

[you've defeated a B rank human.]


[20000 EXP]

"Oh, nice." I said while falling from the sky into a new area of the arena.

I was lucky to land safely unlike last time and as soon as I landed, I got a notification from the system.

[New quest available.]

[Win every match in each area of the arena.]


[20 stat points]

[ 35000 EXP points.]

[from each match that you win.]

[extra rewards will be given.]

"If only you gave me this quest before I defeated jeff James."

[I'm not the one that always gives a system mission. The system itself can give those missions too.]

'I see.' and without wasting any time I started to dodge some knifes that was thrown at me and when I wanted to look at who threw them, I couldn't see anyone. When the last knife was coming closer to me instead of dodging it, I caught it with my hand and threw it behind me as fast as possible. as I did that, I could hear a panicked voice at the direction my knife was being thrown at.

But from the looks of it the invisible man was barely able to dodge the attack of mine. and after a few seconds the invisible man decided to show himself.

name: Justin

race: human

power level: 25430

ability: illusion

level: 42

mana: 1400/1340

strength: 290

agility: 500

stamina: 250

endurance: 550

intelligence: 1400

magic: 150

"How did you see me?" asked the guy whose name was Justin

"Your footsteps are way too loud." I answered and he seemed to be taken aback from my answer.

I summoned my sword and looked at Justin. It seems like everyone in this basic elite class has a unique ability which Leeds me no more to underestimate anyone in this class. I still don't know the limit of Justin illusion ability, and can it even turn him invisible? There is a small possibility that his armor helps him turn invisible other than that I can't seem to grasp what makes him invisible.

'James I've been thinking for a long time now and wanted to ask. Us undead don't go through one evolution, right?"

[Yes, we don't. we can go through more than one evolution take me for example. I went through more than ten evolutions.]

'More than ten? than when can I go through the second evolution?'

[At level 40]

'Ok. time to get back to work then.'

After I said I threw my sword in my inventory and lunged at Justin. If my theory is right, then a can get to level 40 before leaving this place. Justin couldn't even react fast enough to dodge my attack and fell to the ground while looking at painfully.

[you've defeated a B rank human.]


[20000 EXP]

[you leveled up]

"let's continue after a minute." I told Justin without giving any chance to refuse. I walked away from Justin and sat on the floor and looked at the notification I got and before I called think about the notification, I heard Justin call for me.

"let's continue." he said, and I called see in his eyes that he was determined he could win against me.

I just got up and lunged at him again and just like before he got defeated in one hit

[you've defeated a B rank human.]


[20000 EXP]

I laughed inside my mind upon seeing this notification.

[you've won a match]


[20 stat points]

[ 35000 EXP points.]

[you leveled]

After ten minutes of continues fighting with Justin I got this notification I was lucky enough to level up four times. and without wasting any time I defeated all my opponent left and right to get as much EXP as possible.

[you've won a match]


[20 stat points]

[ 35000 EXP points.]

[you leveled up]

[the host reached level 40.]

[the host won't be able to level up till he goes through the second evolution]

'YES' I screamed inside my mind.

Finally, after fighting for God knows how long I got to level 40 now all I need to do is keep fighting till I get to the half time and evolve from what I heard from James this process only takes about five minute which is more than enough time for me to go through in the break time.

[Astin don't think about evolving just yet. That will be a mistake you'll hate for the rest of your life.]

'Be more precise James.'

[You didn't reach your limit yet. Look at your stats they haven't reached their limit yet. and to make it better the more you get close to the limit of your stats the better the results.]

'Fine if you say so. Anyways where is my opponent?' Even though I was having a conversation with James I at the same time tried to find my opponent.

But then all of a sudden it started raining heavily and the sound of thunder can be heard. I had a bad feeling when the storm started, and I was right. As I jumped to the right trying to dodge the lightning bolt that was going to hit me.

But luck wasn't on my side this time as the lightning bolt hit my left arm. and even though the agony set afford a lot of protection it barely loosens the pain I felt at the moment.

"AGHHHH." I screamed in pain and surprise. This is bad I could barely move my arm because of the lightning bolt now.

"So, you're that little demon everyone was talking about." said the stranger. But no matter how much I tried I couldn't lock his position that I scary theory came up in my mind and I looked at the storm.

"Oh, looks like you found me, but it doesn't matter since I'm your opponent." after the stranger said that three bolts of lightning were heading my way and out of the three, I was able to avoid two the third one hit the same spot the last lightning hit me.

It was painful. Ten no, a hundred times more painful than the last bolt.

But this time I knew the pain was coming and was barely able to stop myself from screaming from the pain I was experiencing.

"GET DOWN HERE." I shouted while looking at the storm with a look full of hatred.

"Make me." he said in a mocking voice

'James add ten points to each of my stats every thirty seconds.'

[Huh. Why not use all of them at once and end this meaningless battle.]

'Meaningless? you call this meaningless James if it was not for you being a system or whatever I would have punched you hard in the face. KING OR NOT DON'T YOU DARE CALL ANY OF MY BATTLES MEANINGLESS YOU HEAR ME.'

[You little brat. Dare to disrespect this king? I'll let it slide till the end of this lesson or whatever you call. Now get this fight over with.]

end of chapter 19