
Mythology System in High School DxD

What does it mean to be abandoned by the gods? Eden grew up a bastion of pestilence. His first memory was shrouded by a haze of blue and red light, the orphanage he called home was now little more than a blazing conflagration, everything, everyone he interacted with would meet adversity. That was until he died, at the age of five, his mind unable to comprehend how the world works he merely accepted his fate, a willing martyr, yet, death wasn't the end. Given a chance to start anew in the world of high school, DxD watch how Eden takes to a throne beyond that of either heaven or hell. Ps: If you're expecting an ultra-cool badass edgy mc go somewhere else, the Mc is literally a five-year-old at the start of the novel, he won't have the cognitive reasoning of an adult man nor your pubescent spite. The cover image is not mine, and I will remove it if the owner wishes This novel is writing practice for me, as of late I've been overcomplicating and diluting my sentences, using grammar and adjectives loathsomely verbose. Additional Tag, Heavy AU

Fyniccus · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 2: Live, flourish, rapture amid delight

Stygian murkiness, a crepuscular void bereft of opulent solar radiance, its body infinite, a horizon evermore enigmatic, abstract afore mortal concepts of distance. A renounced desolate plane, nugatory of voice zoetic, a childish ambience, the abstracted hush of a passing zephyr, the cacophonous song of myriad belligerent birds incessantly slaughtered—Twas a lonely land.

Time appeared irrelevant, an anathematised pestiferous plight eternally unknown, cretinous amid such a ruinously vacant world. Amaranthine, a domain of omnipotent eldritch serenity, a realm infinitely undisturbed, vacuously monotonous, such should it have remained, so then why? Why did an entity, a silhouette boundlessly discordant marr such nebulous garden?

A lambent scintillation, bearing silhouette ethereal, tenuously humane, its stature diminutive, child-like yet bereft of the winsome emanation cognate with such buoyant existence. Juvenile hands cradled flesh denuded, beggared of cloth a melancholic foetal portrait.

Sentineled eyes infinitely apathetic, callous, heartless, an apocryphal mirror of cimmerian despondency bearing offspring of rain, a translucent coagulation plighted to never fall, an eternal blight upon the visage—The domain precedently beggared of life lay fecund with a friend, a soul bearing paradoxical wish, that of deathless, perennial thralldom.

Silence, a cadaverous choir bellowed rhapsody of quiescence, myriad moments unfathomable afore the realm ruinously abandoned. The soul content, appeased amid such nauseating, pestiferous prison.

"Do you wish to live? Your mind desirous afore chance of rebirth…I may betroth unto you a life paramount, ascendant…" A voice, an echo infinitely amorphous, bellowed afore mouth not, shaped, dissevered by verminous lips bloodcurdlingly torturous, dispossessed of sex, celestial, yet paradoxically banal—an ataraxia query. "Why dost thou falter…multitudinous beings, ascendant and mortal, lay covetous, lascivious for such a proposal…"

"No…" But a mere utterance, a singular statement of omnipotent regnant refutation bewailed afore the lambent soul, pernicious, mephitic with poisoned martyred, a malign blight of abhorrent phobia, "I don't want to live…I don't want to hurt anyone…I'm sorry…I'm sorry…Mother…Father…no…no…I'm sorry…If I stay here, no one will die…A plague never to spread…" Epicene tears languidly assailed the child's face, breaths antecedently diaphanous tempestuously assailed by throes evermore deadened.

The child was content.

Assured amid non-existence.

To prevail was agony, a venture boundlessly torturous, fated rebirth a pestilential calamity—a cognisant martyr bearing stigma of actuality.

"Why? Why dost thou fret? Why dost thou bemoan? To live is to hurt, a cognisant slaughter, an antipathetic war of existence, the selfless and selfish, but pennant sacrifice afore each other's ideals, denounced sinners. Apathetic, uncaring to scorn, live…cretinous to their calls, their jeers you may flourish, rapture amid infinite beauty, impenitent to thou's precedent fate. I care not for one's wish. You must live. Repent, bear rancorous vengeance all you desire. This is my love, malevolent, attain mortification for thou's antecedent existence." Afore voice monotonous seeped poison of idolatrous partiality, an impassioned cherishment illiterate upon nascent enigmatic ears.

"Thou shall be thy champion, mine blessed, neither pawn nor puppet, but peer. Though such a bet may be whimsical, fitful, a game amid eldritch entities, you shall participate. Seduce, conquer, enamour the hearts of multitudinous… neigh, all such heroines! Alter that which appeared antecedently irenic, a world omnipotent, the actuality of Draconic Deus." Myriad words, sentences unfathomable trespassed upon soul evermore Delphian, twain pupils anteriorly bulwarked by apocryphal luminous flesh innately tremulous, tempestuous with a desirous impassioned cognition.

The soul wished to wake.

The entity bore rapaciousness universal—an exclusive desire for sight.

"Shall boundless participants, duplicate reincarnators appear, you must fret not, though a game thy cares not for winning…merely live…flourish…rapture…one's mind cretinous afore notions of omnipotent cruciation, I impart unto you but a singular sentiment,"

"Trample all whom sentinel your path! A loathsome bastion afore thy's fate oracular…My dear Eden, may you burgeon afore the garden of actuality, ascendant of infinite omniverses," Throe of lecherous furore languidly dripped, a voice, a statement of wrath unrecognised by the nascently named soul, an opaque fathomless plea exclusively kindled by Eden's heart, for twain eyes lay pusillanimously naked, poised absentmindedly upon contoured precipice of absolute night, a shadow boundlessly monarch, a matriarchal mother antecedently unrecognised.

"Wake…my dearest Eden… the singular trespasser upon thy plane of assumed infinite inaccessible, cardinal void, embraced by the world of Draconic Deus."

I apologise for the archaic language used in this chapter, I really wished to give the entity an aura of regal immeasurablilty though I fear I just came off as pretentious.

If you struggled to understand anything, that's fine. To sum it up, Eden, the boy's new alias, will be reincarnated in the world of DXD as the entities bet in a game between myriad gods. Multitudinous other participants will appear throughout the story, embodying the common tropes of reincarnation tales, (I.E, reincarnated as a monster, as certain characters with systems, so on and so forth, if you know of a trope feel free to let me know and I'll do my best to incorporate it,)


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