
Mystic Academy: School For Mystical Creatures

Once we were friends as children but then I moved away. I had to go through a lot as the years passed by. My parents died and I was on my own. I worked on training on my own and I homeschooled myself. Until I decided to go to Mystic Academy. I got accepted into the academy and now here I am. We reconnected at Mystic Academy. The school for mystical creatures. We are both dragons and the school helps us train and stuff like that. Find out what happens when we reconnect. --------- This story is only on WebNovel. No one is allowed to copy this story or chapters without the me(the author) permission. Thank you.

Queen_Vellon · Fantasy
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37 Chs

New Mission

*Two weeks later*

(Elektra's POV)

It's been two weeks since the incident in the art room. My shoulder is fully healed now thanks to me being a dragon and with the help of Neo, I was able to have a fast recovery.

Neo, the team and Sebastian has been very protective of me since the incident. They make sure that I'm nowhere near Angelica and her little possy and if I'm forced to be near them like in class, they watch their every move. I'm thankful for them especially Neo. Neo rarely left my side. He even makes it a habit to make sure I'm asleep first before he goes to sleep. Even though all that stuff happened to us, it brought us close. At least it's not awkward between us anymore.

Anyways, at this moment me and the team are at lunch when Ms. Rivers comes up to us. "Good afternoon guys." she said and we wall gave her a nod of an acknowledgement. "The Dean would like to see you in his office when you are done." she continued and then walked away. We all looked at each other while still eating and Damon started to speak after he swallowed a mouthful of food. "Looks like we got another mission." We all hummed in response and quickly finished eating our food then started heading towards the Dean's office.

When Neo knocked on the door we hear the Dean say "come in" so we did. We gathered into the room before shutting the door behind. "Good afternoon guys. Today I received an assignment for you. So I will need you to go pack your bags and be at the jet in about two hours. I will debrief you when you are in the air." We all nodded and response and did as we were told.

After taking a quick shower and packing my stuff, it was time to go. I zipped up my duffle bag and headed to the living room with Neo already waiting there on his phone. "Hey! All set?" I asked as I stood next to him. He looked up from his phone and said while putting it away "Yup. We definitely need this mission especially after everything that happened." I nodded in agreement. We talked a little more until Alexa and Damon came in with their own luggage and headed out to the jet.

Once the jet took off, we were handed some files by the attendant. Then the video call came on and the Dean came on the screen. "Can everyone hear me alright?" he asked and we all said yes in unison. "Okay. The mission that you will be doing is an assassination." he started. 'Ooo an assassination. Should be fun.' I said the myself.

"A Chinese gang has been trafficking and killing mythical creatures and it needs to be stopped. The leader of the gang, Chao Tent, has been finding ways to traffic these other creatures for years and we have only now been given the opportunity to take him down with the rest of his gang. Please look at the pictures in your files and familiarize the descriptions of the gang." We all looked at the pictures and read the descriptions.


Gang leader: Chao Tent

Hair type: Buzz cut

Hair color: Black hair

Eye Color: Black eyes

Tattoos and/or scars: Scar on left eye, Red Lotus tattoo on neck.

Age: Approximately in his 40's

Voice: Stern, deep, rough voice

Other: Has a slight limp, but does not impair his fighting skills


I hummed to my self and continued on.


His Second in Command: Ming Fang

Hair Type: Shaved on sides with tuff on top

Hair color: Black

Eye Color: Light brown eyes

Tattoos and/or scars: Scar on his lower lip, Red Lotus tattoo on neck

Age: Approximately in his mid 20's

Voice: Deep, but still quite youthful voice

Other: Never leaves the leader's side. He's seen as the adopted child of the leader. Handles more day to day operations while big boss handles big picture items


I hummed again softly while I continued on to the rest of the descriptions.


Gang members:

General appearance like the boss

Ages range about 20's to 40's

Red lotus tattoo on necks

Skillful swordsmen and marksmen

Some highly intelligent and some not


At the last part I chuckled a little. Dang they really did them dirty for writing that.

"Intel has given me information that a deal will go down at a warehouse in five days. You guys will go in and get it done then. Unfortunately, we don't have any contacts there so you are on your own when it comes to finding shelter while you are in Hubei." My head snapped up when I heard that name. "I'm sorry sir but did you say Hubei?" I asked. He nodded his and replied "Yes I did. Is there a problem with that?"

I sighed a little and cracked a small smile on my face. I shook my head and replied "No sir. There is no problem at all. I actually have a contact there. We can stay with them so don't worry." All the Dean did was nod his head and says "Then everything is set. Make sure you guys get back safely." And with that the video call ended.

Everybody turned to look at me. "So who is this contact that you have in Hubei that we don't know about?" Damon asks. I chuckled to myself and replied "You'll find out when we get there and be sure to get ready for lots of walking." Damon scoffed and turned back to look at his files. Alexa also did the same.

"When did you go to China?" Neo softly asked. "When I was on my own. I snuck onto a charter plane when I was fifteen and went to China. I met and stayed with some people that took really good care of me. I stayed there for about two years and then went to other places. The people I stayed with are my contacts. I think you guys will like them." I answered with a smile on my face. He smiled at me and said "Well they did a good job taking care of you so yes I'm pretty sure I would love them."

I scoffed at him and said "Yea I'm sure they will love you the most because I told them all about you while I stayed there." He looked at me with a smirk on his face. "Don't give me that sly look. I'll wipe it right off your face if you keep that up." I threatened and then turned my attention to the window.

Many, and I mean many, hours of sleeping up against Neo, eating with everyone, and talking, we finally arrived in China. I grabbed my duffle bag and walked out of the jet with a smile as I looked at everything surrounding us that brought back my memories.