
Mythology System in High School DxD

What does it mean to be abandoned by the gods? Eden grew up a bastion of pestilence. His first memory was shrouded by a haze of blue and red light, the orphanage he called home was now little more than a blazing conflagration, everything, everyone he interacted with would meet adversity. That was until he died, at the age of five, his mind unable to comprehend how the world works he merely accepted his fate, a willing martyr, yet, death wasn't the end. Given a chance to start anew in the world of high school, DxD watch how Eden takes to a throne beyond that of either heaven or hell. Ps: If you're expecting an ultra-cool badass edgy mc go somewhere else, the Mc is literally a five-year-old at the start of the novel, he won't have the cognitive reasoning of an adult man nor your pubescent spite. The cover image is not mine, and I will remove it if the owner wishes This novel is writing practice for me, as of late I've been overcomplicating and diluting my sentences, using grammar and adjectives loathsomely verbose. Additional Tag, Heavy AU

Fyniccus · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 3: Eden

Light, a radiant effulgence boundlessly infinite, bearing countenance cognate, synonymous with solemn sanctity, offspring to a nascent dawn—An amorous plague, slaughtered singularly by stygian dusk. Tumorous blossoms fecund with incandescent dew bore smiles radiant, worship boundlessly zealous, myriad burgeoning bodies florid with a resplendent auroral hue—Their god had been born yet again.

Avian preachers vociferated rhapsody of unanimous joyance, an ostentatious narcissistic rapture, their cacophonous choir marred by the tandem conjoined throe of tempestuous, mercurial wings. Feathered excrement blighted a town miraculously revivified, multitudinous prosaic diminutive domiciles, caustically impregnated, raped afore the lands antecedent lord. Apathetic toward the comatose occupants, it paradoxically assailed them with a lambent cordial smirk, a smile universally admired.

Ambient prattle enamoured the anteriorly beggared streets of a town christened Kuoh, mothers despondent afore their child's repetitious infantile desires, infatuated amid solace of inane, pabulum gossip. Twas a pageant infinitely episodic, evermore universal, a town omnipotently apathetic before notions of metamorphic variance…a realm cretinous, moronic afore fate oracular, for today bore epithet April 16th, a date synonymous with twin births, one of prejudged imminent heroism, a lecherous entity genesis amid orchids, the latter enigmatic, eldritch and estranged upon the earth.

A boy antecedently named.


Progeny not amid building of stone, but abstracted thicket, a wood circumambient, bulwark afore the quaint, irenic town… A domain neglected, beggared of humanistic omnipresence. For sun, empyrean, infinitely radiant, lay fruitless, impotent in its impregnation of the land, such plane of dissonant cimmerian phobia, an exclusive mother to entity precedently unfathomable, a baby, a denuded child.

Flesh of presupposed pink bore hue of defectless, paradisiacal snow as though forged of such hyperborean, gelid water. Divested, an infantile face of omnipotent winsome temptation appeared loathsomely apathetic upon the precipice of resentment. Twain eyes of resplendent amour, besotted, kaleidoscopic with myriad pigmentations, an empyrean mural painted with that of picturesque oceanic blue and vivacious emerald appeared dissonantly enamoured, pestiferously married to a darkened monotonous canopy.

Tears trekked not the nascently born Eden's flesh, his countenance placid, picturesquely serene. Foreign afore the expected notions universal to that of a child, the boy dared not flail, his voice infinitely vacuous, his mind pregnant with a singular sentiment—omnipotent regret.

Eden dared not wish for this.

His continued existence a self-assured scourge upon the earth.

Bearing neither mother to comfort nor father to discipline, the juvenile felt neither mournfulness nor desirous rapaciousness but quiescent relish.

None would have to perish…aside from himself.

His body oracular to wither, bereaved of breast, of promised potion, singular sentiment of audacious, sanguine perishment paradoxically welcomed.

Resplendent silken threads of vitreous earth marred the newborn's head, animated afore myriad passing zephyrs, lustrous blades ardently caressing skin infinitely hyperborean, their stature eerie, antithetical with the ascertained universal actuality, for with every breath loathsomely stigmatised, their countenance aberrantly burgeoned, their love infinitely ostentatious, multitudinous mephitic flowers an eternal plague upon anterior land of boundless nebulous jade.

Polychrome, a prismatic portrait of cherubic paradise. Diaphanous beauteous Camellias, Dahlias, Wisterias and Lillies languidly marred the newborn's nascent pupils, garbed afore dress of pulchritudinous pink, their cloth slovenly dishevelled, sprawled innocuously upon the baby's virginal head of resplendent earth, a mere prostitute afore his gaze.

Tendrillar branches clamoured mirthful throe of motion, myriad arbour fingers rhapsodically intertwined, a euphoric dance of blackened shade, canopy precedently translucent paramountly opaque, apocryphal light of incandescent orange progeny afore innumerable phosphorene fruits—a fictitious sun—A land of amaranthine indulgence.

Yet, afore Eden's kaleidoscopic gaze refracted nought but sentiment of dogmatic pietistic apathy.

How long before such a scene of ecclesiastical miraculous pulchritude lay marred by ash, ravaged, despoiled by serpentine flames?

How long before the distant hum, cognate with zoetic vivacity, bears blight wretched, but a cacophonous ensemble of delirious, dying throes, a macabre requiem torturous upon the boy's antipathetic mind.

Eden bore but an exclusive invidious desire, that of imminent cessation, to preside as but a cadaverous corpse, mere nutrients upon soil nauseatingly inhabited… the child cretinous afore fate wondrous.

For steps precedently sympathetic bedevilled ears evermore obscured, a harmony discordant, discrepant, incongruous with that of a human's, their tone strident, progeny to quaternary benumbed, impious hooves. Countenance of flocculent alabaster the singular inhabitant to eyes of kaleidoscopic colouration, akin to a cloud, a miasmic effulgence did the creature yearningly encroach, a cognate child—a lamb, fissured pupils of tyrannic aphotic darkness, antithesis to flesh of pallid, achromic wax singularly obsessed with the burgeoning infant.

'No…' Stammer universally martyred malignantly dripped afore the baby's brain, fettered amid lungs impoverished, penitently used, 'Don't…don't come near me…please…please…I don't want to hurt you…I don't want you to die…please…run away.' Solemn plea evermore unheeded reverberated amid mind eternally pestiferous, Eden's thoughts nought but purportless dribble, creature of virginal consecration deathless amid its encroach, a spotless, sinless innocent cretinous afore prophesied harbinger.

"BAAAH" Artless but a bellow of infinite guileless credulousness, such did the lamb jovially roar, portrait of cherubic white a dissonant adversary presented aside the bewailing boy, upon one's face a smile universal, the latter's but perfect lips of poised vaporous mortification. Time appeared meaningless, boundlessly slaughtered afore twain melancholic prepossessing pupils, nought but a precedently pictorial portrait.

The lamb placid, balletic afore the petrified newborn, dissonant appendage of pink permeating seed of saliva upon Eden's cheek, twain pupils of boundless eclipse eternally cognisant—Alive—It was alive, myriad sweltering breaths cognate with the entities continued existence.

'Huh…' Silence, breathless quiescence, Eden's mind belated afore instinct, enamoured with scenery antecedently anathematised, no animal nor human could precedently thrive amid his presence, multitudinous lives asphyxiated, pestiferously robbed, and yet—it breathed, its existence celibate, illiterate to martyrdom.

Tears torturously assailed antecedent skin of paradisiacal snow, a besmirched fire serpentine upon the boy's reddened eyes, his mind benumbed, singularly obsessed with an overwhelming sentiment of despondent relief, "AHHHHH!!!" A voice universally prosaic expectantly cried, a newborn's assured heirloom absentmindedly claimed, the permission to cry— To wail—To bellow free of prejudice. Eden merely bemoaned.

His sobbing a sonorous clamour, an incongruous celebration, for today, Eden had attained a notion anteriorly apocryphal—A friend—A reason to live.

Sorry if this chapter's not up to the standard present on this website or if my prose it too overdone. My mind was blanking on how to write this piece for like a couple of days.

Also, I'm going to let everyone know right now that this fic isn't a crossover one with other series or abilities. It's more of an omnipotent AU.

If anyone has any cool ideas of tropes for enemy transmigrators, feel free to let me know! (I.e: Reincarnated as a monster, so on and so forth,)

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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