
My Ying Yang Romance

Follow Astrea as she gets swept of her feet by her total opposite and learns that it may not be so bad to show your emotions after all. Follow her on her journey for success and possibly love. Will this be just another cheesy romance novel? Well to find that out I guess you would have to wait and see

Dark_Hyacinth · Teen
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23 Chs

Spying through the window

Astrea was brushing her hair while blow

drying it which took roughly thirty minutes and by then she was convinced her hands would fall of. She then sectioned of a piece of from the front of her hair, then separated that section into two and started braiding once she was done she tied the other half of her hair in a ponytail and started doing her edges so it wouldn't look like she just got out of a fight.

Since she was done with her hair and more importantly was happy with it ,she got out of her bath robe and went to wear her dress ,she got it on and then realized that she wouldn't be able to tie the corset her self, which she probably should have taught of. There was only one solution and that was to prance all the way to her parents room and ask for her mom's help and that is what she did, on her way there she saw her siblings quietly sitting down watching cartoons.

She got to her parents door and knocked,"Who is it?", her mother called from inside the room,"It's me", Astrea said tapping her feet on the ground ,"Come in", Her mom said.

Astrea opened the door and saw her dad sitting on the bed probably scrolling through questionable medical sites with equally questionable remedies, while her mom was on her computer looking through different dresses.

"Mum I need your help, with the corset ", Astrea said making her mother turn her chair around and get up to help her, "okay", her mum said.

She pulled the rope of the corset and then knotted it, she then came to infront of her and smiled and muttered something that sounded like "wow you have a very small waist ",but Astrea was going to pretend she didn't hear that. "Thanks mum", Astrea said with a smile,"You're welcome" Mrs. Williams said and with that Astrea left her parents room.

She went back into her own room and brought out her white heels which where decorated with butterflies, she never really had anywhere to go with them because she really didn't go out, and even if she did her dad bought them and instantly regretted it, something about how they weren't appropriate to wear outside the house, which raised the question of why he bought it in the first place if he was going to make a scene the day he gave it to her about her not wearing outside the house, but that was not what she was going to think about. She put them on decided

that since she had like five minutes before Ezra would arrive, she decided to wrap Ezra's mum's necklace, she decided to use a blue ribbon that she had no idea she had in her closet but in was extremely convenient so she wasn't going to dwell on that.

She tied a cute ribbon around the black box and decided to carry a simple black bag,she put the box into her bag along with her phone and made her way downstairs , she got to the living room and saw her parents downstairs for some reason.

Her phone suddenly vibrated, she looked down at her bag pulling her phone out, she saw Ezra had sent her a message,'I'm outside',the message said.

"Ezra's outside, I'm going to head out ,bye guys ", Astrea said to her parents and siblings, while walking out the door.

"Bye ",they all said and by the. she was already outside, and as any nosy family would they decided to watch her from the window.

Astrea got outside and happily walked over to meet Ezra, as they stared at each other , both awestruck like it was the first time they had seen each other ,Her emerald eyes stared into his sapphire eyes as they moved closer to each other, their proximity sent subtle sparks through their bodies, lifting his hand to Astrea's cheek, Ezra finally closed the space between them with a small smile, his lips pressing against hers in a sweet kiss,'so this is love', Astrea taught with a smile. Time seemed to stop as they kissed with both their hearts fluttering wildly.

Though Astrea's parents continued to spy through the window their formerly stern expressions softened, as they realized that they really loved each other, but that could only be said about Mrs.Williams, Her father had the same stern look on his face but he couldn't deny the fact that they looked genuinely in love.

Breaking the kiss, Ezra and Astrea gazed into each other's eyes ,their breathes mingling with the crisp nights air, "I love you Astrea ",Ezra said gazing into her eyes with adoration.

"I love you too Ezra, you're going to be stuck with me", Astrea said with a little giggle that was music to Ezra's ears, proving that yes he could fall more head over heels for her.

"Let's get going,my mum must be dying to see you",Ezra said with a chuckle that Astrea was convinced was the most melodious thing she had ever heard, she smiled looking incredibly happy,"Yeah let's go ",she said, Ezra opened the door for her and then got in.

Meanwhile her parents had gone to sit down in the leaving room and her mother was grinning from ear to ear while her dad was scowling,"Common Shaun don't you remember how we wear when we first met",Mrs. Williams said looking at her husband with a smile,"That was different ",Mr. Williams said trying to justify his reaction.

"In what way?",Mrs.Williams said with and eyebrow raised in question.

"Well for one she's my little girl ", Mr.Williams said ,"I know she is ,but give her a break", Mrs. Williams said rubbing his shoulder,"You can't even complain because we were the same age if not younger when we met",Her mother added,"I guess you're right,but she has to bring him over to meet us next week", Her father said making her mother nod, "Of course, I'll see to it that's she does ",Mrs.Williams saluted and the burst into laughter and Mr.Williams joined her.


Astrea got to the front of Ezra's house and surprise was an understatement he lived in a mansion, She didn't know what she was expecting and she knew his car wasn't cheap, but she wasn't expecting him to live in a full blown mansion, She blinked a couple times to make sure she was seeing things clearly turns out she was.

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