
Mystical Journey

One moment, Luo Jing was at the brink of death after accidentally touching a power outlet while showering. The next, he was in the body of a man named Garen, with memories of a past he was never a part of flowing into his head. As he slowly gets used to the body of Garen, he begins to explore a planet beyond his own logical comprehension. His journey will see him go from surviving in a planet locked in the 20th century, to wielding secret techniques so powerful that they level cities overnight. However, his journey doesn’t end with Garen. Instead this is but the first of many bodies that Luo Jing will come to wield in his mystical journey between worlds.

Get Lost · Fantasy
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1375 Chs

Assassinate 1

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Thoughts were swirling in both their minds. After a cold stare, both of them greeted each other warmly.

"I wonder for what’s the purpose of the Palace Head’s visit to the North FIeld?" The old man slowly descended, controlling the octopus as it quickly shrunk, from a humongous creature into a black octopus the size of a palm which rested on his shoulder.

"I was just bored, so I came out to look for some creatures which were slightly stronger for practice." Garen laughed. "I never expected to meet Tower head Endjack, what great luck I have."

"We from the Seven Nights Tower have good relations with Kovitan, why don’t you come over with me to the inner tower area for a visit, so that i can host you properly." Similarly, Endjack smiled as he said.