
Nakamura Sachiko and Her Adventures in Multiverse

Nakamura Sachiko from a different universe travels across the multiverse and Shenanigans ensue. (She's my OC in Jujutsu Kaisen universe but a different ver of the one from my fanfic, Reborn in Jujutsu Kaisen with THREE Wishes.) First world - MHA Second world - ????

Chaotic_Clara · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 4 - Apartment

Sachiko ends up buying a 150 yen train ticket to the nearest station to her apartment. Her apartment is 5 mins walk away from the train station and 15 mins of train ride from UA.

'So, all in all, I'll spend roughly 500 for three trips. Damn, I really need the money tomorrow.' Sachiko sighs.

She spends about ten minutes on the train to get to the destination, then walks about five minutes to get to her apartment.

Her apartment is at the second floor and the building itself has about six floors.

As soon as she opens the door, she is welcomed by the view of a nice, clean apartment. It is also spacious for one person with one bedroom, living room, dining room and kitchen , bathroom and a storage room.

The walls are painted with white paint and the floor has maple wood flooring. The decoration in living room is also simple and nothing extravagant with two gray sofas and a coffee table, a tv and a comfy rug; it has a minimalist style which Sachiko can appreciate.

Sachiko walks straight to the bedroom and as she opens the door, she sees a bed with pale purple sheets, a beside table, a white study desk and a closet.

On the study desk is a brand new iphone 13, leaving Sachiko surprised.

"Damn, I can feel UA is onto something." She mutters.

She doesn't find any clothes in the closet but there is an envelope in there which says allowance to buy clothes.

She opens the envelope to see 20000 yen in it.

"Yeah, definitely."

"They want something from me?" Sachiko mutters again.

Deciding not to think anymore, she drops onto the bed and feels the softness of the mattress. She lies there for a while relaxing, and only when her stomach is rumbling, she gets up hesitantly to eat.

The kitchen has countertops with marble tiles and there is also a kitchen island. There are also appliances for cooking; rice cooker, oven, microwave, stove and a toaster.

"What a shame that I can't cook." Sachiko says to herself with a laugh.

First, she places a water bottle she bought from convenience store into the fridge before boiling some water with an electric kettle.

She opens a cup noodle and pours hot water into it. While waiting for the cup noodle, she eats an onigiri. The taste of tuna and mayonnaise delights her and Sachiko hums in content.

Then, she starts eating the cup noodles. The cup noodle is seafood flavor and Sachiko finds it delicious.

After eating, Sachiko goes back to the living room and watches some TV. Most of the channels are about heroes, interviews and documentaries which Sachiko find boring.

Switching from channels to channels, Sachiko feels that her eyelids are getting heavy and not long after that, she falls asleep.


When she wakes up, it is already six p.m.

"Did I really sleep that long?" Sachiko stretches her body with a yawn.

"Well, should I at least go for a walk? Since it is already 6, I don't really want to go shopping now. I guess I'll just have to go tomorrow while I go and redeemed my prize money." Sachiko says to herself.

She then leaves her apartment and go to the nearby park she saw on the map.

Sachiko decides to jog for a while in the park and that was when she sees a purple haired boy talking to his friends.

"You're saying saying you've applied UA? Man, I love your confidence." A boy with grey hair says in a mocking tone.

"What do you mean by that, Tanaka? He clearly has a villain quirk." Another boy mocks again.

Sachiko can see the purple haired boy clenching his fists and can't help but chuckle.

She jogs in that direction and when she is in front of the two boys, she says, "Get out of my way."

"What did you say?!"

"I said.. Get out of my way." Sachiko emphasizes each word while making direct eye contact with them.

They can't help but feel a bit scared at that which makes them more angry at her.

"I'm jogging and I say you shouldn't stay in my lane." She says.

Tanaka wants to use his quirk to teach her a lesson but the purple haired boy calls him out, "Tanaka!"

"What? Don't tell me what to do!" Tanaka replies in anger.

The purple haired boy smiles, "Stop right there and go home."

And Tanaka does exactly that.

The other boy points his finger at him and says, "Shinsou, you are dead."

With that, he also leaves.

"Thanks for helping , I guess." Shinsou says.

"No need to mention that. I just wanted to play with them." Sachiko says with a chuckle.

"I'm Shinsou Hitoshi. You're?"

"Nakamura Sachiko. I'm taking UA entrance exam too."

"Good luck." Shinsou says.

"You too." Sachiko replies with a nod.

When Sachiko is about to leave, Shinsou blurts out, "I..just want to say that..you're the first person who talks normally after knowing my quirk."

"Well, I'm strongest so...can't really think of anything to be afraid of." Sachiko says with a laugh.

She can't help but remember how Gojo always say that he was the strongest and smiles.

'It's been a day and I miss him?' She blushs at the thought.

Shinsou has never thought that he would meet a person as arrogant as this but somehow, he doesn't find it annoying. Rather, he finds it charming.


When Sachiko gets to her apartment, it is 7:30 p.m. She quickly showers and change into the dress she bought earlier. Her dinner is nothing fancy, two onigiris and a cup noodle.

After dinner, she spends some time playing some mobile games. She also opens some social media accounts and watches some random videos.