
N: Gang Slave

Jessica Green is a young, 23-year-old woman who finds herself tied in the trunk of a car after her boyfriend decides to sell her off to a wealthy gang leader.

Jayyline_Graze · Fantasy
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43 Chs


Over the course of four months, I felt empty, Bruce would not allow me to submit, he had me wear clothes but he allowed me to cook and clean which was nice. I've been managing it fine on my own for a month in a hotel but since being on my own I looked for Master, hoping one day I would find him and that he'll take me in again. I already spent a third of what Bruce gave me. I got dressed and grabbed the money, and had it in a bag before leaving the room for a few hours. I even tried calling Brandon for the first week, but he didn't answer so I stopped calling him. I gave up any hope of finding Master and the gang that I accepted I was free, but I wouldn't be for long, eventually one of the times I'm on the road someone won't see me and run over me. I left the hotel and made my way to a nearby restaurant, keeping my head down, I went in and sat down. I was lost in this world, it was like a foreign planet, I didn't belong here no longer. I smiled as Amanda brought over my usual order, a smoothie in a bowl. "Thanks, Amanda," I said, she smiled before leaving, I used both hands and gently drank the smoothie.

I felt tears fall down my face at how much I've lost since being sold. When I finished the drink I got up and paid them, leaving a generous tip before leaving the restaurant. The road wasn't too busy but I went and laid down on it. Hoping a car would put me out of my misery, I heard people honking their horns at me but they all went around me, I had tears falling down my face as I watched the sky. "What do you think you're doing?" A familiar voice asked me, I looked towards the voice and there in the flesh was Master.

"I don't want to talk about it," I said, looking back up at the sky.

"Come here this instant," Master said, and instantly I stood up and went to him. "Why are you lying in the centre of the road?" Master asked.

"Because I don't want to live, there's no reason to live anymore," I said.

"Why do you think that?" Master asked.

"The fear I had that day, when you said they wouldn't set me free well he did," I said, as tears fell down my face. "Please take me with you, I can't survive out here, no one understands me and I can't do it anymore" I pleaded.

"Come along, we can talk in my car," Master said, I nodded, and followed him to his car, I got in and he started driving. "Tell me exactly what happened, slave," Master said.

"Well he goes around paying for slaves, reconditions them into the real world and after three months gives us $5000 and lets us go, all he had me do was cook and clean Master," I said, letting out a sigh. "You have no idea how good it feels to call someone Master and for them to call me slave, he made me call him Bruce, be clothed, and only called me Jessica. He had me eat at the table and wouldn't permit me to kneel on the ground. I hated it, I hated being made to act equal, but I did as he wished because I was a slave, but then he set me free. Please, Master, keep me as your slave, I can't be set free again, the free world is no place for a slave" I said.

"What's in the bag slave?" Master asked.

"$3500 Master," I said.

"How about an exchange slave?" Master inquired.

"I'm listening," I said.

"I'll own you on two conditions, number one you give me all the money and number two, I 'sell' you back to Bruce, you stay with him another three months and when he gives you the other $5000 you give it to me and then you can stay as my loyal and obedient slave," Master said, going through three months of torture for a lifetime of happiness was a no brainer.

"Ok Master," I said, he nodded and drove to Bruce's house, he parked a few houses down, where he then tied my arms behind my back, opened my door, put a gag in my mouth, wrote a quick note, stuck it to my clothes, and with another note in my back pocket.

"Call me when you're out tell me where you are and I will come pick you up," Master said and I nodded, I was sent on my way. I walked up to Bruce's house leaving my bag in Master's car and knocked on the door with my foot when Bruce opened the door.

"Jessica?" Bruce asked, leading me into the house, I went in. "What happened?" Bruce asked as he took the gag out, I kept my head down and did not speak. "What's this?" Bruce asked, taking the paper from my shirt. "I found your slave wandering around, I thought you'd like her back, she is perfectly trained and was punished for running," Bruce said, reading the note out loud.

"Please Master, don't free me again" I pleaded, keeping my head down.

"We'll have to go through your conditioning again Jess, allow me to untie your arms," Bruce said as he walked behind me and started to untie the rope Master did.

"Please Master I can't please don't free me" I pleaded, looking up, tears streaming down my face.

"Call me Bruce Jessica," Bruce said, I kept my mouth closed, preparing myself for the long three months of being his not-a-slave slave.


Those three months were like hell, again I was only permitted to cook and clean, but at the end, Bruce gave me another five grand and I left, I went to a payphone and called Master, and I waited for him to pick me up.

"Hey Master, I'm at the mall," I said.

"On the way slave, stay there," Master said, I smiled as I held the bag as I went to the front doors of the mall waiting for Master.

When Master's car pulled up I got in "here you go Master" I said, passing him the bag.

"Thanks, slave," Master said as he started driving. We didn't speak as he drove.

When he drove to the warehouse, my belly started to release the slave fires, I felt the warmth travel through me, knowing I'm home where I belong. "I'll go over your rules, go straight to my office, do not speak to anyone, then strip," Master said.

"Yes Master," I said, he nodded and I got out of his car, I made my way to his office, James saw me but did not attempt to talk to me, as I entered his office, I stripped naked and I finally felt at home, I was freed once again. I curled up watching the door, waiting for Master to come up. I waited and waited and as time passed I started to grow nervous, but then the door opened and Master came in and saw me curled up. I uncurled myself and knelt down.

"Crawl to your spot slave and kneel there," Master said, so I crawled to my spot by his chair and knelt down waiting, as he put the money in a safe. "So your rules, I'll go over in case you forgot them, you will address me as Master and the others as Sir, you will obey no matter what, you will not question mine or their orders, you will not ask questions unless you are given permission so the only question permitted is to ask permission, you will clean the warehouse, care for the horses, and yourself," Master said.

"Yes, Master," I said.

"Are you okay with those rules, slave?" Master asked.

"I am but even if I wasn't I would still have to follow them because I'm the slave and you're the Master," I said.

"That you are slave," Master said when Jorge came up.

"Oh hello slave, what are you doing back here?" Jorge said.

"Hello Sir, but the one who paid for me set me free, I ran into Master three months ago, and he offered the money I get from Bruce, give it to him and he'll take me in as his slave," I said.

"So you're keeping her?" Jorge asked.

"Yes, and if she is ever found to be unpleasing towards me that I feel like I can't keep her in her place I will sell her," Master said, and I made a vow that I would never displease him that he considers selling me.

"Okay, well Brandon is here with another slave," Jorge said.

"I'll be down in a second, leave the slave where she is," Master said, Jorge nodded and left. "Would you like to come down slave?" Master asked.

"If I can Master," I said, he nodded, before locking the cuffs on my wrist.

"This will be your collar marking you as an owned slave and as long as you wear my collar I own you," Master said as he placed the collar around my neck locking it in place.

"Thank you, Master," I said, he nodded.

"Let's head on down," Master said and we made our way from his office.