
Mysteries Of The System: The Ranking System

Abandoned by his family at a young age due to his ill fate, strived alone with the mindset of achieving revenge. That was the main goal till a fortunate event occurred and eased his pain, more like making him null to it but that wasn't the last of his family as he got sold out as a slave without consent or anything. Now, the child faces two paths of life right in front of him, the path of revenge or the path to redeem himself and to find the one who aided him to change his fate. Now, on which path will he tread upon or will he be able to achieve both? AUTHOR'S NOTE: sorry guys, the first three chapters might be confusing, totally confusing but please, do read further to chapter 4 and give me a chance to cook ^⁠_⁠^

Crazy_X · Action
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25 Chs


"By the way, you know my name, what's yours?"

With a smile, she replied, "Amanda but I'll prefer if you could call me Mandy like the rest."

"Hmm, Mandy, nice. I'll remember that for sure."

She giggled and replied, "please do so, I'll actually ask next time.

Anyways, I just can't ignore this burns, what are they?"

With a smile, he sighed and said,

"You can just say that these are evidences of the hardship I went through to be the current me. You can call them the 'Author's teachings'."

He explains while running his fingers all over them to get a feel.

"Well, that must be tough, with that backstory and currently title of yours." She said as the last hair was cut.

She dropped the scissors, got the comb and had it do it's job on him before dropping it.

She grabbed the steamed towel as well and pat his hair and jaw with it.

She then requested, "Now, have a look at the mirror."

Zyl stared at the mirror, shocked and speechless, "uhm, I don't look like a seventeen year old."

"Yeah, that's the whole idea, you don't speak and neither do you think like one. Now, you look sexy, if I am to drop the word." Mandy replied as she drops onto her bed.

"Wow, actually, I can tell you, I'm impressed, I was expecting you to give me that shitty common hairstyle that every single character from a webtoon have." He said as he excitedly checks himself out on the mirror.

"So, you are a fan of webtoons? Interesting."

"Well, thanks to that, I am who I dreamed to be three years ago."

He chuckles as he answered but suddenly had a stiff expression as if he was lost in thought.

He stood still as he goes through his mind, which got Mandy uncomfortable as she sees him in his sudden lifeless stance.

She stood up slowly and walked towards him, caressed his back as he leaned forward to peak at his face, "Jul, is there a problem?" she asked as she was concerned.

"No, not really, although, I do have a question. Is it possible for mages to create a different dimension or like a magical dome and be able to use the internet?" Zyl asked as he suddenly turns to her.

"Uhmm, that's a funny question but of course not. We have mages who can create domes, cosmic ones, by cosmic mages or mages that somehow got powers to create replica or even bring an upgraded magical version of historical domains, called mythical mages."

"Then again, let me ask, can mages transport or summon someone far away into their dome?"

"Actually, there are no recorded history about mages doing exactly that, although, it might be possible if the summoned had an artefact or relic related to that dome."

With that response, Zyl got weak on the knees and suddenly sat on Mandy's bed as he ponders more.

Mandy on the other hand, turns the chair which Zyl recently sat on for his haircut, to face him before taking a seat and observes him as she herself became excited and interested with the kind of questions Zyl is about to throw at her.

Zyl suddenly looks up at her in an instant with a serious look on his face and then asked, "are there records of mages that can create an avatar or clone themselves?"

Mandy suddenly sits appropriately as she became happy about the question and is willing to answer back,

"Yes of course. Although, there are people accustomed with the cloning abilities being espers just like our absent housemate, Mark, he has the cloning ability and an S ranker at that...… I guess?

Mages can as well summon familiars to act as an avatar for them but if we are talking about it being a human clone, I'm sorry, that would be impossible because it goes against the law of magic to create superior lifeforms with it.

Anyways, if I may ask, what type of clone was created?"

"Holographical. Like sci-fi type of cloning."

"Well, yes of course, there were mages able to create holographical forms to convey messages but using some apparatus like magic stones and ores."

"Well, this is going nowhere...… Are there any mages publicly known to be a fan of fictional characters before their fame or currently?

Like, high tier mages, maybe, in the legendary ranks or beyond."

"Actually, I can think of four right now, one was a fan of magical girls, Kaito Kobayashi, surprising how a neet was able to achieve the legendary rank.

Zeke Randolph, a fan of a fantasy main character that's all about a slave boy escaping and becoming overpowered from ground zero, so overpowered that he achieved a level of power greater than magic in the novel.

Michelle Gonzalez, a fan of a children animated cartoon and she is currently an idol that portrays that character and yes, surprisingly, she's said to be powerful enough to be considered an out of order but it's still a mystery since she refuses to show her status to the public and keep it secret.

Then we have Yasmin Frostschild, she is just a book guru and even spoke about being an author once she retires although she's been missing for almost four years."

"Margret, hmmm.... Tell me more about her."

"Surprisingly, she's the daughter of the fallen one, the pinnacle of the Nether research, sir Yusuf Frostschild, was given the title since he couldn't produce someone to inherit his negative magic, that is to say, he deals mainly on curses, debuffs, necromancy and sacrificial magic, everyone saw him as the bad guy although there was no evidence for crimes he was said to commit. According to my findings, he was just a researcher who just wants to deal with researching on his magic and just loves doing that.

Him being a legendary ranker, possibly, he might have been stronger than that to defeat his fellow legendary rankers who wanted to take him down, twice before the third successful raid on his base and they took him down and killed him.

Yasmin was abandoned after the raid, a shameful cover-up by the higher-ups but who knew that a decade and one year later, she would rise to be as strong as her father, although she is currently missing for almost four years now and unlike her father, she's a cosmic mage of a higher calibre to the extent of humiliating one of the Pinnacles while challenging for a seat within them."

"Wow, that's eye opening, so, are there any records of her using clones or avatars?"

"None, although there were records of her making use of domes during her rising stage."

"Now, I'm locked tight on my questions now." Zyl said as he finally breathes out in dissatisfaction and a bit anxious.

"I'm quite surprised, like where did these questions come from though, what made you come up with them?" Mandy asked as she was very curious.

"Well, nothing much, just met someone who could create a dome and make a holographical clone of themselves. I don't know who that is but I just wish to meet him or her personally as I am indebted to him or her."

Zyl said as he faces down expressing how sad he was to not thank the mysterious being that got him trapped and trained him.

At that moment, the both heard a knock on the entrance door, a loud one to be precise, Mandy excused herself to go get it while Zyl lays on her bed and then murmurs to himself, "she does smell nice."

After a while, Mandy walks back into the room and caught Zyl sniffing on the blanket.

Zyl on the other hand was seeing a disappointed look and subconsciously uttered the common sentence, "its not what it looks like."

In response to that, Mandy shakes her head in further disappointment as he sees him take another sniff while giving his excuse.

"You do have a lot of explaining to do, you pervert but before that, the head butler seeks for your presence."

In surprise and confusion, he slowly got up as he pondered a little bit before replying,

"Is there something wrong?"

She shrugs as she answers, "I don't know, apart from disrespecting the Arthurs, I can't make a guess of anything being wrong.

To me, it seems like he is to deliver the decision of the house master over you." Zyl nods as he takes in a deep breath and walks out of her room to meet Darwin seated on one of the chairs positioned at the house's dining.

"Quite shocking to see you come out of her room, boy. After the intense battle we had on the training ground in front of even the execs, it seems you were not quite satisfied with just that and decided to engage in another one, am I wrong, boy?" Darwin teased as he caught sight of Zyl leaving Mandy's room.

"Oh, it's just a misunderstanding, she just helped me with having my hair cut." Zyl explains as he have his own seat.

"I can see now, quite a tactic, she doing the cutting while you doing the flirting? Boy, no one would believe you coming out of a female's room with a towel on." Darwin teased further.

"Oh, (he looks down to actually find out he still had his towel on.) Like I said, it's a misunderstanding, I actually got out of a bath and asked her for her help."

Darwin chuckled and then put on a straight face as he leans forward before speaking,

"That indeed is great, your facial appearance have been taken care of because it is related to your first mission.

Zyl Julius Devonte, you have been ordered by the housemaster to guard lady Claire Arthur on her everyday schooling."



Name: Julius Devonte Zyl.

Age: 379 years (?? Realm age), 17 years (earth realm age).

Str: 1150, End: 1200, Agi: 1080, Dex: 1049, Mana: 0, Force: 0, Aura: 10,998.

Stats Rank: Legendary Rank.

Main Ability: Extreme adaptability (god rank).

Unique Ability: Weapon Mastery (god rank), Resistance (demi-god rank), Personal Force (demi-god rank), Invincibility (demi-god rank), Ability Control/Mastery (god rank).

Other ability: Poison resistance (peak), Venom resistance (peak), Pain resistance (peak), Mental resistance (peak), Cold resistance (peak), Heat resistance (peak), Burn resistance (peak), Freeze resistance (peak), Gravitational resistance (peak), Electric shock resistance (peak), Pressure resistance (peak), Sword mastery (peak), Halberd mastery (peak), Bow and arrow mastery (peak), Knuckles/Fist mastery (peak), Unwavering body (peak).




Name: Amanda (Mandy) ??.

Age: ??.

Str: ??, End: ??, Agi: ??, Dex: ??, Sta: ??, Mana: 0, Force: ??, Aura: 0.

Status Rank: ??.

Main Ability: Glitch (?? Rank).

Other Abilities: ??.

Unique Abilities: ??.
