
Mystic King of Tennis

A man reincarnates after a goddess's mistake into a world were tennis is the top popular sport! With special abilities given to him and a lot of practice, can our hero make it as a pro?

CrazyFishDoggo · Sports
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3 Chs

First Days

The year is 2020, It's been five years since I was brought into this world. The time I spent as a baby was frustrating to say the least. I couldn't even lift my head for sometime, though after that stage I rocked the world like a genus, reading, writing, and math were at my mercy. However I let it be known I wanted to play tennis and today five years after being brought here I get to practice for the first time. My father turned out to be the World tennis associations director for the american branch and my mom happened to be a sports medicine professional.So it wasn't hard to get me lessons. As I walk on the court for the first time I am greeted by a group of kids of varying ages seemingly just as excited as myself. When the instructor asks us all to pair up I end up with a silent girl named Clara she seems to be around the same age as me with long black hair and bright brown eyes. In our pairs we are asked to stretch and do some light conditioning. "Lady's first." I said with a smile as Clara jogged to the end of the court. On her way back I held out a high five to which she seemed to ignore.. "Ah well" I thought to myself as I started my way to the end of the court. Finally after a mix of stretches and a bit of light cardio we were fed balls from the instructor and after to hit in a proper forehand position which was shown to us earlier. As everyone was of different experience some hit the ball back others would miss. When it got to my turn I returned the ball nice and simple, I directed the ball with [Perfect Control] to land at the instructors feet. Flawless the ball seemed to bend to my will, landing exactly where I wanted it spooking the instructor a bit. After me it was Clara who's, upon hit, the ball seemed to vanish from the air only to hit the baseline a few seconds later. In awe the coach utters "Nice and in the lines Clara, let's see that again, next." with that the silent Clara nodded and walked to the back of the line. I was a little shaken by her first hit, not gonna lie. "Is she one of the Mystical kings I heard about?" I thought to myself. My competitive fire was lit as I turned to Clara," Every ball I hit will land at the Instructors feet. I challenge you, Clara!" She gazed back at me with a blank expression seemingly uninterested she spoke, "Prove it on the court" in a soft gentle tone. Blazing I waited for my turn to shine….

It was really difficult to find a way to set up the first chapter.. I wanted conflict but I'm not sure how to go about it. Please suggest future charater names.

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