
Mystical Journey

One moment, Luo Jing was at the brink of death after accidentally touching a power outlet while showering. The next, he was in the body of a man named Garen, with memories of a past he was never a part of flowing into his head. As he slowly gets used to the body of Garen, he begins to explore a planet beyond his own logical comprehension. His journey will see him go from surviving in a planet locked in the 20th century, to wielding secret techniques so powerful that they level cities overnight. However, his journey doesn’t end with Garen. Instead this is but the first of many bodies that Luo Jing will come to wield in his mystical journey between worlds.

Get Lost · Fantasy
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1375 Chs

Surprise Attack 2

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The night was unusually gloomy. Dark clouds covered the moon little by little. Only the slightest gap projected the white beam of the moon.

The Heavy Water Prison of Planet Scarlet Snow was located just below the Central Courtroom. There was only one passage around it, coming from a Three-Hearted Royal Highness' residence in the outskirt.

This road from the outermost Fifteenth Palace to the innermost First Palace was along the residence assigned to the Three-Hearted Disciples and Planet Scarlet headquarters, and at the same time, to defend against foreign invasion to the headquarters as it was the only road which must be passed. There were a total of fifteen villa palaces representing fifteen different levels of a defense.

However, the ranking of Three-Hearted was not necessarily based on strength. Some ranked low but their strength was not bad. It was just because there was no formal challenge to a higher position so they stayed in the same spot.