
Mythological Legacy

Release: Monday and Friday Isiah 14:12: "How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, You who weakened the nations!"

DiBltzy · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 20

Authors Note:

Should I make a discord server for this book?


Billions of light-years away 2 beings were talking with each other. Their aura's seemed to suffocate the space around them warping, distorting trying to mend itself back together, these beings defied physical logic, their true appearances cant even be seen with the naked eye

The red one then spoke "So conquest has left our side and has tried to assassinate our leader"

The person with the green aura then shouted "Do not call her that, she has betrayed our trust and thus lost her concept!"

He continued saying "As of now we don't have a conquest, Dream will have to choose a new one, she better chooses wisely this time"

The red one then cut him off "You know very well the only reason why she kept that hoe as conquest was because of her engagement to lucifer but now that she has cheated and tried to assassinate him she is no longer of any use to him"

"Brother you are right," said the one with the green aura.

Red then spoke "What do you think the remaining 6 princes of hell would do now that the bitch tried to assassinate their leader"

*Sigh* Green then spoke "This is why no one messes with lucifer, he is dream's favorite son and the leader of a team that will eventually bring the end of all things and the general of the 7 princes of hell, the white dragons of this universe are fuckin crazy to attack someone of that status even though he was weak"

Red burst out laughing "We both know the princes won't do shit without their leader, once Luci gains his memories he's gonna make them pay, for now, let's watch and make sure he awakens his death concept"


As the two beings talked, a boy was floating in the primordial void, his body was slowly deteriorating, his soul struggled to keep its host alive.

Suddenly the soul sensed a presence and it relaxed, after all its mother has come to save it from internal doom.


Suddenly Mael woke up in a white room, decorated to look like a female's room.

Everything that just happened accelerated through his mind as he got up.

Suddenly he sensed an aura, one that made him sweat. It was infinitely stronger than what he sensed from the giant palm.

Summoning Rhitta he lunged at the target only to be stopped in his tracks. This woman, it's as if he knows her, like a link connecting them both.

She has platinum silver hair and the yellow eyes looked as if they were looking at prey, stalking and waiting for the right time.

She had on a black robe that slightly showed her cleavage, but I didn't feel anything from that, in fact, I looked over it.

What was more important was the look of joy she gave me, after dying I knew I couldn't trust anyone or anything, the only one's I could've trusted died with me.

I tried summoning my hellfire but it wasn't responding, as if it was scared of this woman, this was shocking because from my experience it didn't even fear the giant palm, in fact, it felt excited at it.

It seems I'm gonna have to deck the lady old fashioned way, rushing at her I use ghost step because I ain't taking any chances, whispering "Senshi no Michi"

It was a technique that pushed my physical body to its absolute and I gain to use 200% more strength, speed, perception, etc,.. in this state, my muscles buffed up a little bit.

Suddenly it seemed as if time stopped as I found myself in a sit as the lady yawned with tears in her eye's saying "Darling don't be afraid. I have loved you for a thousand years, il love you for a thousand more"

There were tears in her eye's, I don't know what came over my body but I relaxed and hugged her. This feeling...

It was love, parental love {I wanted to clarify for all the pervs he ain't gonna be getting his milf mom}

"Anyway miss would you like to tell me your name," he said after hours of comforting the strange woman.

"Oh Luci, you used to call me Mama dreamy," she said sweetly, but she knew his past self always called her old hag dream but she hated it and would make it different this time.

Grinning I say "Ok, now can you tell me what the hell I'm doing here"

As soon as the words left my mouth her face turned cold "Oh don't worry just listen to what I have to tell you before I take you to another planet"

"What do you mean"

"Never mind," she says. A teacup appeared in her hand as she sips saying

"Luci, you are one of the most powerful beings to ever exist, and to exist, I'm proud of you"

"Is that so, you said you're my mom whos, my dad?" I said questioning her, but I soon regretted that a pressure descended onto the room

"Don't speak of that bastard, he dares poison you brother and make you carry the burden of becoming death"

{A.N: for the dumbass's who don't realize, his dad is chaos and his mom is dream}

"Anyway, You are here because you pushed yourself too much, You are not dead because your soul is immortal so that's not possible"

"Ma'am I didn't mean true death I meant my physical body," I said

"Well yeah, but what's the problem with that" I then realized a woman like dream didn't know the importance of a body, as long as your soul was fine death wasn't a problem to her.

"I see, so what do you want to tell me, I need to save my friends, they are probably floating somewhere in space"

"Rescue? Those lesser beings have been erased, well except for Maximus he has returned to his rightful place in hell" Dream said bluntly.

'Erased, wait, wat, ERASED'

'My home, my teacher, my sensei, my friend(s)...my...home.'

Mael.....cried, his body shaking with anger, however his mother just stared with a blank expression not seeing how he gave a fuck about some dumb planet being erased when he himself had extinguished whole galaxies before.

However as Mael cried, something just changed in his body.

As Mael cried his face suddenly turned to a forlorn expression and

"Mother, mom, whatever, do you mean..." Lucifer said

"Yes its all gone, along with the surrounding planets."

"Sigh, makes sense" Lucifer said shaking his head

"Ok, what do you wanna talk about," I said, I reach for the kettle and pour some tea for myself.

"You see Luci, this verse is a dog eat dog type verse, if you aren't strong then people will try and sneak attack you at your lowest just like right now," she says, she continues saying

"You were kind of a big shot so you made a lot of enemies and as such you will be targetted which is why you have to lay low"

"Yeah I don't think so ma," I said quickly.

"Listen to me son, your bloodline is divided into 3 parts sonny," she says as a paper appears in front of her

"The first part is your pride divinity, secondly is the status bloodline you got from being a prince of that unfilial place you call home,{A.N: She means hell} and third is your concept of death"

"So what are you trying to say"

"You awakened your bloodline to fast and thus alerted some of your enemies, I would've exterminated them but doing that would disrupt the state of this verse and awaken my husband again"

"I see so what do you recommend I do"

"I recommend you unlock your bloodline slowly and thoroughly with the 3 stages, however, you cant just jump from sage to stage, you have to awaken your powers like you did originally, like the original lucifer did, start with your divinity of pride, unlock all of it slowly before moving on to the others and doing the same thing," she says quickly.

I didn't see why not, no wonder I always felt something was missing when I cultivated.

"I see, can I leave now, the tournament is about to start" Mael asked

Dream looked confused...

"I just told you.. your planet got erased.." Dream said

'....what my planet....gone????' Mael thought

"Oh yeah you're right" Lucifer said, his sad expression leaving his face

"Son you won't be going back to that lowly universe, il send you somewhere else where the clans cant sense properly thus keeping you safe till you grow strong enough, even though this universe is way higher than the one you were in I'm sure you will manage"

"Who's the strongest being there," I say

"The strongest being there has 2 mid-rank concepts, he isn't too bad when compared to the rest of our verse but definitely not compared to you in your prime"

"I see, what about my friends and sensei" Mael asked.

Dreams eyes widened finally understanding what was happening.

'My boy is traumatized, everytime he is met with a reminder of that trauma he reverts to his personality as lucifer and forgets all about it...oh my boy, how much have you suffered.' Dream thought, a tear sliding down her face.

"I will reincarnate them with you, all your destinies are all tied together so don't worry, you will meet them soon enough" Dream lied to his face

"Will I keep my body?" I ask worriedly

"No, il give you a new one, it will be one crafted by myself so don't worry about having a weak physique, il even add a little something for you, and yes you will keep Rhitta but you won't unlock it just yet sonny, its a living weapon, rare as it gets it will alert others again."

" I see, please make me an orphan, your my only parent and I won't stand for having another"

"Awww, don't worry it's fine"

Suddenly my vision darkened as I fainted, if she reincarnated me in a kid's body we are all gonna have a problem.