
Mysteries Of The System: The Ranking System

Abandoned by his family at a young age due to his ill fate, strived alone with the mindset of achieving revenge. That was the main goal till a fortunate event occurred and eased his pain, more like making him null to it but that wasn't the last of his family as he got sold out as a slave without consent or anything. Now, the child faces two paths of life right in front of him, the path of revenge or the path to redeem himself and to find the one who aided him to change his fate. Now, on which path will he tread upon or will he be able to achieve both? AUTHOR'S NOTE: sorry guys, the first three chapters might be confusing, totally confusing but please, do read further to chapter 4 and give me a chance to cook ^⁠_⁠^

Crazy_X · Action
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25 Chs


Darwin, being in front of the cold faced crew, although they bear no hidden claws against him but still, it gave him the chills as he was left in a state whether they actually bear no hidden fangs or if he is just imagining it, therefore making him extremely nervous and anxious.

"Greetings, once again, to the house master and his beloved mistresses, as well as to the young masters and mistresses.

My presence was needed and here I am, how must I help?"

Darwin addressed as he gave a proper bow towards the people who were seated at the table.

With a straight face, the housemaster leaned forward and spoke,

"Did I hear that the recent slave we bought has grown excellently in swordsmanship?"

Darwin breathed out heavily and answered as he was still in the bowing position.

"Of course sir, the tongue tells no lie and to further explain, we just continually sparred for two weeks and on his own, he practiced as well as having the help of every warrior, mage and esper under the family to get some pointers and education."

"So what you are saying in short is; we didn't waste a dime?"

The housemaster asked with squinted eyes and in response, Darwin nodded to his answer.

In delight, the housemaster rose up and said,

"Precious! Finally, we need a way to achieve a loyal dog, powerful enough to get us a seat amongst the World Class Families!"

He then gets close to Darwin, had both his palms, each, on Darwin's arms, and aided him to stand upright as he was really in delight.

"Now, we should move to the next plan, what can we do?"

He suddenly turns to Claire, which in response, jolted in fright.

The housemaster walked up to her seat and from the back, got his palms on her shoulders.

"Claire my dear, I now have a job for you. You'll be having him guard you to school new personal guard and the duels that your rivals have been requesting? Make sure to accept them all, only with the condition that they have to face your guard first, understood dear?"

With a nod, she replied, "yes father."

The housemaster walked back to his chair and had his seat, crossed his legs, took out a small box and in it was lined up well moulded Churchill cigars.

He took one from the box, dropped it back on the table as well as the cigar, bit his lips enough to make him injured.

The blood from the injured part was then being controlled by the eldest daughter like telekinesis and changed the blood's form into a blade.

With it, she cut out a part of the cigar's head and the housemaster made a slow nod to show gratitude while she returned the blood back into his wounded lips and one of his wives instantly healed it up.

The housemaster raised his left hand and patted on her left cheek as a sign of appreciation, since she's the first wife and the one closest to him, in terms of the table's chairs' positioning.

Irving then flicked his right thumb and middle finger, very close to the cigar's foot and a spark occurred which got the cigar's filler lit up.

He takes a puff, which gave him a tingling feeling and as he released, he felt a pleasurable sensation as he had his eyes closed.

Once they got opened, he pointed, with his cigar, at Darwin and said,

"With Claire, make that a month study and after that, we can then finally get into the main course. Do tell him about his new assigned duty."

In response, Darwin bowed once again and left to relay the message.


At the share house Zyl resided in, Zyl can be seen getting out from his shower.

He finally, remembered about the complaint given to him about his beard and decided to view himself on the mirror.

Yes, since two weeks and a day, Zyl hasn't viewed himself on the mirror, due to the years spent on him not caring about his appearance and finally, he walks to the mirror and in front of him, on the mirror, was a fit looking guy, with a long shabby brown hair and an unattended beard.

He as well, noticed a flame like burn of a more deep brown tone on his cheek, to his neck and down to his right shoulder.

The burn crossed his eye and stopped close to his right eye brow, causing no harm to his iris.

His skin was of a light brown complexion, irises were beautifully designed due to the aura impact during his training days.

"Must be the burning venoms, flames and heat that I had to go through during the training process." He murmurs to himself as his eyes were stuck on the burn marks visible in his face.

Screwing with his hair, he walks out from his room and found out that the television was still on.

He walked towards the sofa that was positioned directly opposite from the television and on the sofa was the green haired girl, laying while facing the television as her mouth munches on the snack she has with her.

She felt some water droplets fall on her face which in response, quickly looked towards the direction the water came from and there she saw Zyl's face as he was still lost on staring at her.

She glitches and disappeared and in response, Zyl giggled.

He heard one of the rooms' door knobs turn while making a 'click' sound and that room turns out to be hers.

She walked right out of her room with a hair comb, a pair of scissors, hair brush and all sorts of hair treatment product and tools.

"Care to take care of your hair now?" she asked.

"I'm being invited?" He questioned with a shocked reaction written all over his face.

"Alright, let me twist the question all around. Get in here, I will fix your hair for you."

With a giggle, he replied, "yes ma'am."

He childishly walked into her room as she slams the door.

Zyl takes a look at her room just to find out it was quite normal looking than he thought it would be but more importantly, there were lots of gadgets and books but all were neatly arranged and hanged.

"Quite amazed with the room, right?" she asked.

"Yeah, wasn't what I expected it to be like."

"Do have a seat." She requested as she pointed at the chair that was in front of a mirror and a dressing table.

He took his seat but in an awkward manner, as he had his hands on table, feeling it's texture like a little child with a new toy.

She got close to the dressing table, placed all the tools appropriately and started with the spray and comb in other to get it wet and straighten it.

As she began to work on his hair, Zyl had his eyes locked on her with full admiration as how she quickly got into focus mode while handling his hair like a professional, through the mirror.

There was an awkward silence between the two, Zyl is lost while she is focused.

As soon as she dropped the wet spray, she broke the silence and initiated a conversation,

"So, Julius, tell me, how did you get your title?"

At that moment, he snapped back to his senses and replied,

"Was literally sold off behind my back, although I was abandoned already for a year and I had to fend off for myself.

Surprisingly, I just don't know how I was found out, maybe connections?"

"When it comes to information, strength and connections, trust the Arthur family with that. Well, that's a sad background story."

"No need to mind, what about your story?"

"Well, I am not a slave, just lucky enough to be born with great parents with great abilities, such as transparency and teleportation.

The unfortunate condition applied is all about how poor we are. I applied to serve under the Arthurs and I am lucky enough to serve as a substitute for info scouting under the Arthurs' Flare Guild.

As you should have known by now, I'm a teleporta and I can glitch as well.

The glitch ability have to do with a lot of light particles such as photons and such, so, I need to be exposed to gadgets with screens. To be precise, gadgets that are all about visibility .

I also need to work my brain out in order to build my mental fortitude while using the teleportation ability.

I as well, need to work on memorising, even if possible, the tiniest details in a particular environment to avoid any error in the Teleportation process."

She explained while grabbing for her scissors.

"Wow, that's a lot of requirements." He commented while to staring at her through the mirror.

"Indeed, by the way Jul, what is your ability?" she asked as she began cutting.

"Funny enough, it's just an ability to endure and quickly learn stuffs."

"That's a funny way to put it indeed but it's kind of dope if I were to say."

"Yeah, absolutely, just that I had to go through a lot to get it to it's current rank in other to actually make the ability look broken."

As he dropped the comment, it quickly piqued the girl's interest as she quickly asked, "what rank?" only to shoot down her expectations,

"Sorry, that's a secret." He said and then continued,

"By the way, you know my name, what's yours?"

With a smile, she replied, "Amanda but I'll prefer if you could call me Mandy like the rest."

"Hmm, Mandy, nice...." the two went on with their conversation till she was done with the cutting.

She patted his hair and jaw with a warm towel and requested, "Now, have a look at the mirror."

Zyl couldn't believe what he saw with his eyes.



Name: Julius Devonte Zyl.

Age: 379 years (?? Realm age), 17 years (earth realm age).

Str: 1150, End: 1200, Agi: 1080, Dex: 1049, Sta: 5002, Mana: 0, Force: 0, Aura: 10,998.

Stats Rank: Legendary Rank.

Main Ability: Extreme adaptability (god rank).

Unique Ability: Weapon Mastery (god rank), Resistance (demi-god rank), Personal Force (demi-god rank), Invincibility (demi-god rank), Ability Control/Mastery (god rank).

Other ability: Poison resistance (peak), Venom resistance (peak), Pain resistance (peak), Mental resistance (peak), Cold resistance (peak), Heat resistance (peak), Burn resistance (peak), Freeze resistance (peak), Gravitational resistance (peak), Electric shock resistance (peak), Pressure resistance (peak), Sword mastery (peak), Halberd mastery (peak), Bow and arrow mastery (peak), Knuckles/Fist mastery (peak), Unwavering body (peak).




Name: Amanda (Mandy) Waltz.

Age: 18 years.

Str: ??, End: ??, Agi: ??, Dex: ??, Sta: ??, Mana: 0, Force: ??, Aura: 0.

Status Rank: ??.

Main Ability: Glitch.

Unique Abilities: Teleportation (?? Rank), ??.

Other Abilities: ??.




Name: Darwin ??.

Age: ??.

Strength: 698, Endurance: 859, Agility: 753, Dexterity: 704, Sta: 845, Mana: 0, Force: 0, Aura: 7,371.

Stats Rank: S+ Rank.

Main Ability: Weapon Mastery (S rank).

Unique Ability: ??, ??, ??, ??.

Other Ability: Sword mastery (mid), Halberd mastery (mid), Bow and arrow mastery (low), ??, ??, ??, ??.
