

Din is staring and waited for Nan to respond to his confession.

Nan stopped breathing for a moment because of the shock. A lot of mingling thought makes Nan's head spin. She can feel her brain nerves were tense.

"Um… Nan?"

"Ye-yeah?" Nan thinks hard and bit her lips. Din understands that Nan needs some time to think about this, "Nan, you don't have to answer now. I know you have a lot of thought and you can take your time." Din said with a soft trembling voice.

Then Nan comes out of the car after.

"Nan, wait!"

"Yeah?" Nan responded.

Din doesn't want Nan to feel uncomfortable around him, but he already told his feelings. Din thinks about it and decides to be patient.

"Um... You don't have to think really hard about it today. Just think about our trip today!" Din smiles and said, "This is my happiest birthday! Thank you, Nan!"

Nan smiles and waves to Din. When Nan enters her room, she sits on her bed and sighed. Her chest feels heavy and harder to breathe. She thought about a lot of things. Starting from the old her who used to see Din and other actors on screen, then struggle period of pursuing her dreams. Nan didn't want it to end in vain. Din is also a raising actor and a dating rumor could cause an uproar among his fans and possibly worst-case was career forfeiture. And the most important thing, Nan is unsure of her feeling to Din.

When taking a shower, she thought of what Din said.

"You don't have to think really hard about it today. Just think about our trip today!"

"This is my happiest birthday! Thank you, Nan!"

And remember his smile.

Nan smiles and relieved that Din had fun on his birthday. Got out from her bathroom, the necklaces that Din gave her catch her eyes. She took it and lay on her bed while giving it a good look. Then flashback happens when they're giving present to each other. Nan chuckled and said, "want to give instead of receive." Nan repeated Din's sentence while he gave her the necklace. Nan put the necklace beside her and went to sleep. Nan's mood got better after she thought about the trip and sleep soundly.

The next day was the day that she has been waiting for, the first day of shooting. She's both excited and nervous as well. The first shooting site is at an apartment for the first appearance of the female lead, 'Rin'. Nan is so excited that she came 2 hours earlier. The shooting will begin at 7.00 am and at the time Nan arrives, the team is already busy preparing the set. Nan dazed-looking at the staff. In confusion, Nan asked the staff. "Excuse me, may I ask how long have you all been working here?" and the staff answered, "We're here since 3 am."

Nan couldn't believe what he just said and asked again, "Uhm, have P'Rom arrived?". The staff answered by pointing at a chair behind a camera.

Nan saw P'Rom are reading the script thoroughly and she greeted him, "Good morning, P' Rom!"

"Oh, Nan! You're early!"

"Yes, I am a bit excited about today haha. Do you need a hand, P'Rom?" Nan takes a chair and sits beside P'Rom.

"Since you're here you can help me to review the setup with the script," P'Rom suggests.

"Okay!" Nan gladly helped P'Rom to review the setup.

With both point of view from an ambiance expert and writer. Nan and P' Rom have several different perspectives. They keep sharing ideas and combined it until come up with the best result. Then Nan talks about possible events that usually happen on the first day of shooting. P' Rom first complimented Nan for arrived early. As a director, checking the situation far before the schedule is necessary. It was to prevent in case something is lacking in preparation.

Then the rest comes after. First Min, then comes Nin, the female lead roleplayer and her staff.

Because it's the first day, Nan's leading is still helped by P'Rom and P'Min. They shoot for 3 hours in the room, because it was a compilation scene for 2 episodes on the same place. While filming, staff for preparation move to the next site and who stay for filming are the lead-project officers, camera, sound team, and the actress. Nin's acting is good as a mere plain girl that Nan has been portraying in her story. All the scenes on the apartment finished and prepare to move to the next site, the place where 'Rin' will meet 'Rom' for the first time.

Nan and others heading to the next site and arrived in front of a cafe. As soon as Nan arrived she grabbed all the stuff required and walked to the set while reading the script carefully. Nan observed the cafe ambiance just like what P'Rom said. This time is tenser because it involved more people. The set is fine, then Nan discussed the shooting angles with P'Rom and P'Min. Nan thinks this scene required a lot of angles to make the characters first meeting meaningful. P'Rom and P'Min agree but the cameraman seems didn't like Nan's suggestion. Nan felt the pressure and knows that this kind of thing is that she has to handle.

After making a few changes, Din and his team arrived at the set. Din is using black casual clothing for the first meeting, the important part of his clothing for this scene is the accessories. 'Rum' in the first meeting should look as suspicious with a mask and sunglasses. And at the moment he is done by his hairstylist, he sneezed. Everyone jolted and worried about him then asking 'Din, you okay? Do have medicine? Are you sure? You can continue shooting?'. Hearing all those questions from others, Nan clenches her teeth, holding a burst of laughter. A notification popped up, "Don't laugh. Your fault! (angry emoticon)". It was Din. Nan throws a glance at Din and he shows exactly the same facial expression as the emoticon. Nan bent down to her knee and laugh in secret.

Both Nan and Din feel uneasy when everything starts to open up around them, But it's gone better when Din told Nan not to rush. Nan manages to do her work, then what will happen after?

ssun_aracreators' thoughts