
Mystic Academy: School For Mystical Creatures

Once we were friends as children but then I moved away. I had to go through a lot as the years passed by. My parents died and I was on my own. I worked on training on my own and I homeschooled myself. Until I decided to go to Mystic Academy. I got accepted into the academy and now here I am. We reconnected at Mystic Academy. The school for mystical creatures. We are both dragons and the school helps us train and stuff like that. Find out what happens when we reconnect. --------- This story is only on WebNovel. No one is allowed to copy this story or chapters without the me(the author) permission. Thank you.

Queen_Vellon · Fantasy
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37 Chs


*Flashback to four and a half years ago*

(Third POV)

At the age of fifteen, Elektra has been wandering around Hubei for at least two weeks. She had to get out of the U.S. because she felt like she was being watched. So she left. She was starving, dirty and tired. She tries to stay safe as possible each night. Unfortunately, tonight is not one of those nights.


(Elektra's POV)

'Okay Elektra. We are ok. We are alive even though we are nearly starving to death, but we are still okay. Let's try to get some sleep ok.' I said to myself as I sat down on the side of the dumpster where I can not be seen. I hugged myself and attempted to close my eyes and sleep, but something, a sound, was keeping me awake. I looked around the dumpster to see three tipsy men and an old man walking.

I watched warily as three tipsy men followed rather closely to the blissfully oblivious old man. In a place like this, anyone with half a brain could predict the outcome of this. Any person who wishes to live or has an ounce of normal in them would turn the other way. But I wasn't normal.

My eyes darted around the now empty street, taking in every small and moveable object that was within reach, as the men approached and started to push around the aged man. I stood and revealed myself from the shadows. "HEY! LEAVE HIM ALONE!" I yelled as boldly as I could muster. They turned to me and their smiles grew wicked, their eyes shinning with excitement. I noticed each of them had a tattoo of a red lotus on their necks. I didn't recognize the symbol, but I still kept the sight of it for later keeping.

From their coat pockets, they took out switchblades. I eyed them carefully and quickly lowered myself into a fighting stance. The one in the middle shot towards me, as he was doing so, I grabbed a metal rod that caught my eye. I let out a small forceful shout as I jabbed him with all my might, letting out a burst of lightning from my hands and into the rod.

I watched in amazement as my current burned permanent scars up his neck and half his face. He collapsed, his body twitching every now and then. I was too lost in my thoughts that one of the others ran up to me until he's already stabbed me. Pain shot through my side, I would forever thank my lucky starts for the constantly flowing electrical current in my system.

The moment his blade reached blood, he was hit with more watts than the other guy. Nasty black scars now raced up his arm and neck. He promptly passed out. I turned to the last one, his greediness still visible in his eyes, even though they were practically overshadowed by the burning rage in them. I stared into his eyes defiantly while spinning the already crackling rod and putting in even more lightning. His anger soon turned into fear as he turned and began to run. Damn coward.

I scrunched my eyebrows in concentration and let out a thick, and wonderfully lethal lightning charge from the rod and watched how he collapsed, his back most likely charred with scars. I looked around to find the place deserted once again. Guess the old man decided to leave.

My vision started to tilt side ways, and a staring wave of nausea hit me. My legs suddenly couldn't support my athletic body and the next thing I knew, the world has gone dark.


(Third POV)

Little did the teenager know, two people were watching everything that had happened. Two monks watched as she fell down to the ground unconscious and finally came out of the shadows. They saw the courage she had when protecting that old man from those men and were impressed. They believed that she could be a great warrior in the future so they decided to help her.

The one named Jun, a male, picked up the unconscious girl and walked away from the scene with the other monk named Meilin, a female, following behind. They took her up the many steps of Wudang Mountain. (This is the mountain from the Karate Kid movie with Jaden Smith and Jackie Chan).

Once they finally entered the temple quietly, Jun had taken her to a room where a wooden bath tub stood in the middle then left the girl with Meilin while he went for buckets of warm water to clean the teenager. When Jun came back with the water and filled up the bath, he left the room, so Meilin can bathe her.

After bathing the girl carefully and wrapping up her wound on her side, Meilin went out of the room to find Jun waiting with some clothes for Elektra. Meilin took the clothes and placed them on Elektra. She then called Jun into the room to carry the girl to the other room. Jun did as he was told and carefully picked up the girl and took her to the next room where he laid her down on a Ci-Xi gate bed. They covered the girl up with a blanket and exited the room, leaving the teenager to sleep in peace.


(Elektra's POV)

The sounds of little bells had slowly woken me up from my slumber. My eyes were slightly blurry. Once my vision cleared, I shot up from my sleepiness and looked around the unknown room, scared for my life. Then my eyes widened as I looked down at my new clothes. 'Where the hell am I?' I said to myself.

After about ten minutes of trying to figure out where I was, two people had entered the room. They looked like monks. They man had his head shaved while they lady had her hair in a tight bun with a hair pin in it. I coward away to the corner of the bed with a little hiss of pain as they approached. The lady's hand went to the man's arm to stop him from going futher. They both looked at each other, having a conversation with their eyes. The man apparently understood the woman and let her continue towards me. She sat on the edge of the bed and gave me a soft smile.

With a really heavy Chinese accent, she spoke to me in english in a slow manner so I can understand what she is saying. "Hello, my name is Meilin and this is my husband Jun. We won't hurt you. What is your name?" I answered in a soft volume that it was only a whisper. "Elektra." She gave me a nod and said "That's a beautiful name. It means emitting light from being heated. The name suits you especially with your powers."

I gave her a shocked look and asked "How do you know about my powers?" Now it was time for Jun to step forward and answered my question with a soft masculine tone. "We saw what you did in that alley. You are very strong. We were very impressed on how you defended that old man. It was very brave." I looked down and stared at my hands, blushing a little from the compliment.

"So you two brought me here?" I asked softly and they both nodded. "We saw you went unconscious so we brought you here, cleaned you up and wrapped up your wound which I would like to check right now. If I may?" Meilin asked. I hesitated a little bit, but nodded and scooted closer to her. Jun looked away from me while Meilin lifted up my shirt slightly to inspect my wrapped up stomach. "May I rewrap your wound?" she then asked and I nodded slightly again.

She gave me a small smile and said something to Jun in Chinese to get the dressing for my wound. He walked to a cabinet and took out some white bandage and handed it to Meilin. She placed it down on the side of me and started to unwrap my old dressing. Then she wrapped a new one onto my wound and made sure it was secure.

I thanked her when she was done and then when she was about to speak, a loud gong rang throughout the place. "Oh good. That is the breakfast summoning. Elektra you must be very hungry. Please come join us. Everyone here has been made aware of your presence and your powers. We will not hurt you." Meilin said.

After contemplating a little, I slightly nodded with a small okay and slowly got up with the help of Meilin. We walked out of the room and I couldn't believe my eyes. We were in what looks like a temple on a mountain. It was a beautiful sight. Jun and Meilin pulled me around the slightly familiar looking temple until we reached a room where many people were sitting on the ground cross crossed and eating on small tables.

When we entered the room, people stopped eating. A man that was in the back stood up and approached. "Nǐ hǎo, nǐ bìxū shì shǎndiàn lóng shì jūn hé méilín dài lái de. Wǒ de míngzì jiào lǐmù. Wǒ zhège sìmiào de zhùchí." (Hello you must be the lightning dragon Jun and Meilin had brought. My name is Li Mu. I am the Abbot of this temple.) the man named Li Mu said as he held out his hand for me to shake.

Knowing a little of Chinese etiquette, I shook his hand and bent my head forward a little and greeted back "Wǒ shì. Wǒ de míngzì shì Elektra. Xièxiè nǐ zài zhè li yǒu wǒ." (Yes I am. My name is Elektra. Thank you for having me here.) He gave me a slight nod back and turned to everyone else. "Měi gèrén, zhè shì Elektra. Tā shì jūn hé méilín dài lái de shǎndiàn lóng." Li Mu said to everyone. (Everyone this is Elektra. She is the lightning dragon that Jun and Meilin brought)

Everyone in the clapped and following Chinese etiquette, I clapped back. Li Mu turned back to us and escorted me to where I'll sit. I sat down slowly and crossed my legs like everyone else as Meilin sat down next to me while Jun sat across from us. Everybody went back to eating and Meilin turned and asked "would you like congee or wontons and dumplings?" I pointed to the wontons and dumplings and she handed it to me along with some chopsticks.

As we ate, we talked about how I came to China and why I was here. They listened to my story and offered me a place to stay at the temple. At first I politely refused, but then Li Mu offered with no exceptions so I said yes.

Throughout the next two years, they taught me so much. Much like in the movie the karate kid, I learned the point of Chi and learned martial arts. They taught me how to use weapons and how to control my powers.

After the two years I had been here, I decided it was time to leave and go back to the U.S. I thanked them for what they did for me and promised to visit when I can. They wished me luck on my journey back and hoped they would see me again. I said my goodbyes and made my way back to the U.S. to start my next journey.

I would like to say thanks to my co-writers, Bookworm2435 and Daoist023129. Bookworm 2435 was the one to help with the fight scene and Daoist023129 was the one who gave me the idea of this chapter. So thanks you. You guys are the best ever.

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