
My Zombie Game

Nate had lost his brother and mother after a brutal fight between his mother and his father. Nate's father killed both Nate's brother and mother, luckily for him, he was able to flee the scene in time before his mother and brother's feat would be extended to himself. Because he was afraid of going to jail for what he did, Nate's father jumped down from a building killing himself. After all, this happened, Nate was left in the world all alone. But soon, Nate found something in him that could keep him moving. And that is playing "Virtual Reality Games". Nate became so talented in playing VR games that he was nicknamed the Game Lord. But Nate had bought the wrong game this time around. Read and see how Nate was transmigrated into another dimension with Earth. This Earth was the same thing as the one he came from. But things are yet to get messy for Nate because in this dimension also, it happened that his father was still alive and he killed his mother and brother again and the worse was that his two school bullies, had transmigrated with him. Of all these problems, the highest one is that Nate all thought it was a game. ******* I would love to see your support as we journey together through the story and also I am planning to build up a fan base starting with Discord: link is below. https://discord.gg/gMXt7Uzu For my Ig https://instagram.com/jeffweikeson?igshid=OGY3MTU3OGY1Mw==  Thank you!!!

J_WN · Fantasy
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411 Chs

Cross over.

Although Lyon might have copied the earthworm altered from the worm halfling, it didn't seem like he know how to make use of it in constructing.

Currently, he was making a mess inside the room that was given to them. Although he managed to venture further into the walls creating more space inside the room, he could not raise walls from the grounds to make a room out of the space.

In the end, Lyon gave up the idea of trying to do the job by himself and had to call back the worm halfling to finish the job.

Ten advanced-level beast crystal was nothing to Nate and his horde. Since beast crystal seems to be the alternative currency for now, Nate and his horde had plenty of beast crystals in their possession.

By the time the worm man was done with his work, Peter have brought back someone that Nate didn't recognize.

It was a young woman in her early twenties, either twenty years old or less. What surprised the others was that the woman is a zombie and one that is crazy that matter.

"Who is she?" Nate asked Peter.

"She's Ruby, one of the first people I meet on arriving here... It was my fault that she was turned so I decided to take care of her till maybe when she regains her senses," Peter explained.

Looking at Ruby, Nate could tell she was a very beautiful woman. Her blonde hair and her curve were perfect. But Nate was not interested in any of that rather the cloth she was wearing.

Nate recognized the cloth as one of the uniforms the guards from the first border were wearing. Nate didn't know how Peter meet the lady, but he was sure she must be strong for Peter to still keep her after she was turned.

"I was wondering whether there is a way you can help her to fasten the process of her regaining her sane?" Peter asked.

It was a good thing Nate already have a solution to that but it was not something he would want to discuss outside the area.

Nate looked around to know if someone was listening to them. "I do have a way, but we can't talk about that here," Nate whispered to Peter who understands what Nate meant and nod his head.

One of the things Nate learned from Zee about Ozzie was that the latter can also turn w crazy zombie into a sane one like them. Because of this, Nate for the main time wouldn't want Zee or Tigger to learn that he can also do that. At least not for now.

Soon, the halfling was done with the job and he was paid the ten advanced crystals just as agreed.

"This will do for now," Nate said though still not satisfied with the space of the room.

"Forget about it, I can now do it, while he was working I have been keeping a close eye on him," Lyon said as he turned into the worm-altered ones again and started to create more space and room.

Luckily this time around, he was able to do things in accord without making a mess. With more space having been created, it was time for Nate to carry on with his work.

He then marked the areas around the room as his territory. He could do that since Zee who was one of the leaders of the underground settlement gave him the space as his own.

After Nate was done marking his territory, he then choose a small room and then planted his horde teleporter.

In no time, people started to come out from the teleporter and the first to come through was Dike who quickly rushed to catch up with the others.

Dike was left to stay back because of his power. The little zombie can duplicate a dead person's body and plant any consciousness into them.

With his power, General Goo's body was duplicated and was left to run his base as usual but this time under the command of Nate and his horde.

Because of this, he was left back with the other zombie militants till Nate finally have a territory in the government settlement.

This was one of the reasons Nate wanted space large space because his current territory will be like an actual base of operation for the time being.

Soon, a lot of Bulls men also started to come out of the teleport one by one with their tools in hand. Nate was not done yet furnishing the space he was given.

With more zombies coming in, the work seems to kick off as a lot of devices such as CCTV camera, television, hologram panel and many more device was being planted.

Of course, all this was being done while hiding it from Zee or any other person to know. Even the arrival of Nate's zombie horde was unknown to Zee.

Meanwhile, as this was happening, Nate and his core members were looking at a case at hand.

It was about Rico who has been following them since they met. Rico was the little boy Lyon took away his altered DNA, right now, Nate was wondering if Lyon can do something about him.

"According to the system, I can take a DNA sample from a beast and even give it to someone else that is not an altered human," Lyon explained.

Rico was lying on top of a table while the others surrounded him. Of course, he was frightened by what was about to be done to him.

"Trust me, boy, you need this power, if you remain like this, you won't be able to protect yourself against the lightest danger that appears," Bull said to Rico trying to calm the little boy down.

"But I don't want to be like before, it's better if I stay like this than..."Rico couldn't finish what he was saying before Mark interrupted him.

"I have figured it out... The reason why they are like this," Mark said as he walked towards the others.

"It's simply an error... Perhaps their evolution is not yet completed," Mark explained.

"You remember what you said about mana and qi?" Mark asked Nate.

Nate still remembered about mana and qi. It was something Leo have explained to him. Mana was the energy that helps the none altered superhuman to use their power while qi was the energy that helps the altered humans to transform.

"The truth is that I have been looking into these two energies. Although I didn't discover much except the basics I have a theory that might seem alike. Mana works magically that's why the wielder might be able to shoot out fire from their fist and do all sorts of things. While qi works physically that's why there is a change when it's being used," Mark explained.

"My simple conclusion is that, due to evolving error, the qi energy of Rico's altered have mixed somehow with his actual human qi" Mark explained.

"But, isn't that what was meant to happen?" Levi asked.

"No... That is not meant to happen," this time, it was Lyon that spoke out.

"The human qi and the beast qi should never be mixed. You might think for us to transform we need to mix them... No, rather, we switch from one qi to another, mixing the qi will only turn a part of your body while leaving the other," Lyon explained.

Although Lyon was the one that explained it, they didn't want to look from his perspective. Not that Lyon didn't make sense, rather, it is because Lyon was different from another altered human, he could have so many altered forms on him which was something that the others couldn't do.

Because of this, Nate and the rest thought maybe things didn't work like with Lyon and the other altered humans.

"If you can give a normal person your DNA and they can use it properly, doesn't that mean you can do the same to him?" Peter asked. He was the only person inside the meeting room that had no idea what qi or mana was because he was not there back then when Nate explained it to others.

"I can, but I can't guarantee you that it will be a success for him. Maybe his body will try again to mix the DNA qi with his human qi," Lyon said.

"Just do it, you can always take it out if it didn't work as planned," Nate said.

With that being said, Lyon took out the third syringe with the DNA of the pig beast and injected it into Rico's body.

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