
Mystic Martial Arts

Two years after the release of the VRMMORPG "Second Chance" some one new starts playing. He gains the talent of both magic and martial arts, something that has never happened before. How does it affect him, others, and the game itself?

Logan_Warin · Games
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6 Chs

5- Learning More Magic

What is a physical ability? Luther didn't know until he logged out that night.

A physical ability is like a Skill that is permanently imprinted on the body of your character. This was created as a precaution. Once a Thief becomes Level 50, they have the chance to advance to Ghost Thief. A Ghost Thief can use <Skill Steal>. <Skill Steal> locks an opponent's Skill and let's the thief use it for 30 minutes.

<Direct Arcane Manipulation> was permanent, until he deleted his character. And that was never going to happen.

Holding a notepad in his hand, Luther made a list of everything that happened that weekend. He was now Level 18, a Master White mage that can make Magic Crystals, and he made 84 silver on those Goblin fangs and crystals.

Apparently, Goblins are rabbits of the monster world. They procreate a lot and constantly need to be exterminated like roaches. They are not worth much as they are everywhere.

He checked his inventory again.

<Goblin king crystal x 3

Ancient chest x1

???Unique spell book.>

He forgot about those two items he got from the Genocide. That word left a bad taste in his mouth.

<Would you like to open the Ancient Chest?>

Ancient was the highest grade available. The order of rarity went Common, Rare, Lord, Epic, and Ancient. The reward went up in rank because he was almost five times over the Epic quest requirements.

He was a little dissatisfied at the item.

<Rusty Arcane Ring

Ring from the Ancients.


1: locked.

2: casting speed.>

There is that word again, Arcane. He got a hint as to what it is from his two abilities turned into one. When Mana and Qi are balanced and mixed, it becomes Arcane energy. He has no idea what to do with that information yet, but it is still good information.

"Might as well open the book too." He said as he took it out of his inventory.

<Interrupt Spell (Unique)

Magic has no master. Inject your Mana into opponent's Spell to prevent it's casting.

25% chance of using interrupted spell against opponent.

Cost: 10 Mana>

He read it a few times over. "Isn't this kind of OP?" He could do a lot against a mage. He has almost instant casting because his Mana is stabilized. Everyone else has a casting time and a cool down time.

"Well," he said as he started to leave, "off to the library."

Despite being a Master White mage, he doesn't have enough information on Spells and what makes them work. According to the mage forum, the library has training spells.

Training spells do not belong to any of the colors and are generally need to know.

Mages in this world typically use Spells in circles. Circles filled with runes and patterns. There are only a small amount of runes, their function is like a language, commands are formed by rune combinations. The patterns in a circle give order to the commands, so that you don't set your house on fire or something.

<Learned Mana Beam, Magic Arrow, Barrier, and Empower Spells.>

He read the Training spells but didn't physically learn the ones that have element attributes.

<All Mana Runes have been learned! Basic Magic Understanding has grown to Moderate Magic Understanding.>

Talents can evolve, who knew?

<Mana Beam> and <Magic Arrow> are actually the same spell. They are just different shapes. This spell is one of many that just gathers Mana and fires it.

<Barrier> is useful and uses very little Mana. If he combined it with Qi, would it's strength double?

<Empower> is the strength version of <Haste>. Why it wasn't labeled a white spell is beyond him.

He immediately went back to the tower and worked on making a new spell.

<Mana ball> has three commands. [Collect], [Expell], and [Burst]. Get rid of [Burst] first and change the way the other two commands function. Now, this spell will [Collect] Mana from the surroundings and [Expell] it into the body. The opposite of what <Mana ball> does. A Mana absorption spell.

<You have created a new spell! 2000 XP earned!>

< You have leveled up!>

<Please name your new spell.>

After some thought, he came up with the name <Void ball>

< Void ball

An inversion of spell Mana ball. Absorbs Mana from surroundings.

Cost : 5 Mana>

The description fits what he was trying to do. An inversion of a spell. A spell designed to improve one's Mana if used correctly.

<Alert! This spell does not belong to a mage class. What kind of magic is this?>

A list appeared that had the names of all of the magic classes, except Sage. However, it didn't fit in any of the classes shown, not even Dark wizards.

A blank line was at the bottom of the list. He tapped on it and a keyboard popped up in front of him. He typed <Black mage> and hit enter. A loading screen appeared.

<Lord Quest created!

Create a new mage class!

The study of Magic improves and expands over time and a new category of magic has been discovered. According to the laws of the country, at least three spells must be created for the same class for it to be officially recognized.

Black spells 1/3

Reward: Black mage class release; 5 levels; ??? Lord chest>

"Woah. How realistic is this world? It only makes sense that 'what comes up, must come down'. Right?" He yelled in shock.

It got him thinking. Things like 'opposites attract' exist here, right? If White magic is buffs, then Black magic would be debuffs. Did people never figure this out? Did the people who made this game leave stuff out?

He was already a Master White mage. Would he lose his ability of he became a Black mage?

He should level up for now. Sell some materials and get money to fund his research. He should kill more goblins.

<Player: Luther

Level : 19

Title: Goblin Genocide

Class: Master White mage

HP: 2800

Strength: 28

Speed: 25

Mana: 89

Qi: 89

Talents: Moderate Magic Understanding; Basic Martial Arts Understanding.

Active skills: Mana Shot; Qi Shot; Dual Beam; Minor Crafting; Haste; Mana Ball; Magic crystal formation; Mana ball; Mana Arrow; Barrier; Empower; Void ball; Interrupt.

Passive skills: Stable Equilibrium

Ability: Direct Arcane Manipulation>

According to the forum, he gets a class advancement at Level 25 and 50. He was a little curious as to how. He was already a Master. It was rare for people to have more than one class, but not impossible.