
My Witch Sally

"Next!" I shout to the line of customers who are anxiously waiting to buy my products, it's a rare occasion a Witch is in the city, even more, when she is having a small business blooming all under the eyes of the authority. Ringing one more customer the small belle from my store sounds and in comes the most intoxicating smell I have ever gotten, cinnamon and spices. I don't have to look so far when I see a werewolf standing right in front of me. "Mate"

MegEllyGerena · Fantasy
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Kody POV

Today seems to be another day of cruel and snobbish meetings with the rest of the warriors; my work is unpleasant, but someone must do it. I am stretching my limbs while I walk on the training grounds of the city's police department.

"Kody!!!!!!!" When I glance to my side, I see the most irritating Beta I've ever encountered, yet who I adore with a grin.

"What's going on, my crazy as* bi**?" My pleasantries are met with laughter from him.

Instead of falling, I go and hold his legs to be a piggyback ride for him, and he leans closer to look at me a little better, his naughty brown eyes on the whole show towards me, with his high man hairstyle and shredded clothing for fighting.

"Get away from him; do you want to spend the night in the basement for that?" My Gamma Dani says, "She's a big pain, but she's a strong backbone when we are children."

"We're just getting started; we won't injure the delicate little princess here." He replies, grabbing my cheeks to flap and smushing them around my face, so I take a step back and fall on his manhood, making him roll over, holding hard on his member as I laugh at how he can't handle my most simple procedure, rolling on my hands, I left myself up as I laugh.

"So much for a warm-up, Beta?" As he flicks me off, I laugh a little louder, and Dani has her hands over her mouth, her huge eyes almost out of her face.

Walking to the center, I pull my shirt off to expose my almost totally healed chest mark; Alpha Werewolves can do more than tolerate pain; they can heal and cure the ill or dying.

I tracked down a witch near my boundaries a few days ago before I reached adulthood as a werewolf, and she used her power to claw me, Alpha. Werewolves pursue prey in the same way as real wolves do. They can hunt well both alone and in groups. One will distract the target while the others will ambush the pack. Werewolves are capable of hurting people, animals, and even vampires.

But the Witch came to perform her magic on me, and I was so near to death that I stayed in the hospital till today. When I awoke, I was already of age, but the fragrance from the garments I wore was delicious like candy, and the smell of my partner was on those clothes, so I begged that they not be washed until I could sniff out my mate with the trackers.

Tracking a mate is a bad idea, and it has already reached my parents' ears, particularly my father, who is a typical werewolf. He won't give me the throne until I win the games, pass the tests, and marry my true love. If she is pure, I will reject her and wait for my second opportunity or accept a selected partner from my father at the age of fifty. As I wrap my hair in a hair tie to keep it in place, I think about my attire and the mate sente.

Seeing my wounded hand, I observe it mending quicker than the rest of my body, and only magic can hurt us, especially Lycans. They are the most powerful but also the most vulnerable animals. Mermaids may easily murder anybody, and those who will magic are typically mortals, but self-spells to remain young are a cruel practice of dark magic that can kill so many others. If my partner is a witch, I may have to reject her, but I'm curious about who she is. I'm not looking forward to the prospect of leaving a partner.

"All right, everyone, let's begin the training, my Lord. You must take things slow, you have yet to recover completely, and it is a priority for our Kingdom to have you entirely healed." His demand makes me cringe.

The Delta's mission is to control the head guard of my parents' Kingdom; he is our top warrior. The most deadly form of a werewolf is an Alpha. They are substantially bigger in canine form. The eyes of alpha have a brilliant golden color. Alphas may transform into wolves on rare occasions, although more prominent and more brutal in appearance.

To become an Alpha, a Werewolf must either murder another Alpha to acquire control of a pack or start a new pack by winning the devotion of other Werewolves. However, Omegas, Betas, and even Purebreds may become Alpha Werewolves without stealing or assuming authority and rank. These are known as "True Alphas." True Alphas are those that advance only by the power of their character, virtue, and the sheer force of their own will. They are uncommon and considered the rarest of Alphas.

"When completing four sets of 5 repetitions on the bench press, you start with 185 and easily achieve five reps." If you opt to move up to 200, utilize 200 for the remainder of the workout. When you observe set protocols like 5 x 5, 2, 1, 1, 1, or 3 x 12, 8, 5, the idea is to raise the weight for each work set. If you can achieve the needed number of repetitions for each location, you should go heavier for that rep range the following time. Even if you see 1, 1, 1, up the weight by at least 5 pounds before beginning the next set." Begin chanting the Delta.

The Delta Werewolf is a rare kind of werewolf that appears in just two situations. First, if a pack reaches 20 members, the Alpha's two most trusted Betas will become Deltas, serving as second in command to divide the pack into two groups. My mother's brother is his Delta since he grew up with his Beta, his father's Beta, and my grandfather's Beta. These traditions will lead to a lot of misguided counsel; it took millennia for me to have my Gamma Dani; it was a revolution of the devastation caused by being imprisoned by our goddess Selene.

My Gamma approached me after we had finished stretching and warming up, and I wasn't expecting her to ask me a question. "May I speak with you alone for a moment?" It's all about the Ball." Her big grin persuaded me to listen to her, but her inquiry made me want to crawl back to running till my pain pulled me out.

"Okay, don't hate me, but I need someone to assist me with my fights, and you remember that mini-accident where the package I discovered only contained women's clothing in my size and the," I lean against a tree. I put my hands on her lips to stop her since I knew where she was headed, so I nodded worriedly, hoping no one heard her.

My man's dignity would be forced underground if others heard her say anything. She begins to chuckle in my hands as I glance about us, terrified to even think of this topic. When I sensed no one was around, I removed my hands from her lips, but she also glanced around to ensure she continued.

"We can have our old childhood connection Kody, this way. We can chat about the assault alone because I believe I know some natural cosmetics and healing ointments to cure it more since you are my skin tone and everything." She puts her hands on mine, and I snarl irritably at the thought of becoming her girlfriend when I'm supposed to be King and she my Gamma.

Truthfully, the moon goddess was not kind to me when it came to my maturing physique. 5'7", 175 pounds, rectangular face with green eyes, brown hair, and tanned complexion. I resemble Tom Cruise, but I'm cuter. Don't get me wrong: with a Gamma like Dani, I'll need a miracle to avoid another pedicure. I adore them, but she and others will never be aware of this. My existence is already too difficult to appreciate as a man of a proud King with a tight-knit kingdom. Looking at her hands, I can hear her chatting until she says something about the clothing I was wearing the day I was injured while hunting.

Dani is very similar to me except she has long straight hair, a chubby face with a bit of meat on her bones, she is very proud of her wisdom but she gets in the way to much trouble for a Gamma, still having a females perspective is crucial in ruling a Kingdom with more than one species.

"Do you believe the person who assaulted you is your mate like you really believe she is your destined mate? Because if she is and she saw you are to be king, I think she is of evil practices Kody." I'm just wondering since you stated she may be, but you know that everyone has linked the dots on who the person might be, a witch." Dani tells me, and my heartbeat might have bounced out of my chest.

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