
zhu xian 12

Shaw Danon was about to move on the ground, but the monkey in mid-air stretched out its monkey arms, grabbed the bamboo, immediately attached itself to it, then stopped without hesitation, as if it knew the strength of the lady in red, immediately shook and jumped, from one bamboo to another, then to the next, intending to escape.

Tian LingEr's competitive spirit was aroused, she shouted in mid-air, "Chase!" Her left hand led, Phoenix Soul broke through the air, Shaw Danon ran on the ground, striding after it.

If it was on the open ground, with the speed of Phoenix Soul, Hidi would have caught the grey monkey in no time, but now in the dense bamboo forest, it was a big hindrance. The grey monkey was very smart, it never ran in a straight line, it swayed left and right, twisted and turned, running forward. Hidi had to pay attention to the monkey's trail, and at the same time she had to watch out for the Black Bamboo, it was a big trouble. As for Shaw Danon, he could only anxiously chase on the ground, unable to help.

Two people and one monkey chased like this, with the "squeak squeak squeak" of the grey monkey, Shaw Danon's breathing was getting heavier, he felt tired, he thought they had chased for a long time.

But the green bamboo forest in front of him seemed to be endless, layer by layer coming at him. Shaw Danon's mouth was dry, suddenly a grey shadow flashed in front of him, it fell straight down. He was overjoyed and immediately became spirited, a burst of energy rushed up, and at this moment, Tian LingEr suddenly shouted anxiously, "Careful!"

In front of Shaw Danon, a cliff suddenly appeared, Shaw Danon quickly pulled back his feet, almost fell down. He calmed himself down and saw that there was a deep valley below the cliff. Far away in the valley there was a thick fog, so he could not see clearly. But near the valley walls, there were no longer Black Bamboo, but all kinds of wild trees, mostly pine and cypress. Turned out they had chased all the way to that deep valley at the back of the mountain.

Shaw Danon saw the grey monkey falling down, he used the same trick in mid-air, grabbed the tree branch, his body swayed and floated, neutralizing the falling force, and escaped forward.

While he was in a hurry, suddenly he heard the sound of breaking air, he raised his head and saw Hidi's red dress was floating, flying in the air, holding out a jade-like hand to him, said: "Come up."

Shaw Danon did not think too much, reached out his hand and grabbed Hidi, Hidi pulled him onto the Phoenix Soul, "Phoenix Soul" immediately sank, but immediately returned to normal.

It was the first time Shaw Danon had such an experience, he did not know what to do. Hidi pulled him behind her, said: "Hold my waist, quickly."

Shaw Danon did as told, Hidi hurriedly flew the Phoenix Soul. The red shadow passed, the two of them riding "Phoenix Soul", rushed into the deep valley, chasing after the grey monkey.

The wind was cold, Shaw Danon could only hear the whistling sound, he could not even open his eyes, but the "Phoenix Soul" under his feet was soft but not soft, it made people feel like they will fall if they are not careful. He was a little scared, couldn't help but hold Hidi tighter. The red dress was like the clouds, floating in front of him, his shijie's figure was like a fairy from the Ninth Heaven, very beautiful, and there was a light fragrance, floated into his nose. His heart was filled with joy, really hoped that this time will not pass by for the best.

Hidi did not know the little boy's strange thoughts behind her, his heart was all on the grey monkey in front of her. She was usually loved and praised by her parents and Shixiongs, her temperament was quite proud, now she could not catch up with a monkey, that is absolutely unacceptable.

So in the deep valley, between the shadows of the trees, the grey shadow was in front, the red shadow was chasing, circling, running, chasing.

After chasing for another half an hour, the gray monkey didn't seem to be tired at all, and it was still running very fast. But after such a long chase, Hidi had gradually become familiar with the method of shuttling through the forest, she was getting closer and closer.

The grey monkey ran all the way into the deep valley, Shaw Danon looked forward from behind Hidi, saw the trees in front of him were getting thinner, light came through, it was an open space, there seemed to be the sound of water. The grey monkey's scream became more urgent, it did not expect the two of them would not give up after such a long time, but there was no way back, it had to desperately run forward.

Not long after, the front suddenly brightened, it really was an open space, the ground was full of gravel, there was a small pond in the middle, the water rippled, flowing to the west. When the grey monkey ran to here, it obviously hesitated, but the sound of breaking air behind it was coming, it had to land on the ground and run forward again. But for some reason, its pace became very slow, it did not look like it was running, more like taking a walk. Even so, it still moved forward step by step.

Shaw Danon saw it, his heart was strange, but Hidi needed to quickly avoid the obstacles, and also pay attention to the monkey's trace, all her mind was highly concentrated, how could she think so much. Seeing the grey monkey was in front of her, she was overjoyed, with a shout, she drove the silk straight into the open space, rushed toward the grey monkey.

Seeing he was about to catch the monkey, Shaw Danon's brain suddenly "boom", his body uncontrollably shook twice, a nauseous feeling rose from his internal organs, went straight to his brain, in a moment his whole body began to shake. Shaw Danon was surprised, did not know what to do, at that moment, his chest suddenly became hot, a warm air spread out, protected his heart, then counteracted the nausea.

Shaw Danon subconsciously looked at his chest, felt that the warm air came from the dark purple bead given to him by Pozhi. At the same time, Hidi's body also shook twice, her body softened, fell down.

The two of them were originally in mid-air. Once Hidi lost control, the Amber Vermilion Soul immediately stopped, and the two of them immediately fell from mid-air.

Shaw Danon rolled a few times on the ground, in great pain, but he did not care so much, before he stood up, he quickly shouted: "Shijie, Shijie, are you okay?"

Hidi fell in front of him, motionless, face pale, forehead full of cold sweat, already fainted.

Shaw Danon was shocked, guessed it was most likely related to the strange feeling. He endured the pain, got up and ran to Hidi, pushed her and called her a few times, but Hidi still did not respond.

Shaw Danon looked around, saw with the pond as the center, within three feet, not a blade of grass grew, but outside three feet, there were lush trees. He clenched his teeth and resisted the nausea that surfaced in his heart from time to time. He carried Hidi on his back and at the same time picked up the Amber Vermillion Soul that was thrown to one side and walked out.

This distance of two feet is not worth mentioning in normal times, but under the attack of the nausea, it was extremely difficult to walk. With great difficulty, he walked thirty feet and arrived under a large pine tree. As expected, that nauseous feeling immediately disappeared without a trace.

Shaw Danon put down Hidi, breathing heavily. He looked at the pond and saw the grey monkey was still there, no longer moving. Its face was filled with pain. Its eyes seemed to be asking for help.

Shaw Danon frowned, finally could not bear it, stood up and walked inside. After a few steps, the nausea appeared again, at the same time, the warmth in his chest rose again, resisting the uncomfortable feeling.

Shaw Danon slowly walked to the side of the monkey, his forehead full of sweat. The gray monkey saw him came, but did not move, seemed to be unable to breathe. Shaw Danon took a deep breath, bent down and picked up the monkey, turned and walked outside. The grey monkey was very obedient at this time, quietly lying in his arms.

With great difficulty he walked out again, and walked to the side of Tian LingEr who was still unconscious, that disgusting feeling disappeared. Shaw Danon put down the gray monkey, sat on the ground, breathed heavily. The gray monkey was also relieved, lying on the ground, eyes rolling around, but did not run away, only looked at Shaw Danon.

Shaw Danon opened his clothes, took out the bead tied with the red string and examined it. The original dark purple appearance had turned into light purple, the green gas inside seemed to be stimulated, its speed was ten times faster, spinning non-stop, hitting the surface of the bead. Just like before, every time the green gas hit the bead, there will be the Buddhist incantation of "swastika" to block it. And the warmth that saved Shaw Danon, was also from this incantation.

But Shaw Danon clearly saw, compared to three years ago, the Buddhist incantation of "swastika", no matter in size or brightness, was much inferior.