
Mystic Martial Arts

Two years after the release of the VRMMORPG "Second Chance" some one new starts playing. He gains the talent of both magic and martial arts, something that has never happened before. How does it affect him, others, and the game itself?

Logan_Warin · Games
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6 Chs

4- White mage

"Hello! Nice to meet you. I'm here to register and choose a class." Luther was all smiles. Even if the receptionist is an NPC she was still a person. He never realized how much he missed human interaction until now.

The receptionist, on the other hand, was a little put off. A man in rags wants to register. And while he is good looking, nothing about him really screams reliable. But if he wants to register, she has to let him if he is level 5 or higher. "Please sir, put your hand here on this plate."

The crystal plate next to her glowed blue and showed his level. He was level 18 at the moment. "How is your level so high?" She broke all professionalism due to shock.

"I just killed a whole bunch of goblins." He didn't want to get into the details. "Is this enough? Can I be an adventurer?"

A guild card popped out of a slot at the top the the plate. "This is your guild card. All payments are made through this card and it displays your name, your rank, and your registered title."


Rank -F

Goblin Genocide




He finally had an ID. If he wants to get into college he needed to get stronger. He should at least be C Rank.

"Now because you are already past level 5 you need to choose a class." She brought a purple crystal ball in front of him. He placed his hand on it an a panel appeared.

<Please choose a class.



White mage


With out a thought he picked White mage.

"Eh? Are you sure? A White mage is considerably weak. And is typically used as support." She might have been hoping for a swordsman. " It would be better to pick a different mage class."

Eh? " White mage is the only mage class available for me." Her eyes widened. "Eh? You don't have any color mage choices?"

"Nope. I'll stick with this one." He tapped Confirm. He watched as his card glowed and showed his class.

<World Announcement: all available classes have been chosen at least once.>

That was another shock today. Anyone that tried to choose this class listened to the receptionist and hose something else.

"I hope you are content with your choice. I will notify the Capital to expect you." She started to walk away. "Excuse me what?"

"All Mage classes have to go to the capital for training. There are seven magic towers in the Capital. White, red, orange, blue, green, purple. Fire, earth, water, plants, and thunder. Gold is for healers and typically don't associate with the others. Outside of buffs, the white class doesn't really do much that we know of."

That got him a little excited again. This was a mystery class. One that he will gladly crack open.

"There is a teleportation pad two rooms over that will take you to the capital. May you enjoy your grand adventure."

Sure enough, there was a room with a complex circle on the ground. How does he activate it though? "Uh...to the Capital?" He said as the floor glowed and a tall man in a gold robe appeared in front of him.

"You must be the new White mage. Come, follow me." And follow he did. He silently listened to the whispers around him as he was being watched. Nothing he could make out, but enough to understand that this was not normal.

They stopped in front of a tall tower with a bright white roof. "This is the White Magic Tower. This is the key and these are the only White mage spell books. Have a good day." The man in Gold quickly handed him three things and left.

<Spell: Haste

Doubles target's speed for 10 minutes.

Cost: 5 Mana>

<Spell: Mana ball

Launches ball of pure Mana and explodes on contact with target.

Cost: 5 Mana>

<ITEM: White magic tower key

Key that once belonged to head of magic tower.>

Luther immediately learned the two spells and held the key in front of his face. He used his Mana on it and got two new alerts.

<Player Luther is now registered as White magic tower owner. + 5 Mana>

<Player Luther has new Title: White Magic tower head. +10 Mana>

The warm feeling in his chest returned as another new notice popped up.

<Due to Stable Equilibrium Qi has increased. + 15 Qi>

Wait a second. If he is the head, then that means he is the only White mage in the entire server. And he now has 85 Qi and Mana each. He hasn't even entered the tower yet.

He saw a sign at the entrance. First floor: lobby. Second floor: Library. Third floor: training hall. Fourth floor: Office.

The first three floors were all empty, apart from some cobwebs. He had to climb up stairs. And there were a lot of stairs. Enough for his strength stat increase by 1.

He didn't know what to expect when he entered the office. He most certainly did not expect a skeleton to be sitting in his chair. He walked up to it and noticed a book in it's hand.

* Haste and Mana ball were all we could do. Despite my peers giving up and joining a color, I chose to stay. Even when our head gave up and gave me ownership of the tower, I chose to keep going. I finally did it. I made a spell that only a white mage could learn. But I am dying. Will there be another White mage to take my place?*

<Would you like to learn Magic crystal formation?>

He tapped YES without any hesitation. Magic crystals make a lot of money. He got excited and started thinking about giving his parents an easy life, paying tuition, and pizza.

<You have gained all White mage spells! You have become a Master White mage.>

<Ability unlocked!

Physical ability: Direct Mana Manipulation

Ability to directly manipulate Mana in any situation.>

Luther couldn't be happy anymore. That's it? Those three spells were all it took to make him a Master class.

No, it isn't. He decided. He can use Mana and Qi. According to this journal, he could make spells.

He sat down in lotus position and felt around for his Qi. He then forcibly moved it using an ability he didn't know how to use.

<Ability unlocked!

Physical ability: Direct Qi Manipulation

Ability to directly manipulate Qi in any situation.>

< Alert! Abilities are resonating>

<Direct Mana Manipulation and Direct Qi Manipulation combine to make Direct Arcane Manipulation.>