
Nah I'd vote

"your life is our entertainment, bla-ba-bla-bla" have you read those kind of fics? where there is gods that just sends someone off for 'entertainment' ? yeah I find some flaw in that logic. these 'Gods' on those stories are also nothing but an entertainment, for us. so I decide to pull a pro-gamer move and raise the Meta level one floor up the 'gods' are you. your blessing are your power stones. Fate? that's me. I decide what kind of scenario will the mc get into but how they come out depends on you. welcome to the first interactive power system in webnovel. also Yuji and Megumi are girls becaaaaaause. look at the first auxiliary chapter for my justification

Nadwritters · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Ch3 Ryomen Sukuna

Before the chapter starts, I am 100% glad that I decide to do this.

because now writing is fun, why? because I don't need to care about where the story is going!

when I decide to make this system I thought people are gonna focus on the cursed energy because that's just an easy dub.

Sukuna got as strong as he is right now because he have a ridiculous amount of cursed energy. you can not tell me otherwise

but no, people want dexterity. so I was like, sure! let's see where this is going then.

anyway enjoy the rest of the chapter


"Run away!" the black-haired girl screamed at her two friends—acquaintances—or just random people she came across that night, urging them to flee and save themselves from the curse.

"Fushiguro!" the pink-haired girl called out, but she had another plan. Despite knowing she couldn't do anything against the curse, she decided to run towards it and climb the stairs anyway.

Behind her was a tired-looking young man who had just woken up a few minutes ago and now found himself in the middle of a morbid magical girls' battle.

[You got 2 Dexterity from Beatriche]

As the notification rang through the boy's mind, he noticed that he was now moving faster than before.

It wasn't a huge increase, but it was significant enough to let him run at a higher speed than usual.

"Can you run faster?" However, it still wasn't enough to outrun the freakishly athletic pink-haired girl.

"Not everyone is a superhuman like you, Pinky," the boy replied rudely, his voice tired after everything that had happened tonight. And now, he had to save a princess too, he supposed.

A princess who was stronger than both of them combined. 'Why am I trying to save her again?' he thought to himself as they chased her up.

But those thoughts were set aside as they finally reached the upper floor.


Meanwhile, just a few minutes earlier, the black-haired girl had been tossed around the room by the giant six-limbed monster before finally being hurled out of the window in a fit of rage.

The two supposed saviors arrived just in time to see the girl being thrown out of the wall—or possibly the window.

"I told you to run!" she yelled as she was flung out of the building.

The curse looked to its left, noticing the presence of the two uninvited guests in its territory. It quickly assessed the two teenagers with a menacing gaze.

The curse seemed to focus particularly on the young man, eyeing him intently.

Suddenly, it screeched with a sound resembling the cries of a thousand dying birds before charging at him with bloodlust in its eyes.

"Oh shit!" The young man, unsure where to go, realized his options were either getting pummeled here or getting pummeled somewhere else. He decided that the second option was better.

"Come and catch me, you ugly thing!" he yelled as he leaped into the same hole in the wall that the black-haired girl had been thrown through. The pink-haired girl called out his name in worry.

'How did she know my name?' he wondered.

Fortunately, there was a rooftop just below the floor, as the hallway had a lower level rather than dropping straight to the ground.

"Are you okay?" the young man asked the girl, who was bleeding from her head and appeared to have numerous internal injuries as well.

"I told you to pant run," she said, pausing as she tried to get up. "Yeah, not happening."

The curse had followed him to the top of the hallway, completely ignoring the pink-haired girl and focusing only on the person carrying the finger this whole time.

As the curse stared the two of them down, the ringing notifications kept dinging in his mind:

[You got 2 Power Stones from Lord_of_Wright]

[You got 1 Power Stone from DaoistcLGtxu]

[You got 1 Power Stone from Kazan_78]

[You got 3 Power Stones from Mira_Saki]

'Yeah, this is great and all, but what does it matter if I can't touch the curse?' he thought to himself.

'Maybe I should start increasing my cursed energy.'

"Fushiguro!" The pink-haired girl jumped down as well, pursuing the curse and immediately starting to fight it by drop-kicking it in the head.

"She can't be normal," the young man commented as he watched the girl's performance. It looked like she was actually winning against the curse.

Of course, the problem was that she couldn't hurt it.

With a loud thud, the curse backhanded her, sending her flying toward the other two people who had been watching her get beaten.

"Curses can only be hurt by cursed energy," the young man said to the bloodied and bruised girl lying on the floor.

"Would've been nice to know that beforehand," she grumbled.

"That's why I told you to run away. Someone with no cursed energy like you would just be in the way," the black haired girl replied.

The two non-sorcerers grumbled at his words, wondering if there was really nothing they could do.

Suddenly, the pink-haired girl seemed to have an idea. "Hey, why is the curse targeting the finger?" she asked.

"? To gain stronger cursed energy by consuming it," the black-haired girl answered honestly, unsure of where the question was going.

"So there is a way to save everyone!" She suddenly leaped towards the young man, knocking him to the ground, and began patting his pockets.

"Wh- Hey!" he protested as she rummaged through his body and pockets in search of something.

The young man was helpless; despite her skinny appearance, she was surprisingly heavy.

When she finally found what she was looking for, she pulled it out of his pocket and raised it above her mouth.

"Wait, NO!" Fushiguro yelled, realizing what she was planning. He tried to stop her from eating the finger with all his might.

But it was too late.


Everyone fell silent as they watched the pink-haired girl swallow the very thing the curse had been targeting, taking it for herself.

Still sitting on top of Makiri's prone body, she remained unmoving after consuming what was essentially a lethal poison for most people.

Then suddenly—Boom!

With a single wave of her hand, she unleashed a wind slash at the curse. Debris flew everywhere as it instantly exorcised the curse and anything within 50 meters behind it.

'Shit! This is the worst outcome!' the black-haired girl thought, realizing the implications of someone eating the finger.

Usually, most people would die immediately after consuming it. However, there was a rare, million-to-one chance that the person eating the finger might survive.

"Ahahahahaha~! I knew it! Light is best appreciated in flesh!" the newly incarnated Sukuna proclaimed, reveling in the transformation.

"Cursed spirit flesh is no fun! Where are the people?! The men?!" she yelled and screamed like an unhinged person as soon as she was reincarnated.

Her hair suddenly grew down to her lower back, and black tattoos appeared all over her body and face. She tore the sleeves and midsection of her jacket, leaving only tattered pieces of clothing to cover her upper body.

She stood up, leaving the perplexed young man on the floor, and walked toward the edge of the roof.

She suddenly paused, her eyes widening before a smirk spread across her face. "What a wonderful age it has become," she remarked.

Reaching the edge of the roof, she spread her arms, attempting to feel the surrounding atmosphere.

"Women and children spawning like maggots! Marvelous! It'll be a massacre!!!" She concluded her speech in the most unhinged tone possible.

Then, suddenly, her hand grabbed her own neck.

"Huh?" She was in shock, just like everyone else watching the unfolding scene.

"What do you think you're doing with my body? Give it back!" the girl suddenly spoke, as if two people were occupying the same body.

"How are you able to move?" she asked herself.

"Um... it is my body, you know?" The two seemed to be conversing with each other. Gradually, the tattoos on the girl's body began to dissipate and merge back into her skin.

"Don't move!"she heard a voice from behind. Turning around, she saw the girl she had met tonight, clenching her hands together.

"You are no longer human," the girl began.

"Huh?" the pink-haired girl replied, confused.

"Under Jujutsu regulations, I have to exorcise...

the curse known as Yuji Itadori!" The girl stared at the pink-haired girl, her eyes filled with the conviction to end herself and everyone around her.

~~~~~~~~~~~ [Makiri's Pov] ~~~~~~~~~~~

'Alright, this is ridiculous. When is this nightmare going to end?'

Tonight has been a very strange and hilarious experience when I think about it.

So, I was gaming for three days, completely hammered. My childhood friend broke into my apartment and started dragging me to school, where I barely lasted 15 minutes before falling asleep.

And when I woke up, there was an invisible monster punching me in the face! while another invisible monster bit me.

I gained the ability to see these monsters, but it turned out to be more of a hindrance because now I couldn't see anything clearly because of my face being bitten.

On top of that, a voice in my head kept talking about power stones and other stuff I don't really understand. It's not important.

What is important, though, is that when I tried to end this nightmare by jumping out of the window (like I usually do in nightmares),

I was saved by a giant bird summoned by a black-haired girl who was throwing gang signs everywhere!

And now I'm here, after being assaulted by another girl who's a freakishly strong lunatic bimbo, someone who I'm sure can't count to ten without using her fingers.

and she ATE the finger! what the f*ck? do you not see how disgusting that finger is? are you that Hungry?

And now, a white-haired man has just teleported into our vicinity and started throwing hands with the pink lunatic, who now looks like a mommy!

I mean seriously, how can an adorable little cinnamon roll like her suddenly turn into the perfect definition of a femdom? That— that's not normal.

And then the white-haired, blindfolded idiot put her to sleep just by tapping her on the forehead. I don't even care anymore—I just— I just don't care anymore. Please, let me go home.

But as I was about to sneak out while the blindfolded man was talking to the black-haired girl, who apparently is his apprentice, a notification popped up:

[You got 3 Power Stones from nuxys]

[You got 1 Power Stone from Fourt_Kung]

[You got 3 Cursed Energy from Random_Person 253]

The Power Stones were fine—just some stones.

But the Cursed Energy one was a problem because it turns out the blindfolded person has the most sensitive cursed energy sense on the planet.

I didn't even know that was a thing! What is it, some sort of sixth sense!?

"It's kind of a sixth sense, yes," the blindfolded man replied.

'You can read minds now?!' I silently asked

"Alright, blindfold guy, I just— I just want to go home. Can you just tell those higher-ups or whatever that I exist and then move on?"

"No can do, my boy. You're the only person on this planet who can raise your cursed energy level, so you've gotta join us now or leave your seeds or something."

"But that—wait, what?"

"Well, it's obvious that cursed energy often favors certain bloodlines more than others. That's basically how the three biggest and only jujutsu clans came to be. So if someone can increase their cursed energy level, maybe their offspring could do it as well."

"So you're telling me that I'm getting kidnapped because I have a rare bloodline or whatever, and now I have to—what?—have sex with people against my will?"

"Not really, no. No one really cares who you fuck with; just make sure you have one and we'll experiment on them just like we'll experiment on you."

"You'll experiment on me?!"

"Of course. You're a freak of nature. We want to know what's going on."


So apparently, the blindfolded, white-haired bastard looked at my face, sniffed it, and decided I'm some kind of freak. Now he's forcing me to become a sorcerer. What the heck?

Does consent have no weight in your vocabulary?

"Relax, he's not going to do any of that," said the bloodied and bruised girl who had been throwing gang signs earlier. She suddenly spoke up, joining the conversation.

"But the part about the higher-ups wanting to experiment on you is not a lie," she added. I was just about to breathe a sigh of relief before she dropped me back down again.

"Which is why you have to be a sorcerer and beat their asses. That really is the only way you can survive in this situation, to be honest," the white-haired dude chimed in. He made it clear that my options were either to become a lab rat or get stronger and fight anyone who tried to turn me into one.

"And I can't just leave right now because...?" I asked, I am ready to jump off this moving car if I had to, to be honest.

"Because even if, by some miracle, the higher-ups don't touch you, the Zen'in clan and some other groups would absolutely try to get their hands on you." So, it's not just one group wanting to experiment on me—basically, anyone who knows about me would want to do it.

"You know, all of this problem only exists if the two of you decide to rat out my existence to the higher-ups.

There's no one else who saw me raising my cursed energy level or whatever. As long as you two keep quiet, everything will be fine." I once again tried my best to stop them from kidnapping me.

"No can do."


"Because I took a liking to you."

'What does that mean?'

"Let me ask you a question, young man." The white-haired man turned around to face me, letting the driver handle the vehicle.

Oh yeah, there's a driver here listening to all of this. How could I forget that he's there?

"Why are you fighting tonight?" 'Huh?'

"What do you mean?" I asked, completely confused.

"You woke up, found yourself in the middle of the night, and saw a terrified girl around the corner.

You sensed something was wrong, and the first thing you decided to do was running the ones with whatever it was threatening you."

"Most people would've run away in that situation, and I wouldn't blame you a bit. That was some scary stuff you just went through.

Hell, just seeing the curses with your own eyes is enough to traumatize some newbie sorcerers. That happens—it's a real thing, believe it or not." The white-haired dude continued his summary. I glanced to my left and saw the black-haired girl was also listening to him.

"And you stared those scary monsters dead in their eyes, knowing that you couldn't hurt them at all and also knowing that you're not freakishly strong like that pink-haired girl beside you.

But you kept deciding to fight them. Why?" The white-haired dude finished his long summary of what I'd just gone through.

And I've got to admit, I have no answers for that question.

What am I fighting for? Why can't I just leave? I'm not a good person; hell, I think I might be kind of selfish. I'm someone who always keeps to myself and is kind of a NEET.

So why did I decide to fight the curses tonight?

"Maybe I'm bored, or maybe I just thought this whole thing was one giant nightmare, so who cares about the consequences?

Really, my guess is as good as yours, but what I do know is that I definitely didn't do it to simp for these girls" (*I point at the two girls beside me).

"I'll deny those allegations until the day of my funeral."

I make it clear that I'm not doing this to save anybody; I just did it because probably my OCD is forcing me to see this through to the end.

"Or maybe I secretly have a deep-seated anger that I need to let out. Who knows at this point? I've never been a good judge of my own intentions."

The white-haired man smiled and said, "Well, whatever it is, you definitely have the mentality of a sorcerer," while looking back to the front.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"It means you're crazy. That's what it means." He smirked at me, and I just stood there, looking at his ridiculously handsome face, completely flabbergasted by everything that's happened tonight.

'What a mess'

~~~~~~~~~~ [To be continued] ~~~~~~~~~

[Makiri Tohsaka

Strength = 40

Cursed energy = 47

Dexterity = 51

undistributed stones = 20]

Sorry guys, can't really put the powerstones in real time so I put them only on the important plot point because I was distracted by a YouTube video and just started watching about 5 hours long video of "one piece is hilarious"

which is why this update was late. meaning that the next update would also be late, I am so sorry.

but I hope you like how I end this chapter. I was put in a bit of a spot when I thought, 'wait a minute. this guy have no reason to be a sorcerer'

like, that's just not his nature he won't save anyone who he doesn't see and the only reason he is fighting these monsters right now, is because he is currently seeing them.

like he is the type of person who won't donate to starving children in africa. because they are in africa, f*ck them, they are not his problem.

but he will save a cat from a tree because he is currently seeing that cat and there is something he can do about it

so yeah, being a sorcerer is not really in his nature

he is not blood thirsty, I wanted to make him a bit blood thirsty like Sukuna but I always feels like it's not right.

so I decide to force him to be a sorcerer because the other option was to be turned into a lab rat. and everyone knows you don't want to be a lab rat.