
Chapter 98 Storm is Brewing

After for almost of 30 minutes of detour the group finally arrive to the other gate where only the protector and her troops knew about. Unlike the towering front gate, this gate is much smaller and is being covered by overgrown vines.

The orc leader mutter an inaudible chant and after a few seconds the gate slowly open up.

"This way." The orc leader said while trying to slash the overgrown vines that's hanging from above the gate.

Unlike the outside scenery which consist of mainly greens, the inside of the protector's domain is full of colors because of the different species of flowers and insects in the area.

The two red heads and Siegfried were dumbfounded by the stark contrast of the two area that was being only separated by a single gate.

"Hey darling, what do you think this protector wants with us?" Leah whispered once she got out of her reverie at the place.

"I have no idea as well, we did all what we can do to hide our God's Gifts even from Valerie and Anna." Cleo answered. "You have your lightning step skill, if push come to shove we run. I saw the protector's level back at the cave where we confronted Camilla, I don't think even with our powers combine we stand a chance against her." he added. Both of them tries their hardest to memorize the path they are taking right now.

In the process of scouting and memorizing the area, the two red heads notice a lot of Iron Maidens scatters throughout the area. Cleo have a slight idea what those things are use for since its mostly being use as a decoration in the dungeons when he used to play MMORPGs.

After a few minutes of walking, the group finally arrive at the mini garden. The fragrance of lavender and wild berries invades their nose, the aroma that's coming from the lilac around the area gave the two red head a soothing feeling.

However before the group can settle down, the majestic scarlet dragon that they saw earlier flew above them. Except for the protector's troops, the people present in the area flinches when they heard a thunderous roar.

"Welcome to the summit, God's Chosen." A slender woman with pale skin that's wearing a traditional dress greeted the group.

The group of orcs bows in unison at the sight of the newly arrived woman. Siegfried and the two red heads awkwardly follows when they notice the group's action.

"Raise your head. Follow me." The protector said. Her beautiful traditional dress have a noticeably black stains, its apparent since the dress is white.

Without uttering a single word the three follow her inside. They head towards the stairs that leads to a basement.

"Alger is also here, though he is currently outside assisting his guild mates. You both are acquainted to him, right?" The protector said while they go down the flight of stairs leading to the basement.

'Alger? Who is that?' Siegfried said inwardly, the name even in Lavierre Kingdom is not that rare. "I apologize protector but I don't know a person named Alger." he added.

The protector give Siegfried a playful smile.

"I'm talking to those two behind you." The protector said while pointing at the two red heads behind Siegfried.

Siegfried was left speechless due to embrassment.

'What? Who are even these two commoner?' Siegfried said inwardly.

"Yes p-protector, someone introduced him to us." Cleo answered slightly stumbling with his words since he is not really sure what to call the woman in front of him.

"Relax, you can call me Protector or Delmira, I prefer the latter. There's no use hiding my name when that girl exist." Delmira said while eyeing Leah.

Delmira's remark confirms Cleo's suspicion, the protector might have a similar skill with Leah.

"May I ask what's the reason you call us here?" Cleo asked.

"You will know soon." Delmira said.

The four of them arrive at the room where a foreign stench invades their nose. The three quickly cover their nose in recoil.

"I believe you're familiar with this creature, Siegfried." Delmira said. Even as a protector for years, Delmira is unaware of this newly found creature.

Siegfried proceed to explain the unknown creature with four tentacles by its mouth to all the people present in the room.