was spent.

And he had been.

For nearly a half an hour, and then his mind had strayed…then his hand strayed.

He tossed the dirty tissues in a waste basket, then flopped against his pillows.

He felt languid and relaxed, satisfied in a way he hadn't gained from self-gratification in a while. His body was thrumming, content for the moment, opposite his stressed mind. Staring mute and pensive at the ceiling, he wondered, not for the first time, when his life would cease to be a complicated mess.

If that empty space beside him was any indication, the answer to that riddle was; no time soon.

His wife.

His freedom.

His past.

His new…depravity.

When would it end.


How would it end?


Her back was tingling, reminding her of the hardened wax still attached to her skin.

It was hot but not painfully so, a bit disappointing. She wanted to relive that burning sensation of thick viscous liquid trailing across her flesh.

Feeling it pool in that sensitive dip in her spine.

Having Naruto's clone inside her had wound her up so tight and those heated dribbles on her back had launched her over the edge.

She wanted to feel it again, hotter next time.

For now, she contented herself with the hard cock spreading her jaw wide enough to create a delicious ache. She found his base with her lips, pubic hair teasing her nose. She latched on and retreated, sucking tight and slow, pausing halfway before returning to base, humming her happiness as he returned to her throat. She was hungry, ravenous for his taste and texture, for the scorching heat and potent flavor of her Jinchuuriki lover's semen.

She was shamelessly addicted to his orgasm.

She loved feeling that hot rush of fluid on her tongue, how his dick was its hardest right before he spilled in her mouth, his growled grunts were music to her ears, his rough hands fisting her hair as he reached completion akin to an adoring caress.

Naruto caught in the grip of ecstasy was simply…divine.

She straightened her spine, giving herself an inch of height and leverage to suck in earnest, bobbing quick short strokes.

 "Ohhh shit," he panted.

She could feel his orgasm was coming.

His dick was velvet still on her tongue, pulsing and tight.

His broken breaths melding and amplifying her loud slurps.

He stiffened abruptly, a low groan filled the room, a gush of ejaculate filled her mouth.

She swallowed it down like cool water in a desert, marinating his warm essence on her taste buds, latching on to his angry tip for more when his potent spurts began to trickle off. A harsh breath left his chest, his powerful form shuddering weakly as his body forced out a final tasty droplet.

Tension gradually eased from his form, his sweaty blonde head dropped back on the couch.

He looked relaxed and beautiful, his glistening skin and spasming muscles drawing a throb from her clit. She sucked him gently, keeping her mouth two notches below tight, just enough to feel good to his sensitive organ. She stroked his body in time with her oral massage, absorbing every jerk and twitch beneath her hands, intoxicated by his laden strength all over again.

He wasn't completely flaccid, he usually wasn't after just one orgasm.

If he was in the mood to cum in her mouth again she was more than ready for another dose, happy, aching and available for his use. She settled in to a comfortable spot to blow him until he told her to stop.

"Fuckin' amazing mouth," he muttered.

Preening beneath his praise, Hinata cradled his narrow hips, twisting her head on each down stroke, engulfing his semi-erect sex in a wet corkscrew, hoping he'd compliment her again.

A soft hiss left his lips.

"Slower, baby," he whispered.

She complied and added extra, pulsing her suction, alternating between tight and loose lips, her pace languid and lazy, letting him feel each and every contour of her mouth. She was drooling, but she knew he liked it, and she couldn't find it in her to be too embarrassed when it made him feel good.

"Oh fuck, just like that."

He was starting to stretch her mouth again, gradually reaching for her throat. She sucked him deeper, nuzzling his groin with her nose, stroking nonsensical patterns on his testicles, redoubling her effort to coax his dick to full arousal.

She stirred more than his cock to life.

He took her pinned hair in a single big hand, forced her face to his groin and fucked her mouth in quick short thrusts that were sure to leave her throat sore tomorrow.

She moaned her approval, gurgling and struggling to draw oxygen through her nose.

She left her tongue soft, her throat open, her fingers itching to strum her screaming clit.

He let her breathe abruptly, yanking her sucking mouth from his cock and smashing their lips together twice. She was a bit dazed as he stood, his fingers still clamped to her hair. She reached for his leg in an effort to balance herself, wondering distantly what he would do next, her eyes closing briefly to enjoy the throb of his harsh fingers in her dark strands.

She felt him move, then his free hands found her tits.

He rolled her nipples lazily, twisting and tugging until her spine arched. It was delicious torment, heightening her need, bringing every arousing circumstance to the forefront of her senses. The wax on her back suddenly felt hotter, the aphrodisiac a sweeter in her nose, her pussy longing for a repeat of the pounding his clone gave her now wailing its desire.

She wanted to beg him for it.

To plead for him to bend her over and take her to another world.

She kept silent, whining her need quietly.

He hadn't officially given her leave to speak and she really wanted to be obedient.

She wanted him to be happy with her.

She turned soft lips to his tanned skin, smooching his outer thigh, tasting his salty flesh in a voiceless entreaty for hot, mindless sex. Instead of sweeping her to the floor and unleashing an unmerciful copulation on her needy body, he tugged her hair, reminiscent of a warning, then moved again. He walked her to the performance table on her knees, his pace sedate and conscious of her kneeling state. She followed without protest, breasts bouncing with each jarring step, anticipation pulling her tummy taunt.

She wondered if…

If he'd like to lead her around…with her own pretty collar and a thick leather leash.

Heat touched her cheeks.

She wanted him to…

She wanted him to so badly…

He released her hair and sat on their play table. Sitting back on her haunches, she watched him scoot back until his calves dangled over the edge.

She held back a giggle.

He was too tall for it.

"Get up here and ride," he ordered before giving her a grin and a good natured threat, "and I dare ya to giggle. I'll get a bigger platform when I have room for it, this'll have to do for now, 'ttebayo."

She rolled to her feet and climbed onto of him, eagerly reaching for his cock, her hand trembling.

He knocked her hand away.

Confused, she gazed down at into his cerulean orbs.


Arousal stirring to life between her thighs, she leaned forward and sampled his lips, meekly tonguing his mouth, presenting her moist cavern when he took over their kiss.

"Find it," he growled in her mouth, "no hands."

She arched her backside, searching for his dick with sopping nether lips, panting her desire into the minuscule space between their mouths. Desperation guided her hips, she caught his blunted tip on her third search, sinking down with a grateful gasp, her grimace as he filled her to the brim lost to the fiery inferno that gripped her insides.

She reached for an anchor, finding it in the velvety musculature below, braced her trembling arms and gave into hedonistic need.

His grunt barely reached her ears.

She was wild above him, distantly she realized that, but she couldn't stop her self. Hot friction filled her sex, the sensation a cure to all her body's terrible ails. She could hear how wet she was, it was loud in their living room, sloshing and squelching, a testament to the fever coursing through her veins. Her lungs were heaving, her pussy gushing, her world narrowing to the friction between her thighs.

She was bouncing to paradise when he touched her, creaming his cock in hot lust when she felt is longest finger slip inside the tight ring of her asshole.

She rode both without missing a beat, taking his finger to the last knuckle.

It was pleasure so potent her insides

His thumb circled her clit, whipping away any hope for her wild ride to last. She sucked in a harsh breath, mewling her completion to her lover.

She arched, squeezing his dick with excited pulls, head thrown back as the spasms started. Trembling and shaking, ravaged by bliss, she rolled her hips, crying her ecstasy to the ceiling. Her body seized, eyes rolling to back of her skull as her world unraveled. Strong hands spanned her ribcage, holding her upright. She sagged in his grip, soaked in sweat, shaking uncontrollably as she herself up to the sexual high.

He didn't let her breathe.

Didn't let her think.

He thrust upward, rolling her clit, forcing her drawing her back into that delicious precipice. Blunted nails dug into his skin, gripping hard abdominals.

She found that frantic pace again, hips snapping to and fro.

His calloused hands slid over her spin, clapped her cheeks hard enough to sting, then spread both plump globes.

His finger found her anus again, stirring delicate nerve endings to life with each deep stroke.

"Gonna fuck your ass again soon, baby," he promised darkly, "gonna pound this tight little hole till you scream."

A shudder swept her body.

She reached for him, twining his shoulders and muffling her whimpers in his shoulder, sobbing bliss and hunching against him, desperately chasing another explosion. She felt her cheeks spread, and a second finger joined his first.

Her teeth found flesh, tightening as he slammed his digits inside her ass.

Ecstasy pump through her veins, flaying her skin and coaxing a gushing flow from her spasming sex.

It was so good…

It felt so good…

Her insides melted, his cock an addictive treat for quivering cunt, the melding of their bodies a mind numbing drug. Her world narrowed to the incredible pounding of her pussy, his own powerful thrusts dragging her closer to the edge of madness.

She sucked in a breath, gasped for another before slamming her eyes shut.

She was on the cusp of orgasm, the drumbeat of his cock more than her body could handle. His fingers left her. Hard hands found her hips, bitting into her flesh hard enough to bruise. She knew what was coming, she sensed his aggression, Hinata braced her body for the pounding she craved all night.

Her ferocious blonde caught foot holds and worked his hips like a jackhammer, bouncing her sweaty body like a ragdoll.

She reached for his short locks, gripping the soft strands with trembling fingers as he fucked her senseless.

She didn't last.

When he was pounding her pussy like that, she couldn't last.

Clashing wet sexes filled her ears, drowned out immediately be her own shrieks. Tension snapped, hot moisture bathed his cock as she launched into wondrous convulsion.

Dimly she felt his own body shudder, his hard hands pawing her ass, smashing their genitals together.

Warm semen painted her insides, the heady sensation drawing a carnal smile to her lips. She pressed drugging kisses to his salty skin, sucking softly on the muscular canvas of her torso. She cuddled his heaving chest, her own tiny form moving with each inhalation and exhalation.

It was soothing.

Nestled atop his bigger frame, Hinata felt calm, and sleepy.

Her eyes drooped.

"It's late," her lover informed her, stroking her waxed back, "let's get cleaned up and get some rest, got a mission early tomorrow morning, 'ttebayo."

Curiosity roused her.

She questioned him silently.

His lips hitched a proud smile, "you can talk now."

She swallowed, moistened her lips and hoarsely asked, "with Sasuke-kun?"

She felt his mood shift immediately, his yellow brows crashing together, a hard gleam marring his blue eyes. There were very few subjects that could put that look on his face, one in particular was quite prevalent.

"The Council again?" she guessed quietly.

"They're making him hunt down his old team."

She rose from his chest, eyes wide and concerned.

"Guess your dad hasn't told you anything about it."

She shook her head.

"Of course not," Naruto muttered, a thread of annoyance leaking through.

She stroked his chest with soft fingers, embarrassment on her Clan's behalf brimming, "I'm sorry."

He gripped her chin and pressed a quick kiss to her lips, "what are you apologizing for? I told you before, you're not responsible for what your Clan does, 'ttebayo. Just because I'm annoyed with them doesn't mean I'm upset with you too. I know you're on our side. You're not responsible for their behavior. Alright?"

She realized that, but still, she had lived her life representing the Hyuuga as a whole, it was ingrained in ever man, woman and child that carried the name Hyuuga. Her identity would, in some ways, always be synonymous with her Clan.

She nodded anyway.

"They're up to something, I just don't know what yet, but I do know they're gonna use Taka as a way to pull his strings," his frown deepened, "Sasuke cares about Taka, he says they reminded him of Team 7, ya know. They're important to him, and after what happen before the war, when he was all fucked up in the head," he sighed, "let's just say he wasn't nice to them, even so, when he needed them, they stood by him. He doesn't want to repay their loyalty with fuckin betrayal, he doesn't want to drag them into this bullshit, he doesn't want to hurt them anymore, even if that means he can't… get his pardon."

Her heart sank.

"I…I can talk to father again…even if he isn't…receptive to my opinion, m-maybe I can get more information. W-we might be able to stop what's happening if we know what the Council is planing."

"I'd appreciate that, baby," he murmured, stroking his thumbs over her flushed cheeks, his expression turned contemplative, "ya know, it's not all bad. Sasuke will get to reunite with his friends, and get this, one of his old teammates, some obsessed redhead that's crazy about him, Karin, she's an Uzumaki, dattebayo. I really wanna talk to her, maybe she knows something about the Uzumaki Clan. There's not really much left of it, and even though I don't really get all this Clan stuff, I wanna learn about my roots, ya know?"

She nodded, smiling and happy that he was excited about such a rare opportunity.

She hoped this Karin had something substantial for her curious Jinchuuriki.


Sasuke stood outside his best friend's apartment not long after sunrise. Darkness lingered, sunlight peeking shyly through deep gray clouds. Most of Konoha remained fast asleep, though a few shops had already opened their doors to a handful of patrons force from their beds at the crack of dawn.

He was early.

Earlier than he normally was.

There was a reason for that.

Upon Sasuke's return, Naruto had made it a point to integrate the rogue into his life; nagging him to hang out in pursuit of fun, tearing up the training grounds together when they had time, extending an open invitation to drop by for for a meal and amicable conversation; something his introverted core dismissed outright.

Nothing against the dobe, he just wasn't a social person.

As time wore on and his fights with Sakura made their way to the blonde's awareness alongside his pardon drama and repudiation within the village, Naruto's prodding grew more frequent. Sasuke knew the Jinchuuriki's insistence was a roundabout way of providing him a measure of peace from his tumultuous marriage and hostile reception from Konoha at large; a way to monitor and combat the inner pain and trauma Sasuke refused to speak aloud. A means to battle that 'coldness' from his childhood he'd let fester and seethe until it had torn them all apart. Naruto was worried but determined not to let history repeat and had told him as much, a conversation their female former teammate had overheard. Naruto's not so subtle comment about him needing time away from 'shit that stressed him out' had been taken as the indictment it was.

Sakura wasn't stupid, she knew that she was among the category of 'shit that stressed him out' and though she pretended it was merely her desire to spend more time together that she mandated married couples should share their meals in the company of each other, from her waspish comments, he knew she resented the implication that Sasuke needed a break from her in particular.

Unwilling to add yet another arsenal to his wife's armory, Sasuke maintained their home meals, even when she wasn't home. Perception was everything, last thing he needed was her finding out that he'd 'run to Naruto' while her back was turned. He would never hear the end of how he 'relied more on Naruto than his own wife'.

The times he caught breakfast at Naruto's were purely accidental due entirely to the jonin's shameless tardiness. Naruto was hardly ever on time for anything, something the punctual Uchiha had come to begrudgingly accept. So when he showed up on time only to find the blonde rushing through his pre-errand preparations, there was naught for him to do but wait for him to throw on clothes and share whatever meal Hinata whipped together.

In those instances, his hands were clean.

Today was different.

His arrival for breakfast was deliberate, a choice he'd mulled over last night as he lay in his empty bed. Tired, slightly replete, his mind lingering where it shouldn't, this morning's compulsion had been sown in drowsy darkness, solidifying as he awoke hard as steel and jerked his cock to completion replaying last night's dream of a pale skinned female begging him for pain-.

He knocked on the door, abandoning those wayward ruminations.

With his wife upset and gone, his stomach empty, he didn't see a reason not to accept his best friend's open invitation.

That was the reason he was here.

The only reason.

Naruto arrived several minutes later, disheveled, and one article of clothing away from full blown nudity. He looked just like what he'd done, rolled out of bed with his brain partially incapacitated. His short blonde locks looked run through by a thousand fingers, droopy baby blues housing bits of sleep in their crevices, Sasuke was sure the sluggish jonin had slept naked considering his black boxers were comically twisted like he'd hastily thrown them on.

All of that paled in comparison to the wasteland that was his body.

Passionate carmine scratches authored by blunted nails, purpled hickeys blazing across his tanned skin…an indention of small teeth branding his meaty shoulder blade.

Last night's hyper awareness roared to life, stirring a flame in his stomach as his mind connected the dots between Naruto's mauling and the female responsible. His mind reeling, postulating, unbidden, as to what actions had cause such a visceral reaction from Hinata Hyuuga.

"Sasuke," he blinked, "shit, did I over sleep again?"


Blonde brows creased a beat before a grin tugged his lips, "that curry got to ya, didn't it? I told you Hinata's cooking is the shit."

Looking a lot more awake now, Naruto widened the door and stepped aside. Sasuke walked in, closing the door behind him then hanging his cloak on a hook and removing his shoes.

"Hinata's probably already in the shower," he explained, rubbing his abdominals and trudging back to his bedroom, "she'll be out soon and starting breakfast. Let me go get dressed, I'll be right back."

Sasuke followed up until he reached the modest living room. He kept his mind suspiciously blank, refusing to acknowledge his inconspicuous glance down the hall as he sat down to wait. Charmine lingerie and dark hair against snowy white skin rose unbidden to his mind. His gaze wandered, lighting on a blue candle burnt to the quick sat atop a coffee table suspiciously pushed to one side of the room, right next to a full length mirror.

He fixated on those strange items located in strange places, his mind painting a picture he was convinced was mostly accurate.

They emerged a few minutes later, throwing him a lifeline. Naruto led the way, their hands joined, arms slightly taunt, broadcasting the shy woman's silent reluctance to being tugged into the one man spot light. She was painfully aware of his presence he could tell, so embarrassed her pale eyes were fused to the floor, cheeks more flushed than he'd ever seen them.

His attention shifted, taking in her image from head to toe.

She looked soft and demure garbed in a pretty yellow dress that left her arms and shoulders bare, molding to curves he'd gotten a accidental view of, though loose enough to retain a modest appearance. Her long hair was shiny, damp and glistening from her shower, spread over haunched shoulders. Uncomfortable and shamed, she shifted weight from one petite foot to another.

He found the action amusing…cute.

Like watching a small kitten that knew it had done something bad and was in trouble.

Highly entertaining, but he came for breakfast not to cause discomfort for the woman cooking him a meal. He really had no intention of teasing her about her explicit display the other night, nor bringing it up ever again. He knew his limits, and her limits weren't hard to guess.

Complete avoidance was the proper response.

"Good morning, Hinata," he murmured, offering an olive branch alongside his greeting, "excuse the intrusion."

If there was one thing he knew of Hinata and Hyuuga's in general, manners were as integral as breathing. It may have been years ago, but he remembered his own grooming beneath his parent's tutelage.

Sure enough, his quiet formality coaxed a response.

Her back straightened, both hands fiddling with her boyfriend's hand as she inclined her head with all the grace expected from an heiress of good breeding.

"G-Good morning, S-Sasuke-kun," she replied, voice barely above an insecure whisper, she sounded a bit…hoarse, "thank you for j-joining us this morning, w-we're happy to h-have you for breakfast."

"Yeah, what she said," Naruto chuckle, "nice of you to finally join us for real. I only asked you to come over for breakfast like a year ago."

Sasuke fought the urge to roll his eyes, "and I recall telling you last year that Sakura likes for me and her to have breakfast together."

"Sakura-chan could've came too. I invited both of you, dattebayo."

Only after the pinkette kicked up a fuss during that overheard conversation and her lack of explicit invitation for shelter against what stressed her out.

"Breakfast alone," he emphasized.

"One morning out of a whole year is hardly a sacrifice, jeez."

"You're whining to the wrong Uchiha, dobe."

"Righhhht," he hummed, bobbing his blonde head as though he'd suddenly recalled something significant,"I forgot Sakura-chan's fists wears the pants."

He flashed his Sharingan lazily, "I'll be sure to relay your concerns in vivid detail so you two can have a chat about her fists. I'll be sure to stretch that five second conversation into three days for you."

"Nah, I'm good," he back tracked, he turned twinkling eyes to Hinata, "what's for breakfast, baby?"

Put on the spot, Hinata ducked her head a bit before asking, "w-what would you like, Naruto-kun?"

"Whatever you feel like making," he smiled, "not really craving anything specific, 'ttebayo."

She gave a small nod, returning his smile with a gentle glow of affection, it was gone a beat later, wiped clean and replace with bashful hesitance, "a-and you, S-Sasuke-kun?"

He was sure his face remained as impassive as granite, however, inside he was caught completely off guard. That she was willing to cook two different meals was not something he expected, though perhaps he shouldn't be surprised. Hinata had always been a very accommodating person, a people pleaser if his childhood recollections and current observations were accurate.

Kind to a fault.

"Guests don't usually dictate meal choices," he replied magnanimously.

She gave another one of her timid nods, extracted her hand from her boyfriend and wandered into the kitchen, leaving the men in the living room.

Sasuke willed his eyes not to follow.

"You're still in one piece," Naruto noted, flopping down beside him on the couch, "guess Sakura-chan wasn't as mad as she let on."

He frowned, his mood immediately souring.

Sakura was more than mad, she was absent.

Petty, and angry, furious and unaware of the turmoil he had returned home in.

He could guess what her reaction would have been to his assignment. They hadn't talked much about those years between his defection from the Leaf and his return, not that she hadn't asked him. Talking about his time within Orochimaru's clutches was hard…embarrassing.

Naruto was the only one he confided in about it, knowing he would understand, knowing he wouldn't judge him for the things he'd done and not done.

He knew what Taka meant to him.

His wife didn't, but considering the way their 'heart to heart' conversations often went, he knew she wouldn't view his bond with his rogue group favorably.

Not when she wanted their bond to supersede all others, not when she saw his past as a ball and chain in their marriage, not when she was essentially asking, no, demanding that he sacrifice his burdens of the past in favor of their future, the future she wanted.

If his dead Clan's honor, maintaining his dojutsu's full capability wasn't enough to sway her sympathies, to give him comfort rather than a headache, he doubted his turmoil over Taka would go over any better.

As dejected as he'd felt coming home to a note, it was probably for the best that she wasn't home.

"That bad huh?" Naruto sighed sympathetically, drawing his mind back to the here and now, "maybe you shoulda picked up some flower or something, before you went home."

He raised a brow at the idiotic suggestion, "when has flowers ever saved you from a knock out?"

"Point taken."

There were ways to soothe his wife's impressive temper, a bouquet of flora wasn't one of them, though to be honest, he hadn't use any of his effective peace promoting options in months.

"Did you tell her about the mission at least? This mission is tough shit, even when she's pissed off, Sakura-chan would wanna support you, 'ttebayo."

Sasuke held his bitter retort dangling precariously on the tip of his tongue.

He may as well have said it. Sasuke could school his features all he wanted, Naruto always knew when something was wrong.

It was uncanny, a bit creepy at times.


"Leave it, Naruto."

He didn't want to talk about it.

He wasn't going to talk about it.

Much as they fought, Sasuke loved Sakura, she was his wife, a tie to his past, a life that had briefly been a source of contentment if not happiness and the least he could do was keep his venom to himself when speaking to their mutual friend. He wasn't going to cause strife between her and Naruto, unintended or otherwise. To be brutally honest, Naruto knew Sakura, he knew how she worked, how she acted, her good qualities and her terrible flaws. Naruto might not know exactly what was at the heart of their problems, but he had an idea of how hellish it was being at odds with her, even without walking in on her screaming and throwing furniture.

This was between him and his wife, their problems were meant to be worked out between them.

They held gazes a beat before his vulpine faced friend exhaled exasperation but nodded. Sasuke got the feeling he wasn't going to leave it alone.

When did he ever?

They shifted the conversation to lighter topics until Hinata emerged from the kitchen, announcing breakfast was ready.

He felt a vague sense of deja vu as she served them, setting their plates on the table in the empty space between both men, filling their cups with hot tea with a grace he found hard to look away from. He remembered another time she served them breakfast, a time where she had placed their plate on the table with shaking hands, smelling like a female in heat.

That permeating arousal that clung to her pale skin back then was absent today.

Her scent was all floral sweetness and feminine pheromones, subtle and attractive, it hit him just as hard as her arousal had.

He couldn't pinpoint one singular reason it did, rather, it was a combination of lewd factors.

Their book collision in the forest, the previous sexually charged breakfast, the lingerie accident, his subsequent jerk off session and the dreams that followed. When he looked at her now, he recalled the sheer volume of her scantily clad titties with her peek-a-boo dark coral areola. His mind strayed to the steepness of her wide hips, the tininess of her waist. Vividly he recalled her parted lips, flushed face and lustful lilac eyes.

That night was superimposed over her fully clothed status.

She was quietly stimulating his senses, innocently teasing him with her compact voluptuous form and sweetly docile mannerisms. His awareness of her attractiveness was a forbidden sensation unique to his monotone world, a guilty pleasure he distantly acknowledged he was feeding this morning.

It was only distantly that he could entertain these reality, if he left them in range of his conscience, he'd have to question himself.

Question why he was experiencing anything other than fond courtesy for his bestfriend's girlfriend.

Question why he was looking at a woman with lust burning his insides, a woman that wasn't his wife.

Question what kind of man both cruxes made him.

He'd rather not go there.

"This looks great, sweetheart," Naruto praised, digging into the waffles in front of him.

There wasn't a single sweet in range of Sasuke, however, tomatoes were in abundance. Raw tomato grapes in a bowl, a small plate with a whole tomato that had been sliced, grilled and lightly seasoned. A quiet acknowledgment of his distastes for sweets.

Naruto, having long since learned not to talk with his mouth full, was mostly quiet for the first few minutes, his two companions naturally muted remained as such.

The apartment held a tranquil undercurrent, the sound of chopsticks on porcelain oddly soothing.

Surprisingly, Hinata broke the silence.

"Umm…I wish you luck on your mission today, Sasuke-kun," Hinata murmured, turning his mind back to the table conversation, "N-Naruto-kun says your old team is important to you, I hope you find them, a-and whatever happens, whatever the Council plans, I-I'll do what I can to help you all."

He glanced at Mr. Naruto-kun.

"Get that look off your face, you know I wouldn't go blabbing everything we talk about to her," he huffily assured, "we only really talked about your mission and I talked to her about Karin, we're like distant relatives, ya know. There aren't many Uzumaki's around, Karin probably doesn't know any more than I do but still, it's kinda a cool, 'ttebayo."

Distraught, Hinata turned contrite eyes to him, "I-I'm sorry, I d-didn't realize you didn't want-"

"It's fine," Sasuke grunted, and it was, for all his goofiness and obliviousness, he trusted the dobe, and as far as Hinata was concerned, there was no woman in the world more harmless, shinobi skill aside of course, "Naruto told me you've been trying to sway your own Clan and using your own position as heir to back our proposals. He'd be remiss not share this type of information with you," a thought occurred to him, a lapse he hadn't realized had happened, "you have my gratitude for the support."

He hadn't thanked her once since Naruto told him she volunteered to wrangle her pain in the ass Clan.

"Oh ummm, you're w-welcome," she replied, head bowing awkwardly and blushing prettily.

They ate and chatted a bit longer, Naruto asking questions about Karin that Sasuke couldn't answer. During their time as teammates, they hadn't really delved into what information the Uzumaki descendant may or may not have about their ancestral land. Naruto was far from deterred, asking one dead-end question after another.

Hinata cleared the table when they finished then settled in her seat, occasionally filling their tea cups and adding her own gentle input here and there.

When it was time to leave, Sasuke moved to the door, stealing a side glances at the couple saying goodbye.

He was settling his cloak around his shoulders when Naruto moved. The blonde jonin wrapped a tanned hand around most of her neck, nudging her chin up with a thumb. Quietly aggressive, subtly domineering, that gesture spoke volumes. Hinata's response was just as telling. Her slim shoulders sagged, pleasure suffused her pretty face, and her back gave the slightest arch towards her rough handling lover. Submission joined those heady feminine pheromone that clung to her like a second skin, her body language conveying acceptance, trust and desire.

She enjoyed being in his possession.

A flower basking in sunlight.

His abdominals tightened, a familiar fire flickering to life.

He spoke to her quietly, his deep baritone rumbling a cadence of command, an aura of authority Sasuke hadn't heard him use before.

Hinata nodded silently, her head bobbing the slight amount his grip allowed, listening intently with her moonstone eyes fused to her boyfriend. Sasuke could have been on another planet for all she realize, Naruto held her full attention, his words as important as oxygen. When she finally spoke, he read her lips as though she had formed those words aloud, two words that punched a hole in his gut, and gave his dick a involuntary tug.

"Yes, sir."


They shared a kiss that was brief but heated, a meshing of lips that left Hinata a bit dazed.

Naruto glanced at him as they headed for the door, piercing cerulean eyes quietly assessing. Sasuke wasn't sure if that measuring look was Naruto trying to gauge his reaction to him manhandling his woman or if he'd read and was trying to make sense of the hunger in his eyes.
