
Mythological Legacy

Release: Monday and Friday Isiah 14:12: "How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, You who weakened the nations!"

DiBltzy · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 18

As the remaining participants got off the stage we were ushered into a room each to stay for the next week as the other grades were gonna start their own inner school tournament.

I waved max goodbye as I walked into the room they assigned for me.

The room was huge, bigger than the room in my run-down apartment, but it was almost bigger than the room I had in sensei's mansion.

It was equipped with a queen-sized bed, a tv, with the Ps110 and some games for those that were interested.

It also came with a VR pod, and a cultivation room.

Everybody that had a legacy needed a way to get stronger, thus came the invention of a cultivation room.

Someone with a mythos type legacy needed to keep combining genes to become one with their ancestor's.

For example, if someone had the thor type mythos legacy, they needed to combine rain and thunder gene's to get the storm gene, etc...

{If you haven't noticed I'm taking inspiration from "Legend of Mythological Genes", though the author the was a racist shit his concept of genes leading to godhood is interesting, and thus I'm stealing it. Remember people "Good artist borrow, great artists steal"}

To combine those genes they needed energy, different legacies used different types of energies to combine these genes to become one with their ancestors.

As for those with esper type legacies, the cultivation room had a function for them to be able to go into different types of terrains to comprehend the dao behind their element.

Doing that helps their body grow and makes their connection with that element stronger thus empowering them.

At the peak of their power, they could become an elemental for a short amount of time.

As for cultivation type legacies that pretty much self-explanatory, with the room they could absorb different types of energy made from the chamber.


Walking into the chamber, I decided to sleep in the room just to see if it would help with my training.


Waking up in my mind zone, I teleported to the 3 suns in the sky platform.

In my mind zone, I was "God" essentially since I could do anything. Reaching the platform I sit down as I start absorbing energy coming from the 3 suns.

My cultivation "Primordial Star Body" had 12 stages.

Each stage represented each of the wings I had in last life's prime. Each wing had seven stages. At the moment I was at 1st wing stage 3.

At the peak of my cultivation, I would become a major superpower in my verse.

A verse was an omniverse that had gained dream energy.

From my memories, after the Chaos had made humans, humans started dreaming, after a large amount of them started dreaming, an energy that almost rivaled chaos was born.

It was called dream energy, in it was an infinite possibility was everything.

Dream energy is what gave birth to everything under chaos, chaos and dream were rivals.

After his nap, chaos wanted to destroy everything in the omniverse to start all over, but The four horsemen, creation, destruction, life, and many more concepts teamed with dreamy to put chaos back to sleep.

Chaos couldn't be destroyed, not even dream itself could do that, so they opted to put him to sleep since he was vital to the omniverse's survival.

{AN: If yall didn't get this imma simplify it, Dream was born, giving birth to concepts blah blah blah, and then chaos took a nap, after waking up it decided to destroy everything. But everyone else teamed up to put in an internal sleep.

If yall didn't realize yet, mael/lucifer's dad is chaos, he was the one who gave him the concept of death he stole from dream, he wanted lucifer to help when he woke up but now having a team lucifer went against him, but with its last energy to "kill" mael and his team, with creation, life, destruction, and so on. but they eventually reincarnated which is why mael is a human instead of an angel}


As Mael, continued to cultivate, he felt as if he was missing something. He had all the time in the world to cultivate as 10 hours in the mindscape, was 1 hour in the real world.

He got up, cultivating at this point was useless, he needed to try the new feature he discovered last time in his mindscape.

It was called Combat training.

It was a golden portal that led into a room that was white without any blemishes or items.

Anyone that he has battled with in real life, he could battle in here as long as he knows at least one of their abilities.

He never tried it because everyone he had fought was way too strong and wouldn't give him the thrill of battle anyway but after the free for all he had come across a plethora of abilities that would allow him to train his body and mind better.

Selecting a random dude that had the ability to control explosions, albeit the guy didn't have any sort of control thus enabling him to lose at the mock part of the tournament.

Little did mael know he was in for a surprise.