
My Zombie Game

Nate had lost his brother and mother after a brutal fight between his mother and his father. Nate's father killed both Nate's brother and mother, luckily for him, he was able to flee the scene in time before his mother and brother's feat would be extended to himself. Because he was afraid of going to jail for what he did, Nate's father jumped down from a building killing himself. After all, this happened, Nate was left in the world all alone. But soon, Nate found something in him that could keep him moving. And that is playing "Virtual Reality Games". Nate became so talented in playing VR games that he was nicknamed the Game Lord. But Nate had bought the wrong game this time around. Read and see how Nate was transmigrated into another dimension with Earth. This Earth was the same thing as the one he came from. But things are yet to get messy for Nate because in this dimension also, it happened that his father was still alive and he killed his mother and brother again and the worse was that his two school bullies, had transmigrated with him. Of all these problems, the highest one is that Nate all thought it was a game. ******* I would love to see your support as we journey together through the story and also I am planning to build up a fan base starting with Discord: link is below. https://discord.gg/gMXt7Uzu For my Ig https://instagram.com/jeffweikeson?igshid=OGY3MTU3OGY1Mw==  Thank you!!!

J_WN · Fantasy
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411 Chs

Peter vs Lyon.

The pickaxe was swung diagonally across Lyon's abdomen, but the latter skin had claimed to be tough.

Coupled with the momentum of his splint, Lyon's body had slammed into Peter also, sending the latter out of the house.

The two clashes were powerful as the breeze hit Nate's face and the latter could not help but murmur to himself.

"Power...they are powerful"

This was an opportunity Nate had been waiting for the only difference was that it was not him who was fighting Lyon.

After initiating Lyon into his horde, Nate felt like the latter had gotten stronger and his new form could confirm that, but Nate could not find any actual reason to fight Lyon since the latter was now in his gang.

Nate just wants to know how strong Lyon's new form is, and that's why he had given Peter the command not to kill Lyon even if he could.

Peter was sent flying out of the house, but what surprised Nate was that the guy never sustained any vital injury that would result in his HP going down.


Lyon roared and went after Peter before the latter could touch the ground or could even recover from his dizziness.

But Peter was no longer a human nor was he a weak zombie at this moment. He did not need to recover because right when he was still in the middle air, he had managed to swing the pickaxe on the ground, digging a hole with the pickaxe stabilizing himself.

By this time, Lyon had already covered his distance from Peter as he shoved the spike at Peter's chest.

But Peter had bent slightly for the spike to pass through his head by a near miss. At the same time, he swung the front edge of the pickaxe on Lyon's chin like an uppercut, lifting Lyon as a whole up his feet.

While he was being lifted, a couple of spikes shut out from it back at Peter.

Peter leapt upwards and swung the pickaxe on Lyon's head. But right then, the rabbit ear folded on the center head of Lyon to form a shield.


Forcefully flipping its large ear the moment Peter picked up the ax and touched him, Peter and his weapon were sent to a different location, with Peter going east and west.

Up till now, Nate had been watching the fight this whole time, and Peter was kind of surprising him again, with the determination and concentration he was putting into the fight, even if Lyon was kind of stronger than him, he could still deliver a strong blow that might shake Lyon's power violently.

Now that Lyon had successfully knocked Peter's pickaxe out of his hand, Peter for some reason still stood up and ran to Lyon.

Nate was surprised about this because he thought that Peter might have surpassed this level of mentality of him going against someone weaponless.

But it seems like Nate had presumed too early.

When coming closer to Lyon, the familiar fog starts to appear on his hand and soon an iron rod appears on his hand as the fog disappears.

Lyon was ready to swing his claws at Peter, but the latter stuck the metal rod on the ground and used it to list himself up just in time before the claw hit the metal rod and broke it into two, Peter was already over him and landed behind Lyon.

This was a huge mistake he just made because that instant, about ten spikes were shut at Peter.

  but from the look of things, Peter seems to have everything under control.

Peter had split to the distance, not straightforward, but was running in a zigzag manner. With this, he had bought himself more times to reach out for his pickaxe.

Picking up his weapon, Peter was quick to take cover in a car park by the side.

It all seems strange to Nate that Peter has this amount of intelligence but yet can speak.

But they were one thing he had fallen to notice and that was red-like a stick that was standing beside Peter all those while. But that won't be for long because once the red stick made a move, Peter followed the move.

"Wait is that the 2D stick fighter" Nate did not know when he even spoke out loud.

'So this was the reason Peter was performing great. Because he is following the stick move' 

Nate could not help but think back to when he thought that the skill was just a matter on his skill list and had never thought that it would be this useful in a battle. 

'It makes Peter look like a professional fighter ' Nate had just decreed that he would stick to this skill to help him out in tough battles.

Peter had just busted out from his home as he splinted to Lyon and jumped up to swing the pickaxe downward.


The pickaxe had just hit the ground but only to nothing but a hole.

"I have seen this before, he had used that when attacking us back then, but this one is faster than before" Nate's brown frown.

What Lyon just did was something that Nate had seen him do before. It was about Lyon digging a hole that would fit his large body all in one second or even less than that.

Just when Peter was still looking around, just behind him, the ground started to open as Lyon, fully in his rabbit form, came out from the ground.

Nate outrightly knew what the rabbit was trying to do.

'A sneak attack'

Just when he was still panicking, Peter swung the pickaxe at his back hitting Lyon on the cheek. It was not hard, but it was enough to push Lyon's face to the side and give Peter the chance to turn around to kick Lyon's chest.

But that was not enough to do anything to Lyon, Peter Stick had shown him another deadly area of Lyon.

But before he could do anything, once again Lyon had disappeared into the ground and reappeared behind Peter, but the latter was right there waiting for him at the moment, as soon as Lyon's head was out from the hole, Peter had swung the pickaxe at his head sending the latter flying to the distance...

At this moment, Nate got a message from his system.

[Initiated member Lyon health is critical]

[Lyon Li status]

[Name = Lyon Li]

[Age = 27]

[Race = human]

[Class = Altar superhuman]

[Health = critical]

'Wow, it's time to put an end to this fight after all' Nate thought as he was preparing to intervene in the fight but only to see Peter not going after Lyon.

'Maybe you haven't gone crazy after all '

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